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Bug Avatar Not Completely Showing Up


The Duck Overlord
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So hey, I'm wondering if I'm just crazy or my school's Wifi screwed things up or what.
My avatar shows up pretty much the same, but for some reason the bottom shows up as nothing but a thick blue line. This happens everywhere but the little one in the top right corner of the screen.
Here's a screenshot:
It's not really bothering me or anything; I'm just wondering what the hey hey's going on here. I'd be very thankful if someone could tell me what's what! ^^
It shows up normal for me, so there is indeed the chance that it is your school's wifi causing issues. Though it might be best to have a staffer confirm that or not.
It looks normal to me too. Have you tried connecting to a different provider?
It could just be the internet, as others have said. Because I assume you connect to a different internet at school than at home.
Try changing your avatar two times. The first time a place holder, and then your original avatar. See if that works

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