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Fandom AVATAR: Legend of Futeki OOC CHat

Im just saying, unlike Toph, when has anyone developed metal bending? Iduno x3 so we'll have to see the rest of the rp to see haha
When I say there aren't any yet, I clearly mean there aren't any recorded. Whether or not there is one of any type of bender isn't up to me. I'm not dictating anything.

Hardly clearly,  not what you said.  Throwing the word 'recorded' in after the fact changes the statement considerably.
Guys calm down XD Metal bending for now isnt that bigadeal, if anyone shows up with it, will show up :P Not right now though
There are no metal benders right now. I'll translate it for you all since @Thalia_Neko isn't the best at saying it "clearly" apparently. 




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