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Fandom AVATAR: Legend of Futeki OOC CHat

Well I imagine the entrance is going to be impossible to bypass due to the amount of agents and guards that would probably be blocking it.

speaking of which, where should the exit be? like where should they be able to get out? similar to the lake part in actual AVATAR?

Wait so they kept an earth-bender in a cell which he could open with his earth-bending? Were they just ignorant of his ability?

no idea, ignorant i guess

i mean Kenzo's water bender escaped similarly

the Dai Li are good, but they cant really prepare for all the people they captured recently
speaking of which, where should the exit be? like where should they be able to get out? similar to the lake part in actual AVATAR?

no idea, ignorant i guess

i mean Kenzo's water bender escaped similarly

the Dai Li are good, but they cant really prepare for all the people they captured recently

Informed efforts were made to suppress Kenzo's Bending but he managed to circumvent them.
I just merely mean. You cant really stop an Air Bender from air bending, you cant really stop a Earth Bender in the middle of the earth kingdom from earth bending, and its pretty tough to stop a water bender from finding ANY water to bend. Especially if theyre good.

Futeki is literally like the only one that they had any real influence over.
Wait so they kept an earth-bender in a cell which he could open with his earth-bending? Were they just ignorant of his ability?

Reminds me of a certain incident in a certain infamous movie.

Person 1: so let me get this straight.

Person 2: yeah

1: you captured a bunch of earthbenders.

2 yeah

1 and you imprisoned them in a quarry.

2 yeah

1 A quarry. With earth. Everywhere. That they can bend.

2 i am not following.

1 *kills person 2*

I just merely mean. You cant really stop an Air Bender from air bending, you cant really stop a Earth Bender in the middle of the earth kingdom from earth bending, and its pretty tough to stop a water bender from finding ANY water to bend. Especially if theyre good.

Futeki is literally like the only one that they had any real influence over.

Well, i suppose they could hang an earthbender from the ceiliend with a poll....
I mean, you can, keep the waterbender in a condition so hot that even they cannot generate water. Keep airbenders and earthbenders in metal boxes, keep a firebender in sub-arctic conditions. Metalbenders (which there aren't any yet) In a wooden box.

If it worked on the four op villains in Korra, I think it can work on anyone.
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I mean, you can, keep the waterbender in a condition so hot that even they cannot generate water. Keep airbenders and earthbenders in metal boxes, keep a firebender in sub-arctic conditions.

If it worked on the four op villains in Korra, I think it can work on anyone.

Yes but you cant do this for literally like 30 (or more) different dignitaries and stuff. And people that they werent expecting to have to deal with. Or with master benders who have unique ways of dealing with situations.

Also, like you said, the Dai Li pretend theyre better than they actually are lol
I dont think theres any metal benders yet :)  that doesnt mean there wont eventually be in the rp, but right now there arent
I mean, you can, keep the waterbender in a condition so hot that even they cannot generate water. Keep airbenders and earthbenders in metal boxes, keep a firebender in sub-arctic conditions. Metalbenders (which there aren't any yet) In a wooden box.

If it worked on the four op villains in Korra, I think it can work on anyone.

You can't really dictate that there aren't MetalBenders around yet for we are here to RP events that the ATLA/LOK series didn't cover. If the two series taught us anything it's that Benders all over the world are always developing secondary Bending abilities.  Just saying.
When I say there aren't any yet, I clearly mean there aren't any recorded. Whether or not there is one of any type of bender isn't up to me. I'm not dictating anything.

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