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Fantasy Avalon

"My name... Is Damien Grey, entrepreneur supreme. Perhaps you've heard of Marcus Wilhelm, the great Duke? Well it was I who gave him his riches, all in exchange for a small sum of... investments. Petra here can vouch for my talents... I could make you rich, famous, anything your heart would desire. And isn't that greater than any prize?"

arryn arryn Azuria Azuria
Petra's mouth opened slightly. What the hell was he talking about? Was he mentally ill? She was actually slightly embarrassed to be in his presence.

"So.. could I maybe have my money back? I mean, if all this talk of riches and fame is true, then you won't be needing my three Au, surely."

Enyn Enyn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

Wick stared at Damien for a moment. "Alright then you must have a merchant's license, or something to prove what you say. Tell me, how are you going to make me money?" He looked over at Petra and responded by sticking his hand into the pocket of his cloak, playing with the coins between his fingers.
Upon hearing Jason's response, Oz did some light stretches. "Well, in that case, we should probably get going." He was anxious to get moving. Oz didn't like being in places where there was nothing left for him to do, especially seeing the motion and action of the flames. It bothered him. It made his blood pump and muscles tense. He needed to exert the energy left over from the action. After all, most of his time was spent watching over a screaming girl, which was only spiritually draining.

So impatient was he, Oz left it at that and began to explore the unknown town. He left it a silent option to Jason whether he would follow or go his own way.

Seeing Oz's departure, Jason decided to do the same. He followed a few steps behind his newly found companion, his eyes scanning his surroundings. The forested environment soon broke to show the walls of Avalon. The grey stone easily dwarfing him in comparison. He went toward the gates, guarded by two armored men.

"Halt!" One shouted. "What is your business here in Avalon?"

The question he had been dreading. Jason didn't have time to think up a good excuse beforehand and being put on the spot didn't help. He didn't look old enough to pass for a great wizard, but he wasn't young enough to disguise himself as a poor lost child. The most they could expect of him was his mediocre knowledge about scams and thievery.

"I am a simple merchant, I just want a place to stay for my wares were burned and lost." This was the best he could do, if he were to wait any longer it would raise suspicion.
Runa Winterfield

The floor trembled below her. She could feel the immense power of the spell, intensifying, gaining strength until as sudden as the appearance of the power, she felt the floor gave up below her. Her hands touched empty air. Knowing no better, she screamed as she fell into the endless abyss made of raw magic below her... or at least that was what she thought until she landed on a hard lump.

Relief came first, but it was quickly replaced by dismay as she saw the portal above her blinking out of sight. "
Curse it! I didn't make the direction rune properly after all, " the lump below her felt warm to the touch as she absentmindedly ran her gloved fingers over it. She only realised her mistake by then. She had landed on a man. "Oh, I'm truly sorry! Are you all right? " she offered the man her hand.


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The thief was a bit surprised that Jason started to follow after him, and it showed on his face for only a flash. He was glad for the company though. Smiling slightly, he continued down the path until the duo was forced to a halt. Unlike Jason, Oz wasn't at all perturbed by the guards. He stood there with as much confidence as he had had earlier. An unearned amount of confidence, as he didn't have a story prepared just as Jason didn't. He had a constant assurance about him because he knew that everything would turn out all right. Even if they didn't.

However, they were interrupted by a girl falling from the sky. Literally. Falling from the sky. On top of Jason. Everyone there was completely flaggergasted. There was some silence before Oz genuinely asked, "Are you an angel?" She was absolutely beautiful, with golden blonde hair and eyes that pierced your soul. He was absolutely captivated. Even to the point where he had forgotten all about her butt meeting Jason's face.
Damafaud Damafaud MitoIsMe MitoIsMe
One moment he was lying to the guards, the next he was on the ground being sat on by someone. Jason released a groan of pain as he tried to process what was happening. Slowly realization dawned on him, a girl had just fallen out of the sky and landed on him. Surprisingly not the weirdest thing that's happened to him.

"Oh, I'm truly sorry! Are you all right? "

"Y-Yeah, just a bit dazed." He responded, grabbing the girl's hand. "What about you? Was my body enough to cushion your fall?"

NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Damafaud Damafaud
Henrietta Martinez - "Little Hen"

"What. A. Journey! Phew, that took ages!" A somewhat small woman sighed, having been day-dreaming since she had shuffled her way out of the transport and took in the strange sight of these foreign lands. "Looks like home, but not quite.." she spoke, her accent refined and foreign, sounding strangely flowerly as though something much more important where being said rather than a simple musing. She twirled slowly to get a better view of all around her, her soft pink hair swinging slightly in the breeze before she stopped and headed after the group that had already seemed to join together.

One seemed smitten already with a rather worried woman that appeared to have stumbled on a man recovering after whatever incident that had occured. Hen waltzed over to them and simply stood there quietly and wordlessly, smiling as though she knew something they didn't and acting rather strange. Her reasoning behind this was that she was simply excited at the prospect of an entire new continent to explore, and was determined to put this emotion to some use, and what better way than by smiling and creating a few friends to anchor herself here, while simultaneously not wanting to interrupt whatever seemed to be going on.

NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Damafaud Damafaud MitoIsMe MitoIsMe (hope you don't mind me hopping in)
Runa Winterfield

Rosary red blossoms appeared on her pale white cheeks. Really, what woman wouldn't being called an angel by such a young man? She almost forgot her manner for a moment and left the man he fell upon's question unanswered. That would be impolite of her.

"I'm all right, not a broken bone thanks to you, " she turned her attention to the second man, who had adressed her as an angel. It had been one of a few compliment she had received, leaving her unsure on how to reply. "While I do thank you for the compliment, I am no angel, really. I'm Runa. Runa Winterfield. Can you be so kind to tell me where am I? I'm... lost. "

MitoIsMe MitoIsMe NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Oz chuckled, rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment before he actually noticed what Runa had said. Lost? "Yeah, how exactly did you get here? Why were you falling from the sky?" It was incredibly weird, if she wasn't an angel or something like that with wings. Because she definitely wasn't a bird. "Oh, and I'm Oz by the way. The guy you're sitting on is Jason."

Was that other girl staring at them? It was hard to tell... Oz gave her a few glances but otherwise ignored her in case she had her own thing going on.
Damafaud Damafaud MitoIsMe MitoIsMe Noble Scion Noble Scion
arryn arryn Enyn Enyn

Wick gave him a cold stare. "Only if I can ensure my faith in you, and I can." He took out a collapsible bow from under his cloak. "You'll have two enemies if you can't hold up your promise."
With the attack of the dragon in the fishing village of Kenmore, the Avalonian military has begun to mobilize. Many guards, soldiers, knights can be found moving through the northern part of the village, heading to the western gate. Gottfried and the elite guard are among a group preparing to head out to fight the dragon. The king has offered 1000 Au to anyone wiling to join the fight. Down near the south gate, particularly near the church's entrance, a couple of miscreants wearing strange dark and decorative robes have been spreading rumours about activities in the swamplands despite the current closure. The economic turmoil has worsened due to the closure of the ports.

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