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Fantasy Assassinate (No Longer Accepting)

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Ivenn's jaw dropped. He downed the three cups of alcohol. "Ooh... damn," he said, let out a drunken hiccup. He gave her a crooked smile. He took the ping pong ball and tossed it in through two cups. "I... did not expect to get it in," he said with a laugh.
Ivenn held a drunken smirk. "Is that so," he said, with a chuckle. He was feeling really tipsy. "You're turn, sweetheart," he said.
Ivenn downed the two glasses. He tried to put the second glass back down on the table but missed. "Special?" Ivenn said, chuckling. He was so drunk but he grabbed the ping pong ball and took a moment to eye the glasses. He tossed the ping pong ball... one... two.. three glasses! "Drunk up, beauty queen," he said with a victorious yet drunken smile.
Ace drank them up and grabbed his hand, smiling. "Cmon!" She giggled and led him into her bedroom. "Do you really want your surprise?" She whispered in his ear
Ivenn slipped an arm around her waist. "Are you kidding? I didn't get those three cups for nothing," he said with a smirk.
DecpetaBOSS said:
"Ok.." Alex said softly. Alex didn't know what was next, 'Ive never been good with this stuff' Alex thought to himself.
Ana smiled at him and got up, pulling on his hand. "Why don't we go check on the others, hmm? Make sure nothing bad is going on."
Shen's eyes got even wider as he witnessed the two drunkards go off to copulate. He dropped the posters, slowly stepping back and towards the front door. "...." Shen was genuinely scarred from this. PTSD would be an exaggeration, so he just stuck with traumatized. Because of Shen's acute senses, he was able to pretty much hear what both of the guys were doing with their ladies and the last two going off together caused him to rush out of the HQ.

(You broke Shen! You bastards xD )
Hello! Just a friendly neighborhood super-mod stopping by to gently remind everyone that RP Nation does not allow erotic content whatsoever.

[QUOTE="The Staff]
2. No Erotic Content - RpNation is not an Erotic Roleplay Site. What this means is that users are not allowed to post any explicit erotic content on this site. This includes but is not limited to both written word and images.
No Sexual Roleplaying - Users of the site are not allowed to participate in sexual roleplaying of any kind. Users may not roleplay out sexual acts in any roleplay even if they provide prior warnings of mature content. Roleplays that post explicitly erotic or sexual content may face closure and its members may receive warnings.

Encouraging Erotic Content - Users are not allowed to encourage the creation of erotic content on RpNation. Users should refrain from allowing such content within their roleplays. User should also avoid instructing others to sexual roleplay off-site or in their private messages/conversations.

Remember, posting erotic content is a major infraction, and one that could get you banned or your roleplay shut down. So please, follow the rules!
(@welian Well you don't really know for sure, all you can do is assume. So you can chill about it ^_^ It's all good. No rules being broken here.)

(no...chill....OWO HMMMMMMMM!? Amirite guys? No? Okay... So someone get to poor Shen! haha)
Shen walked back inside the HQ once he had calmed down. He looked around, seeing that no one was around at the time as they were all in different rooms. Shen took a breath and went back to looking at the posters. "Stay calm..." He talked to himself quietly.
Ana pulled on Alex's hand, leading him to the door. "So what do you wanna do now?" She asked him as she opened the door.
DecpetaBOSS said:
(Two of my posts got deleted? wtf? We didn't show anything erotic???)
All none important posts were deleted up to @welian's post quoting the erotic content rule. Many users were found to be inviolation of said rule and were punished.

Just continue to RP.
Shen sat down on the couch and just rested. "All this excitement, and I haven't even been on a job yet." He chuckled halfheartedly. "I guess it isn't so bad. At least there is always something going on and something to do." He stretched. Shen turned his head to see the two love birds come out from the room. "So, I think now would be a good time to take a job. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked them both.
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