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Fantasy Assassinate (No Longer Accepting)

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BTS Trash
Atlantia: A dying empire with a corrupt and evil centre. The boy king is being controlled by his power-hungry Prime Minister, and majority of the nobles are only less evil by an inch.

You are part of a gang of assassins. Your job is to wipe out the filth in this kingdom - aka the corrupt nobles. Each of you in this gang have special powers or weapons, which will help you assassinate the nobles. Are you up to the task? Or will you die trying?


  • Romance is allowed (I prefer it ^_^ )
  • No vulgar language (but you are allowed to say words like 'freak', 'biscuit', etc...)
  • No sexual stuff (Kissing - yes, going all the way - no.)
  • No fighting with the members outside of the RP (if there is a problem, please tell me)
  • Shipping is allowed!!!

Inspired by an amazing anime called Akame Ga KILL!

Note: Please see overview.

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Rodwen stood upon a rooftop which overlooked the town square. she spoke quickly and sternly to the person on the receiving sideof the phone "it's time". she hung up the phone and made her way down into the square after putting her hood up. she began heading towards the restaurant the target was eating at.
Rodwen navigated her way through the hordes of people , she took a seat across from the target, placing her sword beside her chair , before ordering a coffee. the target was holding a metal briefcase which was anchored to his wrist with handcuffs , the target was a well known human trafficker known as j!nx. A waiter came with Rodwen's coffee , she took it from him and began drinking it casually waiting for her partner.
Rodwen griped her sword firmly after finishing her coffee. she made her way towards the targets table letting her hood fall down while drawing the blade from it sheath. the two men who were with the target immediately reached for there swords and ran at her. "your the assassin on the wanted posters arn't you!" the target said trying to back up. "Assassinate" Rodwen said coldly before spinning between the two guards ,cutting the two as she spun. the two men fell to the ground covered in red markings ,dead. "no , no please , i'll pay twice the money you've been offered" the target whined backing up into the window of the restaurant "no , no tri...." the man was cut off as his blood covered the window red marks engulfing him as he fell to the ground. Rodwen sheathed her sword before speaking coldly again "target eliminated"
Rodwen broke the window rolling as glass covered the street. she took off after the waiter gaining on him quickly cutting down the guards that stood in her way. she looked back at her partner and then back to the target. She took off into an alleyway hot on his heels.
Rodwen lay against the barricaded door waiting for her partner to arrive. the way the sun was positioned left the upper half of her body hidden in shadows. The building had no other entry points this she knew thanks to her partner designing it.
"Finish him!" she said coldly and quickly while stepping away from the door. she looked over at the dead body in the alleyway and sighed leaning against the wall of the building.
"what?" the man said turning back around to kreig. Rodwen's sword pierced through his chest blood dripping from the tip as red marks began to cover his body. The man began gagging as his body went numb and his vision dark. "target eliminated " Rodwen pulled the sword out quickly painting the ground in a line of blood as she did so.she sheathed the sword before walking back through the alleyway "let's go"
(( K guys, good night [it's night time over here :P ] pretend that Artemis is always leaving mysteriously to go on missions for the Revolutionary Army or something... I'll probably show up once I know everyone is at HQ ))
"yeh" she said quietly putting her hood up and hiding her card before entering the crowd of people. she made her way to the cafe along with Kreig , when she reached the front of the building she stopped and let him take the lead. (ill be back in 15m)
"i'll have a steak" Rodwen said sternly at the girl. After she left Rodwen sat looking out the window waiting for there partner to show up and for her meal to arrive.
A few minutes after, Felicity exits from the building across from the cafe, once she steps outside she opens her parasol and raises it above her head. She walks towards the cafe with her head held high, her walk is poised and disciplined, in her free hand she carries a briefcase. She enters the diner, and sits down across from Rodwen and Kreig, she sets down the case on the floor next to her chair, and waves at the both of them.
Felicity courteously shaked her head, while raising her free hand. She closed her parasol and set it down leaning against her seat. She then looked at the two across from her. She tilted her head, raised an eyebrow, and spiraled her finger downwards, she then crossed her arms over her chest, closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue a little bit....feigning a stereotypical dead person
Felicity scratched the back of her head for a moment "bad. Lucy?" She thought... She then gave a half hearted thumbs up. She felt rather surprised that he at least tried to communicate at her level, despite the dodgy execution. She touches her knuckles together in front of her...then rolls them until her palms are upwards and her fingers are pointed at the two, she raises her eyebrow as she does this.
Rodwen finished her steak quickly while following the conversation. she turned to Felicity and made the hand sighns for the following 'target is confirmed dead , papers recovered' soon after scarlet landed on her head Rodwen picked her sword up and placed in on the table. "its the waitress isn't it" Rodwen said quietly not making eye contact.
Felicity looked over the papers, studying them intentely. A lot of them seem like standard business things... Contracts, reports, forms, all sorts of dull paper work... Though she knew that potentially even dull paper work could hold snippets of juicy information.... Though she would have to read deeper into them... And that takes time, and by the looks of things... It didn't seem like she had too much of that.
"it's your loose end , so its your problem" Rodwen said poking the hamsters full cheeks. she continued doing this until the hamster scurried off back to krieg . she picked up a cookie and broke it up feeding the hamster that was now on Krieg's head.
The time related fears that Felicity had turned out to be pretty true, as the first gunshot rang out she quickly stuffed the documents into her own briefcase, grabbed it and her parasol. She looked towards the other partner, and put her knuckles against her cheek, with her pinkie next to her mouth, and her thumb near her her ear (the call me.... Sign...thing) she then made for the front door. Some may see this as a cowardly act, running out the door, but Felicity still has a cover to keep, and being seen with the pair who were last seen chasing a man... Who is now dead, then being seen putting her life on the line trying to defend them seemingly out of the goodness of her heart... May not be the best for publicity.
Alice munched on Pocky, wandering aimlessly in the empty halls of HQ. Rodwen and Keig were out on a mission while everyone else stayed back which was in a way quiet boring. "I'll go.. bother.. Ivenn.." Mumbling to herself as she placed another Pocky stick in her mouth, now wandering but not as aimlessly as before. Of the places he could be.. Alice found herself infront of Ivenn's room door, knocking on it while anticipating for an answer-if he was even in there. "Ivenn~" Her soft voice had a melody to it as she called on his name from outside his door.

(sorry for the short and crappish post, I'm have a writers block.)

Alex stirred the spoon in the large boiling pot of stew, Alex took a long whiff and let out a satisfying sigh. "Rodwen and Keig should be back tonight, so I gotta prepare a feast of only the best quality!" Alex thought to himself. Alex now determined to prepare a feast fit for a king ran over to the pantry and gathered other ingredients for his stew.
Ivenn had a lollipop in his mouth, as always and the music blasting. "STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE AH AH AH AH STAYING ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE" he sang, dancing to a large mirror that he'd usually use to check himself out. He actually didn't bother changing out of his boxers at all. Ivenn didn't mind, he spent most of the day shirtless anyway... unless he was on a mission. Then he heard somebody call him from outside his door. Ivenn turned the music down. He took the lollipop out of his mouth for moment as he opened the door to see Alice. "How's it going, sweetcheeks?" He asked, with a smile. @Defective Kitten
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Kuramine invaded the kitchen as the smell of stew had gotten to her,though it was a bit odd as her hands were busy three strings were wrap around her fingers and there corresponding sibling on the other hand .She was playing a game of cat cradle or rather she was practicing to do so ,there was a fair amount of time on her hand since she was never exactly sent out on missions .And along with someone cooking she couldn't help but come to the smell,being fairly noses at this moment she would stalk over to the pot while the cook know as Alex was in the pantry,stowing her cat cradle strings into her pocket she would pull the spoon free of the unfinished stew blowing on it lightly to cool it a bit an wolf down the spoon full with delight . With a sharp sigh as heat escaped her mouth an a few tears form her eyes ,she would declare contently,"I'll taste test this for you !" . This statement directed at Alex . @DecpetaBOSS
LeoKing said:
fixed it i thought i put the ((these)) lol
(( lol OK ))

(( could everyone please post something that shows you're still aliv- ahem, online, please. I want to post something that will require you guys to respond immediately. ))
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