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Fantasy Assassinate (No Longer Accepting)

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"I was trying to make a potion that made yo- ACHOO! that made you get the hiccups. Did it ACHOO! work?" Alex asked his eyes watering from sneezing so much.

( Hah accidental love potion xD )
( xD of course)

Ana began blushing a bright red, unsure of what was happening to her. "Um..no...you made something else..." Ana said slowly, resisting the potion's effects. However, despite her efforts, she could not stop looking at Alex.

(He should be done sneezing soon, it's temporary)
"I...can't....help it..." Ana muttered, blushing intensely. Ana didn't want him to think she was being pushy or anything, but the potion made her want to kiss him.. "The...sneezing should be over now..." She said, trying to distract herself from what the potion was telling her to do.
Shen had been staring wide-eyed at the two the entire time, holding a few posters in his hands. He had just remained standing there, waiting to see what would happen next. This was easily the most uncomfortable and craziest moment he had ever been in his entire life. Shen's face was red and he continued to just stare back and forth at the two, his eyes still wide. "..."
Alex touched Ana's forehead, "Maybe my potion made you unwell. I'll go get you a drink of water." Alex said worried. Alex started to get up.

(Muahaha my accidental potion lasts for five minutes!> :) )
Ana quickly grabbed his hand before he could leave and pulled him down to her. She gently pressed her lips against his, kissing him. She was most likely just as shocked as he was, but she couldn't help it. The potion just..took over. She didn't dislike what was happening though.
Alex was wide eyed and frozen for a moment but relaxed and returned the kiss. Alex broke the kiss and sat down. "Wow" Alex said dumbly,his lips felt tingly and Alex figured his face was bright red.

(yay xbox posts are so good!....)
"Y-your potion...it's a love potion..." She murmured, still looking at him. She brought a hand to her lips and blushed even more. "I think it's still working.." She told him as she tried looking away, but she couldn't.
Alex blushed furiously, then Alex moved his hand to her cheek and gently brushed away a strand of hair; leaning in for a second kiss.
Ana leaned in to kiss him once more, this time without hesitation. She enjoyed this feeling and smiled gently as she pulled away slowly, breaking the kiss. "You sure seem comfortable doing this where everyone else can see." Ana said with a chuckle, keeping her face close to his.
"I didn't know people were watching." Alex said quietly. "Im very sorry Ana, I took advantage of you." Alex said standing then bowing in apology. Alex felt shame wash over him as he left the room.
"Huh? Alex..?" Ana was confused at his sudden response and got up to follow him. She wasn't sure where he went, so she decided to go to his room and check if he was there. She knocked on the door, asking, "Alex? Can I come in?"
"Yes" Alex replied. Alex was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling shameful, however Alex truely did enjoy both of the kisses and wouldn't mind another. Alex blushed and immediatly hated himself for thinking of something so greedy and shameful.
(It's so cute xD I keep imagining this all chibi form Ack too much chibi xD )

Ana came in and closed the door behind her, standing there at the entrance. "You don't need to feel guilty about anything, Alex." Ana said as she blushed and looked down. "The potion wasn't the only cause for me kissing you. I personally really wanted to." Ana's blush deepened, and her green hair fell front of her face, obscuring it from view.
(Huehuehue ^////^)

"I wanted to as well.." Alex said blushing,"But I still took advantage of you.." Alex said guilt stabbing him like a knife. Alex looked away,"It was wrong of me to kiss you without permission, and on top of it all I made that love potion that made you force out your feellings." Alex finished clenching his fist.
Ana walked over to him and sat next to him on his bed. She put a hand on his clenched fist and used her other hand to caress his cheek. "To be honest, I'm glad you did. I wouldn't have worked up the courage to do things like this." She smiled at him, then leaned in to kiss him again.

(I almost got hit in the face with a door xD )
Alex's fist softened at Ana's touch, and Alex still feeling guilt decided to accept his desires. Alex let his instincts take over, Alex closed the gap between their lips and passionatly kissed Ana.
Ana briefly broke the kiss and whispered to him, "Don't feel bad, okay?" She looked into his eyes, hoping he'd let it go.

(LET IT GOOOO, LET IT GOOOOOOO don't judge me)

"Ok.." Alex said softly. Alex didn't know what was next, 'Ive never been good with this stuff' Alex thought to himself.
(Cries. I'm tired and falling asleep, don't for the night. Ttyl)
(Well it seems someone knows how 'adult videos' go :P Lol now we all know you perv @Airebsi )

(I feel so bad for Shen! xD He has never seen any of that before and he is just so stunned and confused hahaha)
rapjack123 said:
(Deadly assassin group... plays beer ping and cooks love potions, while flirting with the girls... we're the real deal guys xD )
"You bet it is," he said with a wink. Ivenn had a warm feeling in his stomach right about now. @Church Burning
"Heh" she smiled and bent over, now eye level with the table. She bounced the ping pong ball through two...no three glasses "Drink up hottie~" she purred
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