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I mean... There are quite a lot of passages how you should murder, torture, or in the better/milder cases, valiantly convert those who don't believe in [whatevergodorgodsyourreligionsaysaretrue]. Like... I understand your sentiment, and I guess I sort of agree with it, but that is TOTALLY a part of what religions are about. Like, it's right there.
I'm guessing you got that qoute from a different post, and in some cases yes, those are true but I believe it's how you view your bible quaran or what have you, a lot of those are written from an old, old version and are only relevent to the century they are made in.

(sorry for the spelling mistakes, dont feel like correcting them atm, might do so later)
It was my quote. And I'm sorry, I wouldn't know what the bible says since I've never read it. I'm just saying that I personally can't respect someone who makes someone else feel like shit just because they have differing opinions and beliefs :)
How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
This is an honest question.
How do you explain the demon deliverance videos you can find on Youtube and emmanueltv? Do you think they're faux?
That's something I've always found HI-larious. You see all those posts talking about religion and how respectful they're going to be to other people's opinions, yet the second someone's opinion differs from someone else's it become an all out war.
Lol. You can easily see those kind of people and tell they are all sorts of sorry.
Do you have any proof that the Bible is false besides the whole magic god power shitty argument I hear all the time?

I came here after watching this stupid video.

This video makes my head hurt. I like how he conveniently he ignores factors just as trim due to the curvature of the Earth and oh yeah a thing called GRAVITY

This is the kind of shit that makes me want to side with atheists against the "Young Earth" fundamentalists. Alas I'm so alienated by atheists I'm forcing to give lunatics like this just the "cool story bro" and walk away...very quickly.
I found another dumb one.

Just skip to 2:28 and watch the rest of it.

Ok at 2:33 you can clearly see there is a slight curvature of the Earth even with that line drawn and taking advantage of the poor quality of the video to make the curvature fuzzy but if you were to draw a thinner line to make it more obvious that we indeed live on a spherical planet not a flat one. I don't know which is more disturbing, the very unscrupulous edit of this video or the sad fact this many people actually believe in this BS?

Let's also factor that in Gaussian function and the perception of distance that a curvature so incremental that you cannot tell that there is a curvature of the world until you can see it from orbit or actually have two points that can intersect just above the horizon. If this is the case the Earth is flat then explain why I can't see Europe from the East Coast even with a powerful scope? Because horizon where the ocean curves between where I stand and the shores of Europe is blocked. By a curve.

Un-fucking-believable that Flat-Earthers still exist today even with the insurmountable evidence against them. Alas like everyone is entitled to their opinions they're also entitled to their own stupidity.
The earth isn't flat. It's a square that's been folded onto itself a million billion times. So it's neither a circle or flat. How much evidence do I have? Mm.... none.
Serious question.

If you found a genie in a bottle and you were granted three wishes, what if your wish was "I wish my wish wouldn't be granted?" What would happen?
I personally don't care what your religion is. If you treat me right, I will respect you for that. Also, I hope you respect nature/creation, depending on how you view that...
My thoughts on this.

I am a Christian.

Scientifically speaking, the universe, as we know, was created 13 billion years ago. However, it seems to me that the world, the big bang, and the crazy mathmatical equations we have today are too perfect. What do I mean by this?

When the tiny molecule exploded into the Big Bang, everything had to be perfect - temperature, rate of growth, quarks vs anti-quarks, etc. Some scientists say that even the smallest change in any number, discovered by Einstein or any other great scientific mind studying space, if just the smallest interval was changed, our universe wouldn't exist.

For example, the rate of expansion of our universe during the big bang. If it was even just the slightest bit faster, it would have spread out too thin and the universe would've been destroyed. Too slow, and the universe would've collapsed back on itself.

Our bodies are the golden ratio, meaning, we are perfectly proportional, every one of us. Your shoulder width is 3 heads across. from the wrist to the middle finger, that length times 3 makes up your arm, etc.

I just think that the universe couldn't have happened by chance, and that we somehow have perfectly proportional bodies.

Also, there are hundreds of thousands of different ways your body can fail at any given point in time.

That's my stance. I know I ignored the OP's question, but...I just thought some of you would find this interesting.

I came here after watching this stupid video.

This gave me a completely new kind of brain cancer.

Seriously? Because now I'm upside down? How about gravity?
He calls himself a mathematician and "not a fool" but doesn't know the most basic, rudimentary physics you learn in middle school.

Now, I can respect a Christian. What they believe in MAY or MAY NOT be true, and I can't disprove either of these claims. But this video about the flat earth? This is bullshit anyone who believes in his arguments deserves to be called a certified idiot.
My thoughts on this.

I am a Christian.

Scientifically speaking, the universe, as we know, was created 13 billion years ago. However, it seems to me that the world, the big bang, and the crazy mathmatical equations we have today are too perfect. What do I mean by this?

When the tiny molecule exploded into the Big Bang, everything had to be perfect - temperature, rate of growth, quarks vs anti-quarks, etc. Some scientists say that even the smallest change in any number, discovered by Einstein or any other great scientific mind studying space, if just the smallest interval was changed, our universe wouldn't exist.

For example, the rate of expansion of our universe during the big bang. If it was even just the slightest bit faster, it would have spread out too thin and the universe would've been destroyed. Too slow, and the universe would've collapsed back on itself.

Our bodies are the golden ratio, meaning, we are perfectly proportional, every one of us. Your shoulder width is 3 heads across. from the wrist to the middle finger, that length times 3 makes up your arm, etc.

I just think that the universe couldn't have happened by chance, and that we somehow have perfectly proportional bodies.

Also, there are hundreds of thousands of different ways your body can fail at any given point in time.

That's my stance. I know I ignored the OP's question, but...I just thought some of you would find this interesting.
Interesting argument. I'll be glad to discuss this.

I do admit that science is convenient, but keep in mind that science is NOT a higher force. It's a system that catalogs the observable universe into simple sub-systems you can understand and use every day for either your leisure, work, or further research of the universe itself.

If just the smallest interval changed, our universe wouldn't exist, but who tells you that didn't happen? What if the universe existed before 13 billion years, and the big bang is the result of a collapse of another universe on itself after it existed for even longer? When a universe is destroyed, doesn't that technically open the place for a new one? Maybe it happened trillions of times and you just aren't aware this is one of the few times that it successfully created sentient life of some form?

As for our bodies, that's incredibly easy to debunk. It's called evolution and natural selection. Each cell you are made out of has a DNA code, which tells it how to build another one of itself and tells it how to operate properly. To make sure you have an easy life, then, your body changes itself. It's cells and DNA change, however, not instantly. In response to outside stimuli, our bodies constantly improve and adapt. One of the many reasons why you have nails is because one of your ancestors millions of years ago made use of his hands to kill animals and eat fruit. As a response, many generations later, his descendants evolved nails that let them dig under the skin of animals and under the layer of an apple so he can eat them more easily - a natural tool.

The perfect proportions you enjoy today, you have only because it gives you an advantage. Standing upright on two legs instead of fours lets you do so many things, right? You could stand on a pillar, safe from the lions below you. You could hold sticks in your hands as you ran from a tiger on your legs. The reason you can taste is to analyze the chemicals in food to make sure its not poisonous or harmful in other ways. The length of your arm is just good enough to maneuver around the leaves of a tree and get an apple from it. These proportions are the result of millions of years of careful evolutionary adaptation. Our proportions are perfect because they need to be perfect. The goal of evolution is that creatures strive for perfection, but never achieve it.

If the Lion evolved toxic spit, then its prey would respond by evolving resistance to that very substance. Perfection is the goal, not an achievement.
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Then again, I came to this thread for a reason.

I came to ask what you think about the main driving reason for why you don't believe in God? This is coming from an Agnostic-Atheist who believes only in what he can see.

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