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Multiple Settings As The World Fell, We Laid There Daydreaming (Zombie Apocalypse) (Signups and Chat)(Private)


it’s a lie!
Plot of the roleplay:

the apocalypse is now, the apocalypse is permanent, and the apocalypse is deadly. the undead are roaming the street and they will attack and devour anything that moves and/or screams. Your best bet of survival is to keep calm and stay still. these zombies usually feed on those who run around screaming their heads off. but, if you keep your emotions in check, you’ll survive. see, that’s the key to surviving an apocalypse. keeping a level head and not letting fear get the best of you. for a group of teenagers (ages 14-18), it seems hard adjusting to new life in the apocalypse. but these are a group of determined teenagers.

Zombie bites will not kill you nor will they turn you. All they do is make you feel really ill. Symptoms will include: Sweating, Swelling near the bite, Fever, Chills, Headache, Body Spasms, Muscle Aches, and Shortness of Breath. With proper medical care, you can get this treated more quickly. Without proper medical care, you’ll be in agony for at least two weeks. Now for zombie concept. These are not your boring Walking Dead zombies. Where’s the fun in killing slow shambling corpses? These zombies are fast and smart and cunning. They can run, they can hunt you down, they open doors, they climb, they pick you up and slam you to the ground (only the buff zombies), and so on. They have good hearing but extremely poor eyesight so they rely on their sight and smell. They’ll smell you out and they want you in their grasp.

Now you might be thinking... what’s the proper medical care for a zombie bite or scratch? Well, some disinfectant, pills for fever and aches, water for hydration, comfortable place to sleep, and cool wet cloth on forehead.

Zombie Types (feel free to suggest some of your own):

Skitters - Zombies with no lower extremities. They are very fast on their upper bodies and they like to lurk in heavy underbrush and tall grass where it will be easy to ambush a human and latch onto their legs to take a bite. Usually silent so you won’t know that one is around.

Bloods - Zombies that spit up blood and will aim to spit blood in your face. The blood is toxic and full of pus so if you get this in your eyes, nose, or mouth, you will slowly become ill and you yourself will hack up and cough up blood. These zombies have blood dripping from their eyes so it’s easy to spot them.

Crisps - Burnt Zombies. They give off the smell of burnt rotten meat and they are very sizzling hot. They are charred black with ashy colored eyes. They seek to grab you and burn you. A quick bite burns your skin and leaves charred black bite marks.

Heavies - Huge zombies with bloated abdomens. They’re slow but their stomach is full of guts that will pop out if you try to bring it down to the ground with a stab to the abdomen. Will try to grab you so beware.

Blinds - Blind zombies with cloudy eyes. They can’t see but they can feel around for humans. They rely on smell and hearing.

Jumpers - Athletic zombies who can jump and run. They’re very fast so outrunning one of these is nearly impossible. They have really skinny but long legs so be on the look out.

Foamers - Ravenous rabid zombies with foaming mouths. They attack on sight and will tear you apart while dripping foam from their mouths.

Screamers - Screaming zombies with piercing howls and shrieks. They have gaping mouths and blood shot eyes. Amputating the lower jaw will prevent it from screaming. Their screams can attract more zombies and are deafening if you’re close.

Roles Available In Group:

Leader (0/1):

Medic (1/1): Saoirse James

Supply Runners (1/2): Keethan Joglo

Cook (0/1):

Lookouts (2/2): Arias Drayceon, Reserved

Raider (1/1): Reserved

Outside the Group:
Kirai Yamashina -- will not have a role in group, she will just be there if she joins
Arias Drayceon (for now)



Insert Image Here

Name: first middle last, middle name is optional
Age: 14-18 years old

Any Disability or Disorder?:
Pet: name+gender+breed
Pet Utility: How will they contribute to the group?


Romance: crushing, single, taken
Other attachments: are they close with anyone in the group?




Item(s) in backpack:
Main Weapon: nothing crazy please
Side Weapon: something simple


What role would they have?:
Why should they have that role?:
Would they have a much smaller role?:

— MISC —

Headcanons: please use * or •
Plot Ideas: please use -


What can we call you?:
Preferred pronouns?:
Anything we need to know?:
How active are you?: 1-10
Are you ready for the zombie mayhem?:



Name: Saoirse Roisin James (ser-sha) (row-sheen)
Nicknames: Sao, Ro
Age: 17
Gender: Transgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them pronouns

Any Disability or Disorder?: Ventricular Septal Defect
Pet: Cinders + female + Golden Retriver Lab Mix
Pet Utility: As a CAD, Cinders will alert everyone if Saoirse is having difficulty breathing followed by chest pain, or if the boy passes out entirely. She stays by his side and acts as a helping paw to Saoirse. She will bring him his medicine and will calm him down until chest pain subsides. Cinders will act as a guard dog and possibly a hunting dog. She can alert anyone in general of zombies or anything abnormal and might hunt down small mammals


Romance: Currently single, open for some romance
Parents: Camila James and Oliver James — both have been devoured by zombies.
Sibling(s): Aoife James — Sister, unknown status
Other attachments: Open


Sexuality: Pansexual
Orientation: Panromantic
Personality: He is pretty quiet and reserved, speaking softly and usually going with the flow. He is introverted and has some social awkwardness. And while he is usually going with the flow, he will speak his mind if he sees fit. His tone is soft but he will assert himself firmly if needbe. Likes to keep to himself, not sure if he could keep a conversation going without messing up or saying something weird. Easy to get along with once you get under his enclosed shell.
Description: Saoirse stands at a 5’7” in height and he has black hair with dulling bluish green eyes. He had an Ectomorph body and isn’t all that muscular. His skin is pale in color with little to no tannish tones to it.


Clothing: Here
Backpack: Here!
Item(s) in backpack: Medicine, Earbuds, Phone, Phone Charger, Notebook, Trail mix, Bottles of water, Granola bars, dog harness, Dog treats
Main Weapon: Baseball bat
Side Weapon: Kitchen knife


What role would they have?: Medic
Why should they have that role?: Despite having a congenital heart condition, Saoirse wants to help otherw! He doesn’t want his heart to hinder him from bring useful
Would they have a much smaller role?: Well, not really but they’ll help out the cook by gathering things that they need

— MISC —

Faceclaim: None
Voiceclaim: Megumi Hayashibara
Aroma: Sugar Cookies and Mocha Latte
• It is recommended to NOT put Saoirse into stressful situations. He will experience constriction of the arteries in his heart, chest pain, and the feeling of being strangled.

• However, He has medicine so yay!

• A sucker for romance movies and romance novels.

• He has an enlarged heart, therefore being placed on his back will prevent him from being able to breathe

• is wearing a chest binder.

• Most likely a blanket hog

• Loves all animals

• Being the only medic can get stressful for him but he is used to it.

• Please don’t yell at this baby or make him feel sad.

Plot Ideas:
— Romance maybe? I’d love to see this with Saoirse
— Okay so.... he gets bit or he gets his face mauled by zombies


What can we call you?: amami
Preferred pronouns?: she/her
Anything we need to know?: I have Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorder, Im a great artist
How active are you?: 7, maybe 8
Are you ready for the zombie mayhem?: you know i am!

Kirai’s form will be posted later
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Flame profile+scarf.png

((Lazily redrawn version of this image here ((from a different rp))

Flame profile.png

Name: Arias (Arii) Drayceon
Nicknames: Flame (the only name they're known by, now.
Age: 14 (15 in the summer)
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/Them

Any Disability or Disorder?: Congenial Aphantasia (mindblindness)
Pet: Ouroboros//Male//Fish Crow
Pet Utility: Eyes in the sky; a good scout and thief. Also excellent at mimicry.


Romance: Single. Now, and hopefully forever.
Parents: Shzren and Zam'aar Drayceon (both deceased)
Sibling(s): Shae and Erye Drayceon (One missing, the other deceased)
Other attachments: Flame can and will always risk their life if Ouroboros is at risk. They have more of an attachment to him than they've had to any human ever.


Sexuality: Ace.
Orientation: Aro.

Very neutral and deadpan. They keep emotions far from the surface because once they come, there's no stopping them (usually results in them crying). Flame is analytical to a scary extent, preferring to observe long before acting. This is further reinforced with Ouroboros' help in scouting, the bird usually flying ahead in wide, sweeping circles and identifying any and all threats before returning.


Flame has often been described as scary. Their hold themself in a very creepy way, usually perched silently in a tree with no part of their skin visible. More often than not, they don't speak, instead choosing to communicate in strange animalistic noises unless required otherwise. They stand at 5'9", and weigh a mere 115 lbs at most. Their legs make up most of their height, and should they lean too far to the side, their ribs grind against their pelvis. They have high cheekbones and pointed gold-brown eyes that seem more black in certain lighting environments. Flame is lean to the point of concern, and their ribs are very visible whenever they breathe. Wide shoulders have their shape-language pinned somewhere around the triangle area, and their bony, sharp appearance solidifies that.


Clothing: Long-sleeved black shirt paired with a black tactical vest (stolen). Black skinny jeans that are still loose around the ankles Often, they carry a thick black cloak, though sometimes they temporarily lose track of it.

Backpack: It's more like a lot of pockets.
Item(s) in backpack: One long pocket knife, gunpowder (taken from unused (also stolen) bullets), a magnesium striker, several freeze-dried food rations, and an emergency whistle.

Main Weapon: Chain dart (a ropedart but the rope is a chain). Technically, not supposed to be used for combat, but whatcha gonna do? The dart is a scorpion dart with four small blades (think those you find on arrows) lining the length of it. Often used as a grapple-hook. The chain if covered in cloth and disguised as a scarf. 30ft long (smaller than it seems)

Side Weapon: Aforementioned pocketknife.


(Not in the group yet, but is getting there (they've probably been tracking them for some time)

What role would they have?: Lookout.
Why should they have that role?:

Flame, among other things, has very good nightvision and hearing, and is very good at climbing things quickly. They would be an excellent night lookout, as they have no trouble staying up all night. That being said, they're sub-par during daytime, since they're so used to the dark, and the sounds are almost overwhelming to them.

Would they have a much smaller role?: Maybe a runner, if needed. They're good with stealth, and Ouro could possibly carry small items back given an adequate description.

— MISC —

Faceclaim: I have none; I've never gotten a good faceclaim for Flame.
Voiceclaim: You know the band Set it Off? Lead male singer if he was sleep-deprived 24/7
Aroma: Flame smells like bird and dirt. That's about it. Maybe dead animal.
Headcanons (TBC):

*Has been burned more times than they can count.
*Probably Kinemortophobic, but had to suck it up
*Mirrors freak them out more than most other things because they don't really remember what they look like (it's an aphantasia thing. Really freaky)

Plot Ideas:

-Gets bitten (after their immune system was taken down a few notches due to sleep-deprivation)
-Someone takes issue with their absent-minded clicking (sounds like this (this is legit me making the noise, lmao): )

-Before they join up, someone gets scared shitless from the dark silhouette that has been stalking them for 2 hours
-Flame cannot function because they are heavily anemic and it's too cold for them to go out without literally freezing to death.


What can we call you?: Flame, Arii, Drayceon, Seven, Crow, 'Rii, Arias... anything works, really, so long as I know you're referring to me.
Preferred pronouns?: They/them.
Anything we need to know?: School's a bastard, and if I vanish without a sound, skip me and keep skipping me. Also, I'm a minor.
How active are you?: Anywhere from a 3-10. 8 average.
Are you ready for the zombie mayhem?: Hell, yeah!
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Insert Image Here

Name: Keethan Joglo
Nicknames: Keeth
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him

Any Disability or Disorder?: None
Pet: Noor, girl, Cat
Pet Utility: She often stays with high up, kind of like a third look out, and she has good hearing, so she can warn if she hears any skitters. Most of the time goes with Keethan on supply runs


Romance: Single, Open
Parents: Killed by other group
Sibling(s): Same as parents
Other attachments: are they close with anyone in the group? (Might add once more CS are up)


Sexuality: Straight
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: He has a dark sense of humour, and often jokes around with it. He usually talks about the things that no one is willing to, and can be a bit of an asshole at times.
Usually keeps a cheery exterior, to avoid showing emotion. Deep down, he knows that he would sacrifice anything for his survival, even if that meant betraying, or even killing his group. He also is not exactly afraid of the zombies, and sometimes he experiments with them to see wether or not they can be domesticated.


Clothing: TBA
Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 7.05.21 AM.png
(Shirt on inside is much brighter colored tho )
Backpack: TBA
Item(s) in backpack: Usually a change of clothes, 3 water bottles and some food rations in case he gets stuck somewhere while doing a supply run, a box of cat treats, his weapons, and a bottle of ibuprofen, and aspirin
Main Weapon: Twin Katana Blades
Side Weapon: 6 throwing knives


What role would they have?: Supply Runner
Why should they have that role?: He has good memory, and prioritization, and also will kill anything that threatens his survival, zombie or no
Would they have a much smaller role?: Could help with raiding

— MISC —

Voiceclaim: Billy Butcher, from The Boys series
Aroma: A bit like barbeque, and a bit like blood
Headcanons: please use * or • TBA
Plot Ideas: please use
-Could find another person, or group while out on supply run
-Somehow starts turning into a zombie?


What can we call you?: N-On
Preferred pronouns?: He/Him
Anything we need to know?: Well minor, so school
How active are you?: 4-5
Are you ready for the zombie mayhem?: Zombies? Eh, why tf not mate? Might as well
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Henryk Josiah Davis





Any Disability or Disorder?:
He has social anxiety, Insomnia, a light case of OCD


Pet Utility:
• Kaspar can collect small tools and, if trained an motivated enough, he can pick locks with his small claws.
• He can also scavenge for semi-decent food, that is- if he doesn’t eat it first.



Joseph Davis (Father)
Lenora Davis (Mother)

Xander Davis (older brother)
Sarah Davis (older sister)
Ayden Davis (younger brother)

Other attachments:
(Would like to)




He has a lot of courage, if no one is willing to do something, he will probably offer himself up. Key word, probably. If he doesn’t like you then you’re screwed. Which, he doesn’t like most people. He is a cautious person when it comes to strangers. He gets lost in his thoughts sometimes, and it’s pretty hard to snap him out of it. He loves telling and listening to stories, escaping from the real world. He finds it very hard to care or get attached to someone. He has trouble opening himself up, and understanding emotions. He has trouble expressing emotion as well, seeming more tired and unemotional. He sees no reason to lie to others, despite his paranoid mind. That doesn’t mean that he won’t hide or avoid any specific subject.


He mostly wears dull, long sleeves. He rarely wears colorful clothing. He likes wearing baggy clothing, or tight ripped jeans. He wears black combat boots, which are a bit worn out. If he isn’t wearing a long sleeve, then he is most likely wearing a grey or black tank top.

He has a black, chained backpack

Item(s) in backpack:
2 sets of clothes (ones that he isn’t wearing), water bottles, 2 packs of beef jerky, Cleaver, a gun, sticky notes, pencils, marshmallows, a small lighter, and rope.

Main Weapon: handgun

Side Weapon: Cleaver


What role would they have?:

Why should they have that role?:
• He is very observant to his surroundings, and is a bit of a nervous wreck if he sees something he fears

• He can alert others pretty easily, his voice can travel far.

• If he is near something, they will most likely not notice him, but he does have his off days.

Would they have a much smaller role?:
He could be a supply runner, since he isn’t easily noticeable and is somewhat quick on his feet.

— MISC —


Peter Pan 1953

A slightly musky Jasmine

Headcanons: please use * or •
*He suffers from Insomnia

*His dad was a very paranoid person, so he hid a lot of guns in the house, as well as teach Henryk how to shoot it, just in case any burglars came.

*He is a bit paranoid

Plot Ideas: please use -
-He left his original group and joined this one, the group that he left is after him.

-He gets deeply injured in some way or another

-He finds his family dead


What can we call you?:
Caffeine, Caff, or Hyper

Preferred pronouns?:
She/her or they/them I’m not picky.

Anything we need to know?:
I have social anxiety
I like to draw (though I’ve sorta lost passion for it, I’m trying to get back into it.)
I have no life
I am a big procrastinator

How active are you?: 1-10
8 or 9

Are you ready for the zombie mayhem?:
You bet your diddly darn arse I am!
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