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Fandom as long as I am here, no one can hurt you ♥ [star wars rp search]


New Member

for you:
✦ I will match whatever length you'd like. It doesn't feel helpful to define a paragraph count when we both know this is about telling a story together and, if we are a good match, we will feed it what it needs to stay healthy. Does that make sense? Sometimes pacing or scenery change or build up can affect post length so I find it's best to leave this up to our collaborative efforts.
✦ I check this site at least once a day, and if you catch me in a writing mood/I'm not at work or in class, I can post back and forth for hours at a time. That being said, I do work part time and attend grad school full time so please know that my energy ebbs and flows. If you ever feel like I've forgotten about an RP, or even if you're just anxious and want to check in, you are more than welcome (encouraged, even!) to message me! UPDATE TO THS: now that I am basically stuck inside the house 24/7, I have waaaaay more time to RP.
✦ I am 21+ and comfortable with darker themes

for me:
✦ Because of the potential thematic elements in this RP, I ask that you are 21+
✦ Similarly to the above points, I ask that you are willing to collaborate, open to brainstorming sessions, and vocal about your needs.
✦ Let me know what your usual posting schedule is! Also, if you have a free day coming up, or a period of time where you know you'll be around for a few hours, give me enough of a heads up and I'll try to catch you then so we can get a steady stream going. In my 15+ years of RP experience, I've noticed that excitement builds when the story has momentum. I'm 100% here for that!

I am looking for someone to play Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
opposite my Rey

plot bunnies:

✦ REYLO post-TROS. The events of Exogol have left Rey with dreams, or nightmares, she's not sure which, but they involve Ben Solo visiting her at random (sometimes inopportune) moments. As she tries to rebuild her life and help the Resistance transition into a peaceful galactic power, Rey realizes that Ben Solo is Very Much Not Dead, rather he is trapped somewhere and it is up to her to free him.
✦ REYLO post-TLJ. When Kylo offers her his hand at the end of the throne room fight, he reveals to her who her parents are, and that she is the one who killed them by blasting their ship with lightning as they were flying away. Devastated by this revelation, Rey accepts his hand. The Resistance is unable to escape but instead are captured and brought aboard the ship.
✦ REYLO AU (kinda). For any Sailor Moon fans out there, this is going to sound familiar. Rey and Ben Solo are training at the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. They've never gotten along but they are fierce in battle together and Luke Skywalker has long since noticed they share a special connection. However, both Rey and Ben start having nightmares about places they've never been to--battles they've never waged. In a snowy forest. In a room with entirely red walls. And, to make matters worse, it is each other they are fighting in these nightmares.

These are just general settings that (hopefully) have the potential to be expanded into an ongoing storyline for us to write together. Comment here or PM me if you're interested in RPing together!​
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