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Fantasy Arva: Tides of Darkness [IC] [Closed]

"Bartering, although it would require more effort on someone else other than Luva." Zakala said, a bit taken aback by such a question. Does she not know the basics of any of this kind of stuff? she thought to herself before continuing to speak. "You heckle someone for a lower price than what they're asking, and you negotiate until you get something out of it in your favor."
Invira nodded as if she understood and then shook her head because she did not and it got her nownere pretending she did. "How do I know what's in my favor? Wouldn't not paying at all be more in my favor than paying? But that's thievery and it's not allowed, right?"

She'd watched someone get caught for stealing just yesterday and it hadn't gone well for them.
"...yeah. You usually end up paying at least something, otherwise how are these artisans gonna make their money?" Zakala asked rhetorically as they both now started to make their way back to the tavern. "Usually, if the price you get is lower than what was originally started then it's good for you." After leaving the craftsmen's district, the air cleared up to what was normality for Gwell once again and the smells gave way back to regular air along with whatever would accompany that of a city. As the two continued walking, Zakala spoke up again: "I have to ask, did your parents not teach you this kind of stuff?"
It was a relief getting out of the city proper. The noise and smells weren't so close here and she could breathe freely, without it feeling like pinpricks were scattering along her spine.

Invira shrugged, "I don't remember my parents and economics wasn't necessary for my training as everything needed was provided for me. But it's needed now, I suppose."
"Training? What?" Zakala inquired, raising an eyebrow towards Invira. She was confused for a moment before she realized over what Invira perhaps meant by this. "Oh... you were a slave once? I'm so sorry." she said with a frown.
"What? No, I don't think so. I was..." Invira stopped, remembering herself. "I was trained. I can't-- I'm not supposed to reveal them, I'm sorry. But they trained me in tactics and anatomy. When I showed aptitude in stealth, they taught me that as well. I was given purpose."
An awkward silence would begin between the two as Zakala stayed silent while they walked. She didn't really know exactly what to say, and now felt a bit embarrassed at prodding over such a sensitive topic. A few minutes passed before the two finally returned to the tavern, and Zakala quickly slinked away to the the bar and ordered some wine for herself to try to rid herself of her embarrassment. Arnas in the meantime would return from his lodgings upstairs and took a seat where most of the Company were sitting, wearing linen pants and a shirt that was underneath a brown leather jerkin.

While walking to the table, he noticed the newcomer to the group was an elf which got him a bit curious. Hadn't seen any sellsword elves in a while. he remarked to himself as he got himself comfortable in his seat. He then spoke aloud to those nearby: "Been a couple quiet days since we've gotten back." he remarked as he tapped his fingers on the table, "What have you all been up to?"
Eirana smiled and nodded. "Excellent, then I stand at your service." She placed her hand on her chest. "I am Eirana." She looked at the others. "It is my pleasure to meet you all."
It's an elf, dont even thin-. "Greetings, I'm Eida, pleasures all mine." Eidunn replied, smiling up from the table. "Are you an elf, sorry I've never spoken to one before." She was nervous, to say the least. Her father had had bad relations with elves, and his distrust certainly bled onto her.

"So, are you joining us as a member?" She asked, ignoring the nagging in her head.
"Nice to meet you Eirana." Arnas said with a nod of his head towards the she-elf. He was still quite curious as to what a High Elf was doing all this way over here so far from home. Wood Elves, understandably, were more spread out across the continent and were generally an accepted part of any realm's populace for whatever minority they comprise. But Arnas had read that the High Elves were recluvisve and isolationist and kept to themselves on their distant islands under their empire. He wanted to ask a question of his own, but stayed quiet to let Eidunn speak to the newcomer first.

Zakala had also noticed the newcomer to the group after finishing her cup of wine, and was also intrigued to their new party member. She wasn't particularly a fan of them, as she'd had to deal with them during her years in the Golden Company, but in her mind she reckoned that she would be willing to put that aside for this new venture she was in. Zakala stayed seated at the bar to watch Eirana's interactions with the group and see how they got along.
Valentina didn't say much following the events with the lord. She wanted to stab the man in the throat, but didn't do it out of respect for her leader. The trip back to Gwell was uneventful, and frankly, despite being paid for their small venture, Valentina was disappointed. She wanted to go back out there and explore. She was tempted to join the knight and the praetorian who left. In fact, she even wanted to go with Qal. As much as she disliked her personality, she was fun to be around. But there was this nagging feeling in the back of her head that told her to stay with the group. It was time for her to mature as a woman and be responsible. Besides, she couldn't just pack up her things and leave. She had nowhere to go, and the money she got was quickly wasted in drink, expensive baths, and lots of nights accompanied by men and women.

16 Jein, 1578 FE

Valentina emerged from her room rather refreshed, stretching her arms and body and then fixing her large and feathered Dandolian hat. From her room emerged a young male, around Valentina's age, wearing what looks like a Gwells guardsman uniform. The man gave Valentina a wink and walked down the stairs. Shortly after, another person emerged from the room. The daughter of inn keeper, Robert, who meekly waved at Valentina before walking down stairs. Valentina waited a bit before walking downstairs to not raise suspicion from their kind host. When she reached the downstairs she saw all of her companions talking with each other, enjoying a good time. Then she noticed a new figure among them. An Elf?

Indeed, it was an elven woman of beautiful features and angelic voice. Valentina looked at the elf for a while before approaching her, as they spoke with Captain Hughin and the cute little blond lady Eidunn. "My goodness! The fairest of all maidens from Sal'Tirai!" Valentina said, while taking off her hat and performed a little curtsy for the elf. "Valentina. A pleasure to speak with such a beautiful maiden."
Eirana bowed her head in response to the greetings offered by the others. She nodded towards Eidunn. "A pleasure to meet you, Eida. I am what your kind refers to as 'an elf,' yes."

She interlocked her hands and smiled. "Though my kind are more commonly known as Sal'tirai."

When Valentina spoke up Eirana turned her head towards her and bowed lightly. "I'm honored, though I am no maiden but a warrior."

Eirana smirked. "Much like yourself."
Krasso was about to respond to the young sellsword's question when the newcomer announced herself. He was dumbfounded to see another elf in only the span of a week; he'd always assumed they were rare. Though this one like all the elves he'd ever seen was beautiful she was nothing compared to Ellas. He inwardly sighed wondering if he would ever see the antlered elf again. For a moment he wondered if he should ask Da'Vost about it as he was the only one left that had any grasping of magic. With the mummy gone there was no one else to answer his esoteric questions. But would he actually be willing to help him? Or just ponder about the situation and refer to his aether for answers once again.

He shook his head deciding to address the matter some other time. He raised his empty tankard towards the elf "Welcome to the crew miss, hope you enjoy alcohol and songs because we've got a lot of both." He said in jest however his current lack of alcohol did concern him greatly. Did he want to tap into his personal stock already? He looked down at his bag with great contemplation. He knew that as soon as he opened a cask it would be gone from him in an instant and he'd be damned if he was forced to hunt again so soon...But what the hell. He popped out a small cask and refilled his tankard with some 'Hector's Nector', a new brew he discovered from some merchants upon their return. Putting the cask back into his bag he gently sipped the golden liquid, savoring every drop, for this was fine wine and needed to be sipped rather than his preferred method of drowning himself in it.
Da'Vost looked to the elf as she finally greeted herself to him and the other members of the company, neck twisting about with some clicks of his beak as he looked her over. Perhaps their meeting would allow him to better understand her kind and their cultures, and he gave a slight bow once he told himself to commit the name Eirana to his memory. "I am Da'Vost, Fateseeker of the South Spire. I am pleased to make your acquaintance and hope that our assigned tasks are fulfilling and prosperous." he says with a low croon. Soon he rises up to his normal seating position and looks to Krasso opening another bottle after his remark.

"I shall pass on the drinks yet again, though I may have myself some at a later date." the Fateseeker states calmly.
Eidunn spyed the drink from the other side of the table, shooting a look over in its direction more than a few time. Eidunn, no drinking, n- She shook her head once again. "Erm, Krasso.." she began to say, a sheepish grin begining to spread across her face.
The Docks

As per usual on any given day, the docks of Gwell were busy seeing ships enter and leave port by the dozens for a variety of reasons: whether they be for trading, travelling, or the tiny coastal navy Gwell fields, the port is open for business to anyone seeking a respite in neutral waters. A variety of other ships were also docked on the piers, including private boats as well as boats owned by some of the larger mercenary companies based in the city. If one were to stand on these docks nary a decade ago, many of the privately owned ships would have flown the banner of the Golden Company, although that era is long past as its successors now vie for spots on the piers. As shipworkers, sailors, and other dockworkers walked about and worked on their daily business, so too did large crowds of people moving along the docks towards other parts of the city, whether it be the storefronts here or the fish markets selling their daily catch from the bountiful waters.

What was strange in the distance however was a rather interesting sight for one to see once in a while. A large wooden barge was making its way slowly towards an empty pier, and it was poised to take up the entire space along its left side due to its sheer size when compared to most of the other vessels currently docked at port. Unmistakably to the dockmaster that now walked over and stood at the ready to collect the fees, this was an Utterlin barge. After a few minutes of waiting patiently, the barge docked carefully in its position and a ramp was let loose onto the dock itself. A lone figure strode down onto the wooden pier to meet the dockmaster, his small boots patting on the ground as he walked and dragged his large tail behind him. A wide-brimmed hat shaded his furred face from the sun as he handed over a small parcel to the man. "Ere's yer money dockmahstah." the Utterlin spoke with its race's distinctive accent.

The man counted the money for a moment before nodding, "Everything seems to be in order then. Welcome back to Gwell, Master Gerwin."
After weeks of traversing the lands, Aureal finally arrived. The putrid stench of rotting fishes from the docks accompanied by the constant yelling from the workers welcomed him as he first set foot in Gwell. He Automatically puts up an illusion to hide his ears. Though, he didn’t know how long he can hold it for due to fatigue. He surveyed his surroundings, trying to get a grasp on how things are. With war imminent and a land known for harboring mercenaries, Aureal didn’t expect much from the place. Nonetheless, he can’t back out now. With his rations almost finished and pouch void of any coins, he really can’t go anywhere but to stay in Gwell. Not unless I replenish my rations and look for minor jobs. he thought. But before I get any more distracted, I should finish what I came here for. he started making his way towards the board. What was the name again? Something about companies and swords of spells. Aureal muttered as he examined the board. After a few more seconds, he finally found the poster for Hughin’s Spellsowrd Company.

Aureal makes his way towards the Golden Talon Tavern just as the poster told him to do so. But before entering, he was distracted by a large barge at the docks. A small figure – an utterlin? - descends from the wooden contraption to talk with another figure who Aureal assumes to be the dockmaster. He pays them no mind as he finally entered the tavern.

Immediately after entering, some of the Patrons stare directly at him. He panicked for a second, checking the illusion over his ears to check if it's still up. He didn't want to be chased and have mugs of ale thrown at him on his first day in Gwell after all. It didn't take long but after making sure that the illusion is still intact, he figured out that they were staring disheveled state. He has almost forgotten that his leather armor and cloak are splattered with grime and are full of holes. The long hair he used to pride himself in is now unkempt and lined with mud. His boots has seen better days, leaving tracks of dirt on the tavern floor. And minor cuts are visible on his exhausted face. Luckily, they didn’t stare for too long. Probably used to it and thinking that this is a normal occurrence. Aureal quickly makes his way towards the owner of the tavern trying to while limit the mess he’s leaving behind.

"Pardon for all the dirt and mud I’m making but is this the place where recruitments are being held? I hope I'm not too late." I asked while holding out the poster for the owner to see.
Robert looked at the newcomer again before turning his head to the stairs. "Hughin! Another one is here!" he yelled out so the man could hear him. A few moments later, the sound of footsteps heralded the Captain's arrival as Hughin walked down the stairs and back into the tavern proper. Another elf, great. Hughin thought to himself as he walked on over and gave the wood elf a good look over. "Yep, we're still looking for new hands." Hughin said as he nodded. "And don't worry too much, Robert will mop it up after you."
A look of confusion appeared on my face. Is it that easy? or is there some kind of test? Aureal wondered. Studying the captain's face for clues to indicate if there's something I'm missing. After some time, It seems like there are no hidden task or anything of the sort. "That's good to hear. But before I forget, let me introduce myself. I am called Aureal." He offers a bow. Looking back at Robert, Aureal once again felt guilty for coming inside the tavern just to make a mess of the place. "Do you know where I can go to wash myself? I wouldn't want to trouble you in cleaning up after me while I stay here after all." He smiled apologetically. I also need to repair my equipment but I'm currently lacking funds. He let out a sigh, there's too much to do.
"Nice to meet you then." Hughin spoke casually, "Consider the next job your trial run, which hopefully will be soon." He then shrugged at Aureal's question regarding a bath. "You can start with upstairs, the water is usually warm in the tub."
Eidunn couldn't help but overhear the newcomers conversation with Hughin, perking up at the mention of bathing. "In hindsight, ill pass on the drink tonight." she said to the satyr, before standing up and walking over to the two men in front of her.

"Couldn't help but overhear you you were looking for a place to wash off." she said, holding her hand out to the man. "I'm Eida, Pleasure to meet you. I was just about to head to the bathhouses myself, and I'd love the company." she said. "Aureal, isn't it?"
Aureal was about to go upstairs when a white-haired lady – who then introduced herself as Elda – approached him with an invitation to the bathhouse. “Yes, I’m Aureal. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Elda.” he gave her hand a firm shake, offering a smile in return. “Cap over there told me there’s already a bath upstairs.” he pointed at Hughin. “But now that you’ve said it, a trip to the bathhouse isn’t such a bad Idea.” he muttered. After making up his mind, Aureal decided to accompany Elda. “Well then, please lead the way.” He said, while stepping aside.
"Looks like we found replacements for our departed colleagues." Waylond told his squire. The boy lifting his face from his plate and looked in the direction his knight was looking. Not one but two elves. One of them was really pretty too. Waylond stood up from his chair and walked over to introduce himself. "Ser Waylond the swift, but you can forget the titles. I'll be your brother in arms during the coming days."
Perhaps it was the wine thinking for him but the sound of a proper bath appealed to the Satyr in a peculiar way, not to mention the opportunity to gawk at the city’s finest. Completely forgetting he was persona non grata Krasso pirked up towards the new elf and Eidunn. ”If you don’t mind I’d like to tag along to the bath houses. It’s been awhile since I was banned, maybe a decade at this point? Reckon they won’t cause too much trouble.” Usually he wouldn’t admit to his poor relations with most establishments of pleasure but by the missing god was the wine good!

Standing up a wobble the Satyr approached the new elf. “ Aureal was it? Name‘s Krasso son of Memnon, also known as the great, the mystical, and the grape-peeler. Pleasure to meet ya.” He said extending his hand towards the wood elf, his would be third one in a week. He wondered how it was possible he’d rarely encountered them on his travels if they were so common here? But then again he might’ve been to drunk or hungry to remember meeting anyone too well, unless they stood out of course, like Ellas...his thoughts drifted off as he waited for the elf’s response.
A man approached Aureal and Elda as they were having a conversation. He caught Aureal’s attention when the man – Waylond – offered a quick introduction. “It’s nice meeting you, Waylond. With you in the team I’m sure no harm will come in our way.” Aureal replied, a chuckle coming out his mouth. The man before me seemed like someone dependable, a great ally indeed. “We are just about to go to the bathhouse; would you like to come with?” he offered the knight. As he was waiting for a reply, a satyr joined in our conversation. The great and the mystical he says. Aureal took in his introduction with a grain of salt, knowing how satyrs can be. “Yes, Aureal is what I’m called. It’s also a pleasure to meet you. I hope to hear your songs and stories about your adventures in the future.” he shook the Krasso’s hand in return. “Would you like to join us in the bathhouse?” Aureal made the same offer he gave Waylond. Looks like a little group is being formed already, the elf observed. You know what they say, the more the merrier. He thought.
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