Other Artists, do you draw for your roleplays?


New Member
I'm mostly asking out of pure curiosity. I prefer reading books with pictures so I thought about doodling stuff for my RPs for fun.

How do you go about it? Do you just draw a single picture, full comic panels, etc? Do you roleplay with other artists and do you both draw pictures for your sessions?

Also, this is completely optional, but I'd love it if you showed me the art that you've created during your roleplays!
The art i do for roleplays are mostly done either after the fact (like ill draw a certain scene that happened in the rp already bc i felt inspired) or for visual development for my characters. Though i've done rp's with artist friends where instead of writing, we draw like little comics back n forth. it was.. tiring, but a lot of fun.
I've made character art for roleplays before, but I can't say I've made much else. I'd love to make a roleplay and create art for it, though. It's something I've wanted to do for a while, and I may do if I open up a quest log one day. I also really like when I see other people using their art in a roleplay! I don't know why, but the character's appearance always feels a little more personal to me when they are drawn or written instead of using face claims.
Yes, usually for char appearances and sometimes for rp memes.
Or to make a char who’s definitely not muscular into a Jojo-level muscle man.
I have made sketches before, either based on scenes that happened in the role-play or something that an OOC conversation inspired me to draw about. I normally don't draw for the roleplays because of the amount of time that would probably require...

I am unable to maintain motivation for long, so art pieces normally take about a month to paint (I draw on paper, but then take a picture with my cellphone to lineart and paint digitally) because at some point I lost all of my will to work on it and only recover really later on ^^'

Whenever real life gets busy and/or highly stressful, drawing is the first hobby that I drop for some reason. Something just instantly art-blocks me for months on end... It's very frustrating >~<

Due to all of these factors, actual finished pieces are a rarity and sometimes sketches remain incomplete forever... These make me kinda sad when I find them again D':

PS - I've been putting the sketches into these albums:
Nessy's AEGIS Sketches
RP Related Drawings

It's not much and there's probably things missing/needing descriptions, but there you go >w<
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Whenever real life gets busy and/or highly stressful, drawing is the first hobby that I drop for some reason. Something just instantly art-blocks me for months on end... It's very frustrating >~<

Due to all of these factors, actual finished pieces are a rarity and sometimes sketches remain incomplete forever... These make me kinda sad when I find them again D':

Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel! I often get artblock from intense studying or right after I get a break from school and it stinks. But if art is something you love, then just keep trying! Something will come to you eventually. Sometimes I gotta drag my tired artblocked self out of bed and tell myself "hey, we're gonna draw something today, even if it sucks" lol
Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel! I often get artblock from intense studying or right after I get a break from school and it stinks. But if art is something you love, then just keep trying! Something will come to you eventually. Sometimes I gotta drag my tired artblocked self out of bed and tell myself "hey, we're gonna draw something today, even if it sucks" lol
Hahahahah yeah!

One way I found to keep doing art stuff while not being able to actually draw is to make little picture edits! They're normally not for me, but requests from friends from role-plays I'm at and they're really really fun to tackle!
I don't have Photoshop so I do these on Paint Tool SAI. It's almost like re-drawing part of the image but in a new color and I try to follow the original art style as closely as possible >w<

Anyway! Since they're rather short projects I don't stay long enough to lose motivation, while also satisfying that little urge to draw that has no way to go since I'm art-blocked and being stumped by college things ^^'
Some of them, yeah. I've drawn several pieces for a few people before, mostly RP scenes or cuddling stuff.
I typically draw character I use in role plays, but never anything as advanced as a scene or panel of a comic. I also find it helps me to visualize my character better, and describe them in more detail.
If I get very much into the roleplay, I do a portrait or concept art.
It happens from time to time, if a specific scene REALLY stand out or we have been joking about imaginable scenarios OOC that I do a cartoony sketch of it for shits and giggles.
But honestly, I would love to draw my characters more, I just feel shy about it :'^)
i don't draw the characters as i'm not that skilled, however, i do like to doodle the scenery or the personal belongings of my (or my partner's) character. it's really quite fun to just personalize it a little bit and imagine what they would carry around.

it's a little nerdy, but i'm customizing a bullet journal for my dnd character's spellbook. i think it's going to look nice once i finally find the time for it.
i rarely draw but if i do feel like it might. i mostly just do logos for part of my bbcode.

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