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Fantasy Are you tired of sipping Crab Coladas? (Pirate RP) (Always Open)

Sebas Deadeye
Mess Hall

"Fergie, even friends can be a pain in the ass sometimes. You just pointed out that as much as you like Bogrum, he can be annoying as fuck." Sebas thought about all the times his crewmates have pissed him off. "Avery is to me what Bogrum is to you.......and he's probably the greatest friend I have on this ship. Ash's gung-ho axes in skulls all the time thing is annoying, but I'll trust no one more to keep an axe out of MY skull." He shrugged. That's just what it was. There was no deeper meaning than that, not that THAT was deep as it was. "Elaina? You saw how I was with Elaina when we were under water." If words were a whip, then Elaina was an incompetent slave. Elaina took so many verbal gut punches during that mission, one really had to wonder if she liked that kind of role reversal, given how she viewed and talked to those below her. "But even you swallow your pride and ask her for help, and who have you done that for, Fergie? Me, Bogrum, and Elaina. Not that I expect you to like her, but it goes to show how reliable she is. Since Orabelle came into the picture, I've spent more time with Elaina than anyone else on this ship. She knows her shit." Not in that way obviously. Elaina's passion for knowledge and the way her face always lit up when she was asked a question on her expertise was kind of cute, but that was undone the moment you hit the 30 second mark of watching her drone on and on in depth about shit you don't give a fuck about. There was a reason why Sebas knew only 3 spells.

Then Fergie brought up an issue that Sebas had to think about: Just doing her job wasn't enough. She wanted to go above and beyond. "You help us. We help you. That's how that is, and let that exist until we part ways." In fact, they seem to work well together. Fergie isn't going without knowledge and Elaina's opinion of Fergie has definitely softened. That woman was the literal reason why Fergie didn't go without being sold a complete con by Duradel. For he himself, Fergie was a hella reliable raid captain

"But all in all, it's don't make our lives harder and don't become a Ghauznud."
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

When Sebas went on about the rest of the group, Fergie began shaking her head. Less from disagreement, more from confusion. "Being clingy, or bein' raid-crazy, or any of that shit ain't the same as..." Jesus, where to even begin? "I've been a money sink. You've needed to save me ass countless times, mostly for stupid reasons." Like insulting the Enforcer despite the multiple warnings, or bringing a dagger to assassinate a man instead of a gun like Bogrum pointed out. "Even from the start, I had to be saved from the Pockets." Her Ballast crew would have left someone of her rank at the time for dead. Someone who couldn't save themselves wasn't worth saving. "And up to now, I..." She huffed, gritting her teeth as if in pain. "I made a mistake, while fightin' Ghauz. Now Bogrum's havin' yet another stay in the Medbay." With awful burns he had to pretend didn't hurt, and potentially damaged nerves. Fergie got off easy in comparison.

She was starting to get escalated. Realizing how she might sound, she cleared her throat and said, "'Pologies, sir. Ain't intendin' to argue. If all ye want is a reason to keep trustin' me, then I'll respect that." Logic dictated that despite all of these mistakes, Sebas not only still wanted her as a raid captain, he didn't seem to even care about all the things she's done. Why else was she still maintaining this rank? Why else would he put his trust in her? It had been a small thing, barely something she could react to before the fray of the fight, but Fergie remembered what he said before they breached the lower decks of the Golden Guns ship. Despite being captain, despite being present, Sebas had put her in control of the operation. So it was clear that he valued her work, flawed as it was. But logic couldn't answer the ever-pervading question...

"Don't take this to mean I'm ungrateful. But I just keep wondering: why me?" Her tone was lower to reflect some notion of professionalism, but it didn't come without noticeable strain. "Ash and Avery got seniority." Yeah, one was a bit too enthusiastic about the killing part of raiding, and the other was younger and inexperienced. But that didn't change the fact, one that was mentioned with a scowl, that, "And they don't make constant fuckups like I do. I ain't fixin' to become the next Ghauz," which was setting the bar almost insultingly low, as she couldn't dream of bringing harm to her own crew, "but I've sure been makin' yer lives harder. I'd keep sayin' sorry, but 'sorry' don't mean shit unless I put me coin where me mouth is. I want to do better. Be better. Not be a wasted investment."

She'd been watching her hands to make sure her light trembling was isolated there, so she wouldn't be seen shaking like a leaf in the corner of the mess hall like some scared little animal. "I'm proud to serve this crew. Hell, I've never been prouder to be with any other crew." Adonis shared a disturbing number of similarities with her Commodore back then. The most significant difference was that he wasn't willing to mow down villages of innocent civilians for their loot and labor. It wasn’t anything praiseworthy, but he wasn’t who was on her mind. Now that she thought on it, it was starting to make sense why "pay it forward" hadn't registered to her. The Ballast crew as a whole was built on promises of money and punishment, rather than trust. During all her years working for them, she wound up with only a handful of crewmates she could trust not to try to sabotage her for her position, fewer still who she could trust with her life. The lack of a true foundation, fake loyalty masking greed and fear, was the true source of the Ballasts' undoing.
But the Basenjis? She hadn't seen a tighter bunch in almost two decades. They were superior in every way that really mattered. "And I want to make this crew proud, in return."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
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Sebas Deadeye
Mess Hall

"Drop the formalities," Sebas responded. He wasn't issuing orders here. The sudden shift to formality was actually kind of off-putting in this celebratory environment. "It's because you had my back in the Pockets. The oppressive darkness of the Pockets mixed with the claustrophobia of the place, mixed with the horde of enemies we faced ALONE. Your first mission in a crew you reluctantly joined with someone you just met. So what you made mistakes typical of someone new to a crew?" It was hard to pinpoint why it was she was stressing that hard about mistakes? "It's not like I've taken a bullet for a mistake you've made." Yeah, he lost quite a bit of money, but the loot they got from the Golden Gun raid has refilled his coffers to a decent degree.

A mistake with Ghauz? "You were ordered to take out a rat on short notice with incomplete information," Sebas told her, brushing it off. "There is a cycle of mistake, punishment, redemption. No one has been punished for their mistakes more than you for your own." Then he thought about how Fergie came out of this. Her guilt at Bogrum coming out of this worse seemed a bit misplaced. "Bogrum took the lead. Bogrum made mistakes which is why he's in the Med Bay. YOU were his partner. You made mistakes, which is why your prosthetic was broken and why you're using that clunky one." In other words, Bogrum came out with an immediate punishment while Fergie has a lingering punishment. "Every hit you take in battle is IMMEDIATE punishment for your mistake," Sebas didn't know the play-by-play, only the results. "Unless you did something and he took that hit in your stead, Bogrum is to blame for Bogrum getting hit. Fergie is to blame for Fergie getting hit." Sebas tended to let punishments dole themselves out. Why come down on Fergie for pissing off Evangeline when the Ord of Misfortune did it for him? Why basically add on to the effects of the punishment already doled out?

"Adonis sees something in both of you. Regardless of what HE sees, I see leaders. Better leaders than Ash and Avery. The only thing Ash wants to lead is the charge." Anyone who would charge straight into gunfire cannot be put in a high leadership position. She needed to be on the frontlines where she wanted to be. "Avery doesn't want to lead anything. Together with Bogrum, you two have no weaknesses besides inexperience." Everything Fergie lacked Bogrum had, and vice versa. "You're doing a good job. I'll tell you if you're not. Crew respects you, except the resident punching bag. Just stop sweating the minor shit about some perceived debt. The ballasts are dead. We are not. How they ran themselves definitely factored into their downfall."
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian


"You've already been given that information. If you're gonna be a weakling, don't be an idiot too." Damond spat into her head telepathically. Damond was the one speaking. Fatimah was the person who initially contacted her. Dead Man's Isle is where she was currently located. The Black Sea Basenjis were the pirate crew she was currently dealing with
"I apologize for Damond's rudeness," Fatimah said, forcing Damond away. "It's not personal. He's like that with everyone he considers weak.......if he doesn't outright ignore them."

The words did indeed resonate with the trio as Damond said, as their hostility ceased immediately. "So she's either one of us, or Captain Adonis has interest in her. No way Damond and Fatimah would do this otherwise," One of the men said, to which the woman agreed.
"Damond. Fatimah," The woman called out, all of a sudden incredibly formal. "Demestral (Dah-Meh-strahl) reporting. We will find that purple chest as Captain requested. You may leave her to us. Can you please report to Captain Sebas that 3 Wyvern Riders and 2 Wyverns are due to return to the Canine?"

"Very well." The man said telepathically, not that they could hear it. But Melody could. "Listen to them and you will leave this island soon enough to join our crew. Refuse and you can rot on this island."

With that, the connection cut off and the telepathy stopped.

Demestral Asella
Dead Man's Isle

Demestral Asella


Name: Demestral Asella
Nickname: Demi; Sella
Age: 250
Race/Species: Pixie
Class: Cavalier

Demestral is a mischievous prankster of a woman, and the leader of the Wyvern Riders in the Black Sea Basenjis. While she can definitely fight with a spear and can do well at long range, she prefers to support her beast and other beasts with her superior animal support magic. She is MUCH stronger from the back of her beast than on foot, but her technique with a spear is never to be underestimated.

Her pixie wings are butterfly wings, which allows her to fly at higher altitudes than most. Despite this, Demestral tends to keep her wings folded (aka unsummoned)

"I'm Demestral Asella of the Black Sea Basenjis. We're all on Dead Man's Isle, which beats death." Demi explained. "We were shot out of the sky during a raid on the Golden Guns. We won that fight btw." she said, a wide grin across her face. It was like getting shot out of the sky was completely worth it. It kind of was to her. Since she was a pixie, she had no chance at dying from that fall. She had wings. She just helped her 2 allies do the same. "We would fly out of here, but one of our wyverns are injured and I lack the magic to heal him up while on this island, so we're nursing his injury until we can leave. Beast or not, we leave no Basenji behind." Plus, you can be stripped of your bond if you do so, Demi thought. The bond between beast and tamer was one thing, but the bond between Wyverns and Riders are the different. As distant cousins to dragons, it's considered Divine Favor to bond with a Wyvern, just like with Dragons. To abandon your Wyvern is to be stripped of not only your ability to bond with wyverns, but you get stripped of the ability to bond with ANY beast, summoned or not. Even a normal dog you've domesticated since birth will lose its loyalty to a Wyvern or Dragon deserter.

Now for the business at hand. "At the beginning of the RP, Captain Adonis came to this island looking for a purple chest. Since we're here, I guess he's tasked us with finding that chest so we can return to the ship. He's willing to teleport us back if we get this done." That's the only logical explanation to Demi, at least

"So recruit, are you with us or not? Give us your name so we can get moving quickly." I need a shower and my hair needs a blessing, Demi thought.
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Melody Treasure

“I am Melody. But you can call me Treasure.“ She said as she let out a small sigh and looked around the area.
She noted the injured animal part of the sentence, “could I see the animal…or Wyvern as you call them. I could help them, I know my way with poultices and working with plants around me.” She said as she picked up a palm leaf and she tied it to her sword. It made a shady spot and she held it above the female in front of her. She smiled softly and did a small bow.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
It seemed that for every personal failing she listed, Sebas had an excuse for her to ease her own mind with. Or... maybe they weren't excuses. Maybe he was just being sane and reasonable, and Fergie was blowing everything out of proportion. He didn't care. Ash, Avery, and the others didn't care. Even Bogrum, who had pointed out things that hurt to hear, seemed to think she was doing a good job despite those things. The only person who was beating her over the head for every mistake was herself, and when she realized that, thinking back on the things that haunted her started to feel less oppressive.

Fergie and Sebas had been severely outmatched during the diving mission. Originally, she was even bitching about how stupid Adonis was for sending them alone down there. But they still made it out alive, and with survivors, and with a chest in tow. If she hadn't made that little mistake that got her put in the Pockets, what remained of that crew would still be wasting away. Bogrum would be... gods, she was so glad that idiot was okay.
As for Ghauz, it was ridiculously short notice. They were only told he had Holy Magic, not the extent of his spellcasting. And yet, despite the hiccups that got them punished, as Sebas put it, they succeeded and put down his ass. Fergie and Bogrum's predicaments weren't permanent (give or take on potential nerve damage). Though it was a pain now, it will become a distant pain in time.

And why they succeeded? She and Bogrum did make a damn good team. Fergie felt a bit dumb that it took Sebas drilling it into her head for her to finally realize it, but they really were the best fit for that role. Maybe Adonis wasn't so stupid after all, putting them together on the Canine. If they weren't preforming well, then they wouldn't get any respect from the crew. They responded to them during raids. And they immediately pulled themselves off their asses and out of their own filth the moment she ordered them to that day after the Golden Guns raid. Duradel didn't count, because he had respect for no one other than himself.

Fergie looked up at Sebas with a little more clarity. How many times was she going to have to be told "good job" before it finally sunk in? "Thanks, Seb. Sometimes I get blind to the good stuff." However many it took, she supposed.
Still, there was this nagging in the back of her head. A feeling that every misstep was a reflection of her personhood, and a mark against her worth. That her "punishment" would be more than the consequences of her actions in due time. Sebas didn't seem to think so. He was satisfied. But she was not. So... what did she need right now?
"I'm gonna step out," she said, pulling herself up from the table. The scent of booze in her nose and chattering crowd in her ears weren't helping her nausea. "Just need to gather me thoughts. If I come back and don't see you two, um... goodnight, I guess?"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
(2 Day Time Skip Imminent)

Sebas Deadeye
Mess Hall

"We're about to turn in after Ora's done eating her THIRD FISH," he said, glaring at the girl
Ora turned her head with a hmph! "You said you'd treat me," Ora said adamantly, "This is the fish I wanted.......am I eating too much?"
"Nah, I'm joking. Eat as much as you want," Sebas responded immediately, which got him a growl of frustration from the girl. He would never cease to tease Orabelle, whose reactions he always found endearing. Like angering a teddy bear or something

"There's always room for improvement, Fergie. ALWAYS," he told her. Not for a second did he believe Fergie to be without fault. In fact, her biggest fault (her tongue) was bound to get her killed one day, but by and large even that was a lesson no one but Fergie herself was paying for. She shit-talked Evangeline and learned a life-threatening lesson about talking down to someone who could kill you. "The biggest reason I don't worry about your leadership skills is because you've finally been humbled. You have the self-reflection enough to swallow your pride and sit your ass in front of me to talk about the weight of your past mistakes. Day 1 Fergie would never."

"So with that, I've preached enough,"
he said, finishing off the rest of his water. Not like it mattered because Orabelle wasn't done with her fish yet. "Unless something comes up, I'll see you in my office once Bogrum gets the green from Doc."


"Goodnight, Fergie. Sleep well," Orabelle said with a smile, though fish blood was splayed across that otherwise pleasant smile.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian


Demestral Asella
Dead Man's Isle

Melody made a parasol out of a big palm leaf and her own weapon and held it out to her, which Demi took.
"What a weird girl," one of them men commented, which echoed Demi's own sentiment. I guess I should take this as a bit of an olive branch of sorts, the woman thought. To give someone your weapon is a universal sign of non-hostility
With that......... "Cross, shut it," Demi reprimanded him sharply, "Someone displays a gesture of kindness, the least you can do is accept it graciously." It was well made for a make-shift.

But then Melody asked to see the wyverns because she could potentially help. As much as Demi appreciated the additional good will, she shook her head in disapproval. "I can let you see the good boys, but there's no use in your trying to heal them," she explained, before jutting out her wings. The wings were dragonfly-style wings. The base of the wings matched Demi's natural deep ginger hair color while gradienting into a beautiful silvery crystalline baby-blue by the time it reached the tips. "I'm a pixie. I know what every plant on this island does. We've tried every poultice we can make. The issue the Wyvern is facing is holes in her wings from gunshots." Wings are generally webbed and too many holes prevented the beast from lifting off/maintaining flight. While Demi's Wyvern is fine, the other one isn't. The Basenji Wyvern Riders tended to fortify the underbelly and the wings of their wyverns (the 2 weakpoints) with defensive magic, but there's only so much of that they can take before the barrier breaks and the wings exposed. "I can't fly us out of here as that would mean a rider abandoning their beast, a taboo." Wyverns were cousins to Dragons. To bond with a Wyvern/Dragon as a rider or tamer was considered a Divine Favor. To abandon that bonded beast would not only strip the rider of the bond to the beast, but it would completely prevent the offender from ever bonding with another beast, summoned or not. Even a normal dog domesticated from birth will lose its loyalty to the offender. "The only way to heal holes in the wings is magic or magic-enchanted treatments, but this island dampens magic........So the wyvern is healing at about 10% the normal rate. The fastest way to get her healed is to find this chest and get off this island."

Demi nodded to the woman and to the guys beside her. "So let's get moving. I miss the crew."
Emira Blight Emira Blight
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Melody Treasure

She had followed them with light panting breaths
Her breath running out as she was fast paced behind them
she used her whip to have it wrap around a few branches and she swung on it she let out a loud laugh
she had done this several more times, her dress blown against her body

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
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As with Lostro, Fergie put a restraint on her reactions as to not offend Orabelle. The girl's priceless noise of contempt made her snort, though a bark of laughter wanted out. Their little spats struck her as cute. One could forget the grim origins of Sebas's pact, and see the two for their father-daughter bond alone. It might as well had been a regular case of adoption.

Sebas was given a sharp nod of agreement. "Aye." Striving for perfection was like trying to sail into the wind. You could skirt around windward, but reaching for the absolute point in a straight shot was impossible. One should always try to excel at all they did, but expecting herself to manage anything without a mistake here and there was ridiculous, especially when she considered how far she came.
He was absolutely right when he said Day 1 Fergie wouldn't have pulled her head out of her ass long enough to see things without her bullshit lens. Day 1 Fergie was ready to throw hands with Adonis simply for assessing she shouldn't be on the front lines due to her disability. Ironic that now, she most likely couldn't. Unless she managed to pull an Ash and shatter someone's skull with it, this clunky prosthetic was going to be a hindrance in battle. She might be delegated to coordinating from behind, or at least alongside Bogrum so he could pick up her slack if needed.
It was tempting to feel guilty about that too, but she managed to curb it this time. She actually felt kind of good now, which she knew to be a fickle feeling, given that her mood swiftly soured even more after the fight with Ghauz despite Bogrum's peptalk. If for anyone, she wanted to be happy for his sake. While Fergie had access to the crew for support, the poor guy was alone in the Medbay. She doubted Dr. Laylah had the time to play therapist for him, scrambling to get everyone healed up and ready for the upcoming mission. Maybe he was just tired, but something in her gut told her not to leave him alone for too long.

"I'll keep an' eye on him," she replied. "Make sure 'is brain don't implode from boredom." Laylah's God knew hers had, waiting in the bay while lucid for almost a week.
With that, she left the Mess Hall, stifling yet another laugh at that adorably horrifying grin Orabelle graced her with. It reminded her of a time where Fergie herself had been only a few years older than the girl, when she tried to train herself to eat raw fish. She had quickly learned that it wasn't the way of landfolk when she began puking her entrails out into the sea for a whole week. Ah, to be younger and dumber.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
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Lostrogret Whitcoat

"Lostro, you and I will be guarding the ship. You will be allowed to free roam."
Lostro scoffed, an indication that Mozza was at the console. "I guess I gotta take my wins as I can."
Sebas's eyes flashed with anger. "Shush. I was talking to Lostrogret. Not you."
Mozza didn't back down. "You are in no place to command me, human."
"Except I am," Sebas fired back. "Fuck around and find out, Mozreliun."
The screams from Lostro echoed from the Navigation Room.

Ashlynn Thormdottir

Nothing much changed for Ash. Sebas told her to watch over Fergie and ensure that Fergie wasn't losing her head in any sort. As Sebas explained her role in the ruins, she grinned. "So you're choosing her over me?"
"Aye," Sebas responded without hesitation, "Your ability is fit for charging, not leading in general."
"Eh..........I guess I gotta agree," she responded, "So long as you trust in me and Mama Bear."
"Always. No woman is greater a warrior than you"
"For a woman?" She responded with a smirk, "You want to take on me and Mama Bear?"
"I guarantee you that you and Mama Bear can't beat me and Orabelle." Sebas responded with a grin
Ash laughed. "I will put that to the test," she said, a fire alight in her eyes
"Try me."

Avery Valencia

Next was Avery, the twink who wanted to be with him. "Oohh with no one else in here, it makes me feel vulnerable," Avery said.
"Try a demon to make me bisexual, Avery," he responded without missing a beat. This purging of his heart was irrelevant to the business at hand "Adonis wants you to lead the Canine charge in the ruins."
Avery tilted his head in confusion, his ears flopping. "Why would I do that?"
"Adonis wants you in the lead," Sebas responded. "You will be with Fergie."
"She's overly aggressive."
"Which is why you're with her."
Avery knew this would be a pain. "I will do what I can. And I will try Baroness to make you bi."
"Baroness was slain for being a rat. Good luck, though."

Elaina D'Umbra

The resident ship nerd was next to appear before him. "Elaina, as usual, you will be with me as the scout."
The woman bowed. "Of course. What will your role be?"
"Adonis wants all hands. I'm guarding the ships with Lostro."
"Easy role," she responded. "Where will Ora be?"
"With me of course. Her Divine Favor makes her immune to Lostro's stone glare."
"But isn't she scared of Lostro?"
Sebas scoffed. "Who isn't scared of Lostro?"

Demestral Asella

Demestral appeared in front of him. "I'm glad you're back, Demi."
"Glad to be back, captain." she responded with a rigid military-esque bow. "Foul's Wyvern is dead."
"Tragic. The riders will conduct a vigil, and Foul will bond with a new beast on his own time." Sebas wouldn't pretend to know about that kind of loss. His closest comparison was Ora or Lostro. "Yours and Cross's Wyvern are being treated."
"Thank you, Captain. How is Cherylanth?"
"Bogrum interrogated her and apparently she believes the riders have a disconnect."
"I did my best to befriend Cherylanth," Demi explained, "We don't have to bond, but my bond with my wyvern is absolute. Cherylanth has no place telling me otherwise." Saying she was disconnected from her beast was akin to calling her a bad mother.
"No worries. I don't doubt your loyalty, Demi," Sebas said. "What about the new recruit?"
"A weird gal. My apologies for not being able to explain with more clarity."
"I guess I'll watch her then. That's what happens when you bring in a new player."

Dr. Laylah the Guardian

"Sebas?" As usual, Laylah's voice was a sing-songy cheery one
"Adonis wants all hands. Since there are untreated patients, you will maintain your role. You will be with me, Lostro, and Ora at staying at the ships."
The sound of the name Lostro made Laylah turn serious. "So long as Mozreliun stays away from my Medical Bay."
"Lostrogret is my responsibility."
"It shouldn't be," Laylah said sorrowfully. "I'm sorry a human has to take on such a role."
"I appreciate your concern, Doc. Seriously, I do."
"Lean on me as you need, Sebas. I offer mental help along with the physical."

The next 2 days were actually easy. As the ship sailed the skies, most of the effort was put into either revealing the ruin or prep for the ruin. As the Basenjis sailed above the clouds, Bogrum came out with minor nerve damage, green to continue raids. Adonis announced to the crew that they would be revealing the ruin and the Basenji fleet soon came to a stop about a day into this time skip. Sebas's next 2 days were a whirlwind of administrative stuff, mostly ensuring that the crew was ready to fight. Most of the crew in the Canine were treated and released with a green light

An announcement was made to the ship: Adonis was about to make his appearance on The Canine. Sebas wanted the crew ready to go

As instructed, Fergie and Bogrum were to appear before Sebas as soon as Bogrum got the greenlight from Doc. Melody was sent from the main ship to The Canine. She was also to appear before Sebas
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian Emira Blight Emira Blight
The following two days kept Fergie busy. Mainly, keeping the rowdy crew in check while hype for the next grand raid riled everyone up. While she promised them plenty of pillaging and looting, just enough to keep a lid on their growing excitement, Ash was there with her as an additional presence. A noticeably more frequent presence... was she keeping an eye on her? Maybe Fergie was reading too much into it, but it seemed like the warrior woman was making more of a point to stick to her side. The why eluded her, but she wasn't complaining. Their similar energies fed into each other like fire meeting fire. The Golden Guns raid showed that their combined force was one to contend with. Maybe this was a sign they'd be working together for the upcoming mission?
Speculations aside, Fergie had some of her own personal tasks to attend to. Ash was considerably easier to shoo away, which bode well when she paid Kersact and his thieves a visit. Since they knew the city of Andouphe as well as they knew the coffers of every rich folk residing there, it was safe to bet that they might recognize the not-Ballast insignia if it indeed had a base of operations in the city. She doubted they would give info so readily without sweetening the pot (and to a crewmate who had made such a fool of herself in front of them, at that). A bribe or favor within reason was what she was willing to offer if they asked, but an exuberant fee she would pass on.
(Letting GM decide what Fergie learns from Kersact)

As for Bogrum, he had the misfortune of watching the ceiling day in and day out, much like Fergie before. Alone with his thoughts, save for the times she graced him with a visit, he was left to ruminate on things that refused to leave his weary mind. A dark cloud seemed to hang over him when Fergie came to visit the night of the second day...

"Knock knock."
Bogrum's head didn't move from the pillow, only his eyes meeting where Fergie appeared into his cubicle. "Who's there?"
"Uh, me?" ... Oh, she got it now. "Seedy."
"...Seedy who?"
"See deez nuts."
She was granted a very pained sigh. "Good lords..."
"Damn." Fergie leaned against the wall, leg crossing against her heavy prosthetic. "Can't even laugh at me bad jokes? Something's eatin' you."
"No. It was just plain bad. Not even ironically funny."
"Pile on the barbs, why don't ye?" Her arms folded, a mock display of offense given that grin on her face. "Said I like crackin' jokes. Never said I was good at 'em."
"That aside," Bogrum murmured, "you're right. I'm not doing well."
Her grin immediately dropped. "Did ye get a diagnosis?"
"Oh. Yeah. Just some minor nerve damage, Doc said." It wasn't so bad. Better to feel less in an occupation where you constantly got cleaved into. "That's not what's on my mind though."
"'Ight." Fergie beckoned with a hand. "Out with it."
"I owe you an apology."

That... wasn't what she was expecting, but okay. "Eh? For what?"
Now Bogrum turned to look at her. He looked like he hadn't gotten an hour of rest, even though Dr. Laylah confirmed he'd been sleeping well. "I don't think it was fair of me to pin blame on you for what happened with Ghauznud."
"You said it was both of our faults," she argued, confused by what he was getting at.
"I think it was a little absurd of me to expect you to shoot while I was behind him. That's a valid reason to reach for your sword." Friendly fire could have been an easy outcome. And all it took was one bullet to kill.
"Eh, well. You were right to point it out." Fergie glanced at her pistol holster. "I do got an issue with that sort of thing. Dunno what it's all about, but... aye, it's there."
"Right. But..." He looked up at the ceiling with a distant gaze. "I think I was trying too hard to figure out where things went wrong. Make sense of it all. When really, a lot of this stuff is just senseless. We could do everything right, make all of the right moves." His brows furrowed. "And still wind up dead. Or worse."
"Dead, and soul stolen?" she guessed.
"Someone else dead."
"Ain't that the point?"
"An ALLY dead," he said, frustration making his tone terse. Goodness, she could be dense at times. Not stupid, just a bit one-track minded. A bulldog was smart, but often focused on one thing.

"Ah. Aye," she simply agreed, apparently unaffected by his tone shift. "Leadership's tough shit." A pause on her part. "I still think about 'em. The folks we lost last raid."
Bogrum's face looked very strained. "I saw them," he said quietly. "During Stasis. I saw their souls wandering the halls."
Fergie looked at him, startled. "Goddamn. Did they say anything?"
"I... can't remember at this moment." The memories came to him in small pieces. Originally he only remembered faces he couldn't recognize, which is what he told Sebas during the Lostro interrogation. But soon enough, the faces of his charge during the Golden Guns raid came to mind. He had to wonder if he'd been repressing the sight of them. "I almost don't want to."
"Scared they were angry?"
"No. They have every right to be," he said, raising a hand to brush his forehead. "It wasn't just sabotage that killed our crew. I made a mistake while raiding their scout ship. I tried rushing us through it. It was careless of me." Pain tensed his face. "And half of my group paid for it."
Fergie was at a loss for words. Not that her opinion was changed of him because of this revelation. She just didn't know what could help. It was important to feel guilt when your orders were faulty, but to a reasonable extent. Enough to change your methods and improve them, not... gods, was he beating himself up about this? "If they died 'cause of bad planning, that is on you. But it's a risk we all know we're takin'. I fight under the Basenji flag, knowin' that Adonis could send us to our deaths for his benefit if he wanted. We all know this, yet, we still fight. I mean, hell, what pirate ain't a wee bit suicidal? It's in our nature."
"Please don't say that," Bogrum said in a small voice. "That kind of talk scares me."
"... Bogrum." She looked at him hard. "I ain't literally suicidal." What good would hanging from her own gallows do? The Spirit Seas wouldn't be any better than the mortal coil. Out of one cesspool, and into the next. "I get it. I hate meself when a crewmate takes the hit 'cause of somethin' I did. That's why I'm here sayin' what I'm sayin'."
"That's not what I--" He sighed. "This isn't about me, Fergie. People are gone. As much as I WANT to forget, for my own mind's sake, I can't just move on from this. Their memory deserves to be preserved."
"I ain't sayin' it don't!" she said, a little exasperated.
"I wasn't saying you were. I'm just saying that I can't write everything off as 'they knew the risks'. I don't want to go on pretending that this didn't happen."
"Ye don't have to. But ye don't have to torture yourself, either. If I croaked, I wouldn't want ye mopin' over me death. Just tell me story." Fergie tapped at the large scar on her face that cleft her lips. "Tell 'em how I got this. Earned it dueling the King of Pirates." There was no King of Pirates and she was lying, but that wasn't the point. "Folks like a good story 'bout a damn good pirate. That's what I want to be remembered for. Not for what finally did me in."
"I don't want to be left with just a story!" Bogrum cried in a whisper-yell, emphatic as he could be without waking the other patients. "I just want you. And the others. And everyone we lost. I want everyone alive and well and together. What good is a story when the person it's based on is gone, and you don't get to be with the amazing person who made that story? All of these people I've known, but never really got to know until after they're dead, and have to hear about from people who will just wind up dead too!"
"Bogrum." He was spiraling downwards, and she needed to get a word in edgewise before he snapped under the growing pressure above. "Who're ye talkin' about?"

Not the Basenji crew. It wasn't just their faces he'd seen in his near-death state. The faces of his last crew haunted him too. His crew of three years who were lost to Megalo's whirlpools and bloodlust. Were they their real spirits, or just manifestations his half-dead brain tormented him with? He didn't know what was worse. Being forced to face them, or not being allowed to see them even in death.
... He missed them so badly.

"Uh-- Shit--!" Was he crying?! Good gods, he was crying, those were tears. "I'm sorry! I--" Shit, what did you do when someone was crying? Was it like, bleeding out? No, you were supposed to let tears come out, not stop them. "Um-- Uh--" She frantically searched for... something. A tissue, a cloth, or whatever. All she could find were the sheets on the adjacent, empty bed. That would be kinda awkward, just yanking off a ton of sheets and giving them as a makeshift snot rag. Maybe the pillow was better? Fuck it, she was getting the pillow. "Uh, here." She propped it up on the side of his bed, where it fell over unceremoniously against his shoulder.
By this time, he was already wiping those stray tears away with a thumb. Bogrum had steeled himself before he could descend into a sobbing mess, but that initial despair had gotten the better of him. And for that, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you."
Fergie was a lot less uncomfortable, and a lot more peeved. "Dammit, shut up. I'm gonna worry 'bout you."
Well, he couldn't really argue with that, lest he be a hypocrite. "I've been thinking about my old crew a lot." Gods, it felt so wrong calling them "old". It had only been under a month since he joined this one. "Everything that happened. Half of us dying when the fishfolk took us. Watching the rest of us die off in prison."
"You never had a chance to grieve," she realized.
"Not exactly." A ship underway never slept, after all. And they were almost never not underway. "Coming out of that, only to see more people die here. It's just getting to me."
She looked on in silence. What to say to that? It was the pirate's life. Death permeated the culture. There was no avoiding it. "Then why stay? Why... put yourself through that?" She didn't understand. All his other crew left at Andouphe. Why didn't he join them? "Go join a lawful crew. Ye said ye were a repairman last." He had spoken much of his crew that first week they were together. Then the topic was dropped abruptly for the following one.
"I could. But... it's a twisted irony," he trailed off.
"What is?"
"Well, the bonds your crew has aren't easily replicated. Especially on a calmer ship, with a calmer lifestyle. I was a warrior once, and our bonds were strong like that." He shook his head at the cruelty of it all. "Death brings men together as easily as it rips them apart. So while I enjoy the bonds we share... it hurts all the more when those bonds are severed abruptly."

This was getting a little philosophical for her. Or maybe it just hurt being reminded of such a stabbing truth.
"When your prosthetic snapped, and you fell, I..." It was a very visceral feeling, watching one's comrades nearly fall in battle. Those pivotal moments that dictated whether they lived or died, whether he would see them again the next morning or only look at the empty chair in the dining hall in memory. Bogrum didn't doubt that if he hadn't thrown his axe in time, he'd be sitting next to another empty chair come morning. "... I was so scared I'd never see you again."
He realized now that he had started staring at his hands in his deep thoughts. When he looked back over, Fergie's eyes had a shine that she couldn't blink out. "Bogrum..."
"... Sometimes I wonder if I'm really cut out for this sort of life," he said with a humorless chuckle. "I'm surrounded by incredible people, who do these amazing feats every day." The smile on his face as he thought on it withered away. "But when those feats fall short, and we lose one of those people..." It was a pain that he couldn't even describe. It burned him to his soul every time. Some grew numb with the frequency of death, but Bogrum never knew that mercy.
"I'm scared too," she blurted. "I mean-- I was scared. I mean-- Dammit!" The hat kept her face well out of sight at this angle, but the crack in her voice was telling enough. "Shit. I... I haven't gotten decent sleep since ye went under the ice." She was shaking her head, presumably at herself given her following words. "We've barely known each other longer than two weeks-- hell, not even, this one don't count. But if I let somethin' happen to you, I'd never forgive meself."
Feeling a little awed at the confession, Bogrum could only nod and say, "Likewise."
"... That's why I was so upset earlier," she said, a finality to her words implying she just reached the conclusion herself. "You had to save me ass, after I put yours in danger."
"Does it matter who saves who's ass, and why? I'm just glad we're okay. The more time we wonder about what-if's and what-should-have-been's, the less time we have just... enjoying being alive." There was a deep sadness in his eyes when he looked away, something Fergie had only seen glimpses of before it was pushed back under that jovial facade of his. "We're always a hair's breadth from dying. And then we're sent out to almost die again before we can recover. And I wouldn't even mind that, if only we had a chance to actually LIVE the lives we put on the line every day."

She could only look at him. Damn, it was depressing, seeing this big-ass orc man slumped over in defeat like this. His pain was palpable. Why was he trusting her with such vulnerability? ... Fuck me. I am soft.
Eyes glancing away from whatever dark recesses he'd been staring off into, he gave her a questioning look.
"After this ruin raid shit, drinks 'r on me." She smiled. "Let's actually get to know each other."

It was the morning of the raid, and tensions were high. Only, it was the good sort of tension. The crew was amped up and ready for the heist, a good feeling that was contagious throughout the whole ship.
Fergie entered the Medbay with a bounce in her step, despite that clunky prosthetic she was lugging around. "Knock knock."
Bogrum, seated and pulling his shoes on, whipped his head to give her a glare. "If this is another 'deez nuts' joke, I will kill you and make it look like an accident."
"Someone's in a better mood," she noted. "Doc give ye the green?"
"Aye. Get me out of here, please."
"Gladly." She pointed a thumb behind her. "Seb's waitin' for us. Let's get things ready 'fore Adonis sees the mess here."

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Melody Treasure

She had looked At Sebas looking him up and down, she couldn’t hear anything he was saying but nevertheless she just looked at him, soon looking away to start drawing on a piece of paper she had been given with a charcoal pen.
she was drawing stick figures, of her and Demestral and The group she had brought along.
she had drawn the parasol she had made out of her sword and a leaf. Her hair was down past her shoulders with her eyes focused on the paper. She grazed her skin against the paper as she finished. She was quite pretty but she was a handful. She acted like a 5 year-old sometimes, she didn’t know what the hell was going on and she absolutely didn’t care, she had taken her jacket off along with her belt, so now she was just in a dress.
She headed for Sebas and she stood before him, her hair tied up with ribbon along with her belt and whip on her person, she looked at him with her gaze still looking him up and down and then around the room, she put her right hand on the whip on her side, she positioned her self for if she was attacked. She felt her feet shift in anticipation and she turned to see two others enter the room, she let out an internal groan before she bared her teeth at Sebas, if she was attacked, she would go down with a fight.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
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A Visit with Kersact

Fergie's visit paid off. For only a few gold, what she learned from the old master thief was that there was indeed a store in Andouphe, though that didn't seem like a HQ. "They keep it under wraps," Kersact told her. "An aristocrat used to be Ballast. Can't go full public yet because of the reputation. Too many enemies, see? Rumor has it that creator is a woman with a small team. Big on disguises. Mastermind behind the business though is a woman named Aegis who runs the shop in Andouphe. Fake name. Real name is Saige." Aegis was an anagram for Saige. Saige was definitely a Ballast name, a cannoneer leader for the Ballasts, and someone close to Cassandra. Saige was known for her magic to summon cannons, a distinctive magic that made her versatile in battle. Someone who could put holes in ships from anywhere was a valuable asset. "We thiefed her before. Deep pockets. Glad women wear clothes with pockets."

If the team were using disguises, who knew if Cass were part of it? Still, the craftwork of the gun was unmistakable


Name: Saige
Age: 33
Occupation: Former Ballast Cannoneer; Former Ballast Mechanic; Former Ballast Demolitionist; Current merchant in Andouphe

Saige is a hardcore chick who uses a cannon. No skill with a blade, but powerful with heavy armaments. Cannons, explosives, grenade launchers, grenades, etc. Saige's only magic is magic to summon heavy armaments or enhance them. As an ace in the hole for the late Bronze Ballasts, her strategic placement is decisive in terms of success or failure in a raid. Saige has a history in richer circles, as she grew up in an aristocratic family, though she chose to discard her family name. For this reason, Saige's last name is unknown. The woman is known to be a tough love kind of gal, caring about her crew's lives moreso than the delivery of her words

Saige currently resides in Andouphe under the anagram name Aegis. She runs a weapons shop called Tritons Tridents with a team that seems to constantly change their appearance. Either they have some shape-shifting abilities or they are big on disguises. The shop keeps itself lowbrow. We believe it's due to the rep of the Bronze Ballasts
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

Melody's Appearance Before the Canine Captain

"Melody Treasure." The man audibly sighed when she bared her teeth. This was about to be a pain the ass. "What a weird girl," he commented. "Relax. I don't know what your problem is, but I will absolutely kill you if you try to fight me." Melody had zero chance against someone like Sebas, especially with this child by his side
Ora tugged at his shirt. "Is it common for humans to bare their teeth at other humans?"
"It is not, Ora. This woman was just raised by wolves or something. Drown her the moment she moves with aggression." A water bubble over the face would put a quick end to a human life. Sebas wasn't fucking around. Adonis wanted him to commandeer this person, and he didn't feel like it, let alone doing it for the ruins raid. Maybe if he had more time to get to know Melody or that she didn't bare her teeth at him, he wouldn't be so ready to put a bullet in her head.

Sebas looked her up and down. "My name is Schebaks Dedzeiy, or Sebas Deadeye. This adorable Triton child is Orabelle Alahala. I am the captain of this vessel, a subordinate of Captain Adonis, who you already met." Geez. To be going on in this formal manner. "You will be going to the ruins, working under Fergie and Avery. You will listen to the orders of Fergie and Avery, or they are qualified to kick your ass if not outright kill you." Melody only need to go to the armory and ask Duradel if she doubted his words. The tiefling was down to the trenches for his insubordination. "Do not test the waters," Sebas warned, "We just killed a few traitors among the crew, so my trigger finger is itchy. You literally bared your teeth at me, so consider this your negative first impression." His gaze began to bore a hole in Melody's soul. "You show aggression towards me again, and I WILL put a bullet in your face." Melody started this path of terrible impressions. Sebas was playing the cards he had just been dealt.
"I won't forgive you if you try to hurt Sebas," Orabelle said

(Consider this a warning shot. Sebas does NOT have a favorable impression on Melody due to this interaction.)
Emira Blight Emira Blight

Fergie and Bogrum's Appearance Before the Captain.

"Fergie. Bogrum. Laylah gave me the report. Nothing too bad, so I'm glad for that." Sebas started off. "This is the 8th meeting today and I'm so done with this shit." These meetings were easily the worst part of being a captain. Sebas decided to meet with them at the same time since they were controlled by the same player. "Bogrum, you will be in the rear, part of the rear crew. There is anticipated to be splitting paths. That's where you will take command. Otherwise, you will be in the reinforcements." It showed to Sebas that as crazy as Adonis was, he was watching and wanted to emphasize their strength. "Adonis wants Avery to lead this. I was told to choose someone to work with him, and that person is Fergie." This went back to what Sebas told her about Avery being overly cautious.........Or I planned to say that Avery was very cautious in leading which is why he wasn't fit to lead, but I had to spend 45 minutes rewriting that post. "I will be guarding the ships with Lostro." Lostro made things easier by her presence being so incredibly strong. It allowed pretty much the entire crew to go off and do this mission since she alone was capable of guarding the ships. However, as the crew's resident Lostro Handler, Sebas had to be with her
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
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A New Lead

Saige, huh? One of the Ballasts' best cannoneers of their time. Fergie remembered her as one of the good ones. She and her had butted heads for a while initially, on Fergie's part due to mistrust regarding the woman's prior aristocrat status. But Cassandra had served as a mediator between the two, clearing Fergie's head of her concerns and bridging the gap between them. Once she understood that her loyalty laid with the crew in ensuring their protection, Fergie developed a lot of respect for her.
But past cooperation didn't mean that Saige would take well to her these days. Fergie was on the other side of the Ballasts during the schism, after all. Cass had aided Fergie's personal well-being in secret for a time after, but was Cass's relationship with Saige solid enough to make her privy to that dangerous knowledge? Assuming the two were even involved with each other anymore, though those rifles looked identical to the dwarf's craftsmanship. So far, it looked like Fergie could either be tentatively welcomed into Saige's space, or shot dead upon recognition.
More information was needed before she barged her way into this weapons shop. Fergie would be preoccupied with her raid captain duties for now, but she had a definite lead to plan for.

Mission Briefing

Sebas didn't need to say he was done with this administrative shit for them to tell. Here Fergie thought Bogrum looked tired; the orc didn't look much better from last night at a glance, but he didn't have that dark mood surrounding him anymore.
"I will lead them well, sir," he said. Then in a lower tone, "Surprised Adonis didn't have me guard the Medbay, since I'll just send myself back there." Just his signature moodiness.
Fergie smacked his arm. "Now who's bein' an arse?"
"You can have fun, but I can't?"

Joking aside, Fergie's given assignment made her react with genuine displeasure. "Avery?" she questioned. "Thought he didn't want to be a leader."
"Adonis doesn't exactly give us the choice."
"Can't he pick someone..." She needed to be careful with her words. This was Sebas's self-described best friend. "Someone with a wee bit more experience?"
"Everyone has to start somewhere," Bogrum said with a shrug. "Captain must think he's ready."
"Eh, fair." There was more to it than that, though. Avery was more cautious in his approach than Bogrum, who annoyed her at times with his reluctance even though it was usually for the better. Plus, she was pretty sure the lad wasn't a fan of her. Avoidant of her when she and Sebas were in the same room, simply absent when it was just her. Was it fear? Or did Elaina talk some shit about her to him that soured his outlook on her? She supposed he'd make of her as he willed, but it didn't bode well if they had to work closely as a unit.
"For his first time, I think he's in good hands," Bogrum told her.
"Thanks, Bogrum." There was no point in arguing against a direct order. "We'll make it work, Seb. If you trust Avery, so do I." Who knows, maybe they'd end up working well together. Or they wouldn't agree on anything, and the whole mission would crash and burn...

While Fergie was silently catastrophizing, Bogrum asked, "You mentioned a few targets of interest before. Some artifacts and notable opponents. Could we get a recap on that?"
"Eh, let's ask Elaina 'bout all that shit. Give Sebas a break."
"Ah, right. My apologies." He didn't feel like he was thinking right, overlooking something like that. Fergie's talk with him last night had helped, but would it be enough for this mission?

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Melody Treasure

She stood in a regular stance, doing a small bow, her aggression soon dissipated. She looked at Orabelle and offered a small sweet she had made from coconuts earlier, she moved her right hand off her whip and she said a small apology “many apologies captain. I had my fear ahead of my senses.” She looked at the two in front of her, she smiled softly at Orabelle and she handed her whip to her, wanting to not scare the girl. She had looked at Sebas and she looked apologetic as well.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
(Grand Post Incoming)

Sebas Deadeye
Sebas's Office

Sebas wasn't so thin-skinned that he was gonna get offended by Fergie's valid concern. "I share your sentiment, Fergie. Avery isn't a leader. The dude got bullied, his cut of the loot robbed, to the point where he had to resort to whoring himself out for food," Sebas responded. "I put a stop to it, but of course he'd be apprehensive about leading the same people who put him through hell." Avery's CS keeps changing because nothing was ever set in stone for him since he didn't exactly get time to shine. Now is his time to shine, so I can finally stop feeling apprehensive about not utilizing Avery. "That is why Avery tends to be cautious. Even though those asshats can't beat him up anymore since Avery is a damn good fighter, it's a matter of mental subservience to abusers. Last thing he wants to do is mess up and end up back under someone's boot." It wasn't something Sebas particularly felt good about sharing, but as Fergie's next partner, she needed to have some kind of knowledge about Avery's mindset. Avery was definitely a killer. He just wasn't the leader type. "Adonis is just playing with him as per the usual. THAT'S what gets under my skin."

Questions of the Lost Kingdom

When Bogrum asked him about the ruins, he was tempted to indeed send them away to Elaina. However, Elaina didn't have information on the relics of interest. She had info on some of the notable people, but the relics themselves are up Sebas's alley moreso than Elaina's. Elaina was really only interested in scribing the lost records. "I'll fill you in," Sebas told them. "The ruins in question are part of a long fallen kingdom ran by King Hemhart. No need getting into the lore. That shit IS something you can ask Elaina about." Of course the resident nerd was doing extensive research on that kingdom with the information that was available. "The lost records are some of the most valuable stuff you can get your hands on, as it's literally lost history of the kingdom. We're talking the grand heist of heists. The issue for us is that we're facing about 100 men who have gotten only stronger over the course of the 200 years they've spent sailing the spirit sea." They were primitive in weaponry, but if you thought you were taking them down as easily as you would a normal person, you were mistaken. These aren't your savage pirates. These were trained knights and foot soldiers. Sebas anticipated armored enemies. Paladins, Black Knights probably, Strong Mages, maybe some warbeasts mixed in there.

The King's Blue Sword: Azure

Next came questions about the relics. Sebas would give them the most notable, the ones they really need to keep an eye on. "A relic of interest that Adonis wants is the King's Sword. Hemhart's sword is named after his daughter, Azure. Legend has it that if he draws that blade, shit will get real and get real quick." Sebas couldn't validate those claims, but one thing he never had to do was question the trustworthiness of Adonis's sources. Wherever he was getting his information from, rarely was that shit fake news. "If the sources are correct, good luck. I don't envy you for dealing with that." Apparently, the king wore that blade all the time, but rarely ever used it in battle. The king himself preferred a battle axe. "Hemhart uses a battle axe normally, but watch that sword. He will not draw that sword lightly."

The Tome of the Lost Kingdom: Ancient Spells Galore

"Another Relic of Interest: The Tome of the Lost Kingdom. It's a spell book. The spells inside are 200 years old, so it's gotta be full of shit we've never seen. It was put together before the fall of the kingdom." Sebas gave 0 damns about the spell book, but as long as it was in the enemy's hands, there was reason to be concerned about it, especially since they knew nothing about its contents besides the fact there were spells. "There's a chance that Adonis can find what he's looking for in that book. The secrets to sailing the spirit sea." Adonis had no interest in the spell book if it didn't have the secrets. "This book is held by the Grand Mage. Expect a hard fight for it."
This made the Grand Mage a target of interest.

Divinity Bait: A Dragon Egg

"Last is a dragon egg is reported to be there." Sebas had 2 pets in Ora and Lostro as it was. He wasn't getting involved with divinity, and dragons were divinity. "Doc wants that egg because really only the divine can beat the divine. She wants to sacrifice and then harness the power in that egg to put an end to Mozreliun without killing Lostro herself." Apparently that's possible and it's a hell of a lot less dangerous than allowing Lostro anywhere near the spirit sea. "When Adonis tried to give Ghauz's soul to Mozreliun, Doc kind of snapped." Laylah already told Adonis that she would never forgive him for what he did to Lostro. So to try to give the soul of someone she held dear to that demon would put anyone over the edge. It was one of the biggest spits in the face to a woman who was only ever good to the crew. "She has full intention of taking Mozza down, and Adonis can't stop her or her and Evangeline has the authority to kill him." Looks like Adonis messing with divinity was gonna bite him in the ass again. He had incurred Laylah's Wrath, yet this wrath was never shown to her patients. Bogrum could tell that Doc was acting a bit off or forced during his 2 day stay, but to know it was a simmering rage due to what happened with Ghauz and Lostro kind of put it into perspective. "Doc already told Adonis this, so he knows. If he tries to destroy that egg, Doc and Evangeline has the authority to kill him on the spot."
"The Dragon Egg is guarded by a Beast Tamer. Expect a fight with numbers."

"There will be a ton of loot in there, but that about exhausts what I have been told," Sebas told them. "Be ready for the unknown. There is a lot about this place that we simply have no knowledge of. Besides this knowledge, all we have is speculation."

Pre-Raid Subordinate Meeting 2: Electric Boogaloo

"With that, Fergie I want you and Avery to meet Melody Treasure, a new recruit. A very very weird woman, I will warn you now. She didn't make a good first impression with me, but Adonis wanted to bring her and some others from Dead Man's Isle to refill some of the casualties we suffered." If it were up to Sebas, Melody would've rotted on that island. Teeth-bearing lunatics need not apply to work anywhere near him. "Bogrum, you will meet with Demestral Asella, our beastmaster. She was one of the ones shot down during the Golden Gun Raid and ended up on Dead Man's Isle. She will be your partner for the reinforcements." Of course Sebas wouldn't have Bogrum commanding his part of the raid alone. If Fergie had to be with a new partner, then so did Bogrum. Since she rides a beast, she has the mobility to reach forces faster than foot soldiers. The thing I'll say about her is that as endearing as she can be, she seems more like she's supposed to be with a group of adventurers starry eyed and full of hope, not with the likes of us. I don't know though, she has no qualms about killing and she's held in high regard from all our riders and beasts except Cheryl so I guess that's where my concern ends." Who DID Cherylanth like? She wouldn't be able to get along with her own children if she had them

All 3 of these people (Demestral, Avery, Melody) should be right outside Sebas's office in a waiting room. The only one there not in a position of command for this mission would be Melody, someone Sebas wanted to set straight ASAP. As she was new, all she had time to do was bathe and put on clothes issued to her. Besides that, all she had was what she came from Dead Man's Isle carrying. To Sebas, she was a teeth-baring lunatic, someone he would trust more as Vampire Bait than a member of his crew. Alas, Adonis wanted to keep playing around.
"With Orabelle gone to help Doc, I'm gonna go visit Lostro on the Main Ship and get ready to guard." With Melody trying to give Orabelle her whip, it threw the girl off and made Sebas send her to Laylah
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Melody Treasure

She let out a sigh before she paced a bit, she had changed into a black torn tube crop top and torn brown pants with boots laced up. She felt bad….she had just screwed herself over majorly, she thought to herself seeing if Fatimah was still there ‘hello? Is anyone there?’ She thought to herself hoping for a response. She was scared to be amongst people she didn’t know, except for Demestral. She handed the picture she made of them to Demestral and she tried to lighten the mood
While Fergie and Bogrum are talking to The Canine Captain in his office

Melody's attempt to reach Fatimah paid off, and luckier still, the man Damond was nowhere to be heard anywhere in their telepathic interaction. Such is a reward for thinking outside the box. "Fatimah is indeed here," the mystic's familiar voice came into Melody's head. "What can I do for you, Melody Treasure? Your mind seems a bit troubled."

Demestral Asella
Outside Sebas's Office

Demi took the picture Melody made with confusion. Then she saw the look of general apprehension splayed across the new one's face and sighed. "Melody, you gotta relax a bit," Demi advised her. "Everyone's in high tension for this raid." Demi didn't think Melody knew much about what they were getting into, but Adonis hyped up the crew for this raid. Even she herself couldn't feel that bit of worry behind the hype, that knowledge of uncharted territory and fighting the enemy IN that territory. "You're new, I get it. I was new here too once upon a time, but what helped wasn't this tendency to do things like give people stuff. You gotta make it clear that you intend to prove your worth to the crew, that you can be trusted on the battlefield." Seeing the look on Sebas's and Orabelle's face after Melody left his office made Demi wince. If SHE found her weird, Sebas lacked the will to spare her feelings, especially before this raid. "You gotta read the atmosphere, girl. Like for example, this attire. We're heading into battle. You need protective gear, not going shopping with the girls gear." Perhaps Demi needed to tell Melody a harsh truth. Going in a crop top was as good as going into battle nude with a sword. "You come off as this privileged sheltered girl who has never taken a life, and now is just here for reasons on this uwu journey." The last thing Demi wanted was Melody shell-shocked when the bullets and mortars started flying. If Melody has never been shot at, she chose a hell of a time to end up in the middle of it. "No, this is life or death treasure-hunting. Gore, bullets in heads, people getting impaled and throats slit. People blown to bits by grenades, or set aflame. This isn't for cupcakes, and you seem to come off as a scared cupcake, Mel." Demi, unlike Sebas, had quite a lot of concern for Melody. Maybe this was an act or something, or that Melody was just socially awkward to the core, but Demi was concerned
Emira Blight Emira Blight
Melody Treasure

She held back a sudden urge to cry, quickly shaking away the tears that started forming.
She nodded and she then turned to walk away to the armory. She was going to prove her worth to this team.
She stopped by her room and tore her dress she was washed up in, wrapping the biggest piece of fabric around her stomach and hips. She took the smaller pieces and wrap them around her forearms. She looked at her sword and whip, taking them both, she then took a small picture frame that had a picture of someone. She broke the glass and used the sharpest piece to cut her long hair to a short haircut. She then went to the armory and she had a look of malice and anger. Answering the voice in her head ‘I need you to help me with something, these idiots just made a huge mistake.‘ She thought as she had a grin on her face.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
As Sebas described the treatment Avery had received prior, Fergie couldn't help but wince. Right after she praised the crew and even said she was proud to serve them, she learns they did this to the poor boy? There were always a few bad apples in a bunch of pirates, but still. Apparently some dogs preferred to be scavengers over hunters.
"Then this is... definitely not a good start for him," Bogrum put it bluntly. Leading the entire crew against an army of 100, in their own territory that they barely had an inkling of beyond speculation? Failure was a likely outcome with the wary and inexperienced.
"Ain't no arguing with Adonis," Fergie said, repeating his earlier rhetoric. "Sink or swim. I'll make sure he swims," she promised Sebas. "If anyone gives 'im trouble, I'll leave 'em behind in them ruins." If you were going to be stupid by disrespecting the person keeping you from getting shot down in an instant, your ass was asking for it.

So they had their points of interest: a sword, a spell book, and a dragon's egg. Beyond Sebas's elaboration, it was all pretty self-explanatory. As for the opponents guarding them, they would have to ask Elaina for pointers. That would come later; as Sebas said, they had co-leaders to meet with, and a new recruit to greet.
When the duo stepped out, they were only met with two people. Avery, and who Bogrum presumed to be Demestral, given the air she carried herself and outfit that suggested her as a Rider. By now, Melody had already left towards the armory.

"Good morning, Avery. And you must be Demestral Asella? I don't believe we've been properly acquainted." Bogrum greeted. "Bogrum Mazoga. Raid Captain."
"Fergie Nolastname. Same."
Bogrum sort of wanted to smack her back for that, but continued, "I'm glad to hear you and your Wyvern made it back safely from Dead Man's Isle. You and I will be working together at the rear, from what I understand."

While he was busy with Demi, Fergie addressed her own coordinator. "Hullo, Avery. Guess Adonis's spinnin' the ol' Wheel of Fate, again." They've rarely had a one-on-one like this before, so she was watching closely for his reactions. With an all-too keen gaze. "But we'll make quick work of this ruin, you an' I. The crew 'll be loaded by the time we're finished." Fergie wasn't a money-motivated pirate, breaking a bit of the stereotype there, but even she was almost salivating at the thought of this haul. A huge obstacle with massive rewards waiting on the other side, this was going to be quite the accomplishment.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Fatimah the Mystic
Basenjis Main Ship


"Oh? You need my help?" The moment Melody reached out to her telepathically, Fatimah could experience things through her POV. Demestral gave her a bunch of hard pills and Melody stormed out fighting tears. "You missed the meeting with your superior officers for this raid, Melody Treasure. Hopefully what you need my help with is pretty important. I will remind you that I am one of the leaders of the crew at large. We're all trying to prep for this raid." So I will not be pleased if what you're taking away my attention for is petty, the woman thought without sending that to Melody. "So what do you need help with, and who is it you affectionally refer to as 'these idiots?'"
Emira Blight Emira Blight


Avery Valencia
Outside Sebas's Office

As the raid captains came out and greeted them, Avery knew this was where his avoidance of them had to cease. Avery would've much preferred Bogrum to work with, but he couldn't just doubt the words of Sebas in that Fergie was a good match on the battlefield, able to sharpen out his more mellowed and cautious approach without the tip of the spear known as Ash that would drag him on the frontlines and get him killed in the first charge.

Avery was a thief. The frontlines were not his place generally speaking. He was more a flanker or assassin to take down targets of interest or cut off escape. "Good morning, Bogrum. Fergie." His response was tense and rigid, more feeling a bit awkward than malice. Maybe that came with the territory of like never speaking to the people his best friend associated and worked closely with on a daily basis. He couldn't help but feel guilty about that, but Fergie was intimidating. He quickly left Bogrum to speak with Demestral. Avery wanted to talk to those two in a bit anyways. Add in Fergie and they could all sit down and discuss their game plan. But first. "Indeed," he responded to Fergie's comment about the wheel of fate, "I would like to believe that Captain Adonis didn't choose me for no reason. Still, I thought something like this was above my paygrade." The way he spoke with formality about Adonis spoke to an arm's reach view, or a mind of subservience instead of simple subordination. Fergie and Bogrum used the title only ever when speaking TO Adonis. Sebas didn't give a damn, and almost never referred to him as captain even when speaking to him, and they still understood their role as subordinate, yet not subservient. "Since I would like to believe that he chose me for a reason, I think there's something he wants me to emphasize for this raid." The way he twice used the phrase "like to believe" showed a faith in that sentiment, yet perhaps a wavering confidence in said sentiment given Adonis's tendency to mess with them. Avery had been thinking a lot since he had been told his leadership role. Surely, Adonis wouldn't make him just lead a charge. Otherwise, Ash or Fergie was better

"Still, you have more experience than me. Sebas trusts you to set me straight if I sound stupid, so I trust you to set me straight." he said, full of genuine concern. This spoke to not a trust in Fergie, but a trust in Sebas's VIEW of Fergie and her skill. If he held Sebas in high enough regard, that shouldn't be a problem. However, indirect trust could be easily undermined, and while Avery lacked the experience to undermine Fergie's grand scale planning, it could definitely be a case of FERGIE being able to easily undermine Avery's authority or planning, as he was less likely to resist. Since he lacked the experience to know if he's sounding stupid, he would just shut up and drink the kool-aid someone more experienced laid out a plan, regardless of if the plan was good.

Damn you for having Fergie watch his reactions closely. It took a LOT to write this out and then type up an overly psycho-analyzed profile enough to be informational. This is the stuff I like to see, even if it's a pain to write in the moment.

Demestral Asella
Outside Sebas's Office

"Good morning, Raid Captain Bogrum," Demi said with a grin and a salute, "I'll forgive you for never meeting me despite my role as leader of the Beast Riders....." She shrugged. She didn't really care. ".......but I'm glad to be back and my good boy alive. Dead Man's Isle is a hell of a place. Still full of bones from when Captain Adonis did his crazy blood magic." Referring to when Adonis cast a powerful spell and impaled everyone's foot with blood magic. Then he got everyone that survived and could walk, and got them into the crew, healing them up fully. This was something Fergie highly likely told Bogrum......but no one ever thought about what happened to the remaining people on that island. A lot of them who didn't die from being impaled because they were either lying on the ground or fell on the spikes after they protruded, died from blood-loss and/or infection from not being able to treat their injury, a reality Demi never confronted until she saw the skeleton-filled, bloody shores herself. Sand marinated in blood from the fallen, then baked by the sun to give off a horrendous smell. Buzzards were on that island for weeks, which on the bright side gave the lucky ones something to eat besides fish and coconuts

"I am ready to go! I have plenty of mounts to summon!" She sounded enthusiastic, and she was. While riding her dear wyvern above the clouds was a feeling nothing matched, she was missing LAND. "Rhinos, Pegasus, Unicorns, Pegasus Unicorns, Jaguars, Direwolves, Giant FROGS!......and if I put all my mana into it, a stampede." Then she nodded to Bogrum. If they were just getting acquainted, She needed Bogrum to know where her strengths lie. "Reinforcements are best for me. I have good support magic for ALL of the cavalry, including in the air. Cavalry defined as anyone riding on an animal, from a pixie on a cat to a squirrel on an Alaskan Bull Worm. Plus, with the amount of beasts I can summon, I can be a good troop transport forward into battle or away from the fray." Demi was very confident in her abilities, and it seemed like she had a good theoretical balance of offense and defense
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
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Melody Tearsure

She went to the meeting she had to attend, she showed no aggression and had just a blank face as she stood silently as she felt her sword and whip on her person, she was ready to fight for these people, she felt bad for showing aggression, soon just looking at the people in front of her, she gripped the pendant on her neck, she put her hand to her side quickly soon introducing herself after Demestral talked. “I’m Melody but you can call me Treasure, I’m thrilled for this raid as anyone else is” she said as she had a smile, she looked at Fergie and Borgstrom.
Damn. Fergie had to keep from shaking her head at what she was hearing. When she was told Avery was cautious she expected reluctance, distaste of her opposing methods as a source of contention. This thankfully wasn't the case, but she was presented with a different problem. His words reflected a lack of confidence in himself, not necessarily as a whole but in this context. It was good that he was thinking this all out and willing to lend some trust towards Fergie-- rather, Sebas's impression of Fergie-- but the way he spoke on it made her worry that he'd lean too much on her ability throughout the mission. Not that she didn't think she could carry this out on her own, but it had massive potential for Avery if he preformed well. For experience, for crew respect, and the confidence boost that resulted.

In other words, it was his time to shine. Fergie was just going to be the support he needed to excel.
"Aye, Adonis don't make choices for no reason." Dubious reasons, but not no reason. "But he's also just a man. Got a habit of pullin' weird shit with the crew. So I wouldn't wonder too hard 'bout the what an' why behind it, unless he says so himself." Unless this was a test to see if Avery could figure out what Adonis wanted him to emphasize. Sort of a bad time to be testing that sort of thing, she had to think. "That we gotta figure out ourselves. Mission briefing 'll be for the nitty gritty, but I'll give the basics. When workin' as a team, the goal's to fortify each others' strengths, and cover for each other's weaknesses."

Fergie thought back to what Sebas said about her and Bogrum. The two were a perfect pair with no weaknesses, beyond a lack of experience with the Basenjis. "I got years of leadership on me belt, aye. But ye know this crew more than I. So we both gotta set each other straight on the things we know better. You tell me who's good at what. I tell you where to send 'em. And that's just one example." She could go on and on about the finer details, but that was better said after they knew what they were dealing with regarding the raid.


"Just Bogrum's fine," he assured Demestral, smiling at her enthusiasm. The smile faltered a bit at that offhanded comment about Dead Man's Isle. Fergie had indeed told him about the bloodbath that took place, pirates murdering each other for a spot on the ship before Adonis put a violent end to it. Are these people just allergic to negotiation, or something? Killing was unavoidable in careers like these, but it was all too often so unnecessary. The value of life seemed equatable to a complex war machine, versatile but expendable in dire circumstances. Damn, not even, that shit took months to make. People? They were everywhere. Just lure in some, feed them some fantastical nonsense about the glory of battle, and throw them out into the front lines to die. Rinse and repeat.

Save the philosophy for drinking tonight. Bogrum forced himself to focus on what Demestral was saying, as staunch the tonal difference of her energy was. His smile was... still a bit strained. What was it with this crew that kept pairing him up with beastmasters? At least she only had one dragon, but... rhinos? Jaguars? GIANT frogs? His spine chilled to think of it. But at least these were summoned beasts, and not Cherylanth, who was ready to rip his head off for speaking brusquely of her kin. He still needed to properly apologize for that, not that he expected it to be accepted. Just the principle of the matter.

"That's an impressive arsenal you have there," he did have to say. "Reinforcements are exactly what we might need in the thick of it. We're facing the unknown, so we WILL be caught off guard. That's where we come in." Whether to rush troops in to quickly subdue a new threat, or away in a swift retreat to regroup in safety, this would prevent the raid crew from getting caught up with something they were outmatched against. Or to rescue them from triggered traps, or help them traverse dangerous terrain. There were a lot of possibilities, and against unpredictability, this gave him peace of mind. "We're going to have to think outside the box for this one. Perfect for people like us." Sebas had pointed out that her chipper attitude was a bit of an oddball one among these hardened pirates. Bogrum, the gentle giant he was, felt like he was in that same ballpark. Two very different people in not so different circumstances.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Meeting Melody

By now, the new recruit had returned to the group and introduced herself.
"Hello, Treasure. Bogrum Mazoga."
"Fergie. We're your Raid Captains." She looked her up and down. The elf woman didn't stick out as weird to her, as Sebas warned. But given that almost a third of Fergie herself was made up of fungi, she was setting the bar pretty high. "Liking the enthusiasm. What a time to come aboard, aye?"
"We're happy to have you on," Bogrum said. "Though for future reference, try to be more punctual for meetings. Helps things run smoother."
"Eh, go easy on her," Fergie dismissed him. "The lass just joined. Prolly was off gettin' her new gear." She had come back from the direction of the armory, and she was strapped up and ready for the raid, so it was an easy conclusion.
"You, telling me to go easy? Write that one for the records."
"I'll add on a record of the furthest an elflin's thrown an orc," was her threat.
"Tripping me overboard doesn't count, Fergie," was his undaunted counter.
"Only if I give the details," she warned him, giving a fanged smile that suggested it was a matter of genuine consideration.

Seeming to remember her company, Fergie waved him off and told Melody, "Typical officer banter, don't mind us." Back to business, she explained, "For this mission, you'll be stationed in the front end, takin' orders from Avery and I directly. Bogrum and Demestral will be manning the rear, but if they give orders, you listen to 'em. Crazy shit's about to go down. Whether 'r not ye live to tell the tale depends on how well ye listen."
That sounded like a direct threat, so Bogrum filed those edges by adding, "What she means is that our orders are for your protection. This is a very dangerous mission, and we can't guarantee anyone's survival. However, you'll be safer so long as you trust our guidance."
"I also mean that I'll kill ye meself, if ye try anythin' funny an' it gets me crew killed," she said, correcting his correction. Just because Melody didn't look the part didn't mean she was going to ignore Sebas's warning. "If I tell ye to do somethin', it's to keep you and anyone else from gettin' offed by the enemy. Ain't gonna have ye puttin' the crew in danger by skirtin' orders."
"We understand that you're new here." And didn't have much of a choice to be here, to be honest. "All we ask is that you trust us to lead the crew to victory. And in turn, we'll trust you to help us towards that goal."
With that point driven home, Fergie waved the group along, "Now let's grab Elaina. She'll brief us on the rest, and we'll go from there."

Emira Blight Emira Blight

The duo led the group to the planning room. Aside and quietly, Bogrum mumbled to Fergie, "You call that going easy on her?"
"If Sebas says 'this bitch crazy', then that bitch IS crazy," she whispered back. "Can't take no chances, Bogrum. Losses are guaranteed today. We gotta cut 'em where we can."
"Y-- Right..."
Seeing that pained look on his face made her sigh at herself. "Sorry. Proddin' at wounds."
"Don't worry about it. Like you said, they wouldn't want me just dwelling on that." Looking at her, he said, "But you better survive this. I'm counting on those drinks."
She cackled. "Drinks with an S. Better not clean me out me coinpurse tonight."
"Whether I do or not depends on how much lip you give me."
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Melody Treasure

She nodded and did a small salute to the officers before they left, she rubbed her palm on the locket, smiling softly.
she was crazy enough to bare her teeth at the captain Sebas but she learned from that mistake, ‘Fatimah, Would you mind telling me the weakest spots in the human body? I wanna make sure where the most fatal spots are so that way me or anyone else won’t die’ She said in her head. Her gaze drifted to Avery, she held out a hand “Im Melody but you can call me Treasure” She said with a smile, her ears flicked a bit, checking for noises around them.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Avery Valencia

Melody introduced herself to him. Her friendly demeanor diffused to a degree his apprehension. Of course there would be plenty of that since this was his first go-round and that Melody was a newbie and thus someone he knew nothing about. "Avery Valencia," he responded with a smile in kind, his cat ears perked up when taking her hand to return the handshake initiation. "I will be leading this raid. Glad to have you aboard. Lucky that your first assignment on this crew is a raid and not toilet duty." Then he had an idea on how to not leave the new player out. "You're on guard duty for our battle plan meeting. Inside the room so you can get information."


"This is Avery Valencia, your commander for the upcoming raid per the orders of Captain Adonis." he said with his best commanding voice. He moved into Sebas's office, which was empty as he already explained his current absence from the room. "Elaina. Ashlynn. Nakaos. Dr. Laylah. I want all of you to report to the Conference Room. All crewmates continue standing by for further orders. That is all." The broadcast flickered out. As soon as it did, Avery flicked his crystal. "Avery to Sebas."
"Speaking." He could hear Lostro's voice in the background. The 2 were talking and apparently Lostro was enjoying it as she sounded happy.
"I'm about to begin my proposal for a battle plan," he began, "and I want both your and Lostro's attendance. I was wondering if it's possible for you to attend."
Sebas sighed. "I'm not bringing Lostro into that room, Avery. Bring a Crystal Ball and we will listen in from Lostro's room."
A big sigh of relief. No one's presence was desired more. "Gotcha. Thank you, Sebas..........wait, what about the rules?"
"Even if she turns the crystal ball into a projection, the stone gaze doesn't work unless you're looking directly at her while she's physically present, and without shades." Of course. He hadn't been listening enough. "Relax, Avery. The crew is behind you."
"I always wondered why Lostro's Stone Gaze doesn't work if you're wearing shades....... but I could use some headpats or ear scratches about now."
"I'll give you that and even allow you to sleep in my room in cat form after this mission."
"When can I do it in human form?"
"Not any time soon," his best friend responded monotonously without missing a beat. "Oh, and to answer your question....."
"Shades look so cool!" Lostro perked up. So that was it? The only thing protecting the crew when they wore shades was that Lostro thought they looked cool wearing them?
The sheer thought made Avery laughed. For some reason, Sebas's rejection was a positive source instead of a negative one in this case. Coupled with Lostro's weird childish fascination with shades. It was quite funny.


The Roundtable of Avery Valencia
Conference Room

So the group moved into the Planning (Conference) Room.........well not just that group of overall leadership. ALL [CANINE POWERHOUSE] HANDS. Avery, Fergie, Bogrum, Demestral, Elaina, Ashlynn, Naka, Laylah. On Avery's orders.

This was an 8 person round table, headed by Avery himself. This was shown by the massive rectangular table sitting in front of 2 crystal balls. Everyone was made to seat with Avery himself at the head of the table. Fergie to his immediate right, his right hand, and Bogrum to his left, the Adonis-Appointed Raid Captain. In the hierarchy, he was at the helm, only Basenji Leadership below him for the purposes of this raid. However, all of them had roles within this raid so he needed all of them in this. Melody was to post on the interior of the door as a guard to send away anyone who needed to disturb them. Unless they got attacked, Melody was there and she herself could listen in on the meeting. This is probably the only way to logically include a literal newbie on the meeting with leadership to discuss battle plans

Looking at the group all looking at him, and knowing what he'd need to do, the hackles on his neck began to bristle in nervousness. While all of them were familiar, he was the one on the spot and needing to provide them with a rough draft battle plan. "Greetings. I'm Avery Valencia," he began rigidly. "Frontline Raid Captain for this mission. I have listening the Basenji Leadership on the main ship, listening in via Fatimah. And Sebas and Lostro listening from Lostro's room." He didn't forget the caveat that came with Lostro. "Don't worry. Lostro's stone gaze only activates if she is in direct eyesight, not a projection. We're here to discuss battle plans. We are dealing with uncharted territory, so I want to take an approach that's not us charging in and losing more lives when it's not necessary."

"What do you propose........roughly speaking?" Demi spoke up immediately
"I propose an evening scout and a night raid," Avery responded without missing a beat. THAT was what he was made for. A night raid was of course no small feat. They'd need more scouts on hand. "The concept of a night raid may change when Captain Adonis reveals the ruins, but I want to spend the rest of the day gathering information regardless." He looked at his notes. His nervousness was starting to show when he did this. Still, he was glad he did so, because he was drawing blanks. "Troop placement, overhead castle plans, potential safe-spots to take the injured or issue orders. This is definitely more important the LESS land there is, because if we land on less land, that means it's more likely that the ships will be attacked." And more land meant landing further away, but less ability to bombard due to the distance. To Avery, there seemed to be a balancing act between risk and reward. As with all risk/reward, they were

"Otherwise, we'd need to keep the ships out of range to be fired upon, which can limit our access to bombardments and ship-based attacks." Their bombardments were done by the best eyes on the ship. That meant a crew of good eyes and good aimers from all 3 ships controlling bombardment efforts from their individual ship. "As for the information-gathering itself, while showing the crew the land in real time as our scouts explore locations of interest, we make maps to give key people who know how to read them. As you know, thanks to Elaina, our maps do show exactly where the holder is. If we consolidate this into a master map, we can have Captain Adonis himself and Fatimah with real time viewing where we are. This allows max communication, and strategic input from Sebas here at Canine and Captain Adonis back on main ship."

A Humble Appeal

That was really about all he had with the little information they all had about what they were dealing with. If this were the Golden Gun raid, at least he could leverage that experience from all his raids. This.........wasn't that. This seemed too much for someone who all they had was theoreticals. "Basically it's this: This is above my head," he said, ears and tails drooping. It wasn't something he wanted to admit, but trying to cover that up would lead to humiliation if he said something stupid. It's a siege, not a ship raid. "Most of us are well-versed in, at BEST, leading raids on other ships or maybe a village or two." He shook his head. "This is a castle siege, not a ship raid. An unknown enemy in unknown territory from the unknown place that is the Spirit Sea." Avery couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being wiped. He was genuinely concerned that, maybe because of his hanging around Mommy Ash, the crew and leaders might be overestimating what they were getting into, "I wish to consolidate and leverage everyone's particular strengths to.........." he sighed, not knowing if these words were about to go over well. ".......Make this easier on me. Most of you have led a pirate crew at most. Sebas level. I'm expected to lead a 3 ship FLEET into battle. A Captain Adonis level role, for my first time leading. I can't help but feel overwhelmed."
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian Emira Blight Emira Blight
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Melody Treasure

She was on guard, but when she heard Avery’s Anxiety she spoke up “You’ll do great, even though I just met you. I can sense your bravery. Don’t let anxiety control you it’s a monster who won’t let go and will drag you to the bottom of the sea in the end.” She stopped talking and she let out a small sigh “if anyone should be scared, it’s me. I’m a newbie and this is my first ever raid, I’ve been shot at and stabbed but only in alleyways and hotel rooms. Never in a battle.” She was soon silent and went back to guarding the room, her arms crossed and she rubbed her palm against her pendant. She had tears forming in her eyes, she didn’t want to seem weak she wanted to show them she was strong and she could be brave in the face of danger. But the tears didn’t stop, they fell down her face. She held back a sob and let the tears just fall. She tried to wipe them away but they came back. ‘I’m fucking weak. I’m crying before a raid and I just told somebody they could be brave’ she tried to hide her tears and she turned her head away from them

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
With the whole crew leadership here, all eyes on Avery and expecting his instructions, the pressure was on for sure. It was no wonder he looked frazzled like a cat struck by lightning. He seemed to be holding himself together pretty well despite that, his head in the right place regardless of that anxiety doubtlessly buzzing inside. Scouting the place was a must, with their limited knowledge, and developing maps would keep everyone informed during the raid itself. They were all good ideas, but cracks in his resolve were already starting to show.
Avery's display of humility was a sobering one. As well as a bit harrowing. The weight of his whole world was being placed on his shoulders. The hell was Adonis thinking, exactly? Bogrum looked on with sympathy, while Fergie couldn't help but cringe a bit at his last words. This felt less like humility, and more like humiliation. Was it really so wise to bare that vulnerability to the people depending on him?

Fergie was at a loss of what to say, and Bogrum was preparing some comforting words, but someone beat him to it. To their surprise, the new recruit spoke up before anyone else. Her account was surprisingly personal... entirely too personal. When the poor lass started breaking down herself, Fergie winced again, skin crawling. Gods, what was in the air today? First Bogrum, then Avery, now this new girl feeding off of the negative energy? This wasn't good, not when they needed to be in the mindset to put bullets in heads and blades in chests. Even Bogrum was looking on with notes of distress (more so at Fergie than the girl?). She had to put a stop to this before the mood sunk everyone's morale.

Eying the roundtable to check for reactions, Fergie muttered to Avery, "I'll take care of it." She walked around, her gait slower but purposeful as she approached Melody. "Lass." Her tone could hardly be described as soft, but it was softer than her usual rasp. "Step outside with me."

Bogrum was... thoroughly confused. The panic that flashed in Fergie's eyes just now was the same he'd seen last night, when she caught a glimpse of his own tears. But instead of frantically trying to aid him then, here she was watching every crewmate with a wary gaze. With that same fear, but controlled somehow. He didn't expect Fergie to be the one stepping up to this task, but he trusted her.
If she was going to console Melody outside, that left him to console Avery. "I won't tell you not to worry. You absolutely should. This is a huge responsibility. But you have the strengths of every person in the room to fall back on. While you put everything together, we all have your back. One hundred percent."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1


Outside the door of the office, Fergie was soon to assure Melody, "Ye ain't in trouble. But we need to talk. Somethin's on your mind, and it needs out. Out in the battlefield, distraction kills." Melody had already given her a pretty good idea of what's on her mind, but she wasn't about to belt out lectures while the girl was barely holding herself together. She sighed and beckoned her with a hand. "Talk to me."

Emira Blight Emira Blight

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