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Realistic or Modern Are You The One?|main

Harrison Ellis
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location: common area
interactions: @diablita | @DramaMyth | @MadiRaiCat
Harrison and Céline genuinely seemed to be hitting it off. It intrigued him and left him wanting to know more about the petite woman before him. What she did as a profession was important to him. Though he didn't require a woman he dated to be on the same financial level as he was (though he doubted that would be an issue with Céline), he'd had issues with the past with what he liked to call leeches. Others, of course, called them golddiggers. Regardless of the name, they were all the same and Harrison would rather not experience another encounter with that type of person. Harrison wasn't even the most giving person, emotionally or financially. But he figured he'd much rather be safe than sorry.

Céline's dramatic fanning of herself elicited yet another laugh from the young businessman. She had an interesting sense of humor. Harrison may have been playing it up a bit, chuckling a bit more frequently and a bit harder than he would have naturally. Still, she was quick-witted and Harrison's best chance at a decent conversation at the moment. Calling it decent would be underselling Céline by quite a lot actually. The woman may not have been someone he'd feel naturally drawn to. A compelling force within to approach her and strike up a conversation. Harrison was pleasantly entertained at the moment.

"A modern Texas girl, then. Two Southerners making their way together on this show. However, if I may say so, my lovely home of Louisiana is vastly superior to Texas." A confident smile graced his lips, and he crossed his arms in front of himself. Anyone who knew him privately would know that Harrison had no particular love for his home state. But in the name of banter, he would ride that train all damn day. No need to reveal skeletons in his closet if he didn't have to. And this was an introductory conversation, so Harrison deemed it as not even counting as a white lie.

A flicker of movement caught his attention, and he found himself redirecting his attention to Nanette once more. She smiled and waved at him, and Harrison simply offered a sort of professional nod back at her. "Perhaps," he began pensively, drawing out the word as if blowing out a puff of smoke from a savory cigar.

"Perhaps we should properly introduce ourselves to our housemates," he concluded. Another tooth-filled smile before the man slid his arm confidently around Céline's waist, playfully squeezing before promptly releasing her and approaching the two sitting at the piano. He cleared his throat loudly and rested his elbow on the body of the instrument. "Half decent playing from the miss. You're sitting here idly, perhaps you'll care to entertain us as well." His tone was friendly and jocular, but the glint in his eye communicated another story. He was challenging the man who sat before him.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Violet Price

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]

location: room 2
outfit: x
interactions: Ash
tags: iShyShy iShyShy

Violet gave a small smile and shrug at Ash's remark about her nerves. "Thanks," she nodded, "It took some time." That was, in fact, true. Although she had known what she wanted in life for a long time, it took her a while to build up confidence. She learned that being nervous didn't help anything, it was best to just be prepared. She was always glad when people remarked on her ability to handle her nerves. It was one other the things that made her feel as though her work paid off.

Violet nodded as Ash continued on. He seemed to be getting more composed by the second, which was impressive. Despite a bit of a bumpy start, he captured her attention. Her eyes lit up when he spoke in French with pride and said where he was from. "J'ai étudié le français! Je devrais pratiquer avec vous, ça fait longtemps," she said as she spoke and switched back to English, "It was my minor in college." Violet enjoyed studying French very much and became fluent, but she hadn't spoken it in a while. She could now hear a hint of an accent in Ash's words. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.

"Well, I'm originally from Ohio," she replied dully. She wasn't too fond of her hometown. It wasn't terrible, but it definitely didn't have much to reflect positively on, which certainly showed when she spoke about it. "And now I live in Manhattan," she spoke fondly of her current home. It was a great location for her, it being near her work and all that. "I really quite enjoy art and history. There's so much to explore within those subjects. I also love work. As dull as that may sound to you, I work at a museum so I'm doing what I love," she grinned. She could go on about her love of art and history, as well as her job, for a bit of time if she wanted to. But she also wanted to learn about what Ash liked. "How about you?" she asked, turning the question back to him.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Ashton DeVille

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
Location: Room 2
Interaction: Violet Lizy Lizy
Mentions: N/A
Mood: Admiring -> Excited -> Admiring -> Minor -> Determined

» No Longer Awkward

When Violet gave her modest gratitude for the nerve comment Ash decided to leave the topic off with a gentle smile and compliment. “It seems so natural for you to control your nerves I wouldn't have guessed it was ever difficult for you.” It was an honest statement. The way she carried herself led him to believe she was naturally confident but from her saying it took time to get control over her nerves it gave Ash insight into how hard she must have worked to get where she is now. Not only in her career but as a person to be able to change yourself and overcome something as inherent as feeling nervous takes a strong person.

Just as Violet had done for him, Ash listened to her attentively with a subtle smile on his face as he nodded. He was interested in her answers, for sure, and he enjoyed learning about people. Seeing her eyes shine when he spoke French, only to speak French back to him was an immensely marvelous feeling. Her pronunciation was exceptional and he understood why as she explained that she studied his language in college. Time seemed to move in slow motion for a few seconds as she smiled while pushing her hair back. Her face practically started glowing as she opened up and he felt even better knowing they could have a conversation in English and his native French. He was being pulled in so easily and he didn't mind in the least. His smile grew as he spoke. “For just a minor your French is superb. Je serais heureus de pratiquer avec vous à tout moment.” It would be a great chance for him to spend time with someone who has so far proven to be more than interesting and to continue to have fun.

Her tone quickly dimmed when speaking about her origin, which was slightly painful for Ash to hear. He didn't intend to bring up a bad thought, only to learn about her. It was clear that she didn't care much for Ohio since it got a total of three seconds of recognition. Thankfully, she seemed to be much more appreciative of her current home. Ash relaxed as she spoke normally again, feeling as though it was better to ask about Ohio another time when they hopefully are better friends. “That seems like a big change but definitely a good one. Manhattan is a busy city full of almost everything imaginable.” Her mention of art and history was intriguing. Ash enjoys art in his own way via computer design and digital modeling and rendering. When she said that enjoying work may sound dull, he shook his head with a bashful smile. “I think it's really cool, honestly. You have to enjoy what you do so if it isn't dull to you then it wont be dull to anyone else. You have it figured out already and that's lucky to have at our age so I'm happy that you love it. You must have worked from when you were young to get there. I'd love to hear about your favorite pieces or exhibits when you have time.” Ash would most likely enjoy the art and its representations more than the history behind the pieces but more knowledge would never hurt. Plus, he could probably learn how to better his skills if he gave more types of art a chance. Especially when someone was taking the time to explain it to him enthusiastically.

When he was in turn asked what he liked, he took a moment. “Well...” He was nervous to talk about himself now after learning how obviously successful and hard working Violet is. He bit his lip again as he shrugged his shoulders. He knew that he had to be himself and be proud of it so he shoved his nerves to the side with an escape of breath and a chuckle so he could start to boast in comfort. “You may have heard of RISD Museum in your line of work. That would be my alma mater. I studied graphic and computer design and have had a number of pieces on display in the museum there. Only for short periods of time, but still, it's an accomplishment for me. Now I work programming and designing things on the computer for anything from large events to video games. It all depends on what project I get inspiration for at the time. One day people will come to me instead of the other way around.” His statement was firm because it was his career goal to be well known enough that people ask him for his creativity. He could easily pull up things on his phone or computer to prove to her that he had some talent and that his works are used in the world but he didn't want to seem like he had to go out of his way to prove himself. He wasn't lying, but it's not like people are hunting him down to ask him to create for them...yet. Ash was comfortable with what he shared and hoped that she would find a slight interest in it, though he felt that his experience paled in comparison to hers.


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