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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse

Colette Angeliqué

"Had it under control? You do realise that she could have shot you within seconds at any time? You do realise that she could have been fooling you to get close so that she could kill you with her hands or some sort of combat knife she got in the army? Did the thought that she could have been lying at any point cross your mind? She could be lying right now to get you to drop your guard and to kill you. If you do not see the evident danger in the possibility of someone coming along with harmful intentions while acting like they have good ones, instead of them being good people, then there is nothing left for me to explain to you." Her gaze fell on him as her words got stuck in her throat. He was right. Anastasiya could have easily shot her the moment she moved her hand away from the holster on her thigh. She could have easily betrayed Colette. But she didn't. The once a stranger didn't try to steal from her or shot her the minute she thought the brunette might be a threat. "Yeah, but she didn't." A sigh pushed pass her lips as she tried to find a good explanation of why she didn't consider any of his reasons to be suspicious. "I just- Had a feeling, you know? Like my paranoia has been really aggravated these past months but with her, it was different. I just felt like she was a good person and my instincts are, 90% of the time, right."

"Look. If you want to just hand your trust out like that, then fine, be my guest. But do not fault me for simply being cautious." She understood why he would feel that way but there was something about people not believing her that just messed with her head and clouded her judgment. Something deeper than just loyalty. "I am not handing out my trust. I just went with my gut feeling, like I always do." The last words left her mouth mumbled, her head being slightly lowered. "I'm sorry."

The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
Nikita Vissarionovich
Nikita calmed down a little bit. He did not want her to think that he would eternally be mad at her. Although he found her justification for her actions to be absolutely ridiculous, he let it slide as this was more of a problem for her than him because if the marine turned out to be a traitor, Angelique would be the first to die.

"Look. Its alright. I am also sorry, for blowing up at you like that. It is just that with the many life and death situations we have to deal with, it would only take a single percent of your gut being wrong for everything to end."

He then waited for the two to leave as he was not going to leave the newcomer out of his sight.

Cronos Cronos AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
Katherine Powell
Katherine quickly took the food Francesca offered her. She tried not to seem desperate and weak, but her stomach felt like it had eaten half of itself, so chances are her attempts to act tough just made her look more pathetic.
She basically inhaled the food as Frankie talked to her. She frowned for half a second when she said her group wouldn't be as merciful as she was right now.
Lowering her pistols, Kate watched as Francesca distanced herself from her as if she were a wolf protecting her food. In a way, she was just that.
Katherine rested her head on the cold wall behind her. The wall pretty much had the back of her head imprinted into it's foundation. She looked at both of the bags yearningly. Kate noticed that her bag was pretty close to her.
She reached over to it, barely grasping one of the straps. After a few failed attempts, she finally managed to pull it over to her.
Quickly unzipping one of the bag's compartments, she grabbed her portable charger and a small beef jerky package. She plugged her iPod into the charger and quickly ripped open the wrapper, gnawing on the salty meat as she waited for Francesca to come back.
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Will Harris

Will noted that she didn't agree with him. He knew that not everyone believed in Pax the same way he did, but they would, once he brought them there and they saw it for themselves. He hoped that Mav had done what he'd said and looked out for everyone. He didn't know what he'd do if they got back and something had happened. He nodded once she'd gotten a hold of herself, following her out of the room.

"When we get back, tell anyone you see that we're going to be holding up here for the night," he glanced around the empty space again. "We can still make this place useful." He saw Allegra messing with the generator, but didn't think much of it since it didn't work, and headed to the door. It wouldn't budge. He tried to find a handle, or a switch or something. When he realized they were trapped, he turned towards Allegra, about to ask her if she knew of another way out when he heard the noise of the machine, and then something else. A frozen, dead hand reached for him through the slat in the door, and Will jumped back, crossbow at the ready. "What did you do?" He saw where they were coming from, and wondered how many of them he'd tripped over on the way in. He did a double take at the uzi she pulled. "Don't use that! It'll make too much noise!" He had a feeling she wouldn't listen. The second the opening was wide enough, he started firing.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Liam simply watched the confrontation between Nikita, Colette and Anastasiya. He found Nikita's over cautiousness and Colette's lack of slightly amusing. To him, Anastasiya was harmless. But in such a situation, they had to be prepared for anything and being wary of newcomers would typically be the right call. Although he would prefer to continue watching their conversation, his stomach calls him for a greater cause. Without a word, Liam slipped out from the bookstore and wandered around the desolated town in search of something to nourish him. Whilst walking, he noticed Frankie headed towards his direction, an expression on her face that signaled she was looking for someone. Normally he wouldn't have started a conversation, but this time he was desperate. "Hey, Frankie is it? Just wondering... do you have anything i could eat?" Liam knew the question seemed awkward for his first conversation towards someone, but his stomach was currently controlling him more than his mind.
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Francesca Illiani
Fizz Fizz
To be honest, Frankie had no idea which of the group would be able to help, although she thought she might go after Maverick because he was 1) a leader to the group who could immediately decide what to do with Katherine 2) a pretty big guy who could at least help her lift the weight enough to free her. But she didn't see Maverick walking around in the snow, she saw another guy in the group. A younger guy... what was his name again... Liam? She thought that was it but only ever heard Will or Maverick call out his name for orders. He was a young kid, probably 18, maybe 19, so he had the strength of youth on his side. He was also in pretty good physical condition, so he might be able to actually help. He would do for now.

The good thing was he seemed to already be walking to her, so they could meet in the middle. When he asked if she had something to eat, she began talking quickly to explain the situation, needing to look up at him since he was a couple inches taller than she was, "Yeah, I do. Aaaaaand I'll have more if you help me out with something. I found a girl trapped under a pile of broken stairs in the apartment complex. She has it made with cans of food, maybe enough to help feed the entire group with the few extras I found. I told her that in exchange for rescuing her, she would give us supplies we need. I'm too weak to lift the rubble off her legs, so I need you to help me do that."
Anastasiya Griggs
Anastasiya stood quiet for the bout between Colette and the doctor. She didn't like him. He made sense. And he was careful. She could respect that. But she didn't like him. She took a small breath, keeping her mind from travelling too far along in her worries. She had a group for now, and that meant food and warmth for a little bit; figured that it was worth it for the time. Leaning down to pick up her rifle, Ana looked up to Colette. "He always that grouchy?" Clearly irritated, she reloaded her weapon, slipping the lone bullet into her pocket.

"If you want. You don't have to come, it's fine." Ana nodded. At least there was someone she was cool with. "Yeah. I'll come. I don't know how long I'll stay, though."

Cronos Cronos
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Allegra Sauvagess
"Well what am I supposed to do?! I can't take them out with my bat!" Ally shouted at Will as her muscles tensed up. She raised the submachine gun and lined the iron sights with her eye, aiming straight at the undead flooding into the building. She pulled the trigger back, unloading a barrage of lead at them.
It was safe to say that her Uzi was lighting them up, as she quickly managed to make a path through the brainless animals attacking them. Although it wasn't safe, getting cornered in the building was much worse.
She ran towards and through the path she created, reloading her weapon to resume firing. She jumped on top of one of the abandoned cars and turned around to make the path a bit larger for Will.
"Come on, come on!" Ally yelled at the man as she redirected her firing to the zombies going after her. She could only hope the others were hearing the gunshots and got ready to fight or run.
S n o w S n o w
Liam Grove

The moment Frankie mentioned that food was available, Liam's attention was fully directed towards her. As she spoke, Liam nodded at random occasions to acknowledge that he was understanding the scenario. Including Anastasiya, the new girl Frankie had found would increase the group size by two - as if the group wasn't large enough already. Maybe it was just him, but he felt that smaller groups were the key to survive in the Apocalypse. "Lead the way." He finally said, confident he was able in lifting the debris...for food. As long as the stranger was as friendly as Anastasiya, helping her out should be easy enough.
spacient spacient
Colette Angeliqué
"He always that grouchy?" A weak laugh left her lips as her gaze had returned to Anastasiya, who now took care of reloading her weapon. Colette was embarrassed, upset even, but she just couldn't bring herself to doubt her decision of trusting the other female.

Nikita's words pounded into her head, leaving her mouth dry and her breath stuck. "It's just that with the many life and death situations we have to deal with, it would only take a single percent of your gut being wrong for everything to end." She knew he was right, unfortunately, but somehow she couldn't believe his words. She didn't want to. It would mean that there was little to no hope for humanity, the end.

"Yeah, I'll come. I don't know how long I will stay, though." Colette couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips when Anastasiya was done speaking. She choose not to think about the, yet, unescapable end.
"You can tell me something about you on the way, it would be nice to get to know you a little bit better." Maybe the brunette could make her stay with them. "If you want to, of course."

AttackOnTak AttackOnTak The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Will Harris

Considering all the undead falling over themselves to get to them, Will didn't have a good response. He stopped firing once he saw that Allegra's uzi was doing more than his crossbow could hope to. He had, what? Ten bolts left? Eleven? His expression was grim as he charged after her. He managed to bash some away with his crossbow, but he still felt a few hands grab at his jacket before he leaped to safety. He joined Allegra on the car, inspecting the scratches and tears on his jacket, but none of them had gotten through to his skin. He glanced at the door to the safe house again, filled with bodies. So much for his idea to stay there for the night.

He didn't doubt her ability to kill them all, but it was a waste of bullets. And he kept thinking about the others. Were they already fighting? Or was the wind too loud, and had drowned out the noise? The uncertainty worried him. Will aimed his crossbow and shot a zombie blocking the way they came. "Enough," he yelled over the noise. "Just run!" He hopped off the car, using the zombie's body as a cushion, and ran for the fence. He stopped next to it, looking back for Allegra.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Francesca Illiani
Fizz Fizz Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Frankie grinned when Liam agreed to help her. Of course he would help though, they needed food, and if it meant helping a girl get out of a pile of rubble, she was sure the entire group would pitch in. Well, she was sure one or two of them would think she's being naive by letting Katherine live when this was all done, but that was a chance Frankie was willing to take, "Come on, follow me,"

She turned, expecting him to follow close behind, and she led him right back to the apartment complex to Katherine, taking the same precautions of looking out for zombies in the snow and around the corners as she did the first time around. Now, she could hear a rapid set of gunshots, and she knew someone was probably being attacked. She sighed, that was awful, but right now the safe members of the group needed food. If they still seemed to be in danger at the end of this exchange then they could offer their help, "Told you I'd be back with help," she said to Katherine
Anastasiya Griggs
Anastasiya grinned before gazing over to Nikita, and then back to Colette. "Sounds pretty nice for an interrogation," she joked, trying to gain her composure and rid herself of her irritation. She didn't mind sharing her stories with the girl - in fact, she really wanted to. There was something about expressing herself and being listened to that she took to heart. It was probably due to the fact that at home, no one listened, and in the Corps, there was no time to listen. She sighed, her smile fading as she adjusted her blankets and nudged Colette, "What do you want to hear? I'm an open book." Taking her rifle and letting it dangle at her side, she was prepared to make the hopefully short trip to wherever this group was posted.

She wondered how long she'd stay. How long they'd let her before figuring she wasn't good for them. Or - the thought intruded - she could get them to come to California with her. The chances of them holing up somewhere safe was higher where she was trying to go. Maybe. She'd figure it out when she got to know whoever she was meeting.

Cronos Cronos
Colette Angeliqué
The smile that appeared on Colette's face looked like it could light up the most despairing of rooms. She was glad that she finally found someone to talk to and just as happy to listen to her stories, whether they were good or bad. There was something about stories of people that joined the Millitary or the Marine that simply fascinated her; they told those stories with so much passion and they had so much meaning behind them. She could listen to her grandfather talk for hours about his encounters with millitary folks.
"Oh, you can ask me anything too, so it doesn't feel so much as an interrogation and more like a normal conversation." She pondered about what she would ask for a few seconds, unconsciously starting to walk out the door. The girl only hoped that Anastasiya followed her. The brunette finally said, her gaze falling on the other female, eyes sparkling with excitement and interest.

"Tell me something about your time in the Marine. Anything."

AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
Katherine Powell
Katherine was startled by Frankie's voice suddenly piercing through the frigid air, making the mute girl instinctively reach for her pistol. But when she noticed the cheap leather jacket accompanied by a teenager, she rested her hand, if only for a bit.
As the two approached her, she put her iPod away along with the charger in one of the compartments and zipped it shut.
She analyzed the teenager that came with Francesca. Although she feigned gratitude over his figure showing up to save the day, she wasn't sure if he was capable of helping her out of her situation.
spacient spacient Fizz Fizz
Allegra Sauvagess
Ally hardly made out what Will ordered her to do, but stood down nonetheless. She turned around and ran atop the cars, but it was evident that her running shoes weren't made for traction in snow. She slipped on one of the cars' roof and hit her face on the simple looking spoiler integrated onto the back, creating a large cut on the bridge of her nose.
Allegra had landed more to the car's right, sliding off of the automobile and landing on the ground with a thud not even the snow could silence. She hissed, trying to ignore the pain.
It was at this moment that the infected took their chance. They began pulling up on the girl as she could only use her arms to put distance between their bites aimed at her face. She slid her Uzi on the ground to where she believed Will was at as the zombie closest to her head drooled on her.
S n o w S n o w
Will Harris

Will was already shooting before she hit the ground. He counted under his breath every time he fired, watching zombie after zombie fall, but more just kept coming. He could even hear one moaning behind him, trying to grab him through the holes in the fence. He stopped at ten, sending his last bolt through the head of the zombie on top of her, but in an instant another took its place. No, no. He wasn't going to watch this happen. Then the Uzi slid to a stop at his feet, and Will froze for a few precious seconds, staring down at it like she'd thrown a severed arm at him. He knew what she wanted him to do. Pick up the gun. Shoot. Save her. It was simple. He couldn't do it.

He aimed the gun at her as she clawed her way across the seat towards him, unrecognizable to the person she'd been just a few hours ago. "Don't make me do this," his hand shook, his finger barely steady on the trigger. But he couldn't miss. Not when she was right in front of him. He closed his eyes, too much of a coward to look as he shot her. The car was abruptly dead silent. "I'm in Hell," the gun tumbled to the floor.

Will shuddered, forcing himself to focus on the present. On Allegra. He ignored the gun and sprinted towards her. He hoped it wasn't too late. He bashed and swung at them with his crossbow until there was an opening. Then he abandoned his weapon, choosing to use both hands and all of his strength to drag Allegra backwards.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Liam Grove
As the girl stranded in the rubble slowly came into view, Liam slowly understood the situation that she was in. Based on her pale complexion, he could only assume that she had been there for a day or two, and extremely malnourished. If they found her a day later, she could already be dead. The girl was armed however, so he still had to be cautious and not act in anyway that could seem threatening. "Frankie, can you give me a hand in lifting the stair directly on top of her?" Base on the size of the fallen piece, Liam doubted he could lift it by himself - but maybe both of them could. With a grunt, he stood directly in front of the piece with both his hands under it, getting ready to lift it up.

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen spacient spacient
Francesca Illiani

Fizz Fizz Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Frankie nodded and went back to the handhold she had found before, thinking that it might work better with both of them trying. She wasn't strong by any means, she was built better for running and hiding rather than weightlifting. She glanced over at Liam, "Alright, on the count of three, lift. One... two... three!" she began pulling up on the structure, trying to lift mostly with her legs
Allegra Sauvagess
Ally was being crushed under the weight of the zombies. She was feeling a new level of strain on her muscles, one that didn't even compare to the strain of running laps on top of laps on the field of her school. Will's shots only brand momentary relief too, as everytime one died, another replaced its position in an instant.
Allegra had no idea why he wasn't using her gun to just shred them apart and get it over with, but she didn't have time to wonder as more and more weight were put on her arms.
Her fierce expression dissipated into terrified eyes as she realized that she was gonna die there.
That's when he came.
Kicking and punching the infected off of her, he dragged her back to the sidewalk as they shambled towards the two. Ally found comfort in his arms, if only for a few seconds, before he helped her get up from the ground.
Blood trickled down the bridge of her nose from the new injury, but she didn't even realize it. She picked up her snow covered Uzi from the ground and looked at Will from head to toe.
"Thanks." She said, going around him and pulling him towards the fence they had jumped ten minutes ago, shooting the lone zombie down as they approached it.

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Katherine Powell
Kate put her hands below the big piece of wood trapping her, helping out the others as they removed it from on top of her.
As the three of them managed to remove the debris, Kate felt a relief so strong she smiled. Closing her eyes and enjoying the new sensation that had become a stranger to her by now, she took in a deep breath. She then focused on the task at hand.
Directing her gaze towards the other piece of wood that had landed and injured her leg, she put her hands below it as well, waiting for the others to do the same and completely free her.
spacient spacient Fizz Fizz
Nikita Vissarionovich
Nikita rolled his eyes and got a little impatient. They had just allowed a newcomer into the group without the consent of anybody else. They had owed it to Will and the others to tell them who and what they had just found. And the two girls just starting to socialise and talk about each other out of nowhere when there are better things that had to be done, was not taken too well by him. "You can tell her all about your time in the marine later. We should go and catch up with the rest of the group, introduce them to you and show what we have found." He then nudged the door open and signalled for them to leave.

Cronos Cronos AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
Felix The Stray
A shot rang out in the distance. This was then accompanied by a dull thud. Felix coldly glared at the body that lay before him. "Padro, how did this play out in your head?" He muttered. The survivor lit a cigarette before slowly walking towards the corpse. "Did you honestly think you could kill me with my back turned?" He gently seized the roll of paper and held it firmly between fingers. "Not the sharpest idea" His words were heavily outlined in smoke. Felix's expression was quite stale, he was tired of this whole experience. Perhaps when he joined this group the out come was clear.
Felix reached into the traitor's jacket pocket, he managed to fish a hip flask from the suit pocket. He quickly unscrewed the cap of the flask and took a couple of sips. This sent a warm tingle down his spine. This helped his nerves ever so slightly but hardly at all. The survivor sat somberly on the edge of the roof. A loud sigh escaped his lips, he was alone. It's always been like this for as long as he could remember. He took another long puff of his cigarette, evaluating his options. His thought process was then rudely interrupted by scratch on the door. This scratch soon became hammering and the hammering later became screeching. Felix simply ignored it, the only way up here was through that door and it was chained up tight.

The group initially had 5 people (Including himself) mug shots of the members flashed before his eye's. There was good old Steven, poor man took his life. Then there was Tyler, He was the first to die. He hardly lasted a month before turning feral. You can't forget about Marco, Marco was shot by Padro only a few days ago. Perhaps he knew too much about Pedro plans. Now Pedro lay dead at his feet. He was now the only remaining member of the group. Felix was tired of this shit. Everything they have done has only made things worse.

The survivor stared down at himself. Worn wool jacket, slightly torn jeans, and scuffed combat boots. At his side rested his colt python. The weapon responsible for the corpse that lay behind him. Felix grasped the Python and scowled upon it. He checked the chamber of the Python, one bullet. It was after some time of gawking he placed the barrel of the snake on his temple. Was his life worth a bullet or was the bullet worth his life? His eyes were closed, past memories illuminating the darkness. He sluggishly opened his eyes, to glance upon the world once more. His finger was practically itching the trigger. He only saw a barren waste land of white before him.

"No, this isn't right. Is this really the rational thing to do?" He took a deep breath before holstering the weapon. His nerves would not allow him to embrace death, not just yet anyways. He now stood where he was sat. Felix still felt like he had something to live for, whatever it was. Felix froze when he heard shots. Alas, they were very distant, about a mile north. He shrugged, "Just about anything is better than waiting around for death." Besides his food reserves were quite low. Before marching off his eyes wandered back to Padro. Something in his stomach urged him not to leave him like this.

Moments later Felix was found kneeling next to Padro. The body's eyes were now closed, his hands were folded neatly on his chest, and a freshly lit cigarette hung from his mouth. It was no funeral but it was better than nothing. "
Sorry, it ended this way Padro, goodbye." He then left without another word. The survivor leaped from the roof, he broke his fall with a roll. It wasn't a far drop, he was only on the roof of a gas station after all. Now he was off towards town. His M40 sniper rifle hung from his back, Python at his side. He wasn't going to die today.
Liam grove
As the first piece was lifted from the trapped girl, he heaved a sigh of relief as his arms felt like they were going to collapse. After giving himself a few seconds to regain his composure, Liam kept his gaze towards Katherine, wary of her betraying them the moment she was set free. As Katherine didn't make any suspicious moves, he then walked towards the rubble that held Katherine's legs down, he repeated the same actions he had done before and was ready to lift the piece up. Although saving a person's life was good and all, what mattered more was that she had food - the heavy lifting he had just done only made him more hungry.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen spacient spacient
Will Harris

Will got one last look at his crossbow, before it disappeared under the feet of the undead coming after them. He grimaced. More than once, that crossbow had saved his life. He'd had it from the beginning. It didn't feel right leaving it behind, but if he hadn't dropped it, Allegra would be dead. He climbed over the fence, and turned his attention to her the second he landed. Will winced when he saw the blood on her nose. He moved his arms towards her, about to pat her down for injuries, but he wouldn't know where to start. He couldn't tell if the blood she was covered in was all from the zombies, or if any of it was her own.

He inspected her, looking her up and down. "Any scratches?" He hesitated. "Bites?" He didn't even want to consider the possibility, but she'd been under there for a while. And if she was bitten... He frowned, but didn't know what came after that thought.
Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

Fizz Fizz Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
This was a good start - with Liam and Frankie working together they were able to get some of the rubble off Katherine and free her up to at least breathe a little bitter. After being under such a huge weight it probably felt really nice, at least that's what Frankie imagined. After the first piece was up she moved to the second, taking another handhold and lifting up with Liam at the same time. Hopefully the girl could still feel her legs - 2 days under a massive weight chances are they were destroyed

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