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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

Distracted by past thoughts, he barely comprehended the conversation. "huh...oh no, I don't much care for torches. Almost cost me my life a couple years back in the woods." He pondered for a short moment how a straggling zombie found him when he was tracking with a flashlight. He noticed some movement out a few hundred meters from the window and snapped to. He slid into a very low crouch and pull his rifle sights up peering out into the darkness. "Shh, Shield the fire light!" he half yelled half whispered.
I pulled a blanket out of my backpack and blocked the light whilst keeping it away a few feet so it didn't light on fire. "What is it?" I whispered back.
"Not sure, to far away and not enough lite to tell yet." I whispered. I kept a keen eye on the moving shadow in the dark. I whispered at Simon "Commrade Simon, would you bring me the small pouch that is tied to my ruck belt. And the three heavy round cans too please." The items Dmytri was refering to of course were low velocity rifle rounds and his makeshift silencer. If he had to take a shot...He wanted it to be as quiet as possible.
As I wondered if the shadow was a zombie, I felt my arms slowly grow tired of holding up the heavy wool blanket. I hoped it wasn't somehow the start of the horde already.
I glanced at Dymitri and nodded, darting to his ruck belt that layed on the ground and picked up the small pouch and the three round cans.

I held them in my hands, but hesitated to give them to him. "Don't shoot yet. Maybe he'll pass us." I whispered before finally handing him his stuff.

"It definitely is a zombie. Be careful."
"Da, in that case go help Addie shield the fire lite. Her arms must be tired." He quickly and quietly affixed his silencer and then changed the rounds in his rifle. Oddly like a weird miricle, or some narrator writing a script...one street lamp flickered on ever so dimly about 250 meters out. The shadow started moving towards the light. Dmytri readied a shot just as the shadow came into the light and...with a short and quiet little zip the zombie dropped to the ground. And with a second short quiet little zip the flickering dim street light was out as well. "All is clear commrades." he spoke normally
I dropped the blanket no stuffed it back in my backpack hesitantly. "You sure there aren't more? You know, like the horde maybe got here early or something and that was a straggler ahead of the rest..?" I had a bad feeling we weren't quite in the clear, but at the same time, I knew I could just be a bit paranoid.
I went back to the fire and warmed my hands. "Im positive that zombie was alone." wrapped his rifle up in it's sheet again and held it close, nodding off yet trying to stay awake.

(I myself and starting to nod off feeling the weight of my own head weigh down into sleep. Goodnight.)
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I sighed in relief. "Okay." I too sit by the fire and stare into the flames whipping back and forth steadily. My mind drifts back to what I'd seen earlier and I begin humming to get it off my mind.

I join Dymitri and Addie by the fire, but try not to look at it. I glanced at Dymitri and noticed that he was drifing into sleep, so i kept my voice down. "What are you humming?" I asked Addie after i listened to her for a while.
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I glanced at Simon and thought for a moment, recalling the name. "From the Ground. It's by band called Hollywood-" I kind of giggled, finding the band's name pretty ironic, "Hollywood Undead." I remembered how John knew every lyric and even sang to it when we found the MP3 that one time when we were little.
I laughed when Addie told me the song's name. "Well, it sounds pretty good!" I said with a smile. I've never heard that song before. "What's the lyrics about? Zombies crying for "braaaaains!"?" I joked, letting out a sigh. I looked out the window, wondering why she wasn't sleeping yet. It was pretty late.
I giggled. "No, I'm not entirely sure what the whole song means, but I know what a part or two mean. I think it has to do with knowing we all die in the end, no matter how long it takes or who it is and that life is so hateful... Wow, that's a bit more morbid than I remembered..." I thought about the hateful person from the docks and what he did. He didn't even hesitate to shoot Leon, he just saw, and shot. I looked back into the fire, suppressing any negative emotion. Like David always said, I can always save my anger for later. I can always pull it out and use it in a desperate situation. I hope I don't have any upcoming desperate situations to use my anger and sadness in, but I guess it's always good to be prepared. I clenched and unclenched my fists, suppressing the anger.
After I calm I look up and panic, just now noticing its night, I look in the direction of the safe house and knock on the quietly and say, "Is anyone awake still?"
I stare at the door for a moment before sprinting to the door and pulling it open. I saw Felix and all the worry disappeared, now that I knew he was ok and I could tell him about the horde. "Felix, there's a horde on the way here, it's slower zombies, but it's still a horde." I hugged him, glad he was safe.
I noticed that something occupied Addie's thoughts. I didnt know what it was, but it looked like a mixture of all unpleasant emotions.

I heard knocks on the wall, followed by Felix's voice.

I smiled as i saw the two hugging. It was heart warming.

"We need to prepare ourselves. Any suggestions?"
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I hug Addie back and say, "I'm sorry it took so long, I was just feeling, horrible anger, I'm sorry. And the horde, that might be a problem."
I nodded. "Maybe we can somehow hide ourselves in hard to get places or just move somewhere else..?" I remembered how easily I could fit between a few small boxes. It would be easy for me to hide, but them? I wasn't so sure.
"I doubt that hiding is a good option. They can smell you." I said, scratching the side of my head. "I think it's for the best if we move somewhere else if they get too close for comfort. What do you guys say?"
I had completely forgotten about their keen sense of smell. "Right, moving sounds good. But we already know they're coming our way, so we should start moving as soon and as quickly as possibly right?" I glanced back at Dmytri and realized he'd fallen asleep.
"Well... Maybe we should wait until morning comes." I said as i glanced at Dymitri who was sleeping like a rock. "Aren't you tired?" I asked Addie, looking at her. "You guys should get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day. I hope not, but i'm sure it'll suck."
I sighed, knowing he was right. "I'm not sure if I can fall asleep right now, but I can try.." I took the blanket out of my backpack and cuddled next to the fire. I shut my eyes and although the awful image played over and over in my head, I slipped into a light sleep filled with nightmares.
I shake my head and look at Simon, "I don't know about you, but I don't want sleep, or need it."
(I was about to say that i'm actually going to get some sleep, but it already happened before i could post again. Sorry, i was really tired.)

"Fair enough." I responded to Felix's comment. I looked over at Addie who layed next to the fire with her blanket. "Looks like we're the night watch for tonight." I said quietly, looking at him. Might as well do some small talk.

"How old are you now? In total?"
Jolting straight out of a dream. I sit their in the hospital bed and think to myself it was just a nightmare it wasn't real. I then let out a sigh and turn my head to check the window and see that it is still night time. And think well i am not going back to sleep after that nightmare might as well head out. So i get up and get dressed all my supplies gathered and leave the hospital. As i go down the street to get back on the highway i walk by a gas station where a few zombie bodies litter the ground. As i see this i shrug and keep going towards the highway and then about a few blocks down i see a Dodge charge. I get a little excited because i have always wanted this kind of car but when ever i find one it's either striped to the bones or something is wrong with it. So i try and remain positive and open the door notice all the insides are their i get a small smirk on my face, then i check under the hood everything looks intact i let out a squeal of excitement, and go to look and see if the keys are in the car and find them in the glove-box. So i put them in the starter and turn it rumbles but does not come to life i let out a sigh. And go to try it again and nothing i hit the steering wheel and say "pleas come to life i will always take care of you if you just come to life." So thinking to myself i say please let a third time be a charm and turn the key and the engine roars to life. I get a hug grin on my face and say "thank you". I look down at the gas meter and see it has a full tank and think to myself how the hell is this beauty not been touched but i just shrug the thought off and pull out. So i start going down the highway and come upon a big city and decide to get off and see if theirs anything worth getting. As i drive down the street i see a mall and decide to pull into the parking lot and park by one of the entrances and get out of the car. And head in looking for a music store thinking to myself now i have a car i can listen to cd's.

(This is exactly how her car looks just a little more dirty.)
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