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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

Casey, being the stubborn person that she was, tried to keep up with Derrick's long strides. She didn't want to be dead weight for him, but her slow pace made her feel as just that; dead weight. She attempted to limp quicker as he then brought up something about red meat followed by a wink. The wink made her feel as though there was some form of humour or hidden message within his statement. And even though she didn't understand and desperately wanted to know what he had meant, she kept silent, too afraid of looking dumb or naive. "If it does begin to rain I know of a safe place where we can rest, and there are a number of supplies as well."
I glanced at Dmytri at the mention of candy. "Could.. Could I have some of the candy you got..?"

(Sry I've been completely afk for a few days, family reunion stuff)
I sat in a corner at the end of the entrance hall, thinking about the stuff i usually thought about.

"Why am i different from the others? What was i like as a human? Do i have a family? Why do i like humans? Is this "life" even worth living?"

I never got answers, and i'll probably never get any. It really, really bothered me.

I raised my head when i heard Dymitri yelling from the other side of the door. He said he got weapons and food to spare. Of course, Addie asked for candy.

These things would always make me smile. To me, candy tasted awful. I tried chocolate once. It was disgusting, but humans liked it. They say it tastes "sweet". I wish i could remember my previous life.

"Are you going to let him in or what?" I asked, giving her a smile.

(Don't worry about it :P )
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I watched Addie opening the door for Dymitri and stood up, stretching my arms. I sat there for quite a while. I really wished i wouldn't have dropped the candy in the candy store when i heard the gunshots last night. I was too late, anyway. "To me, candy tastes like a dry sponge." I said with a smile, looking at Addie. "Don't... Don't ask me why i know what a sponge tastes like."

I looked at Dymitri as i realized what i just said. Did he already know i was one of them? ...Maybe he didn't notice yet. I hoped he didn't care.
I giggled at Simon and his dry sponge comment. I turned to him. "To me candy tastes like... well, happiness, if that makes any sense." I raised my eyebrows, now lost in thought as to what each emotion tasted like. Happiness was like candy... Sadness was like something sour and salty... Anger was obviously like ghost pepper. I wondered what fear tasted like...
"It tastes like happiness...?" I thought to myself, thinking about what she could've meant. So the taste makes you happy? It's always been the opposite for me. Everytime i eat something i like, i feel incredibly guilty. You probably know why.

"Are there tastes for other emotions as well?" I asked. I was really curious to know more. I wanted to understand humans better.
I look at him and try to come up with all the different tastes for feelings. "Well, I think sadness tastes kind of salty or sour, like a lemon or tears... Anger has to be incredibly spicy, like a ghost pepper." I wrinkled my forehead with concentration, trying to figure out fear. "Maybe fear tastes sorta... Um... Cold and bland..?.." I frowned since I couldn't think of anything better for fear.
"Huh... That's interesting..." I frowned, looking at Addie. "So why would you eat stuff that tastes sad, angry or afraid? Wouldn't you only eat sweet stuff, then?" I asked, looking at her curiously. Maybe she did only eat sweet stuff, but i've seen many humans munching on meat, and i know that meat tastes salty...

So... All i get is sadness. It's so accurate, it's creepy.
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I giggled now. "That's why I try to mainly eat the sweet stuff, it's like a hint of happiness in this messed up place. Besides, junk food and candy are almost always fresh and well preserved, so it's the best to eat other than canned food. But that stuff just doesn't taste as good." I see a bit of sadness in his face and feel bad. Maybe his taste buds are all messed up.. So he can't taste sweet stuff- that really sucks... I remember something all of a sudden. "Not all salty things taste like sadness, just like not all zombies are bad people. There's always good in the mix- like potato chips." I pull a potato chip bag out of my backpack and offer some chips.
ClickyVikki said:
I almost laughed at the fact I had forgotten to let him in. "Yeah, right... That.." I rush to the door and open it to Dmytri.
Seeing the door open, I appear from my shadowy bliss and snub out my cigarette. I walk towards the door and smile kindly at Addie, offering her one of the chocolate bars I nabbed. I mentioned as she shut the door behind me that it felt as though the weather was getting colder, either that or I'm getting older. I would chuckle.

"Would it be right to start a small fire someplace? I picked up a couple of ducks on my way back. And I'm afraid I have some unsettling news as well..."

(Sorry for have weird time stamps on my posts. my sleep schedule is all sorts of messed up)
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I took the chocolate and nodded. "Fire would be really nice, if it gets out of hand..." I gestured around us. "We're in a firehouse, so yeah. Anyways, what.. what's the news..?" I stared at Dmytri, beginning to get a bad feeling in my gut.
I took a handful of the chips she offered me and flashed a smile her way. Her kind words actually made me feel better to be what i am.

I looked at Dymitri when he mentioned bad news, hoping it was nothing too problematic
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He cleared his throat and started "Well, about three miles out west of our current position..." he paused as he set his ruck down and started building a small fire from what leftover twigs he had. "there's a horde approximately fifty zombies strong. Maybe more, my rifle scope isn't powerful enough at that range to see individual heads so I guessed." He got the fire lit and started to cleaning and prepping a meal for everyone. Canned beans and duck.
I stared at Dymitri as a chill went down my spine. I knew that we would have to deal with zombies sooner or later, but it still shocked me for some reason. "So what do we do? Wait for them to arrive here?" I asked, almost yelling.
I had one hand in my right pocket and my other hand stuffing a small portion of the meal into my mouth. "What do we do about it...? Half our group isn't even here right now..." I frowned and began eating a chocolate bar, the sweet taste of it filling my taste buds. If we don't get to somewhere safe from the horde... I may never be able to taste candy.... I shoved the rest of the chocolate in my mouth quickly.
"Well the good part is the fact that they don't seem to be moving. They seem starved, slow, lethargic." He skewered a few pieces of duck meet on a skewer and placed it over the fire. He spoke softly. "I think we are safe so long as we can keep the noise down. They still talked as regular, but still, the didn't seem like 'normal' zombies" He started humming Bogorodiste Devo again as he kept the fire a blaze. He thought to himself about his new found friends, what they did before the out break and such.
I sighed in slight relief, at least we had a little time. "But Felix and the others haven't come back yet. They could be out in the open for the horde to find, they might not be safe at all..." I frowned and put away my food, slinging my backpack back on my shoulder. "They might need help..." I crawled to the window and peeked out, but it had gotten too dark for me to make anything out.
I looked at Addie, who was looking out of the window into the night. "Do you want to look for them?" I asked as i stood up and walked next to her, looking out of the window as well.

"There's nobody there. If they're still out there, they are somewhere else." I said as i looked outside. We still had time, so it shouldn't be a problem to find them before the horde arrives.
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"AH-Addie! It's not safe right now. especially for someone of my skill. come by the fire and keep warm. And as Simon said, if they are out there I am sure they are safe." I offered her some of the cooked meat and my cloak. I grabbed my rifle and unwrapped it, and went near the window to look out in the darkness, letting my eyes adjust to the point to wear I could make out movement and shadows.
I rushed to the fire. "Sorry, I just want to find them..." I frowned at the fact that the others, wherever they were, didn't know about the horde. "Can we go look for them..?.. Please?" I stared into the fire with concern and worry written all over my face.
My gaze jumped back and forth between Dymitri and Addie. We were a small group consisting of 3 people. Not much.

"I'd like you to stay safe as well, but if you really want to find them, i'll come with you." I said, leaning against a wall. I looked at Dymitri, raising an eyebrow. "What about you?"
I looked at Simon and then at Addie "I don't see why not, but we have to wait till we either get some star lite or some moon lite. It would endanger us more to go out in this." He looked attentively out the windows. Rifle at the ready. "I may be able to mark at 500 meters in 25 knot winds...but I can't see in the dark. I vote he go at first lite." He didn't much like the idea of moving with people during the day time but he also wanted to find the others. "Where did they go anyway?"
"What about flashlights?" I asked Dymitri, even though i hated them. "If you do have any, please make sure not to shine the light into my eyes, please." It had to be said. I didn't want to yell in pain and attract unwanted guests if somebody accidentally shines the light in my face. I had no idea where they went either, so i looked at Addie. Maybe she knew what they were doing
"Okay, as long as we're looking sooner than later..." I took mother's knife out of my pocket and played with it a bit t distract me from the worry and the scene of the man shooting Leon. As much as I tried to lose focus, I kept on seeing it happen over and over. I wished I hadn't been staring out of the window, I wished I had tried to help somehow. I accidentally dropped the knife and sighed. Why was the man from the docks such a cold hearted jerk..?..

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