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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I looked up at the window, giving Addie a short nod. "I'll be right back!"

I didn't feel good to just run away from Addie and Lilly like that, but there were injured people lying on the ground around me.

So i turned around and darted to Felix who stood over Kat. He was the last man standing around here. I couldn't believe how much a single person did to all these people. It was ridiculous. Were they sleeping or what?

Oh yeah... Right... they actually sleep at night. Whoops.

I stopped abruptly as i noticed the unconscious guy on the ground. I've never seen him before, but he didn't look too good, so i decided to check on him.

"Hey! Wake up, dude!" I yelled as i shook his shoulders. Honestly, i didn't expect him to wake up, but it was worth a shot.

I just hoped he wasn't going to freak out over my glowing eyes and sharp teeth, and try to kill me if he did regain consciousness... That would've sucked.


The magnitude of this situation was not at first what i expected. It was worse. I noticed the dead body of another person laying on the ground around a corner, and it made me furious to see a 6-year old girl knocked out on the ground. Yes, she was a zombie, but she was still a child.

I always found it interesting how humans killed each other, yet blamed the zombies for everything.

Well, we weren't any better. The others are trying to kill me too, after all...

Still, all of this made me angry. How could this happen? It was just one guy, wasn't it? They should've crushed him.

I looked around, but unfortunately, whoever did this was long gone.

"The guy from the docks..." i thought to myself. "I'm going to pay you a visit someday, you fucking coward."
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Matt awakens from a deep sleep. "Urgh.... How long have i been passed out..." He climbed out of bed with blood on his usally black hoodie. He winced as he placed his hand on his left shoulder. "Jesus. A bullet hole... I think it went straight through." He looks out his window and sees the street emptied, yet the screams of the damned could be heard. He grabbed his many knifes and left the room
He slung his backpack on his back then picked up his radio. He had found this on one of... The undead. He activated "Hello? Anyone on today?" He hit a nearby table. They'd promised escape from the city, but he needed to find something. He had no idea what, but it was important to them. He decided to go and scavange. Even though good on food and medication, he needed ammo and weapons. He sat down and turned on his tv. Suddenly, a news flash appeared. "To all survi- *Static* rescue at 4:40 on sundat the 4th. In about 7 *Static* please, if you are hearing this. Go to the top of the *Static* and await rescue" He stood up quickly and paced the room _If Bethany had seen that, she's gonna go there. There's a chance!_
'Another day in paradise.' I sighed standing. 'Great to be alive...' I shuffled over to my weapons and put them in my backpack, except for my baskball bat which I kept hold of. 'To hell I go...' And with that I made my way outside.
Matt stepped outside, only to be greated by the grisly sight of a zombie noticing him and running at him "Shit" He ran, not looking back. He eventually ran to a point when he saw a woman step outside her house then he tripped... The zombie fell ontop. "HEY! YOU! HELP ME! PLEASE!"
I jumped at the sight. 'What?'

'HELP!' He pleaded. And with that I hit the zombie, his head flying straight off. I brushed the blood off my face and tucked my red hair behind my ear. I looked at the guy with curiosity. I wonder if he knew my brother?
"Thank you. Most would've left me to die" He stood up and put his hand out to shake "My name's Matthew. Have you seen anyone by the Name of Bethany?"
I stared at his hand ignoring his question. I hadn't spoken to another person in ages. 'I'm Eru....' I said shaking his hand. 'And it's fine. I don't want anyone else dying. Tch. Useless. ' And already my bitchy side is appearing...
"Listen. Considering the fact you just saved my life. I'm gonna let you in on something. I MAY have a way out of the city. If you want, you can come with

Or you can stay here. Up too you" He looks down the streets and see's no more zombies then Pulls out the radio and turns it on. "HELLO! Is anyone reading this!? hello!?-" A response came through. "We hear you loud and clear. The last i remember, we were cut off oh so rudely when i was saying how if you found a certain Document i'd get you out of that city"
I stared at this guy with hope but at the same time with disgust. We had just met then he's telling me to listen to this weird radio? A way out the city?

'Wait. We just met. I don't know if I can trust you and I have no plans on leaving this city yet!' I pulled my knife out my bag and I went up closely to his face and glared at him. I may have been too close, but in this world, who cares about personal space?
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"Woah. Calm down here. I'm just trying to help you. If not for you, i'd be on the floor over there with blood pouring out my ne-" A gun shot rang out and blood flew from Matt's left leg and he falls to the floor, yelling and hugging his leg. Far back, in the wooded area, a group of hillbilys got lucky and found some guns. Now, they were hunting humans for sport, alongside zombies
I glared up from the floor to see those idiots. I should check if he's ok, but I need to get them...

As one of them aimed and shot my way I ducked down and crouched near Matt.

'Hey M-'

Another bullet aimed for my head flew my way. Out of panic I jolted up, so instead of the bullet hitting my head, it inplanted into my stomach.
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"The house! Get in, before they attract the runners!"

Matt and the Girl start to move/ Limp to the house and the girl opens the door, let's Matt in and locks the door.

"We....We need to get.... To my house...I have medical supplies...."
*Is sitting on the couch with a lever action in hand. My face is scarred up from Felix's beating, i gaze at a picture on the wall, a carton of orange juice on the table and a bottle of whiskey.*

"I... think you're in the wrong house..."

*Looks up thoughtfully*
'Medical supplies you say...if I hadn't met you, This wouldn't of happened....shit. Ow.'

I was nervous to look at my wound. But I did. I screeched, part horror, part pain. I looked over at Matt trying to keep calm since someone else was here. I was close to tears. This isn't like me. I was afraid of dying.
"Hey! you go out there, you'll die. They have their sights on the door" Matt gets up and sits on couch with guy "Who are you then? I'm Matthew."
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*He stays quiet for a long moment, looking at the bottle. He then looks up at Matthew.*

"I'm Alistar... this is my... uh..."

*Looks around for a minute and sighs.*

"Hideout.... medical supplies? I happen to be a nurse...."
"Great, would you like to come with us? I have food and supplies at my house. And a way out of this city"
*Looks at Matthew hard for a moment, then at the girl, then back at Matthew. He tucks his feet over his duffel bag on the floor and motions the gun at them*

"What's wrong with her? and i'm not sure... the reason i look so pretty now, is because of strangers friend..."

*He remembered Felix and winced slightly, he touched the bruises and scars wincing even more. He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. He replied quietly,*

"Not leaving until it's dark anyway..."
"She's just been shot, some anti bactirial and a bandage should do the trick"

Matt stands up infront of then bends over so face is near yours

"Come on. Please? We need people. And you look careful, Smart and Presice"

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