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Fantasy AP: Convergence (OOC General Discussion)

Short Round Short Round

And I will send it to you. I just based it off the vibe I got from your character and a random prompt. It’s short, and soft.
Hey guys!

I have added the map to the OOC as well as a new "Socio-Political Landscape" Extra Page to give a bit more detail on how each nation sees the others and what their relationships are like.

Check it out when you have the time okay!?

Cleaned up and finished Tahib's Character sheet!!

GojiBean GojiBean hopefully all is ok with the Bio as per discussion but please let me know if I've made a few bloops here and there!!

Excited to get this bad boy goin otherwise fella's!! 🤠
Terrier B Terrier B Looking good.

But something popped up I wanted to touch on just to make sure it's fully understood.

The way the profile is structured kind of makes it sound like there's only one Assassin's Guild in Shaharan, which isn't the case. I don't think that was your intent, but yeah. There are numerous Guilds for Assassins across the nation of Shaharan, and dozens more across all of the other nations combined. Same with organizations. Cre' Est has around 6-7 Organizations of Assassins, including Te'i Sai (though they're operating on their own rather than as a true part of the underworld).

So yeah. That's about it. I just wanted it to be clear that there are many Guilds for Assassins, Theives, etc in all of the nations. Never just one.

So if anyone else was wondering and have a Guild/Organization in your backstory, just know it's one of many in the nation.

I keep changing up my character, there's so many options here! Hoping to have her out soon though, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday if school doesn't attack me with a butcher knife first.
kath1515 kath1515 La'ara's looking good so far! I look forward to the rest of the profile when you're finished!

I asked RPN Staff if it was cool to make a posting section for each nation, and they said it was okay!! Yay!!

I have added 1 posting section for each nation, and attached the links to the first post in this OOC thread!

So if your character is ready to begin their adventure, you have my permission to start posting!

Also, as a note/request from me to you: If you want to have your character encounter someone else's, please ask them before just throwing your character into their character's lives.

I know this is a sandbox and as long as your respective characters are in the same general vicinity there's a chance for an encounter. But there's also a chance that the other player wants to accomplish something before any Player-Player encounters. So as a courtesy please give them the opportunity to do their thing and join up with you when they're ready.

Otherwise, enjoy your character's life in Assassin's Pledge: Convergence!!

Thank you!!

EDIT!!: Also, the starting date of the RP is the 12th Day of the 3rd Ertal Moon, year 574.

Thought you'd wanna know. Lol.
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No activity? Looks like I have to stir up some trouble....hehe

I asked RPN Staff if it was cool to make a posting section for each nation, and they said it was okay!! Yay!!

I have added 1 posting section for each nation, and attached the links to the first post in this OOC thread!

So if your character is ready to begin their adventure, you have my permission to start posting!

Also, as a note/request from me to you: If you want to have your character encounter someone else's, please ask them before just throwing your character into their character's lives.

I know this is a sandbox and as long as your respective characters are in the same general vicinity there's a chance for an encounter. But there's also a chance that the other player wants to accomplish something before any Player-Player encounters. So as a courtesy please give them the opportunity to do their thing and join up with you when they're ready.

Otherwise, enjoy your character's life in Assassin's Pledge: Convergence!!

Thank you!!

EDIT!!: Also, the starting date of the RP is the 12th Day of the 3rd Ertal Moon, year 574.

Thought you'd wanna know. Lol.
By the way, how exactly does the format of this RP work? Should we expand on our character's stories without necessarily getting input from you or another player's interactions?
By the way, how exactly does the format of this RP work? Should we expand on our character's stories without necessarily getting input from you or another player's interactions?


You are free to expand on your own character's story provided there are no direct interactions taking place.

Whenever there are interactions taking place, all participants are free to go back and forth at their leisure.

Since our characters are fairly spaced out, Nation-wise, it should be fairly easy for each thread to be something of its own mini-RP based in this world for you guys to enjoy. Eventually I'd like all our characters to meet, and I have a plan for achieving that. But I will wait until the time feels right to do so unless everyone jointly agrees that grouping up sooner than later would be the wisest move.
Nobuzout Nobuzout Hey there!

I love the post! The way you painted the despair and the sense of already having been defeated for the soldiers was really nice!

Question about how you're going to proceed, if I may: Do you know exactly where you want Boko to go from here?

The map is quite large. And depending on exactly where Boko is in Veilbrand reaching either Cre' Est or Gweynura, which are the two closes destinations to him outside of Veilbrand, could take quite some time. For example, if you look at the map I have of the world on the first page of the OOC, if Boko is on the west coast and just below the uppermost river then a horseback ride to Cre' Est will still take him around 3 full days. And that's presuming he manages to find a bridge that he's able to cross without getting into trouble with Egruus' soldiers since they guard most major travel junctions. Key word, "most." If he's already on the North side of that river, then he'll have a roughly 2 day ride ahead of him.

So if you would like any help navigating Boko through this world I'm more than happy to lend assistance. I can play NPC's at the major checkpoints to give Boko a little bit of passive-aggressive resistance to check his belongings and frisk him to make sure he's not "suspicious" or "possibly a Revolutionary," as well as play NPC's in any villages or towns you'd like him to stop by on his way to either Cre' Est or Gweynura.

Would you like the assistance?
myrkwise myrkwise I re-read your previous post here in the OOC and would like to offer the same assistance I offered Nobuzout. If you would like me to do some NPC work so Lumi has some people to interact with I'm more than happy to lend a hand!

The same goes for anyone, actually. If you are having trouble starting your posts for your characters and would like some assistance or just want someone to play some NPC's so you're not stuck posting by yourself all the time before you group up with others then don't hesitate to ask me okay? It's what I'm here for! 👍
myrkwise myrkwise I re-read your previous post here in the OOC and would like to offer the same assistance I offered Nobuzout. If you would like me to do some NPC work so Lumi has some people to interact with I'm more than happy to lend a hand!

The same goes for anyone, actually. If you are having trouble starting your posts for your characters and would like some assistance or just want someone to play some NPC's so you're not stuck posting by yourself all the time before you group up with others then don't hesitate to ask me okay? It's what I'm here for! 👍
I would appreciate that a lot, yes.
I would appreciate that a lot, yes.

Okie dokie.

I don't really know where Lumi is right now. So before I can be of much help could you please tell me where she is? A village, town, or major city? I saw she's collapsed onto the moist dirt under a cloudy sky, so I know she's present outside. Is she in the dirt roads, or out in a field just outside town?
Okie dokie.

I don't really know where Lumi is right now. So before I can be of much help could you please tell me where she is? A village, town, or major city? I saw she's collapsed onto the moist dirt under a cloudy sky, so I know she's present outside. Is she in the dirt roads, or out in a field just outside town?
She is in a dirt field which is situated near the back of her home, which itself is in a fairly small village that is harboring a decent quantity of Revolutionary soldiers.
She is in a dirt field which is situated near the back of her home, which itself is in a fairly small village that is harboring a decent quantity of Revolutionary soldiers.

Gotcha. I'll have something up within the hour.
GojiBean GojiBean

Hey! Thank you, I basically decided to write from where I left his backstory, I decided to place Boko in the way of Lumi which is basically what's happening on the present. However I am not sure if he will stick for too long, so I'd love for you to add some npcs through his journey. I however don't know exactly where I want to take him.

I decided that maybe it would be interesting to make Boko talk with the others at the infirmary and see if they have any idea where it would be good to go. As my character has never left Veilbrand he doesn't really know where to go. So he needs some sort of map or insight to help him.
GojiBean GojiBean

Hey! Thank you, I basically decided to write from where I left his backstory, I decided to place Boko in the way of Lumi which is basically what's happening on the present. However I am not sure if he will stick for too long, so I'd love for you to add some npcs through his journey. I however don't know exactly where I want to take him.

I decided that maybe it would be interesting to make Boko talk with the others at the infirmary and see if they have any idea where it would be good to go. As my character has never left Veilbrand he doesn't really know where to go. So he needs some sort of map or insight to help him.

Sounds good!

If he's never been outside of Veilbrand before, the best places for him to visit to get some information on the outside would be trade posts. They're filled with traders, travelers, and there are always mercenaries and other kinds of regularly employed caravan guards who see and hear a lot from other nations. He could get a lot of information there, and stock up on supplies at the same time if need be.
For those in Veilbrand, I wrote a little piece of music a while back that serves as the theme for the Revolution!

If you'd like to listen, it's on the first post where it says "this is for Veilbrand posting only!"


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