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Bum Bear

So I'm an alien now
AoT: Beyond the Wall
  • The night is silent. Nature holds her breath as the moon rises to the highest peak. Light trickles through the leaves of tree awaking few fallen soldiers who managed to escape the carnage bellow. Nature sighs in relief as the a small breeze brushes through the forest, the young men and women finally getting up. The five remaining members look on in utter confusion, wondering what happened only a few hours prior. Soon they remember the horrors, titans, humanoid beast with a taste for human flesh ambushed them during their first mission, the large sacks below them alerting them to the terrible fates of their fallen comrades. Knowing of their slim chance of survival the group come together in order to make the trip back to Wall Maria. This is a story of their survival and their journey back from the land of titans.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , S n o w S n o w , and soggyparadise soggyparadise
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Alwyne Wagner

It was so sudden. Just this morning they were saddling up their horses, chattering amongst themselves to alleviate the sense of dread that came with leaving the wall, an all to palpable fear held each member of the survey corps hostage. Some tried to talk it away, finding the closest member and talking about the glory they'd achieve once they slayed their first titan, how their families would be proud of the work they were accomplishing. Other chose to keep to themselves and work in silence. They knew what was ahead of them, and despite this, their duty compelled them forward. Alwyne was one of them. Despite her tough exterior, she was just as frightened as the rest of the cadets. Why had she joined the survey corp? What in her right mind possessed to take on such a suicide mission? This questions filled her thoughts as they began moving towards the large gate that separated them from the beasts beyond the wall. The commander gave a speech, but she doubted that anyone was listening, everyone deafened by their own predictions of what would happen once they left the city. The commander was finished, only five minutes passing before the sound of gates opening caused the cadets, including Alwyne to Jump. Soon, they would find themselves on an open field that stretched on for miles. In all honesty, it was a beautiful scene, but to them, it would soon be their graves.

Alwyne body felt stiff, her arms and legs refusing to move as if weights were tied to the ends of them. She struggled to free her left arm, then her right to no prevail. The lack of freedom she had over her own body infuriated her, making her scream, but much like the rest of her, it too didn't happen. She growled and snarled at nothing, the darkness surrounding strangling her as she fought to take back control of her own body. Soon, she found the strength to break free of her bonds, a pair of burgundy eyes shooting open as the woman swung at the air. Had she been asleep this entire time? She shivered at the idea as she glanced over at her hand that was now working as it should. Slowly, she rose from her position, the bark of the tree branch scratching her palms as she pushed off of them. Bark? Am I on a tree? How did I..., her chest tightened as the rush of memories began flooding her head. Her breathing became erratic as she remembered every detail that brought her to where she was now. Three titans of varying sizes, one whom was an abnormal had ambushed them from the forest. They tried to keep formation, but panic brought many to turn tail and run, only a few soldiers keeping to their position. She was one of the few that continued forward, the fear keeping her from running like the others. Once their unit was split, they became easy pickings for the titans who went about devouring them one by one, men and women screaming for help as they were crushed or bitten by the monstrous creatures.

Regaining her breath, Alwyne was lost for words. How did she manage survive the attack when she was ... Then she remembered. A bit hazy, but she could remember her horse taking a full blow from one of the titans that ran up from their right, she and her horse flying in the air. From that, she somehow managed to shoot one of her hooks into a nearby tree which would explain why she was there in the first place. Placing a hand on her chest, she could feel her heart racing, the fear shaking her deep within her core. Was she the only survivor? Why had she been the only one to live? The panic gradually returned at the idea that she was alone. It wasn't until she looked up that she saw a few others sprawled out across the large tree branches. Were they alive? She didn't know, but if there was even a slim chance that they were then she needed to find out. Sluggishly moving onto her feet, her body screamed in pain, small cuts and bruises decorating her pale skin. The worse came from her ankle which she believed was probably sprained at best or broken at worst. Tears began to form as she edged on forward to the others. Her ankle would have to wait, right now, she had to focus on reviving the others ... if they were still alive that is.


mood: sick & frightened
company: three bodies
location: In the trees
mentions: S n o w S n o w , soggyparadise soggyparadise , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
tagged: n.a

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Haagen Ohme

Haagen might've been the only one in his regiment who was excited to leave the Walls. He didn't let the others see it, of course. He busied himself with strapping a flare to his horse—for quick access—and triple checking his gear. He was so close to finding out what made the Scouts worth so many lives. He'd looked, but didn't find the answer at the Academy, nor during any of his combat training. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the gate. It was his first time in Wall Maria, not that he'd ever told anyone that. Out there—he would find his answer. Maybe then he wouldn't feel quite so bitter towards his mother. Maybe, maybe, he'd be able to return home after as his own person, and not as the shadow of someone else.

Of course, while Haagen was fixated on what he would see outside, any thought on the reason behind why he was being sent out was pushed to the back of his mind. At least until he woke up hours later, dangling in mid-air. His eyes snapped open, though the way his head ached almost made him lose consciousness again. Haagen looked up. Two hooks were digging deep into a thick branch above him. He turned his attention to his empty hands. His blades—hadn't he been holding them? Haagen winced, pressing a hand to his head. He didn't find his answer. He didn't remember anything between watching the gate open and staring up at the giant trees of the forest, more in awe than scared.

He'd been near the back of his unit when the abnormal titan swallowed a handful of people in front of him, mouth first. Haagen had a vague memory of reaching for his flare when the idiot that had been riding next to him panicked. Because of this, their horse panicked, and swerved directly in front of the rest of them. A dozen horses and people went down at once. After, as his horse fell on him, he blacked out for a few seconds. His horse masking his presence was the only reason he survived. A small titan had converged on his unit while the abnormal wrecked havoc ahead of him and had several unconscious people in their grip. He waited until the titan sauntered away with their victims before he dared to get up. Even then, he almost passed out again. Knowing he needed to get to higher ground, he did exactly that—except he didn't remember making it.

There was blood on Haagen's hand, and more dried to his forehead. He released his hook and landed—barely—on the branch below him. His flare was gone. Without it, would anyone bother looking for survivors? "Idiot," he growled at himself. What kind of idiot strapped a flare to a horse? If only he managed to grab it before the bigger idiot killed everyone.

Haagen decided then that he would curse Klaus until the day he died.

He crossed his arms. No food, no water. Was he the only survivor—no, he wouldn't think about that just yet. He heard movement behind him and spun, grabbing at his blades, but it wasn't a titan. Someone very human was stumbling towards him. Something was wrong with her ankle. Haagen didn't know how to feel. He wasn't alone, but, considering their situation, that only made him grimace.

They were on the same tree, but different branches. "What's between this forest and Wall Maria?" he asked.


mood: worried & dizzy
company: Alwyne
location: In the trees
mentions: n/a tagged: Bum Bear Bum Bear


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