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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

His hands quickly grabbed hold of her waist, prevent the girl from falling. Which also made Yuki's face a light color of strawberry pink. "You okay?" he asked, letting his grip around her waist release slowly but also helping her maintain balance. @o0Kanra0o @Yukio Akuma
"Yeah sorry" He says kind of embarressed as her runs his hands through his hair. Kosiko looked at Saki puzzled though "What happened? Who licked you?" he asked while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes "That's uhm abnormal" he chuckles the tiredness still hanging around in his voice "If it happens again just wake me by the way."
A small half frowned appeared on her face as she slightly shook her head. "I don't really know why it happened. But apparently one of the student's familiar decided to lick the back of my head." Saki answered with a small sigh changing her expression back to a simple smile. "Yeah, I'll be sure to wake you next time~"
Taro attention was also soon on Kosiko and then back on Saki. "Hmm. I don't know. I think you got licked because of something I said to Anthony. Guy's a jerk." He responded to Saki's answer. "I suppose I never did introduce myself. I'm Denjiro Taro." The red head spoke, extending his hand towards Kosiko.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Taro. I'm Kosiko" he said with a grin as he shakes the man's "So is it become normal for familiars to just lick people?" He asked confused. "Or am I right in saying that's weird?" As he talks his eyes wander back to Saki. He couldn't but laugh at the fact she got licked "So I'm assuming it was a fun expierence fro you" Kosiko chuckled
"Y-Yeah just slipped a little I guess. Thanks for the help." The girl said her face a lovely shade of red. She stood and hooked her elbow onto Yuki's before looking at him. "I hope you don't mind helping guide me through this death trap of a room."

"I'm fine. What's with you man I don't need somebody following me. I just want to go relax." Anthony said to the guy following him as a few students were giving him more space than he needed.
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Zero felt slightly hurt by the stranger he was trying to help. "Listen man, I'm just trying to help." He put his hand on the guy's shoulder to make him stop and try could talk it out.
"Like anybody could help me. All they think of is how i'm not like anybody else." Anthony said looking at the guy with pain in his eyes.
Zero looked at him and rolled up his right sleeve. It showed his red and glowing arm, he said, "You're not like anybody else? Hmm. I think that title suits me better." He laughed a little and smiled. "Don't let other people tell you who you are. You are your own person, love your life how you want to. Hell I've done some things in my life tht no one would understand. But I still get up and forget about the bad times and remember the good times." He led out his demon hand to shake the stranger's hand. "Zero, Nice to meet you."
"Anthony. If I showed you my weird bit the whole campus would freak." Anthony said with a sigh. He turned and noticed everybody was leaving so he backed away from the guy and lightning hit him. Anthony's wolf ears and tail were made of lightning and his teeth grew a bit longer. Anthony let it stay a little longer before returning to normal.
Zero started to laugh, remaining calm. "That was pretty cool. But check this out." Zero burst into flames and appeared in his true demon form. He trusted this guy and he wasn't sure why. He turned back to normal and said, "You're not the only one with a secret Anthony. I have many more but those are for a different time." He smiled at Anthony and rubbed the back of his neck.
Everyone!! I have moved all oc's to the cram school classroom. This is a start of a new event.


Yukio entered the classroom, waiting for all his students to arrive. Once everyone entered, he began telling them about their new quest. "I'm sorry to inform everyone, but classes today will be canceled. A quest has been assigned to all of you for to complete, there for you will work on that and not school." His voice spoke loud enough for the whole class to hear.
Taro smirked, liking the idea of skipping class. It was awesome they were getting another mission. A great chance for him to show Saki some new skills.
Zero, rarely ever going to classes, entered his next class. When he got in there, he found out that the class was going to be canceled. He raised his hand and didn't even wait to be called on, he asked, "Yo, why is class canceled? And what kind of quest are we talking about?" He got a little bit excited about the quest. Mystery quests are the best, because it could be very hard. He though to himself.
"Cool No class!" izuni said with a big smile,"But like Daniel said what is it about?" Izuni questioned. Kazunari sat by Opal,"This'll be cool" Kazunari stated as he looked at Opal who nodded in agreement.

((BTW If you do want some insite on the Quest Go to Character Sigh ups and Look for Nagari.... she's they Demon/villan of the event... to give you some hints))
"Finally a little hard work." Anthony said grabbing his books to put them away as the blind girl sat next to him to have her obligations fulfilled. Until mephisto trusts her Anthony has to watch her.
Yukio adjusted the hem of his glasses before answering questions. "The principal has exchanged a deal with a woman. Not much light has been shed on this deal but, you are delivering a vial to Hebi and will hand it over to the cult. They will give you something in return which you must take back here. I know this may seem boring and uninteresting, but keep in mind a demon lives in that area and wont hesitate to kill anyone on of you."
Zero got really interested when Yukio mentioned a demon that wants to kill everyone. He raised his hand again, "Do I have permission to kill Nagari if I see her? That is if she is real" He smirked.

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