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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

Kiotaro said:
Vlad smirked showing his vampiric teeth. "Aren't I already the color red?" He chuckled to himself and shot a few bullets of pure blood. When the bullets were near her, he exploded them and didnt let a drop of blood touch her.
Just as bullets headed her way, Komori summoned for her two demons to appear. Though while she was preoccupied with that, she didn't have a chance to dodge the bullets. When they exploded, the girl raised a brow at how she remained unharmed. "Huh...?" She questioned, "Just because I'm lady doesn't mean you need to play nice~" She told him with a smirk...though it's not like she planned on hitting him either.
When Vlad saw the other two demons appear he was ecstatic. More foes is just more blood for Vlad to drink. He walked towards the girl and her demons and took out his sword while putting his pistols away in his coat. He charged the demons and stopped a few feet in front of them. "Make your move princess."
Anthony blocked a strike from a giant moth and heard his phone ring. "One moment please." Anthony told the moth before shoving it away to answer the phone. "Hello Arisu. Glad you called me back I thought you were coming with us. I hope we didn't leave you behind, did we?" Anthony said dodging a swipe from the large moth.


Kiotaro said:
When Vlad saw the other two demons appear he was ecstatic. More foes is just more blood for Vlad to drink. He walked towards the girl and her demons and took out his sword while putting his pistols away in his coat. He charged the demons and stopped a few feet in front of them. "Make your move princess."
Komori giggled at being called princess. She never had been called that, and even though it probably didn't mean anything...she kinda liked it. Konji never called her princess....actually, Konji didn't do anything for her. He was a fool who just used her for his own good. Damned brat! If she ever got her hands on him, she would make sure to wring his throat. Her eyes quickly flashed back to the battle, regaining focus. A spikey ball of energy formed in her hand as she leaped back a couple feet before shooting them at Vlad, though she purposely missed hitting him. @Kiotaro "That's a warning shot, Hun. I can do a lot more damage, if you know what's best.........then back down.....and let me join you."
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Vlad stood still and let the ball miss him without blinking. He looked up an said, "Join me? That's a strange death wish. Unless you are serious and you actually would like to join my cause." He thought for a second. "Well. My team does need a pretty girl to lighten up the mood. Ill let you in and if any of the losers on my team say otherwise, I'll kill them!" He giggled and started to walk back to them after putting his sword away. He looked back and said, "You coming princess?" He smirked showing off his sexy vampire teeth.
Komori blinked in surprise. Wait, he just allowed it? No questioning or anything, well, she was actually quite surprised...but this was good news for her. Of course she knew she would be teaming up with exorcists, but this also meant she could hurt Konji and get closer to this cute guy she had just met. She blushed at being called princess once again, but she did nod. "Of course I'm coming." She said, catching up with him. Though she had gotten distracted by those smexy vampire teeth. "Wait, you'll actually let me join you and your cause?" She asked once more, making sure this wasn't going to be a trick.
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Vlad nodded and said, "I see the look in your eyes. You want to do good but you are trying to keep up your demon reputation." He stopped for a second. "I'm just kidding. You wouldn't have been asking me questions how you are, if you wanted to harm me. And you're pretty sooo..." He stopped right there and smiled at her.
Komori didn't even realize she had a look in her eyes. Then again, she didn't know that people could see past her facade....Konji never did anyways. But she had to give points to Vlad, he was almost spot on with his theory. She didn't want to be evil, but she was also a demon. It was hard to be demon that does good. Good goes against the demon nature. Her cheeks blushed a bit at being called pretty. "Y-you think I'm pretty? Do you mean it? Or are you lying like Konji did?" She knew what being played felt like and she didn't know whether Vlad was someone she should be trusting. He seemed cute...handsome, but she knew more than anyone that looks could be deceiving. "But thank you...You're kinda attractive yourself. But now we need to get to business. You're trying to get past the magic circles, right? I'll easily call them down if you want me to...?" @o0Kanra0o @pbtenchi @Holo @Yukio Akuma @Shard @Alldahluvlybad1s
Anthony stood and tossed the phone up high using his demonic strength then he handed the reigns over to it. Anthony's eyes rolled back as the demon took control. "I am lightning. The rain transformed." He said out loud before his scythe turned into some have gauntlets. He then punched a large moth out of the way before running up the side of the barrier and jumping straight up when he lost momentum. "Get your crappy circle OUT OF MY WAY!" Anthony yelled throwing almost all of his demonic power behind one gauntlet. His other gauntlet broke and reformed as a spike in the end of the first. The tip of said spike crackled with a growing amount of demonic energy until Anthony came racing down at the barrier. He struck it and felt himself and the barrier being hit by multiple lightning strikes until he couldn't supply any more. He landed and heard a cracking nose but knew he didn't have enough Stent to break the barrier but he'd get through somehow. "I failed her once and she didn't deserve it. She was one of the only people who treats new like a human being. I can't fail her not again I'll die before I fail her again. I'll die before I fail any of my friends again. But I won't die not here and not today because I finally found something to live for. I have to get Opal back and then I have to look out for Arisu." Anthony said without thinking before making two gauntlets again and punching the cracked bit of the barrier repeatedly. It was a tiny crack and Anthony doubted that it went even a quarter of the way through the barrier but he'd site as hell try to get it the rest of the way so he could get in there. "BREAK! BREAK! BREAK!" Anthony yelled pounding at the barrier in the cracked spot with minimal effect. A demon tried to touch him but it got sent flying by a powerful electric shock. "Friction creates static buildup which makes electricity which does me up!"

Komori felt the strong presence of demonic energy. She could also sense her barrier failing her....someone was breaking through. But assuming said person was on Vlad's side, the pinkette didn't see the problem with just releasing the barriers. But there was a small problem....said person was putting too much energy in the barrier. If any more was used to break the thing, an explosion would be called that could kill the humans near it. "Come on!" She yelled, grabbing a hold of Vlad's wrist before running up to see Anthony trying to take down the circle. "Hey! Stop that! You'll kill everyone!" She spoke to him before using her powers and disarming the barrier. Since she was the one who built it, she could disarm it too. "What do you think you're doing? You would have killed a bunch of people by doing that..." @o0Kanra0o
Vlad was about to speak but was interrupted by Komori grabbing his wrist and taking him to Anthony. He didnt want to talk to the buffoon but he had to. "This is..." He turned to Komori and said, "Don't think we ever introduced ourselves. I am Vladimir. Pleasure to meet you." He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it while bowing. He straightened up and said, "This lovely dove will help is through the magic circles. Either you imbeciles accept her or I kill you. That simple." He quickly shut up and glared around.
Anthony turned to the two new arrivals. "It's about time she showed herself I could smell her snooping around. Oh and Vlad the threats are cute but I have better things to do than break two new allies." Anthony said knowing they had better things to do he turned and started to advance again. "Besides we have better things to do than worry about if some demon with a pretty face can help. Clearly she's useful so I don't care if she's your slave or your lover."

"WHAT!!!!!!!" Konji yelled, his voice could only could be heard by demons, Komori in particular, "HOW DARE YOU OPEN THE GATES!!!!" it was clear the anger and rage were in his tone, Making it a rough evil dark voice, "I'LL KILL YOU KOMORI!" he could easily kill her from where she was, but.... he rather torture her with his own bare hands, "Kill! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!" he bit down on his thumb and it started to bleed a dark red blood," You've given me no choice! Come HOME MY SNAKE! YOU HAVE A GATE TO OPEN!" he yelled again. The thing wit his snake is. It has the blood of Satan, so thats how hes gonna open the gate....using the demons blood. Also so Nicki can please Pb...kinda....sorta...okay maybe not HEY I DON'T KNOW!!!!


"WHAT!!!!!!!" Konji yelled, his voice could only could be heard by demons, Komori in particular, "HOW DARE YOU OPEN THE GATES!!!!" it was clear the anger and rage were in his tone, Making it a rough evil dark voice, "I'LL KILL YOU KOMORI!" he could easily kill her from where she was, but.... he rather torture her with his own bare hands, "Kill! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!" he bit down on his thumb and it started to bleed a dark red blood," You've given me no choice! Come HOME MY SNAKE! YOU HAVE A GATE TO OPEN!" he yelled again. The thing wit his snake is. It has the blood of Satan, so thats how hes gonna open the gate....using the demons blood. Also so Nicki can please Pb...kinda....sorta...okay maybe not HEY I DON'T KNOW!!!!

Vladimir was his name? Personally she thought that was kind of a cute name. Just as she about to introduce herself, she heard a screaming voice in her head. A sadistic smirk had came across her face as she witnessed the yelling of her old master. He was pissed...that was great. She wanted him upset! Now he should feel the pain she felt! If he had even given a damn about her, he would of showed it. And since he didn't...she was now turning on him. "Vladimir was it? Hmm, that's kinda cute~! I'm Komori!" She said with a normal smile now and a small bow as she introduced herself. She turned to Anthony and raised a brow at his words. "And you are....Anthony I assume? I can lead you to the castle if you like~" Yeah yeah, she knew who he was. She had overheard Konji talking about him one day. @Alldahluvlybad1s @Kiotaro @Holo
Vlad smiled. "Anthony has something stuck up his butt all day every day." He leaned in closer and whispered, "I don't really like him." He laughed and continued in as well. Now you may be wondering, 'did he hear the voice?' Oh yes he did and he was ignoring it. This demon named Konji must be pretty weak minded if he let that happen. He wanted Konji to think that Vlad was a weak demon so he could kill him easily.
"AGHHHHH" konji flipped a near by table ~TABLE FLIP!~ "Agh! Whatever. my plan is already on its way!" He said as his Snake finally returned. Konii grabbed a blade and cut the snake a bit. So it would bleed. And like that. The gate started forming.
"You two don't stop screwing around and you'll both have my boot up your butts." Anthony said stepping aside to motion for Komori to lead the way. He was growing impatient and his anger was only feeding the demon inside him. Soon he'd be upon Konji and he'd have a chance to give it his all. "I just don't trust you two. If Arisu were here is be treating her like royalty but I'm stuck without her so it's not as nice out here." Anthony said knowing that nobody would be able to harm him in any way just yet. He was going to treat Arisu like royalty alright once he got back he had even bought books to read up on how to impress her and sweep her off her feet.




pbtenchi kept quiet in the hopes of preventing a argument at the wrong time, but he certainly wasn't happy about Vlad falling in love with someone from the other side.
Izuni finally dicided to do some shit! CAUSE NICKI WANTS FUCKING MIVENT WITH THIS RP!!!! GAWD!!!

She looked at Yuki,"Should we go follow Anthony (or stay here with Yuno, cause Nickis not sure if she moved or not) he might not be far."
Denjiro watched the others, "Come on. We need to head on." he told the others, gesturing them to follow him to where Anthony was at.
Izuni Nodded,"Yeah!"

Konji Fommed from the mouth,"NONONONOONOONONOONONONONONONO! ATTACK! WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING!!!!" He pointed and some demons attacked.... some.... the gate was all the way opened.... well you know what! FUCK IT!!!! BITCHES THE GATES OPEN SPEEDING DIS SHIT UP SOME!

The gate was opened don't ask how newbs! just believe, Now! The gate was a small gate. so not that many demons, but just enough to have Black clouds of demons fill the sky around the area.

Anthony saw a cloud of demons coming. "Trump card time." He said crouching as he let all of his power out. He jumped from one tree to another then onto a flying demon. "Perfect highway." He commented jumping off demons to move to the castle faster. He slashed sliced and knocked down demons to get them out of the way.

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