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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

Yukio nodded, "It's your job as exorcist to exorcise demons. However, She is dangerous and I would prefer you to stay out of contact with her."
"I make no guarantees, if anything comes at me I will eliminate it with extreme prejudice." Anthony said checking the ammo in his rifle which was clover laced with a silver etching. "If it leaves me alone then I shall return the respect."
"Here's the vial." Yukio said, handing it to Saki. "I want you all to deliver. It's not too far of a journey but be careful."
Zero looked at Yukio give the mysterious vial to Saki. "What's in that vial by the way?" He went o stand next to Saki and said, "Hey. I'm Zero."
Zero's eyes widened. "A soul?! Isn't that like bad? Did you actually kill someone just for their soul?" He asked Yukio.
"And I'm Saki....and I really don't know. Who's soul?" Saki responded just as confused as everyone else. 
Yukio shook his head, "I didn't kill anyone. Mephisto handed me the jar. So if you want to know, talk to him about it."
"No, This person was dead long before, we need to take it to the Cult so they may give it to Nagari.... she holds souls and take there memories"
Zero was still shocked. "She does what? Man I just want to kill this demon even more. She kills people for thee memories." It didnt matter if he didnt understand the situation, he was ready to fight.
Zero looked at Izuni. "Well he trained me. So it's basically the same thing." After he noticed what he said, he laughed a little. He still wanted at least a fight. "Well i can fight her, it might be somewhat difficult but still."

((I'm going to sleep))
"I have a feeling there may be another demon trying to run interception on me specifically. Therefor i'd like permission to spilt from the group should it appear." Anthony said holding out a letter with a lot of blood stains and a clear name.

I will blind you as I have many others. Then i'll watch you stumble around with your empty sockets. Then i'll make you listen as I torture your friends and loved ones. So remember, I'm hunting you. Love Lahiri your future murderer.
( replace the ( with [. (print= recipient) insert message here. (/print) then it comes up like that. I can do text messages and e-mail format too.)

"I'm going end of story. If i'm not there he'll hit them. He goes for them and that vial won't get to the mark." Anthony said pointing at Saki before he stood up. He looked at Lilith and a smile grew on his face. "If I go and that demon from the cult tries to attack them i'll use Lahiri as a diversion. He hates competition and he's got more than enough strength to hold the other demon off for a while."
"Well then you should all be off?" Lily questioned," Cyril you'll stay along with Illuminati girl" she stated simply to just have Azazel here and not near the Naga that could kill him and the illuminati girl... Cuz well she's bad

(( I know here name I just don't know how to spell it!!)
Kosiko groaned forcing himself awake again "God I need to sleep" he mumbles before stretching absent mindedly looking around at his surroundings
Saki stayed with the group, she was basically looking for Taro so she could ask if he knew anything about this creepy demon.
Zero still wanted to fight that demon, "I'm just saying that if I see 'em, I'm gonna kill 'em. That simple." He raised his demon arm and made a fist and brought his elbow down to show how pumped he was for the quest they were about to go on. He was starting to get anxious because what if they were right and he couldn't win against her. Meh He shrugged off the idea and started walking out the door.
Yuki nodded, "I'm with Zero-kun on this one! I would totally kill it if I get the chance!" He said turning to Izuni, "Shall we be going?"

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