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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

Zero looke this arm and decided to be cool about it. He showed it to her. "It's a demon arm. I was cursed with it from my parents. They were evil." He lied to her becaus he didnt want anyone to know that he was a demon at a demon slaying school. "I'm Zero by the way. And you are?" He smiled and held out his normal hand to the little girl.

"Ah okay. So no Cyril, Anthony, or Taro. Stay with Yuki and Saki. Got it." The pinkette repeated with a nod. "Thanks alot! Um, I suppose I never did introduce myself. How silly of me. I'm Ayase."


@Godric Testarossa

Izumo thought about it for a quick second before giving a response. "I agree, it's a nice day out. Let's go then."

//Omg, I feel so ooc.


Rika frowned at his words, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She responded. "I'm Rika, nice to meet you Zeo-senpai."

"You got that right." Kazuki agreed with her words. His blonde brow raised once she introduced herself. "No, it's fine. You were in a hurry." He tried to tell her that it wasn't that important. But she kept going. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kazuki, call me Kazu."

A smile appeared on the girl's face once being told that it was totally fine that she didn't have to introduce herself. "Kazu-kun then? That's a cool name...I like Kazuki better though."


@Godric Testarossa

Izumo followed him to the roof where they both began eating lunch. "So, why did you agree to eat with me?" She asked, staring into the male's eyes. "Most people rather stay away from me."
"Seriously? I always thought it was kinda lame." Kazuki answered, "So...is there a nickname I can call you?"

Zero smiled at her sympathy. "Nice to meet you to Rika. I've gotten use to the arm and started using it for good so I see it as somewhat of a blessing." He did see his arm as a blessing and he did use it for good so he wasn't completely lying. "So are you sure you didn't need any help?"
"Items can be broken. Enough constant pressure and they shatter. We will trade information. Soon." Anthony said looking at the guy next to him before motioning to Saki's shadow. A wolf the size of a pony started raising from it and opened it's mouth as if it was ready to take off her head. It then locked eyes with Anthony who gave a small shake and then a smile. The wolf licked the back of her head before vanishing back into the shadows. "Soon, now run along while I plan dessert." He put the gun away then looked Opal. "I hope you don't have allergies!"

"No! It's definitely not lame!" Ayase protested shaking her head, "It's a cool name. Oh, I actually...just go by Ayase."


"Awesome! I love how you're using it for good! You're so cool Zero-senpai!" Rika encouraged, "You look like you'll be an awesome exorcist!" She did mean what she said. She hoped he would continue to use it for good. "Well, yeah...I was kinda looking for my friend PB."

@Godric Testarossa


Denjiro raised a brow, watching Anthony's movement. "Change information all you want, you're not getting anything. Trust me, you trying to break my friends apart, I can be your enemy." He said before standing up and walking over to Saki.


"Nope! Won't do, I'll have to give you a special nickname. How about....Aya?" 
Saki felt the horse lick and turned around to see what happened, she glared at Anthony, not trusting him for a moment. "Denji, what was that about?"
Zero lost his smile and looked confused. "Hmm" he thought for a second. He turned around and yelled inside the cafeteria at the top of his lungs, "YOO!! PB! WHERE YOU AT?!" He waited for a second for PB to show up.

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Denjiro glared once again back Anthony, "And I wouldn't command your damn horse to do it again or you'll be getting in more trouble than you can imagine. Damned jerk." @Apollogy8

The pinkette's face lit up at Kazuki's nickname for her, "I love it!" She smiled before entering the lunch room, "Have fun with your girlfriend~"
Zero smiled at Rika. "Worth a shot! Sorry I was of no help..." He said sadly to Rika. "Anyways, I'm off to train. If you still need gel ill be outside training somewhere just training." He smiled at walked away.
"Kid you couldn't cause me trouble if you tried." Anthony said with a look at the ceiling. "Besides my familiar is a shadow mastiff not a horse. Get some glasses." Anthony said as a dog made of shadows materialized at his side.

"The heck do I care what type of demon it is. It was a horse at the time, so I'll continue calling it that." Denjiro responded, chiding the male's words. "Oh and by the way, don't call me that again, Anthony-chan." The red head smirked, using the honorific as a way to degrade the others. If he was going to be called kid then he wouldn't mind hurting Anthony the same way. "You see, this is why people generally hate you. You're a jerk to everyone you see."



"It's fine. Have fun~" Rika waved before entering the cafeteria noticing both Anthony and Denjiro and proceeded to walk up to then. "Denjiro-kun. Anothony-kun. Have you guys seen PB-senpai?"
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"No." Anthony said then looked at Denjiro and put his hands on both holsters. "Kid don't bite off more than you can chew. It'll definitely choke you in this case." Anthony gave a determined look and his familiar was moving from one shadow to another randomly while growling. "I usually stay silent but you engaged me. Also I don't trust you and therefor I won't take your crap."
Denjiro chuckled, "You really need to work on your anger issues, Anthony-chan~ It'll do you no good by fighting in here. In fact, it'll just show the world how much of a monster you really are." The redhead had already known this was probably not a fight he should be in. "As for engaging you, I did no such thing. You're just a paranoid little kid who thinks that everyone you talk to is about to come and get you." 
@Godric Testarossa

Izumo glanced over at the male, "Is that...really the reason or are you just saying this?"
"I tried nice and you declined so mean is what's left. Put up or shut up. That's how simple it is." Anthony said as a crack of lightning went off in the distance. He gave a smile and then thought about what his mother had always called him. You are lightning the rain transformed
Yukiteru was close by when he noticed the scowling look on Taro's face and decided to intervene. "Yo! Anthony!" The pinkette spoke making his way towards the male. "Hey, dude, what's your deal? This ain't no place to fight. C'mon Roomie, this'll get you no freaking where." He said.

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