Literature Anyone else here creative write?

I love writing with a passion! It's my dream job to be an author, and I'm constantly overflowing with ideas.
I do! ^^
I hope to do it as a career, but since I realistically won't automatically get published, I want to be a teacher.
But I hope to go to a college that has a creative writing program! c:
Some of my best characters are the ones I made here on RPN! ^^
I’m actually partly here to help break out of writers block. I have a few ideas I’ve been wanting to write about, and I have written things like weird poetry, and a cheesy anthro romance involving a mermaid-character.
That sounds like so much fun!

If you ever wanna test the ideas through a rp I’m a very flexible rper (i do any gender or any race and am open to anything save for underaged romance or incest)
I do! ^^
I hope to do it as a career, but since I realistically won't automatically get published, I want to be a teacher.
But I hope to go to a college that has a creative writing program! c:
Some of my best characters are the ones I made here on RPN! ^^
Im actually in a orogram for creative writing :)
I took a Creative Writing class 2018-2019 and passed with straight A's! It was a lot of fun and helped boost my confidence, I hope to write my own personal short story one day.
I have published one book some years back for a series I am still working on. At the moment I am working on four other series along with the second book to my first series.

Creative writing is a lot of fun. I am excited to get these other books done and then publish five at the same time. It's a lot of work, but I honestly think its worth it. A lot of the ideas came from little creative writing projects. (I just can't do a short story... It just turns into a series. lol)

But let me know if you need any help with anything. More than happy to help. (^_^) PM me at some point.
I write short stories sometimes. I don't have the attention span to get through a whole book yet. But I'll write it and think, "Wow, this is good." But I give it a few months, reread, and wonder, "What was I thinking?"
I do my own writing every one in a while, but I have major writers block and hate everything I do so...


But, yes, I do creative writing for my own personal pleasure.
Writing is my life, lol, so I do a lot of it. That includes short stories and novels, I love it so much I am trying to make it a career ^_^
I do somewhat. Not as much as I'd like since RP is usually my writing output.
Role play is literally how I learned how to write, before role playing I could only text talk! Writing has been and still is the only thing I have a passion for.

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