Literature Anyone else here creative write?


Just a small Asian trying to live
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i would love to meet some fellow creative writers! Meaning short stories and such!
Embrace the skill of diving into another world and living lives you created! Use it as an escape or to express yourself!
I do creative writing; I've done NaNoWriMo several years and won a few of them! I'm not sure if I'll be doing it this year but I'll try to do some writing anyways.
it doesnt have it's sea legs yet, but as soon as i can, im going to work on it.
I write a short stories as a separate hobby of mine, though whether I actually have time to do so is something that can be months apart. Plus not all of them are exactly safe for work given some requests I've had.

I do love creative writing to heart though, and as I started roleplaying I made sure to do a good deal of research. My biggest source of knowedge wa a podcast named "writing excuses", which I must recommend to anyone looking to improve their writing skills and knowledge.
Indeed I do, currently whipping up my characters to use in NaNoWriMo 2018.
Having a competition with my boyfriend, pretty sure he'll give up halfway through lol.
I love writing and this is also why I rp.
I usually write fanfiction, but I also have a very long and complicated original story XD

Maybe I'll try NaNoWriMo this year, but I'm not sure yet.
Creative Writing was my concentration alongside an Illustration major, so I've been making up dumb stories for a loooong time. Half the reason I'm on RPN is so I can get back into creative writing again. Kiiiind of want to write and publish a book? But I keep putting it off because I'm LAZY oTL
I’m actually partly here to help break out of writers block. I have a few ideas I’ve been wanting to write about, and I have written things like weird poetry, and a cheesy anthro romance involving a mermaid-character.

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