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Fandom Another Earth, a Multi-fandom. CHARACTERS (dead)

Why don't you hop in the ooc thread so we can discuss further? I believe I @'d you there but im not sure if the notification made it through.
Shadow The Hedgehog
Shadow The Hedgehog (2).jpg

a description of the character (can be basic or in depth): Black quills with red stripes. His personality is usually considered edgy and jerkish but he can be nice.

any abilities the character may have (powers, rubberhose physics or whatnot):
Chaos Control: This allows Shadow to teleport and freeze time for 90 seconds.
Chaos Spear: Shadow can create a green energy spear and throw it.
Chaos Blast: This can only be used when Shadow removes 2 or all 4 rings. He can fire off a huge red dome shape blast that is powered by his anger.
Super Form: Shadow can use this when he has all seven Chaos Emeralds.
Dark Shadow: This is when Shadow uses Chaos Blast as a form rather than a blast. To do this he must not let the energy out and instead let it build up in his body.

Any weaknesses or flaws the character has (no mary sues):
Shadow's drive is a weakness. He allows anger and haterd to lead him.
If anyone talks trash on Maria it causes his anger to grow but if they bring up how he failed to save her it can temporarily cause his to get distracted.
When he fires off his Chaos Blast his body suffers from huge physical strain.
When using his Dark form, Shadow is drained of 85% of his power and his body nearly destroys itself.

A shortened backstory (optional):
Shadow is an artifaclly created life-form made by Gerald Robotnik. He was made to be the cure to Maria's disease but when Gerald failed to bring him alive he got in contact with Black Doom and agreed that if Black Doom brought Shadow to life that Shadow would use the Chaos Emeralds to ensure the black arm's ruled the universe. However Shadow betrayed the black arms and killed them off. He is now the last remaining black arm. He doesn't like the idea of being half alien but it has it's ups and downs. Such as him healing faster than others. Shadow now works for G.U.N (Guardians of the United Nations.) and leads a three person team called Team Dark, including Rouge and Omega in addition to himself.

What universe they are from (what fandom or if they are original): Sonic The Hedgehog

for anyone that stumbles across this and may be interested

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