• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main

mood :
anxious, but excited

location :
jo's car
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
jo AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
;; Celia
Celia was a bundle of nerves as she got ready for her plans with Jo. She felt a bit silly for being so nervous. After all, they spent a lot of time together, this was barely different. But here she was, getting ready to hang out with Jo on Valentines day. She didn't know what to make of it, which was why she was worried. Was this a date? She had no way to be sure. It felt like it, their friendship had been looking more like a relationship lately. She didn't want to say anything if he didn't, she wasn't going to scare him off like that. What if they really were just friends? If Jo didn't like her like that she wanted to remain friends, she didn't want to mess it all up by coming off too strong.

The fact that it was Valentines day meant something to Celia though, it made today's plans feel a bit more important. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high, but she thought that maybe today would be the day they officially declared what they were to each other. All he had to do was confirm that this was a date and she could let go of her worries. Why else would he have made plans for them on Valentines day?

She spent much more time than she'd like to admit on choosing her outfit for the day. She knew that the two of them were typically pretty casual, so she didn't want to dress up too much, but she also wanted to look cute, put some extra effort in. Eventually she decided on a casual outfit, but a bit nicer than her typical t-shirt and jeans or sweatpants. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she smiled. Celia knew she looked damn good. If Jo didn't want to go on a date with her, someone else would. Who was she kidding though? At this point, all she wanted was him.

She exited her dorm building and spotted Jo in his car right away. Celia waved as she walked over and opened the passenger door. "Hey! I am so ready to eat! Where are we headed?" She asked, taking her place in the passenger seat. She didn't know what their exact plans were for the day, but Celia was cool with going with the flow, the thought of surprises being ahead of her was exciting.
coded by reveriee.
mood :
happy, but a lil nervous

location :
elementary school
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
kalila .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
;; Elias
Elias woke up with a feeling of excitement. Valentine's day. Although he didn't really have anything special to do this year, he'd always loved the holiday, whether he was single or not. Part of it was due to his job, the kid's excitement over the holiday was infectious, and in the days before, they were buzzing to either declare their love to a fellow classmate or simply receive some candy as part of the Valentine's festivities. The day held positivity, something Elias always felt the world could use more of. He went into his classroom matching his students energy for the day, teaching his lessons with an animated excitement.

He put his lesson on hold when one of the office workers who had volunteered to pass out Valentine's Grams came into the room. Elias smiled as the kids' faces lit up as their names were called. Sure, some got more than others, but everyone got at least one. He'd made sure of that by purchasing them himself to make sure everyone felt special when the time came. In his first year of teaching, he realized that when a kid didn't receive anything while others did, it often ended in tears, and he'd bought them for the entire class every year since.

He raised an eyebrow when the woman passing the Valentine's Grams out said his name and held one out to him. "Oh, for me?" he asked, confused. The woman nodded in confirmation. "Um, thanks." He took the card and read over the note multiple times.

"Never not thinking about you x"-K
Of course, the question of who had sent this popped into his mind. At first, when his name was called, his immediate thought was that it was one of those PTA moms who was so nice to him. But once he'd read the oh-so-bold note, none of them jumped into his mind. When he saw the "K" signature, the first person to come to mind was Kalila, a fellow teacher. The thought that the note could be from her made him smile immediately. Looking back on their interactions, she tended to make him smile often. He silently hoped it was her who sent the gram, and not an overly friendly mom.

Elias was quickly snapped out of his thoughts of the sweet music teacher by the sound of the lunch bell. He let his kids go, knowing they'd come back hopped up on sugar they'd gotten due to the holiday. Grabbing the lunch he packed, he headed out of his classroom and towards Kalila's room. He held the Valentine's Gram in his hands, reading it over again. Should he bring it up? A nervous feeling bubbled up, scared he'd embarrass himself if the note wasn't from who he'd hoped it was from.

He placed the note in his pocket before knocking on the door. Although it was already partially open from the kids leaving for lunch, he wanted to get Kalila's attention before coming in. "Hey, happy Valentine's Day!" He greeted with a smile. "Would you want to maybe eat lunch together? I'm not really feeling the teacher's lounge today."
coded by reveriee.
elementary school
Kalila Emerson

Kalila got up and opened the door so the students could be accounted for before she would lock the door. After each child left out her room she went inside to grab a couple of things when she heard a familiar voice. As she turned her raven curls moved with her. She was greeted with Elias and her breath got caught in her throat. "Happy Valentines Day!" She replied back to him with a smile.

At the suggestion of lunch she started to get butterflies. "Mm yes the teachers lounge sounds pretty bland....I would love to eat together with you! Let me..just put away the extra Valentines day grams.." she said as she reached over the table and put them in a locked drawer. With kids you never know!

After the sound of the the keys locking the drawer she looked over at him, trying not to seem nervous about being alone with him. "We can eat in my room if you'd like? I brought extra of what I made if you don't have anything... my treat--" she started to say,but got side tracked by her thoughts.

"Also...did you get any Valentines Grams? I got some from my kids and they were adorable!" She asked him while her face was getting slightly pink. Was that a bold question? Yes. Was she nervous? Yes. Maybe he threw it away and didn't want to make her feel bad? Maybe he will deny it? What if they didn't give it to him and she just looks dumb for asking?

That would be my 13th reason AND a sign to just be coworkers.. but just look at him. His brown eyes and his smile--God I'm gonna pass away right now.

Luckily her lofi music was playing softly in the background so she didn't just have to hear her heartbeat through her ears. The only other thing that lingered besides the music was her creamy vanilla fragrance and the faint citrus from the man, who she had a crush on, near her..

coded by natasha.
MOOD: Super Excited

OUTFIT: Dance But Make It Quirky

LOCATION: Palisades High Gymnasium

Carter purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Lex Not Meat Not Meat

DJ Qwertycakes Qwertycakes


Leigh Fallon

Leighve, laugh, love

Though he struggled to keep up with DJ's long-legged strides on his crutches, Leigh gleefully followed his friend out onto the deserted courtyard like an overexcited puppy– because sure, frolicking around on the dance floor while sober was fun, but it was going to be way more fun when he was too drunk to stand up. It wasn’t a good party unless he was puking and sobbing and begging Carter to come pick him up by 11 PM. And besides, Leigh wasn’t quite smart enough to push back against peer pressure. If DJ had told him to, Leigh would’ve happily slapped an alligator or jumped into a volcano without consulting the dwindling puddle of cold strawberry Jell-O that he so overratedly called a brain.

It was a reasonable theory, perhaps, to assume that the only reason Leigh was still alive was because Carter would usually bail him out if he got too deep into trouble… and when someone’s primary caretaker and role model is literally Carter fucking Fallon, it’s easy to see how situations like this happened on a weekly basis.

So, as soon as it left DJ's lips, Leigh let out an incredibly loud “YEEEAAAH!!! WOO!!” and grabbed the bottle from DJ, taking four large gulps of fiery liquid without pausing for breath.
And then immediately retched.
Not set back in the slightest, he quickly recovered from the wave of nausea with a loud hiccup and shook off the feeling, passed the bottle back to DJ and gave a toothy grin. “Your turn, broski.” Feeling a little extra confident, he decided to brag and strut around about it: “This stuff ain’t so bad, actually. I think it just tastes like window cleaner.”

How did Leigh know what window cleaner tasted like? Maybe it was best not to ask.

Still riding the high of the ego boost, the tiny freshman took a seat on the steps, dropping his crutches to the side and waiting for DJ to pass the bottle back around. Given his frail composition and tiny stature, it’d probably only take a few minutes for the cheap liquor to work its magic. “Y’know, I should’ve told Lex to meet us out here.” He mused, swaying back and forth slightly as he clumsily adjusted his tie. “She’s gonna be so jealous when she finds out we’re already one bottle ahead of her. Like, seriously, so mad. She’s gonna be so mad I think she’s gonna throw me in the pool again. But it’s chill.” Despite his words, he actually did hope that Lex turned up. He wouldn’t want his best buddy, his partner in crime, to miss out on the Valentine’s Day Dance of the goddamn century.

And, speak of the devil…

code by valen t.
Sabrina Verlac
Actress and OF creator
Lelands work~
Nervous, Excited

Leland Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

There was something so annoying about being unable to get someone out of your head. It was even worse with it being Valentine’s Day, the day for all the lovey dovey shit that you see all the time in movies. That wouldn’t be happening today not for her at least as she didn’t have a partner currently or well her situation was unique. It wasn’t a secret that she and Leland were that constant on and off again couple. She couldn’t handle or well stand him when he was high on drugs of course she always tried helping but someone has to want help for it to actually work. So there was always that issue between them. It also didn’t help that he didn’t like her work which was when she wasn’t doing acting events she was an OF creator having no shame in using images of her body for money. Which Leland couldn’t stand, he was always trying to get her to quit that job for something else or just would hound her about it until they broke up once again. No matter how many times they argued about the same things and broke up they always ended back together. They were currently on one of their breaks but talking once more with each other.

Her fingers drummed on her kitchen table staring at the roses upon them having gotten them for Leland though she was debating on tossing them. She was a bit on edge today having learned Leland was talking with some she knew damn well would always drag him back into his drug habits. So with those thoughts still running in her mind she grabbed the bouquet of black roses before heading to her car. It wasn’t a huge distance to get from her place to Leland’s restaurant but she sat in her car for over ten minutes still wondering if this was a good idea or not until she caught her own eyes in the mirror. They were soft, having been thinking of him and she knew there was no point in denying her feeling so grabbing the bouquet carefully she headed inside. The staff recognized her as soon as she walked in who wouldn’t know Leland’s hot girlfriend. It’s not like she wore plain attire, her outfits were always revealing or very gothic in nature which was no different than today. Her attire today consisted of a short leather skirt, leather crop top, knee high boots and a choker around her neck.

She stopped only for a moment to make sure Leland was actually here which he was and they informed her he was still in his office. So she made her way there quickly and quietly wanting to surprise him a bit for once. A nervous tingling ran down her spine as she approached his office door seeing it slightly ajar. Her free hand reached up to knock on it before taking a small step back so the bouquet was presented in front of her. Sabrina awaited him to open the door fully before presenting him the gift.”Happy Valentines Day Leland.”she said warmly looking at him. There were a few things they needed to discuss, still one being how he had offered her a job here but on the condition she would stop doing onlyfans which, if she was being honest probably wasn’t gonna happen.
coded by natasha.
mood :
smug bitch

location :
fancy resturaunt
outfit :
mentions :
astrid, cass, cal, damian

interactions :
gwen Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
;; Casper
Casper sat in his office, working hard. Working hard at winning a game of online solitaire. It was ridiculous really, his father had given him a job with a seven figure salary and he hardly did any work on a day to day basis. That's not to say he never did anything. On crisis days or days his father was on his ass for a new idea, he managed to just barely get his shit together. If he didn't, he knew he'd be cut out. On mellow days like this though, his assistants were doing all of the buys work for him. In the meantime, he sat in his office looking occupied until the clock hit five.

He did hate work, really he did, so why was he here in the office during Valentine's Day? His father had told him he could take the day off, "to be with a special someone." But during that conversation Casper's father had seen the look in his eyes and chuckled. There was no special someone. So, he tried to make himself feel useful, valuable. It wasn't working.

The second he saw the clock on his computer hit five, he packed up his shit and left. As he began to drive back to Paradise, that empty feeling in his heart grew. On this day more than ever, he knew there was no one to go home to, no one for him to be with. There never had been. Even his marriage felt empty, despite having cared about Astrid there was never really anything there. Sure, his siblings cared about him enough, but they were off living their lives while he was busy distracting their father for them. About halfway through the drive, he decided he couldn't go back home tonight, so he pulled over and looked on yelp for a decent looking bar. Surely on Valentine's Day there would be some lonely soul desperate enough to go home with him.

Casper settled on going to a nice restaurant that had a bar. There was no way he'd be caught dead at some dirty hole in the wall at this point in his life. Maybe ten years ago, but that wasn't who he was anymore. He wasn't some rich kid trying to be a rebel by going to a place his father would disapprove of. Now he did his best to fit in until he got bored and decided to become the most off putting person in the room by cracking a strange joke. He parked his shiny black Tesla, then headed into the restaurant, seating himself at the bar.

He ordered some expensive cocktail, paying more attention to the ridiculous names of the overpriced hipster drinks than the actual contents of the glass. Taking a look around, he frowned. Nothing interesting. Mostly couples, chatting and looking in love. No desperate divorcees, no wallowing lonely hearts. He sipped his drink, debating whether or not to just go somewhere else, until his eyes landed upon a familiar face. Gwynevere Alcott. He'd recognize her anywhere, and here she was, sitting at one of the tables, glaring down at her phone.

Casper could tell she was pissed off, he'd been on the receiving end of that glare on more than one occasion. He scanned the room intensely, searching for her shrewd lawyer of a boyfriend. He was no where to be seen, so judging from the emptiness of Gwen's table and the look on her face, Damian had stood her up. Casper grinned, just his luck.

He waltzed over to the table and took the seat directly across from Gwen. "Hey gorgeous, where's the old man?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Wait, let me guess. Ran out of viagra? Stealing the souls of the innocent? Wait no- murdering a prostitute? Whatever, who cares? He's a loser, you should be glad he's not here, I'm way more fun anyways."
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
his dorm, then xio's place
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
xio Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
;; Leo
Leo sat in his dorm, anxiously looking at his phone. He couldn't believe his poorly thought out plan to figure out if Xio had Valentine's Day plans was working. He'd been thinking about asking her out for Valentine's all week, but every time he came close to actually doing it he stopped himself, afraid someone had already asked her out. But through clumsily pretending to have forgotten about the holiday, he'd figured out that she had no plans.

He didn't forget. Of course he didn't forget, he had a fantastic memory. And there was currently a large bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates sitting on his desk to prove it. He'd purchased them the day before. He was sure if he'd go through with his idea or not, be he knew if he did, it would be difficult to get the cheesy romantic gifts day of. Leo had also made a reservation at the nicest place he could afford weeks in advance. He kind of figured he'd just cancel them, he usually didn't have the guts for this kind of thing. But, despite the butterflies in his stomach, he was feeling bold. Well, bold by Leo standards. After confirming that she was around today and wanted to study with him, he got up, getting the things from his desk and leaving his dorm.

Leo got into his car and headed over to Xio's place. He said he'd pick her up so they could study at a coffee shop or a library or something. They'd never really decided on where. If studying was Leo's intention he never would've left his place without having all the details figured out. But his plan was to ask her out. He felt a little queasy as he thought about it. She probably wouldn't even say yes. She'd probably laugh at him or something. Once he parked by Xio's place he stayed in his car for about twenty minutes thinking about all the bad things that could happen. Then he drove around the block. Maybe he shouldn't do this. No, he had to go through with it. He'd gotten this far. He parked once more and got himself out of the car.

He took the large bouquet and box of chocolates out of the back seat. Stopping to take a few deep breaths, he tried to calm down a bit. It didn't help much though, he felt like he was going to pass out or something. Still, he managed to get to Xio's door, a bit red in the face by the time he knocked. She opened the door and he gazed at her for a second before talking. "Um- hey, hi, hello! So I know I asked if you wanted to study but uh, maybe, you know I was thinking.. we could um, maybe... go out? Like, it's um, it's Valentine's Day, and I just thought- oh you're going to think I'm so stupid. Would you like to go to dinner with me? Like as a date? You can um, you can say no, that's totally fine, you literally never have to talk to me again if I'm making you uncomfortable. Oh, I got these for you." He finally shut his mouth after rambling for what felt like forever, holding out the flowers and box of chocolates for Xio.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
russki's pub
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Lulu travelbypages travelbypages
;; Landon
Landon listened intently as Tallulah spoke about herself. She was a model, which didn't surprise him much. She was stunning, why wouldn't she been in a profession where she could make use of that beauty? "Makes sense. If you were just a local, I would've noticed you before," he said with confidence. He was sure that if he had run into Lulu in the past he wouldn't have forgotten it, there was something truly magnetic about her.

He let out a small chuckle when the woman in front of him expressed her prior uncertainty about the event. "Yeah, I wasn't sure if tonight would go well either. I've never been to something like this before," he nodded. Glancing around for a second, he noticed all the people who had been coupled up as part of the speed dating event engaged in conversations with various levels of interest. Most of them seemed disinterested at best. He noticed one woman literally staring down her timer, looking like she was just waiting for it to go off so she could move on.

Landon's attention snapped back to Lulu as she asked him about himself. "Well, I-" Unfortunately, as he started to speak the timer on their table went off. But Lulu instantly made a move, attempting to continue their conversation. He smiled at the invitation to move on from the silly speed dating event. "I would love to," he said, getting up to follow her up to the bar. He noted how she didn't even wait for his answer, which was quite attractive to him really.

After getting fresh drinks, they settled into one of the booths that was not being used for speed dating and started the conversation back up. "Yeah, I'm really focused on work right now, I've always really enjoyed helping people." Bullshit, what he enjoyed about his job was his hefty salary. But, he did want to look good in front of this woman, and who doesn't like a man who cares for others? "Other than that, I like exploring. I've been meaning to travel more, I just don't have the time. Oh, and call me vain but I like a good shopping spree once in a while. What can I say? I'm a sucker for some nice clothes."

He paused for a second, gazing at Lulu's face before continuing with his own question. "I'd ask you the same basic question, but something tells me we can move past the small talk. What brings you out tonight? I mean, a girl like you making her way out to the local bar for some speed dating on Valentine's Day is surprising to me."
coded by reveriee.
mood :
happy, but a lil nervous

location :
elementary school
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
kalila .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
;; Elias
Elias felt his face heat up ever so slightly when Kalila returned his friendly greeting. She accepted his suggestion to eat lunch together, which made his smile even brighter than before. He stepped further into her classroom as she invited him to eat there. "That sounds great!" He said enthusiastically, moving forward to take a seat near his co worker. He was about to reply to her offering him food, tell her that he had his own food but really appreciated the offer, but Kalila went on, talking about Valentines grams.

His heart skipped a beat, thinking of the note that he'd kept in his pocket. He grew nervous and averted his eyes for a second, not sure if he should bring it up. If it wasn't from her, he would hate to make her uncomfortable. Elias considered her a good friend, he didn't want to lose that. But on the other hand, if she was the one who sent the message and he just ignored it he didn't want to make her feel bad. In fact, he wanted to let he know that it was something he'd enjoyed and that he reciprocated the sentiment shared in the note.

"I- um, I-" He stuttered for a second, thinking about what to say. He reasoned with himself that if she did send the note, it was a pretty bold act, and she might be nervous as well. If he just ignored it and hurt her feelings, he wouldn't forgive himself. So, he decided to go on, even if that meant he was completely embarrassing himself if the note wasn't from her. "Yeah, I did get one really nice one. I thought it was really sweet, and I- um- I think I know who sent it. And I feel similarly about them, so it was nice to hear. I mean, I could be totally wrong, but the note was signed with a K and I only really know one of those."

He managed to meet Kalila's eyes, giving her a kind but pointed look. Although he was too scared to straight up ask if she'd sent the Valentines gram, it was pretty clear he was implying he thought it was from her. If she didn't send it though, she'd have no clue what he was talking about and probably think he was a huge fool. His words hung in the air as he anxiously awaited a response, thankful that the music Kalila had on was filling the moment of silence.
coded by reveriee.
elementary school
Kalila Emerson

After her question she had sat down in her chair and pulled her lunch out on the desk. Kalila tried hard not to smile while he stumbled on his words. There was slight hope that he did get it. She was trying to convince herself that it would end up being okay. That he would appreciate her sentiment at least. If he said he appreciated it,but as coworkers she would at least be fine with that. She didn't want to ruin anything that they had and she definitely didn't want it to be awkward as he was a good friend at the end of the day.

As he gathered his words together she listened intently. Once he said that he did receive one she was relieved that he got it at all. When he said it was sweet and nice she could feel her body on fire. She felt like she was in high school again and usually she said it was a bad thing,but right now she felt like she was floating.

"And I feel similarly about them-" that comment he made was enough to make her face visibly flushed, making her freckles darker and the pink color travel all the way up to her ears.

She bit her bottom lip lightly and looked away when he made eye contact with her. She smiled sheepishly before her smooth voice came out from her plumped lips.

"I'm happy it seems like you liked it..! I was going back and forth about it for a bit...however, I figured that you deserved at least something from me..even if it's something small.." she gave a very refreshing smile that goes along with how she feels at the moment.

"I..did mean what I wrote down.." she said a little lowly as she pushed her curls behind her ear as much as she could. Kalila was now hoping she didn't look weird.

If only he knew how long it even took me to come up with that simply line haahhh. Not trying to scare him away was definitely the goal and I think I did pretty good..!

coded by natasha.


LOCATION: Russki's Pub


Luna travelbypages travelbypages

Claudio Vega
If you think I'm being harsh
Well baby, keep on counting stars
“‘Ey. Pendejo,” Claudio hissed discreetly, giving his brother a nudge just rough enough to jolt his attention away from his phone screen. When Teddy glanced up, he simply nodded toward the customer that was swiftly approaching the register with their haul of snacks in hand.

“I'll be back. Try not to burn the place down,” He added gruffly, escaping Teddy's sight before the other could try to ask once again where he was going. Not that Claudio was much of a sharer anyway, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna divulge the truth to his younger brother, that he was actually skipping work to attend a speed dating event. Something so out of character for Claudio that he'd much rather keep it secret than listen to Teddy cackle about it until the end of time.

As Claudio exited the shop, the door chime pierced through his brain for the millionth time that day. Now in the fresh air, he was just suddenly realizing how badly he’d needed this break from the store. It was a beautiful late afternoon, fairly good air quality, at least for California. Almost enough to lift the spirits of a grump like Claudio.

Almost. Too bad the idea of speed dating sounded about as fun as a root canal sans novocaine. Was it a problem that his main social interaction these days were the weekly basketball games down at the public court? Between endless hours running the bodega and caring for his ailing father, the young man was turning into such a bitter recluse that even he could recognize it might not be the healthiest way to live. He reckoned he'd better at least try to get out there and meet some new people, especially now that Zuri was busy now with her newest flavor of the week.

At Russki’s, Claudio got himself checked in, then made a beeline for the bar to throw back a couple of shots. Even taking a beer with him to sip on while he figured out where he was supposed to be. Not that he felt much like drinking, but a night of endless small talk appealed to him even less. Perhaps a bit of social lubricant might help him turn on the charm a little; better chances of landing him a date over his usual prickly disposition.

The woman who sat waiting for him made Claudio shake his head with a small laugh. Luna Bowing; he instantly recognized her big eyes and icey blonde hair. This is what he got for arranging the odd tinder hookup every once in a while, even if it wasn't very often. Of course he'd remember Luna, his most recent one night stand. She wanted to get right down to business that night, no chatting, no small talk. You had to respect someone who knew exactly what they wanted. And his night with Luna was a fantastic one, bringing a smirk to his face as he recalled the details.

“Shit, okay. Didn't expect to run into you here,” Claudio smirked, taking a seat across from her. “I guess we don't gotta make this weird, right? It's a small town, this kinda thing probably happens all the time.”

The grin was wiped off his face when Luna responded with a blank stare, not even a hint of recognition in her chilly gaze.

It made Claudio squirm a bit in his chair, reaching up to scratch the cropped halo of tight ebony coils that crowned his head. He let out another small laugh, this time more of a humorless chuckle. Not exactly thrilled to learn that a past lover found his performance so utterly forgettable.

“Damn...you really don't remember me, do you?”

code by valen t.
MOOD: Depressed


LOCATION: Marley's place


Elena tamarapasek tamarapasek


Marley travelbypages travelbypages

Jason Lowes
You were the last good thing about this part of town
This was a new low for Jason. Waiting in a parking lot to ambush his ex wasn't exactly how he’d pictured spending Valentine's this year, but here he was.

Jay sighed, letting his head drop back against the upholstered seat behind him. His ass had fallen asleep about a half hour ago. As much as he wanted to get out of the car to stretch his legs, it was imperative to stay in stealth mode. He needed the element of surprise on his side when “greeting” Ellie, as she sure as hell wasn't expecting to see him here.

The young man let his deep green eyes close for just a moment, pondering what the fuck he was even doing in this parking lot. No doubt Elena was going to be so pissed when she saw him here, so why was he doing this? He just couldn't let her go in there. What if she actually hit it off with some dipshit at this speed dating thing? Something about her really starting to move on struck panic into his heart. It would be all wrong, after they shared so many years, not to mention a child together.

Jay was positive getting back together was the key to fixing his life. This is how he and Elena could both be happy. Just him, Ellie, and their little girl, that's all he needed. Once that part of his life was squared away, maybe he could even get back into med school. Everything else would surely fall into place.

After another 20 minutes ticked by, Ellie’s car finally coasted into the lot. Jay straightened up in his seat when he caught a glimpse of her flame-colored locks glinting in the setting sun. Lindsay was there too, he watched her pull the brunette into her arms. The two friends happily embraced, chatting excitedly about something he couldn't quite make out from afar.

Fuck. It was just now occurring to Jay that he'd gone into this with absolutely zero plan for what he’d say to Elena when she actually showed up. And now, he was really starting to lose his nerve, especially with her bitch friend there as a roadblock. If he could have just caught Ellie alone before she went inside, he would’ve had a much easier time worming his way back into her good graces, at least for the night. Instead, he could only look on ineffectually as the two linked arms and headed into the pub together.

In a burst of anger, Jay smacked his palm against the steering wheel, accidentally sounding the horn. “Shit,” He muttered, throwing the car in gear so he could peel out of there before either of them spotted him.

Driving around aimlessly, Jason found himself digging for the phone that was impatiently buzzing away in his pocket. To his surprise, a text from another ex-girlfriend, though this one was actually inviting him into her home instead of tossing him out.

While he was fairly certain it was just Marley being her usual kind and caring self, he was grateful for the distraction from his bad mood. Despite how messy their past entanglements, Marley always found it in her heart to check up on him, to make sure he was doing okay. And as her star was rising with her newly rejuvenated acting career, Jay knew it was only a matter of time before she got too busy cozying up to Hollywood bigshots to bother with her college dropout ex. Better to spend time with her now, while he still had her in his life.

So he banged a u-turn, now cruising with an actual destination in mind. Moments later, he was at Marley's place, rapping on her door.

“Heeey, Mars Bar,” He grinned, greeting Marley with a kiss on the cheek as she let him inside. "Thanks for the invite. Really."

“Pretty quiet in here. Where's the little bro?” Jay glanced around, not seeing or hearing any sign of Hudson, which wasn't exactly unusual for her little brother. “God, it's been a shit day. Need some help?” He chattered on, following her into the kitchen.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Lonely


LOCATION: Celly's crib


Celeria .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.


Teddy Vega
If I were you, I'd wanna be me too
Did anybody really like Valentine's Day? Teddy mused as he stood behind the counter of the convenience store, idly scrolling on his phone. It was all just one big excuse to fuck.

Not that Teddy needed an excuse for that. He'd spent the better part of the last few months bed-hopping from one partner to the next, a new one damn near every night. This was just like any other day.

So what was stopping him from picking up a rando at that speed dating thing, or even easier, from an app? Aside from the fact he was supposed to stay put, and watch the store until Claudio got back. The fact was, he had someone on his mind all day, and no amount of trolling Tinder was going to get her out of there.

So maybe Teddy was the one who hated Valentine's Day. And it was all the stupid lovey-dovey horseshit romance. Romance had left the chat back when Celly kicked him to the curb. Yeah, he could do whatever, whoever he wanted now without anyone stopping him. It was great. So why did he feel like taking a long walk off the shortest pier of the Paradise Port boardwalk, and letting the chilly depths of the Pacific claim him? It was very unlike him to be so mopey, but maybe Valentines just be like that, a weird day for everyone.

If one happened to look a little deeper into the situation, they might say all this casual sex was just a way to fill the sad, empty void that Celeria left behind. That she was the best thing that ever happened to him, and his future didn't seem half as bright anymore without her. Teddy was a dancer though, not a shrink. It was easier not to think about how much he’d fucked things up, and just go through the motions pretending he was having the time of his life being single.

Something about Valentine's Day was fucking him up though, and sitting around in this empty bodega, alone with his thoughts wasn't helping. Usually, Teddy had a dance class to teach, where he could get his pent up frustrations out at the studio. But in the moment, he felt like he simply had to see Celeria. Just to see her pretty face in person again; it felt like forever. And more importantly, as long as he was with her, he’d know for certain she wasn't wrapped up in the arms of some other guy.

So Teddy quietly debated with himself, mentally weighing the pros and cons of closing up shop for a few. He had to give credit to the little devil on his shoulder, it was doing a fantastic job of convincing him; the store was dead, and his brother would never know, because he’d be back before Claudio even returned. People could pick up their condoms and lottery tickets later.

At Celly's place, he waited by her door for what felt like hours. Was he too late? Of course he was, she definitely already had plans. Teddy had almost given up on the stakeout when his deep brown eyes lit up at the sight of the most beautiful ravenette sauntering toward him, looking less than enthused. Not that it took away from how hot she was. He’d see that angry look on her face more times than he could count though.

“Surprise,” Teddy scrambled to stand up straight from his slouching position against the nearby wall. “Hey, mami,” He added, flashing his most charming grin. “Okay, so I know I didn't call first, but hear me out…,” Though he kind of just trailed off, and never finished the thought. He knew he had no business showing up at his ex's house, and hadn't evwn bothered to come up with a reason on his way over.

Slipping inside behind Celly, he fumbled around for words before settling on a nice little guilt trip to start off with for good measure. “Look, you wouldn't leave me out in the cold, right?” Hitting her with the wounded puppy dog eyes, Teddy gestured back toward the door, and the lovely 60 degree weather on the other side of it.

“Pssh, you still got this cat,” Teddy joked as he passed by the sofa, catching a glimpse of the familiar animal orange feline sprawled out lazily. He gave the cat's head a pet, who simply regarded him with a sleepy stare, clearly unimpressed by the man's sudden presence in his home again.

“So,” He piped up once again, watching Celeria settle in. Opening his arms, hoping to invite an embrace from her, he waited rather impatiently. “Where my hug at?”

code by valen t.
MOOD: Excited




Arthur .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.

Amon Mabrouk
Now all the simple things
are simply too complicated for my life
Amon was counting down the minutes of his shift. This speed dating shindig had turned Russki's into absolute bedlam. A surprisingly large turnout, plus the sneaky nature of an event kept secret from the boss meant it wasn't exactly the most organized or prepared for. The staff spent their afternoon thoroughly frazzled, trying to cater to the sudden swarm of lonely singles that buzzed around the pub like locusts demanding food and alcohol by the truckload.

Luckily, Mr. and Mrs. Cielo had their own Valentine's dinner plans. While he always enjoyed cooking for their family, Amon was happy to have the night off. Not only exhausted, but he had other plans.

While his workplace had been transformed into a veritable meat market of attractive bachelorettes, Amon never once considered hanging around to try and meet someone. He had a one track mind, and it always led back to Arthur, the one that got away. The girl he was sure he was gonna marry someday. The future mother of his children. The one.

She'd broken up with him a while ago, but Amon never stopped thinking about her. Much like when they were together. Was it wrong to wanna know where she was, what she was up to every moment of the day? Some boyfriends were distant, oblivious. Was this the type of guy Arthur was looking for?

As soon as his shift ended, Amon practically danced out the door. He felt for Persi and the rest of the kitchen staff still toiling away at Russki's, and normally, he would offer to stay late to help out. Today though, he was on a mission to “run into” his ex-girlfriend, and the mission simply couldn't wait any longer. Unfortunately, he was covered in a layer of sweat, grime, and food splatter, so he'd have to make a pit stop back at his apartment first.

After a quick shower, making sure he was nicely groomed, dressed, and dabbed with a bit of cologne, Amon grabbed the gift he'd picked out for Arthur weeks ago in preparation. He then zipped over to the library, where the young chef tried his best to look casual as he prepared to wander around aimlessly, scouring the building for the adorable little blonde he came to see.

Amon stopped in his tracks when he saw her immediately though, sitting at the front desk. Unsurprisingly, completely lost in her writing. He crept up as quietly as he could, pausing at the desk. “Hey, habibti,” He grinned, keeping his voice hushed to an acceptable library volume.

When Arthur glanced to disarm him with her warm honey brown eyes, he wanted to give her a kiss so badly, or pull her into his arms like he used to. Respectfully, he refrained; not only was there a desk keeping them apart, but he wouldn't dare anyway. She wasn't his anymore to hug and kiss whenever he felt like--an absolutely crushing thought, but he didn't let his smile waver.

“I ah…I was just here for…,” Amon trailed off, stammering as his brain fumbled around trying to come up with some phony title to make him sound halfway believable. “I needed a book. Anyway, I saw you, so I just thought I'd come up and say hi. Hi,” Venturing another gaze into those eyes, even though it put the worst ache in his heart every time he let himself get too lost in them.

code by valen t.
Last edited:








  • home (filler tab)

Cigarettes After Sex

Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

Francisco had woken up quietly, cautious not to disturb Scarlett from her sleep. The nights were getting better, but they were still a long way from peaceful. She was still plagued with nightmares, haunted by aches and cravings that couldn’t be satiated. There wasn’t anything Cisco could give to console her – whether it was the flesh and blood no longer with them, or the cold relief of a bottle of vodka and some pills. The state of her pained him; the whole scenario had scarred him to the core.

Of course he still loved her. Nothing could cause his feelings to falter. He could never blame her, not after everything. He knew it wasn’t her doing – any of it. What’s more, part of him couldn’t shift the feeling that he was partly to blame. If he’d have skipped the meeting that day, rescheduled it or asked Erik to lead the presentation alone, he could have stayed home. He would have been with her, and she sure as hell wouldn’t have been up any ladder or carrying anything heavier than a book.

He was still adjusting to the new realisation of their futures. There was no baby. Scar wouldn’t be back to herself for a while. He’d all but resigned from his position in the business, stepping as far back as he could. Maybe it was his way of trying to make up for it’s part in where they were now, or maybe it was his way of making sure nothing would take him far away from his family again. Either way, it didn’t do much to fix his unease.

As he stood at the kitchen counter in his boxers and t-shirt, knife scraping butter over the toast and the coffee machine humming behind him, Cisco relished for a moment in as close a return to normality as they had come so far. At least she was eating again, and if there was only one thing he could do for her this Valentine’s Day, he would at least make sure she was fed.

Throwing the knife into the sink, he licked a drip of butter from the side of his thumb, then collected the steaming cup of coffee from the machine. He placed it on a small wooden tray alongside the toast, then poured a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator. Finally, as he placed the carton of juice back, he took a tub of yoghurt and a handful of berries, emptying the yoghurt into a bowl and dropping the berries in. At the edge of the tray he placed a single long-stemmed rose, eagerly clipped from the local botanical gardens on his run last night. Finally he sighed, looking critically at his work. She certainly deserved more, but he had mustered what he could. They hadn’t been anywhere near a grocery store in some time, and it wasn’t on the agenda for today either. Usually he could send Adrianna out to run some errands, but now she was gone too… okay, he had some adjusting to do, but it was for the benefit of Scarlett and her alone.

“Good morning, cariño,” he spoke softly as he entered the bedroom, the breakfast tray held in both hands, “are you awake? You can sleep more if you’d like, I will come back…”

Cisco dithered sort of panic-stricken in the doorway, his eyebrows raised apologetically. He would have literally done anything that woman asked of him. He would go to the ends of the Earth and beyond, even if it pleased her just a single bit. He adored her, and every fibre of her being. Nothing would change that.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Actress






The studio


Cooper, Josephine(mentioned), Stella(mentioned)

Worst Valentines Day Ever.

Ellie had stared at her phone for several minutes, trying to make sense of what she was reading. The text from Jo had filled her with a sense of dread. Ellie had never met Salem, she had heard of him by name a few times before but had never properly met him. Josephine's message had made no sense at first.

But then it did.

Truthfully Ellie knew she had nobody else to blame but herself. She knew that getting with Cooper was a bad idea, she knew that he had been messing around with Stella but she had hoped that even for a moment that he would have at least had the common decency to stop calling her his girlfriend. Obviously she was wrong. The proof was right there in front of her. How stupid, she thought, that she had fallen for a man who had no problems with hurting her this way.

There was nothing she could do. No words that she could say that would quell the ache in her heart, she just wanted to be out of the studio. She wanted to get away from the mess that she had made by following her stupid fucking heart. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She was never supposed to fall for him, but how could she not when he looked at her such a way? How could she keep her heart from racing when he pulled her to him, when he whispered her name and praised her? What was she supposed to do?

Josephine offered her a place to go and Ellie jumped on the chance. She didn't want to be at the studio but she certainly didn't want to be alone. She had finished everything that she needed to do in the day anyway so she was more than set to head out for the day. Hopefully she would be able to slip away without running into him. Hopefully she would be able to just leave without having to face the object of her heartbreak.

She was so close. So close to escaping without seeing him, just about to put in her headphones when she felt a hand wrap around her arm. His voice sent shivers down her spine and sent her heart racing. Despite the pain, despite the heartache she still felt herself reactively melting into his touch. She shook it off, ripped her arm from his grasp, and narrowed her eyes as she turned to look up at him.

"Get the fuck away from me." She hissed, stepping away from him, "You have a lot of nerve asking me to do anything with you. I don't even want to look at you. Get the fuck out of my life, Cooper." Half of Eliana wanted to walk away from him, to put as much distance between them as she possibly could. The other half though, the half that was ultimately winning, begged her to stay. The glimmer of hope within her heart that silently plead for him to beg her to stay. Even if he did she didn't think that she would. Selfishly, Ellie wanted to hurt him the way that he had hurt her... or at least to try.

♡coded by uxie♡


Scrappy Doo






V-Day Party


Leigh, DJ

There was so much going on.

The party had already been on in full swing by the time Lexie showed up. Late, as usual, because she had been filming that day. It went late, as usual, because her coworkers knew exactly what would make her corpse and there was nothing she could do about it. Not that it was a bad thing. It made the days go by faster when she could share a laugh with the people she worked with. Definitely made her time away from her school and away from her best friend a lot more manageable.

Of course when Lexie got there her best bud was nowhere to be seen. She figured she would have found him out on the dance floor somewhere tearing it up, waiting for her before getting into trouble, yet there was no sign of him. With an exasperated sigh, Lex looked down at her phone, fully intending to message Leigh but quickly getting distracted by something else. Doomscrolling before getting dragged onto the dance floor by one of her other classmates.

It was always a pleasant surprise for Lexie when someone other than Leigh and DJ wanted to hang out with her. Sometimes she wondered if it was just because of her so called celebrity status. She wouldn't even call herself a B-Lister, just starting out, only supporting roles, but it got her enough recognition to be invited to cons so she couldn't really complain. Sometimes Lex hated it, though. She hated that she seemed like she was approachable when she really just wanted to be left to her own devices. If there was a choice between being surrounded by a bunch of people or chilling alone with Leigh, she would choose Leigh every time.

But where was he?

Somehow Lex managed to pull away from the random little group she had been pulled into and paced across the dimly lit gymnasium. Strobe lights danced across her face, shining in her eyes as she pushed open the door with her hip, taking one last survey of the room to make sure that she didn't miss him somewhere. Nope. Nowhere. She made her way out of the main area and slipped through the school, searching all of their little secret spots where they got up to no good in, the last of all being the end of the courtyard, pacing across the grounds as if she owned them. She pulled the flannel she had wrapped around her waist on, using it as the shirt it was intended to be in order to quell the goosebumps that has risen on her skin. The temperature difference between the overly crowded school and the deserted courtyard was almost shocking.

Lexie heard him before she saw them, her gaze turning to the little corner area that they had gotten up to no good in many times before. A wry smile grew on her lips, turning up the corners of her mouth as her eyes glinted with excitement. The bottle being passed between her friends practically called to her as she swiftly made her way over to the boys.

"You fuckers." Lex called out, coming to a stop in front of them, "Couldn't wait ten more minutes, could ya?" She was teasing, of course. With anyone else Lexie might have gotten upset, might have been properly pissed, but this was Leigh. He could royally fuck up, burn her house down, smash her Nirvana Vinyl and she would still say it's no biggie and love him regardless. He was her best friend. Cradle to grave in its own right. Sure she was older, sure they only met by happenchance, but he became her ride or die quickly. There was no Lex without Leigh, they went everywhere together, did everything together. Any time one of them went somewhere the other one was invited without being sent an invitation. Plus ones forever. Lexie hated leaving him behind.

Lexie nodded to DJ before snatching the bottle from her friends and taking a swig for herself, her nose scrunching at the burn. "Where did you get this Deej?" Lex passed the bottle back, "Thats like windex level yuck."

♡coded by uxie♡

"Here we go.."

Celeria nodded off at work. A needle on her left and fabric on her right. Once she shook herself awake she rubbed her eyelids softly. Looking around at the empty office she decided that it was time for her to go home. Was she supposed to? No, he boss told her she wasnt allowed to leave. Did she deserve to go home? That could be debated. She knew she was just trying to distract herself from her thoughts about Yohan at the end of the day. His dark hair and brown, almost black eyes, popped into her head. She knew he said he was busy today with a friend (probably a woman,but its not like they were actually together) and she wouldn't expect anything. That's what she learned from her past so she can't get hurt anymore. Teddy made sure to scar her just enough so now if she goes in with no expectations she knows she will be fine.

At least that's what she thought. Now there's these small feelings that are stuck in her throat that she can't get out in fear that she will mess everything up. She already knew if she told Yohan about it he would push her away, no matter what scenario she played in her head it was the same...so she will just say it's okay how they are as long as he is in her life.

"I'll just go home and if it's still too early maybe I'll go drinking or something..." She said while stretching. After turning off the lights and locking up she went home. She was excited to at least see Milk, her orange cutie cat. He would at least have unconditional love for her at the end of the day. The thought of her fur baby brought a smile to her face as she skipped some steps to go up to her apartment. It was only when she was almost at the top that she slowed down.

Why was her ex, Teddy, at her door? Today of all days...she figured she must have a hex on her or something. She sighed lowly as she figured he wouldn't leave without saying whatever it was that he needed to. There was no point once he had a thought in his head.

"It's not that cold.." she rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door, feeling him behind her. After going inside she put her bag and keys down before looking at him, her brows furrowed together and her hands on her hips.

"Where's your hug-- what is your problem? You can't get a date tonight so you thought you'd try and settle?? I'm not someone who you can just come to when it's convient for you so how about we get this over with? What do you want?" She asked him. She knew she didn't owe him anything,but her humanity was still there...

Did he make her heart turn and tremble anymore? No, his puppy dog eyes made her want to punch him...however she can't erase the memories or the secrets that they told each other. He knew some things that a lot of people didn't know and that was probably the only thing that kept her from completely blocking him entirely after he hurt her.

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

the designer


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :

location :
russki's pub
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
persi Not Meat Not Meat
;; Jerry
Jerry was not expecting to have plans on Valentine's Day, but here he was, getting ready to go out. They weren't really Valentine's Day plans, they were just plans that had happened to be on Valentine's day. He was pretty excited when Persephone had asked if he wanted to come to the pub to have dinner and hang out with her after she worked. Since neither of them had actual romantic Valentine's Day plans, it was a pretty good plan, they could keep each other company. He was in a good mood as he got ready for the evening, notably putting a bit more effort into his clothing than usual, he wanted to seem at least a little put together.

He headed over to the pub, making his way inside. He knew he couldn't really hang out with Persi until the kitchen closed and he didn't want to interfere with her work, so he just found himself a table off to the side, away from the speed dating that was happening. He ordered himself a drink and an appetizer and sat back, pretty amused observing the speed dating event. Eventually, Persi's daughter Parker came out to his table, and he entertained her with some stories of snakes he'd encountered recently.

Eventually, Parker got distracted and went to bug her father, so Jerry was no longer watching her. He took a bit of time to himself, finishing up the snacks on the plate in front of him, then he checked the time on his phone, it was pretty late. He observed the lack of waiters coming out with food for a couple minutes, and figured that the kitchen had closed. Jerry got up and headed to the kitchen, a little hesitant since he didn't work there but no one stopped him, so he just walked right on in.

Spotting Persi, he smiled. She was always so nice to him, it made him feel appreciated. Whenever she came around to visit him at work it was a pleasant change of pace, he hoped she'd feel the same about him coming into visit her today. "Hey! Kick me out if you're busy, but I was getting bored out there. Also, just a warning, Parker will be asking for a rosy boa snake soon and that is absolutely my bad, I'm so sorry," he said in a lighthearted tone.
coded by reveriee.
Processing. . . .

mood: Mixed Feelings

location: Library
Arthur says. . . .

After she heard a voice from above she immediately looked up. It felt like slow motion because she wasn't expecting the man standing in front of her. Let alone it be her ex, Amon. At first she just looked up at him thinking if she was hallucinating. When she realized she might very been staring she suddenly stood up from her chair and in the process she knocked down some of the other books people dropped off previously throughout the day.

"I...hi.." she said in a soft voice as she bent down to pick the books up off the floor. "Sorry, I wasn't...expecting you to be in a library..." she cleared her throat as she felt his eyes on her.

'You're not a good liar...' She thought as he came up with the excuse of needing a book.

No matter if she broke up with him because she didn't think their values aligned enough, at the end of the day she couldn't deny her feelings she still had for him. It wouldn't work..it couldn't work. At least that's what she told herself so she didnt feel guilty about her making the final decision. He wants a house wife and she isn't that type of girl..there was more problems,but overall that was her main issue. If there was anything different, any solution presented to her things might very been different.

Of course on the day of love she sees him. After she tries so hard to not think about his cologne or how his day was at work.

She pushed her blonde hair behind her pink ear. "What book did you need then? A cookbook? " She asked him with a small giggle while she reluctantly looked up at him, her eyes wavering from his slightly. She lightly bit her bottom lip before asking an additional question. "If you aren't looking for a book then why else would you be here? You should be out today..." she said. Arthur didn't really understand why she felt a little...sad? Thinking about him with other people when she thought it would be them in the end...it's something she has to get over...soon.

It's whats best..probably..right? I mean he probably is here to see if I've moved on or if I'm happy. Or maybe he really did want a book and it's not about me. Yes, let's go with that. He wouldn't think about me too much anymore anyway..I hurt him too much during that time..

Qwertycakes Qwertycakes



coded by kaninchen
Tallulah was beginning to feel more nervous the more she talked to this man. He seemed much more well put together than the other men she had come across in this town, and the thought of possibly going home with him was sending excitement through her body. He did seem interested enough in her, so much so that he followed her to the more private booth. "Hmmm, travelling. I love to but yeah with work it's hard to get away from here." She told him, resting her elbows on the table as she listened more. She was doing her best to keep cool despite the fact that she was swooning on the inside.

At his question of what brought her out to this speed dating thing, a sly smile quirked up at the corner of her lip, "well... I didn't exactly want to spend Valentine's Day cooped up in my apartment. Something about hearing about others... adventures for the night gave me a little fomo. Thought I'd come check things out here, and I'll have to say - I'm glad I did." She could see the intrigue twinkling in his eyes at this, and she was baited into the conversation more, "If there was one place you could go to right now... Just hop on a plane and take off where would you go?" She asked curiously. Maybe the answer would peak her interest in him even more. "I'd like to see Italy again, the sun is nice and the food is great."

The night was turning out better than she could have imagined. She was intrigued by this man, and the more they talked, the more she wanted to know about him. As the conversation flowed, she found herself relaxing, laughing, and enjoying the moment. The world outside their little booth faded away, leaving just the two of them, sharing stories and dreams. It was a Valentine's Day she wouldn't soon forget, and as the night went on, Tallulah couldn't help but wonder where this unexpected connection might lead. But if she played her cards right... It would hopefully to be to bring him home. While she waited on his answer about travelling, she leaned back in the booth a little as her heeled foot gently grazed his leg. If he didn't get the hint after this then maybe it wasn't meant to be.

Ints: Landon - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
Luna eyed up Claudio as he laughed to himself. She knew what that was about, and surely what she was able to give him during their last hookup wasn't forgettable. But she stayed silent as he took in the situation they were in. It wasn't common for her to talk to her hookups after the deed let alone how many days or weeks later. She just... Couldn't connect with people in an emotional way like that. It just wasn't who she was, and probably never could be.

But the little flashbacks of his hands on her body brought a slight blush to her cheeks at the mention of things like this happening all the time. He was good, really good... Which was something she hadn't come across in this town yet. Her promiscuity was no secret but also surprising with her cold attitude. It wasn't because she hated people, she just didn't necessarily trust them. "I do..." She told him, her pale skin reddening even more as she quickly grabbed her glass off the table to finish off the wine. Looking down at her hands she did her best to calm her nerves as she looked back up at him, "so... speed dating. I figured Tinder would be more your thing?" It wasn't meant to be rude, but genuine curiosity.

Luna looked down at her hands again, nervously wringing her fingers together, "I didn't think I'd come to this thing... talking to people just isn't what I do." Her tone sounded a little defeated as she did her best to push away her anxiety. All around her alarms seemed to be going off, signaling peoples conversations coming to an end, and as another man approached, waiting for his turn Luna looked back to Claudio and shook her head, "can we talk away from this stuff?" She asked. She really didn't want to sit and talk to someone she'd never met before. But it was different with Claudio because although he knew her body, he didn't know her.

Quickly she stood and took his hand so he'd follow to a quiet booth away from the speed dating tables. Almost immediately her anxiety vanished, "sorry I just... If you wanna go back to that thing you can. I won't keep you. It was just a lot of pressure to talk to someone in five minutes..." She told him as she slid into the booth. Almost as soon as she was seated, a waitress zoomed up to take their order to which she got herself another glass of wine. Curiosity began to peak in her as he sat with her, "I uh... so tell me about yourself?" The girl asked, though she hoped this didn't mean he'd ask her questions back. Not that she'd tell him, especially with what she had gone through in her life. So she relaxed back into the booth to just... Listen.

Ints: Claudio - Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
coded by kaninchen
Marley had no clue as to what was running through her mind. She'd seen people posting their dates, their outfits, their happiness, and their love online all day. There were plenty of people who appreciated Valentine's Day and then there were people like her - quiet recluses - who stayed home and waited until the chocolate at the store went on sale the next day. But she was 23 years old, with hardly any friends, and lived with her younger brother. The loneliness of the holiday was bound to catch up to her at some point, and that day happened to be today.

Chewing her lip, she scrolled and scrolled until eventually a small thought popped into her head. Marley, over the years, had only ever had one boyfriend. Jason Lowes. Their relationship didn't last too long, and he seemed to have moved on rather quickly to the woman who now had his child. Marley had been heartbroken by this relationship for a long time. He had been her first and her only love. Which is why this thought was stupid. Hesitantly, she pulled open her messaging app and sent him a quick message inviting him over to dinner. She was stupid for this, of course, but at least it would mean she wouldn't be alone on Valentine's Day? She was unsure.

But when Jason agreed her heart began to thud inside her chest. Quickly she marched over to Hudsons bedroom door and knocked until the boy answered, "you need to go find something to do." She told him flatly. With a little bit of protest, Hudson finally agreed and grabbed his controller and study books to go to a friends place. Getting herself into gear, Marley quickly checked the fridge to see if she had literally anything to cook, and satisfied that she had the ingredient for spaghetti, she began to defrost the meat and boil the water before going to her room to change into something cute. Something in her usual edgy style but not like she was trying too hard. Not that she didn't want to impress him, but she didn't want to take advantage of him while he was in a sore situation with his baby mamma.

Just as she finished getting dressed, she heard the knock at the door. When she opened it she was greeted by her usual nickname and a kiss on her cheek... Which made her face redden more than she wanted him to see, "oh uh, Hudson went off to study at some friends place." She told him, though she wasn't sure if he wanted them to be alone or not. She had no solutions there besides inviting her overbearing sister. So, she went back to the kitchen and stirred the noodles before she began to cook the meat, "oh if you want to help that'd be nice. There's some veggies that need to be chopped." She pointed to the few that were sitting on the island counter, "do you want some wine?" She asked him and quickly grabbed two glasses from the wine rack as well as a bottle of some random white someone had gifted her.

Marley poured herself one but waited for his answer before pouring him one, "what happened with your day?" She asked, though she had a suspicion that he was definitely talking about his other ex, so she busied herself with the food again to hide her emotions until the spaghetti was ready to be drained. She liked talking to Jason, though with the issues he's currently going through she didn't really want to know about them. Marley was nice though and she had an issue with setting boundaries with people. Which is why when he did have these issues she always listened despite not wanting to.

Ints: Jason - Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
coded by kaninchen
MOOD: Lonely

OUTFIT: Work Uniform



Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
sara alcott
That an object can be moved, changed, or affected
Without being touched
Without physically being touched

Fucking Valentines Day. Though normally far from a cynic, this day in particular was spurring Sara to slam her head against a wall. Another reminder that everybody was in love or actively searching for love, while she was stuck in place, still pining over the same person she'd been back in middle school.

And to add insult to injury, she'd fucked up the exact same way she had back in high school. By getting tipsy at a New Year's Eve party and stupidly attempting to cross the line from friendship into something more. And the moment of humiliation that she'd spent years shuddering in memory of, was now fresh all over again, sure to haunt her for years to come. It was just so stupid. Finn and her would never work out, not even in her wildest dreams. The aspiring writer had such a bright future waiting for him in Hollywood. What the hell would he want with a washed up single mom who couldn't even make it out of their hometown?

Even so, she couldn't help but hope all the same. Despite all reason and logic telling her that Finn was a lost cause, whenever they were together, cuddled up in her living room under the dim lights, it just felt so right. Ever since they'd met, she'd always felt so at ease around Finn, like she could tell him (almost) anything that was on her mind. And that was what got her every single time. Her mouth worked faster than her head, and Finn ran away from the possibility of ever being anything more than friends.

Thankfully, things seemed to be getting back to normal between the two. As usual, they pretended that nothing had ever happened. It was easier that way. An unspoken olive branch that saved her from hearing explicitly that Finn wasn't attracted to her in that way.

Grabbing onto that tiny piece of consolation made it a little easier to go out and face the day of love while being mortifyingly alone. With a huff, she crawled out of bed, buzzing about her daily routine. With Molly having the time of her life at Gideon's, the house was a little quieter, the day a little bit less hectic without her daughter's giggles and protests filling the space. Sara hated it.

With a slight huff, Sara leaves the empty house. Thankfully, Russki's was in walking distance, saving her from having to spend gas money on a short drive through town. Especially considering the traffic was at an all time high today, congested with couples who all had the exact same idea about how they wanted to spend their Valentines Day.

In a few minutes, she's in the middle of Russki's, with everybody zipping around hoping to get the mixer set up as quickly and quietly as possible without Alexei catching on. Thanking her lucky stars that she hasn't caught Ashley's eye yet, with her boss being too busy sniping at Jimmy to notice that there was an employee loitering around.

The fact that there was a speed dating event that Sara had to work on today of all days, was a kick in the crotch. Everybody would be out there falling in love, having the time of their lives, while Sara was stuck slaving away, passing off dirty dishes to the kitchen. All she could do was suck it up, hope the event breezes through quickly, then go home to watch her murder shows in peace.

Like clockwork, the moment the waitress turned around, she was standing face to face with a seemingly irritated Ashley. "I want one of those on every table. If you break them, it's coming out of your salary." She points at the bar, where identiccal white bowls are lined up neatly, containing a bell, and tiny scraps of paper with icebreaker questions. Sara nods, gulping slightly at Ashley's threat. Both boss and employee knew that it was pretty much only out of the goodness of Alexei's heart that she managed to keep her job after breaking a not-small amount of glassware over the years.

A few hours and several close calls later, the mixer was in full swing. Sara had gotten into a nice rhythm of managing the countless drinks orders, even if it was way more than Russki;s was used to. On one trip to the kitchen to drop off some dirty dishes, she was caught off guard by a sudden hand on her wrist. She spins around, immediately relieved to see that it was just Finn.

"Finn!" She squeals excitedly, setting the tray aside to pull her friend into a massive bear hug, standing on her tiptoes in order to wrap her arms around his neck . "Wait, what's going? Are you doing the speed-dating thing?”

As the words escape her lips, her face falls.

Fuck no.

Watching Finn flirt with gorgeous women while she was stuck working was horrifying to imagine. It was so selfish, really. She wanted her best friend to be happy. But why couldn't it be with her? If Finn wanted to start dating, that was his perogative, but it definitely could not happen today at her place of work, tainting it forever.

Without a response from Finn, her eyes dart around uncomfortably. "That's not a good idea." She quickly blurts out. "Speed dating's overrated, I mean you get 5 minutes with someone and that's it, that's way too much pressure. And you hate small talk."

No response. Irritation creeping up on her, Sara did what she always did when there was silence. She filled it. "I seriously can't believe you didn't tell me you wanted to start dating. I can't believe you just showed up at my job to do this." Her eyes dart to the floor, leaning against the wall. "I didn't even know you were interested in dating anyone. We're best friends, how do I not know something as basic as that? " Her tone grows more and more agitated, her body shaking slilghtly.

Stop it. Her brain hissed at her. You're being a psycho.

Sara sighs, gazing apologetically at Finn. "I'm sorry. That was weird and uncalled for." She takes a deep breath. "I don't have any right to ask you this. But can you not do this speed dating shit? Not in front of me." A million things are left unsaid with her request that she prays he picks up on, despite all past instances telling her this isn't going to go well.

code by valen t.


The Musician



In love






It was a beautiful morning.

That much Scarlett knew. She could hear the birds chirping outside the bedroom window, singing their happy little songs in the daylight. There was a calm throughout the room as Scarlett slowly let herself wake up more and more, eventually giving into the warmth that surrounded her, she pulled Francisco's pillow close, inhaling his scent as she closed her eyes and let her mind fall into a peaceful daydream.

She rolled onto her back again, eyes trained on the ceiling as delicate fingers twirled the short lengths of her hair absentmindedly. In truth, Scarlett could stay in the bed all day if she could. Happily, she would curl into Franciscos arms and savour the warmth that he brought her, savour the love that poured through her heart, dulling the desperate aches that trickled through her bones.

Throughout it all. Throughout the loss of their child, throughout the weeks of pain by her own doing, Francisco had been a constant. Sometimes she wondered if it would have been different had he been there when it happened, had he witnessed the fall that ended the beautiful future they were planning. Scarlett was grateful that he hadn't been there. That he hadn't witnessed her screams of terror, screams of pain as a piece of her was torn away.

Either way she knew that he would have been there for her. Somehow throughout it all she had forgotten the depth of his love and let herself get pulled into her melancholy. Yet he stayed. He stayed through it all and there she was again, curled into his bed, embracing the warmth of the sheets where he had laid the night before.

Francisco's voice pulled her back Earth, bringing her even further into the warmth she was feeling. He had been so cautious, so careful, so loving. How she deserved him, she didn't know. Scarlett pushed herself up in the bed, the sheets slowly falling from her torso and pooling around her waist as she scootched up to look at him. Forest filled eyes shimmering as they flickered about him, taking him in completely.

"I'm awake, amour." She hummed, tilting her head ever slightly. A small smile danced along her lips as her gaze moved from his face to the tray he carried, "You spoil me, you know? What is this?"

Scarlett shifted on the bed once again, propping her pillow up behind her so she could lean against it. She hummed softly, once again letting her gaze move about him. His broad shoulders, strong arms, the stubble on his face, the curve of his nose, to the deep brown eyes that pulled her in from day one. So full of emotion, so deep she could get lost in them for the rest of her life. There wasn't a thing she didn't love about him and even then with him standing there doing such a sweet gesture, she could feel herself longing for him. The fire that burned within her igniting the moment her eyes met his. She burned for him.

♡coded by uxie♡

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