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Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main



The Chef








Parker, Jerry


It had been a busy night.

Not only had Alexei left her to run the pub but he had forgotten to tell her that there was an event going on. The kitchen had been swamped for most of the day, leaving her running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She knew when Cal had finally come to drop off Parker when she heard the squealing of the little four year old running through the kitchen and into the office to grab her colouring book and leave her backpack.

On a typical night Persi would have wandered out of the kitchen and made her way to wherever Cal was to check up. Typically she would beg him to stay for a little while longer to make sure Parker was all set to go home but this time she was just too busy to be able to do anything of the sorts. She hoped that Cal would understand and stick around anyway to make sure that Parker was taken care of. On a typical night she would make sure that they both got fed before Cal left as well but she just didn't have the chance to do anything of the sort.

Persi made sure that Parker was okay none the less and sent her out to hang out at the booths. She worked on making sure that the kitchen was clean and set up for the next day as they started winding down for the night.

The kitchen was closing regardless if the bar was open and as the head chef, Persi didn't have to do too much other than oversee the closing tasks. She went to the office and did her closing tasks, cashing out the servers that were ending up their shifts and passing over the last of the nights closing responsibilities to the head bartender. She would still have to stick around until the pub closed but at least she didn't have to stick around the kitchen for the rest of the night.

Then there was the matter of Jerry. A kind man that she had found herself growing quite fond of over the past little while. He was good with Parker, fueling her interests and entertaining her when she was at a loss. Parkers growing love of animals was far out of Persi's comfort and knowledge zone so there was little that Persi could do aside from taking her to visit the zoos and Jerry's office space. She was grateful that he was so willing to talk to the young girl, so willing to educate her, and Persi was glad that it was an educational interest at the very least.

The only reason Persephone even knew that the man was there was because of the squealing laughter she heard as Parker went ripping through the kitchen once again, excitedly going on ad on about some sort of animal that Jerry had spoken to her about, not that Persi could understand a wink of what Parker was saying. Persi just nodded along, smiling warmly as she went through her closing checklist.

Her attention turned upwards when she heard a voice, foreign to the walls of her kitchen but familiar in her ears. Jerry. Persephone pressed her clipboard to her chest and offered Jerry a kind smile, listening as he spoke.

"Oh. No. It's alright. We are closed for the night I was just making sure I didn't miss anything..." Persephone set her clipboard down in its spot, waving off what she was saying. "Doesn't matter. Thank you for sitting with her. I wasn't sure if Cal had stuck around to watch her or not. Are you hungry? I have some stuff here that I could whip up quickly if you're hungry."

♡coded by uxie♡

cooper attenborough

  • .

Nope, this had bad timing written all over. She ripped his arm away, hissing at him and taking a few steps back.
Even though she cussed him out for about a minute, she didn't walk off, instead she stood there, looking at him with those bambi eyes.

Cooper had done a lot of damage this morning but wasn't feeling anything at this point, numb would be an understatement.
He was fueled by rage, sleepless nights and despair. Cooper fucked it up with Stella and might lose his job, his life was in shambles and he was just being honest about it. There was never a reason for El to be upset, if anything she should be happy he showed up at all. Cooper was a catch.

'Okay, what the fuck,' Cooper brought out, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden rush of energy rushing hrough his body at the speed of light. That ritalin must have been kicking in and god damn, was it doing its job.
'You beg me to take you out, I am having a shit ton of stress and now all of the sudden, I'm the bad guy?'
Cooper raised his voice, feeling his anger boiling somewhere down there.

'I swear to god, sometimes you're exactly like Jo,' Cooper added, referring to his best friend, well, since this morning. Jo hated his guts, she would always find a reason to hate his guts and now Ellie too.
Cooper was glad he still had Nick, even though they barely talked these days. He wasn´t afraid of losing Nick but still he couldn´t shake the thought of even his closest friends talking behind his back.

´Be honest Ellie,' Cooper now said, slightly lowering his voice to be discreet. 'Have you talked to Julian about me?' He asked, looking more insecure than he had probably ever looked. Acting was his whole personality and losing this show that would mean he wouldn't have any.
'You don't have to fucking lie, I'm a man. I can take it,' he said, looking her straight in her eyes. It was almost like he was begging for help but he could never ask her that. Only Stella was allowed to know the real him and no one else. Not even Ellie.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.







Simple black dress


Lee's home


Clementine Finch


Her sister had been needed somewhere else. It didn't matter where, she didn't care in the slightest if she was being honest, as long as it was away from where she was. Her sister was probably the biggest thorn in her side in the world. She thought she knew everything. She thought just because she was the eldest of the three siblings, that she could just tell them what to do. Well there was definitely some truth to her being able to tell them what to do when it came to the business, despite her high ranking station and power over their California region, Lisette was ranked even higher. She was her boss.

Still, she felt like that she could tell them what to do even outside of business, so her being gone was a bit of a blessing. She had popped open a bottle of wine to celebrate this occasion of her sister being gone when her phone vibrated. She didn't immediately look at it, instead swirling the freshly opened vintage wine around the glass, looking for its legs. She smiled when the legs signaled that it would be a higher alcohol content and a whiff of the fine gave her a fresh scent of the flavors.

She took a deep breath before she took a sip of the wine and a surge of pleasure went through her body. Her hands sat the glass down in front of her and she finally looked at her phone. It was Clem telling her that she was coming over because of course her fiance did not make their plans on time, she could have seen that coming from a mile away. She only chuckled to herself taking another sip of the wine as she responded to her back that Mikhail, her valet, would receive her in the foyer.

"Mikhail, prepare the cellar to receive Ms. Clementine Finch. Select the gift bottle that Mrs. Clarkston sent. That should do for Ms. Finch."

Right away.

She sighed taking another sip to savor the taste, before downing the rest of the glass. She'd put this bottle up for later for when inevitably he would come get her and take her home even though she'd offer one of her guest rooms and that it's probably good for them to take some space, but what did she know. She was single. She took a deep breath before she headed towards the wine cellar to take a seat and wait on her friend.

♡coded by uxie♡


Know It All






Korean Spot




He couldn't shake the sleepiness from his eyes - he couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion and if he was being honest he'd prefer nothing than to go back to sleep. Yet he knew, if he wanted somewhere to sleep then he'd need to appease both his sister and Celia. Then he could return to his life as a NEET or whatever he was calling himself these days.

When Celia broke into his field of view he perked his head up, a raised brow in curiosity. He couldn't deny that she looked good, but he knew what today was. He knew that anything and everything could be misinterpreted as something more. So as much as he wanted to get his hands on her, he would relent and be calm. When she got into the car he gave her a little head nod and a 'yo' before he put his seatbelt back on and resettled in his seat.

His sister's car was nice. The feel of the wheel of the jaguar suv in hands felt nice and it was a big step up from his beater of a car. He slowly pulled away from the dorm and started to drive where the built in gps system started to direct him
"It's some korean restaurant? I'm not sure, my sister picked it out."
His tone was empty, almost as if he was on auto pilot and in some fashion he was. He was hoping that tonight would go easy and there would be no issues. He could fill up on food and then head back to sleep.

It wouldn't be long before they would arrive at the restaurant and he would pull up slowly to the spot, putting the car in park and looking over to her,
"Let me get your door for you?"
He slid out of the front seat to the ground, closing the door behind him and walking around to her side and opening it up.

♡coded by uxie♡

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