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Futuristic Another Day: A Sci-Fi Superhero RP OOC

ok so Gears Gears question

It says the 5th division uses enhanced. So can I make an enhanced character from the 5th division?
So Gears Gears here's what each squad looks like. Each squad is 5 Alisa copies. Team 4 is the ones with her powers. Il also provide updates on what each squad is doing.

Squad 1-Protecting squad 2 from the flanks. At side entrance.
Squad 2-Breaching and Clear, waiting. At maintence door to main entrance (where the Reapers are)
Squad 3-Unknown (not in the bank)
Squad 4-At Jaises location (across the street from the bank). Sending messages to Carl, hacking security cameras, diverting security agents

Squad 1-Tactical Squad
Squad 2-Tactical Squad
Squad 3-Heavy Weapons Squad (HMGs)
Squad 4-Electronics Squad

Squad 1:
View attachment 1136809

Squad 2:
View attachment 1136805

Squad 3:
View attachment 1136821

Squad 4:
View attachment 1136820
So revisions in order.
Squad 1: Side entrances to bank, side alleys, and streets (picking up scraps and useful things)
Squad 2: outside vault room (covering Alisa)
Squad 3: Building across from bank (providing covering fire for squad 1, engaging security agents)
Squad 4: 1 floor below Jais (hacking security systems)

Jais: high-story building near the bank (shooting security agents)
Alisa: Vault room (investigating)
Your choice- could be known or not.
ima say they know a little bit about Jais but not a whole lot about Alison since she deletes info abt herself anyways. So for Jais they might have a record of her as a POI or somin. But for Alisa all info on her is mouth to mouth.
So Gears Gears What does this mean?
"He had tried to sent against to follow in the past but they where never heard from again."
Why is the main thread in the 'extra pages' section? I thought the roleplay hadn't started yet lol
It started, and I thought you and a few other players lost interest- The first event has ended but you can still jump in, how would you like to play this? There is a mining accident in the Underground and Detectives will be investigating the scene of the recent bank robbery. Otherwise, we can come up with something else.
It started, and I thought you and a few other players lost interest- The first event has ended but you can still jump in, how would you like to play this? There is a mining accident in the Underground and Detectives will be investigating the scene of the recent bank robbery. Otherwise, we can come up with something else.
I'll catch up by reading what's been going on so far
Uhhhhhh, What's going to happen in the next one?
Socio is currrently on the surface while CommanderNecro is in a safehouse repelling a security agent raid- there is a detective checking out the scene of the bank robbery, there is an accident in the mining area. I can also send someone to the lab if you want
Damn, I just read everything. Wow.

Everyone's got guns and violence and killing but September's just some food delivery girl who wants to lie low LOL, I'm not sure how about the best way to introduce her in this roleplay seeing as guns and violence and killing are precicely why she's going undercover, and I can't see her having a reason to show herself unless something specifically happens to force her into doing so.

What time is it in the roleplay and what does the location look like? I'm picturing a shiny city that would normally be bustling and full of life. If it's night she might be at home, if it's the day she's probably delivering pizzas.
Gears Gears TSYM!!! I didn't expect someone to reply so quickly, just a couple of questions I need before I'm able to reply. Is there anything in particular about the museum that would probably make an impression on September? Did Flytrap order the pizza to be delivered to the guards as a distraction? Would September see the murder Detective Aaron is investigating as she approaches the Scholar Centre? That's all!
Gears Gears TSYM!!! I didn't expect someone to reply so quickly, just a couple of questions I need before I'm able to reply. Is there anything in particular about the museum that would probably make an impression on September? Did Flytrap order the pizza to be delivered to the guards as a distraction? Would September see the murder Detective Aaron is investigating as she approaches the Scholar Centre? That's all!
There are a lot of war pieces, particularly a deactivated mech from a minor AI insurrection, one wing is full of biospheres which contain different environments and animals. The pizza is a distraction, and the area Aaron was investigating is far, but would be on the news, like a TV- and Aaron might head to the museum.

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