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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

[QUOTE="s o l o]Am about to post, but I just realized a possible major flaw in my post
Can any angel open portals to Heaven from Earth? Or portals to other places (i.e. into hell, or to Earth from Heaven)? Or only some that have certain powers/strength?

Oh also can all demon open portals to get into hell?

EDIT: ah, I went ahead and posted. I took out the part I probably would have to edit, so I can edit it accordingly later. Wanted to get it up cause you all have been waiting long enough!

No, you can only open a portal to the Earth as royalty. And finding the portals to heaven or hell is increasingly difficut. only an angel// demon can really bring you through the portal to their home unless you find the entrances to the places.
@s o l o I'll work my way to a reply... still working vigirously on that massive post, which, as it turns out... May or may not ruin this story. I feel like it's just off... But, that's to be expected, none the less, I'll give my final product to Bambie before I decide if I want to release it on this RP. It could lead to a sequel if we manage to finish this one? ^.-
Hello again! I was wondering if someone could catch me up today on what's going on in the ICRP, if you didn't mind? Yesterday I could only apply for the RP because I had to work. xD
KingDalmasca said:
Hello again! I was wondering if someone could catch me up today on what's going on in the ICRP, if you didn't mind? Yesterday I could only apply for the RP because I had to work. xD
There was a big battle between two angels and the demons to rescue A'Merie. One of them, Light, was killed by Electra. The other, who I do not remember, was enslaved by the eldest demon prince. A'Merie was rescued, but she took a demon boy, Deux, with her. She was contemplating how to tell her parents this when Vesher entered the scene, determined to protect his princess. Deux freaked and portalled to Earth, with the two angels following. Deux got really angry at A'Merie and she went off on her own when she saw her baby brother Dene. She chased after him, but he was captured by Daakoon to be taken to Electra. A'Merie was then approached by Malori and accompanied her to Hell where they met up with Daakoon. They are currently in the middle of a confrontation.

Malphaeus is preparing for an all out war against the demons.

The queen had flashbacks to her past and is slowly losing her mind while the king is badly Stressed out.

Dene met up with his "old friend" Electra and became a Fallen Angel thanks to her magic.

Ahhh... I think that's it!
ataraxiandream said:
There was a big battle between two angels and the demons to rescue A'Merie. One of them, Light, was killed by Electra. The other, who I do not remember, was enslaved by the eldest demon prince. A'Merie was rescued, but she took a demon boy, Deux, with her. She was contemplating how to tell her parents this when Vesher entered the scene, determined to protect his princess. Deux freaked and portalled to Earth, with the two angels following. Deux got really angry at A'Merie and she went off on her own when she saw her baby brother Dene. She chased after him, but he was captured by Daakoon to be taken to Electra. A'Merie was then approached by Malori and accompanied her to Hell where they met up with Daakoon. They are currently in the middle of a confrontation.
Malphaeus is preparing for an all out war against the demons.

The queen had flashbacks to her past and is slowly losing her mind while the king is badly Stressed out.

Dene met up with his "old friend" Electra and became a Fallen Angel thanks to her magic.

Ahhh... I think that's it!
Thanks a bunch!!! ^_^ I think from this I can calmly do a random introduction scene. That's a relief because I haven't been in a solid RP in a while. Gotta get my groove back! xD
KingDalmasca said:
Thanks a bunch!!! ^_^ I think from this I can calmly do a random introduction scene. That's a relief because I haven't been in a solid RP in a while. Gotta get my groove back! xD
I know the feeling well! I'm sure you'll do fine.~
Was getting ready for work at the same time I was posting my part, so it took me that long. xD

I just hope that's acceptable, 'cause I just went with what my mind could dish out.

@RiahB How is Hannibal? Like, is it really that good of a show?
I'm writing my post and I'm wondering if maybe I should give Eurynome the ability to sort-of sense other Fallen. Not exactly a power or anything, but when another Fallen is created, she can sense it. Painfully.

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