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Multiple Settings And thus the search has begun! A few roleplay partners needed for shenanigans of epic proportions.

Ad Nauseam

Ironist extraordinaire

Hello, hi and thank you for being intrigued enough by my excessively long title, to click on it and eye and behold the something I now present to you.

As the excessively long title describes, I am searching for roleplaying partners! After having returned from a long hiatus from this site, I'll have to admit to giving in to the cravings once again, so before I go on with what it is I am actually looking for, I'd like to introduce myself.

I am a 23 year old woman from the Scandinavian part of Europe. English is therefore not my first language, although I like to tell myself that I have a decent grasp on it. It means I do live in the European timezone, and while my schedule is somewhat reversed, I am more active during the evening hours of my timezone.

I enjoy mostly all kinds of art, under them of course writing, which I have done for most of my life. Ever since I knew how to, anyway. A lot of the writing experience i have, comes from text-based roleplay, which I have enjoyed from a very young age, with all the cringe it ensued. That cringe has long since gone away and been replaced with a love for storytelling and expressing various characters and perspectives. I also value the ironic humour in lame things, corny sayings and bad movies.

In my spare time I consume a lot of media, engage in politics, create art, LARP and play a whole lot of tabletop RPGs. I also study, which makes my schedule a little unpredictable at times, although I will make sure to notify roleplay partners of any long-term absence. Being a bit of an introverted socialite, I enjoy talking to people, so finding a roleplaying partner I can be friendly with on the side will be a huge plus! Firm believer in communication, and with roleplay, communication is extra important.


While I dipped into it in my introductory tab, I'll go more into what it actually is I'm looking for.

General preferences:

  • Communication is very important to me. Being able to discuss the fluff and the kinks and the wants and limits contributes to making the roleplay a good experience for all parts involved. So be honest and upfront about certain wants and wishes!

  • Literacy is also fairly nice. I am not the type to judge people on their spelling or grammar, as I'll more than likely make a few or more mistakes myself. But putting effort into descriptions and expressing the characters and their surroundings is a must. I don't expect a novel every time, but a couple paragraphs are always nice. With that said, one doesn't have to write more than necessary. Don't make it lengthy to make it lengthy!

  • Original characters, as I prefer not roleplaying with canon characters from media. Strong characters can carry a weak plot, but weak characters cannot carry a strong plot, as they say. I put a lot of thought and work into my characters, to make them interesting and believable, without being over the top, and I would love a partner who does the same! Needless to say, characters should be true to the setting as well, and follow the general canon. With this being said, I also prefer if everyone has multiple characters instead of just one each.

  • Somewhat realistic relationship progression. I know what we're doing is fiction, but I am a bit of a slow burner, and I like a bit of a buildup. Whether the characters end up as platonic, romantic, rivals or otherwise, I would like for it to progress naturally in a way that suits the chemistry of the characters. I do not like forced relationships, and while I don't mind romance, I'd rather not have it be a goal to reach. Should it happen, I prefer it as more of a side-thing to the overlaying plot. If romance happens, I am open to M/M, M/F or F/F, but I don't do ERP (fade 2 black all the way).

  • An understanding of the setting which we agree on. It means that I would love for there to be a general consensus on the theme and canon of the world in which we're going to roleplay. The theme and subjects and conditions of the world is something I love to go over before starting! It is worth noting that I am not a huge fan of anime influences, themes and archetypes, so if that's what you're looking for, we may not be a good match.

  • Mutual contribution. Roleplay is a group effort, and thus we should both contribute to pushing the plot forward, whether it's personal character plot, side plots or an overlaying metaplot. I'll throw in little things along the way, and I get really excited when my partner does the same! Takes two to tango, all that. Let's play each other up is what I'm saying.

Preferred settings
The settings I prefer are not necessarily limited to these, and I am open for suggestions! I do prefer either premade or simple settings, as I am a detail nerd when it comes to world-building, so it'll take a year to set up an entire universe for a roleplay RIP.

Urban fantasy. Or modern settings with a supernatural twist. Prebuilt settings I'm interested in are:
  • World of Darkness. That is new WoD such as Vampire: The Requiem, Changeling: The Lost, Mage: The Awakening, Hunter: The Vigil etc. I am open to old WoD, but nWoD has a special place in my heart.
  • X-Files esque scenarios. Something about investigating supernatural phenomena is always exciting! Especially if horror elements are involved.
  • SCP Mythos. As in the creepypasta, perhaps with a limit on which SCPs are used or something involving a particular one. I'd love doing some SCP action!
  • Life is Strange inspired. Not with the canon characters, but something set in that universe, with some weird powers involved and some intrigue and personal drama.

Dystopian scenarios. Or post-apocalyptic scenarios, they both work.
  • Zombie apocalypses. I am up for mostly anything at this point from The Last of Us zombies to Black Summer. Preferably something dangerous rather than the classical TWD. Putting a new and interesting twist on it is something I'll be up to as well.
  • Fallout. I am a sucker for the old-school FO games, but 3, NV or 4 inspired will do as well!
  • The "stuck in a bunker during a catastrophe" scenario, with lots of meltdowns and a lack of supplies.

Classical fantasy. Like, the medieval kind or something.
  • Elder Scrolls, either based on the world of ES: Morrowind or ES: Oblivion. I could be go' on Skyrim too, if the setup is interesting!
  • Suikoden or something set in that universe. I did say I am not big on anime themes, but the world of Suikoden is just brilliantly epic.
  • Something Dragon Age. While I am not huge on this setting, I do like the fluff of it, and if there's a good setup, I could definitely be down for using it.
  • Something supernatural with romantic pirates. Perhaps set in the D&D universe.
  • Ars Magica. Not necessarily the game as it's super complex, but something set in the world.

Misc. scenarios or whatever doesn't belong anywhere else
  • Subnautica. An alternate version of course, with less of the game-mechanichy sci-fi building gadgets and more survival under harsh conditions.
  • Something grimdark and gritty with superheroes and/or villains. Inspiration could be Watchmen or Heroes Rise.
  • Hotline Miami. I have no idea how to pull this off, honestly. But if there's a way, I gotta experience it.

Preferred themes:
Mind you, all of these themes are not a must.
  • Anything grimdark. I am a sucker for really getting into the horrible and gross aspects of darker settings. Lack of hygiene during the apocalypse? Yes please. Bleak conditions? Yes and thank you. Doesn't mean I don't like the mood to be lighter at times, but I feel as if many tend to get pink and fluffy in the darker settings, leaving out the grimdark aspects that make it interesting and different.
  • Light horror themes. Spooky settings demand some spook now and again. As with the grimdark, the horror aspects of a darker setting is super important.
  • Social-realism. Or at least realistic in terms of the canon of the setting. I am a sucker for character interactions and intrigue and drama, as am I a sucker for throwing in some more realistically heavy subjects and lighter subjects in terms of characters, concepts and surroundings.
  • Survival. A survival theme can fit any setting, sue me.
  • Exploration/discovery. Whether it's an exploration of the world or an exploration of self in some way.


I have roleplayed for many-a-years, and this is pretty much what's come of it:
  • Worshipper of "Show don't tell". I never explicitly describe what's going on inside my characters' head. Instead I focus on what can be noticed from outside perspective. I put a lot of description into body language and facial expressions, along with general mannerisms. And then I love writing dialogue.

  • With that said, I am all about that character development. I like the events surrounding my characters to influence them in a way that ties in with their concept and personality.

  • Multiple characters. I often juggle 2-4 main characters. And I am no stranger to letting them have ups and downs or even killing them off. Sometimes I throw more in along the way too. I tend to shift perspective between the characters from time to time, as they're not always all present.

  • I tend to write between 300 and 3000 words, depending on what happens and how many characters are present. Starters, or the first posts after timeskips are is often longer to set the tone. A standard reply will often be between 2 and 6 paragraphs per character. I write what I feel is necessary, and while I am leaning to the wordy side, I am trying not to throw in too much unnecessary filler.

  • Huge fan of timeskips and "downtime". The exciting stuff doesn't happen ALL the time, so jumping a little is only nice. I like discussing what goes on during timeskips as well. I don't mind roleplaying the more boring scenes either, like where people sit in a car and have a conversation, but some scenes call for a timeskip.

If you feel like we'd be a good match, hit me a PM and introduce yourself! Tell me what you'd be interested in doing and such :^D
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Another lil' bump to tell the masses that I crave a Subnautica inspired/based RP so hard I could feast on nothing but that for the next three years. Anyone who's played/watched the game and would like to do a such thing would be godsent.
Hey, I'd love to rp with you. I think we'd work well together. I'm craving sci-fi dystopian/post-apocalyptic scenarios right now, and would love to incorporate all of your preferred themes into an rp.
Hey! I read your post and feel that we match on a lot of mentioned things. However, I don't think I'm able to PM you due to my new member status. Not sure how to work around that, but let me know if you're interested.

Edit: Actually it turns out it was just me not knowing how the forums work ^^;

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