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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

He turned. “And... there’s a child here?! Do you not know how valuable their souls are?!” He dropped her, walking to the door. “NO!” She jumped in from fo him. “No... no you can’t have her.” “What?” He snarled.
Sora walked out of Akina’s room. “Do not fucking think about touching my child.”
“Sora!!” She turned. The man growled. “And just who do you think you are?” He snarled. Don slipped in between them. “Please stop! Lord Tyr he doesn’t understand, please don’t hurt him or his child!”
Sora had a stone cold expression on his face. “I always thought that my uncle was being superstitious when he gave me bullets of holy water. Maybe not. Maybe I might use them now on him.”
Lord Tyr roared. “Are you threatening me you pathetic-“ “LORD TYR.” Don grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down. “Listen... I know I’ve been behind. I’ll catch up and do extra work... I’ll even come back to Hell for a few days. Just... let me handle this?” He growled. “You’re lucky I like you... and that you’re pretty.” He shoved her back into Sora and walked out. She sighed, holding her head.
Sora growled at him as he left. “You don’t treat women like that. They deserve respect for everything they do. If you mistreat a woman then you’re not a man, you’re a coward.”
Lord Tyr paused, laughing at him. “She’s not a woman... she’s a demon.” He left, closing the door. Sitting on the floor, Don sighed heavily. “Ugh...”
She shook her head, her face still in her hands. “That’s my last chance... if I don’t start doing better, he might banish me to the Depths... I’d have to drag souls through the burning fires all day and night, chained up to other demons. It’s just all super stressful.”
“I have a random question. How many Holy Water bullets does it take to kill a demon?”
She looked at him. “If you mean Lord Tyr... that would be a LOT. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t kill my boss. He’s a jerk... but without him I’m out of a job.”
“Damn. I will kill him if he ever mentions taking Akina’s soul again or tries to though.”
She growled, standing up. “Yes, thank you for threatening him. It’s not like I had the situation under control.” She said sarcastically. “The last thing I need is to have my boss hunting you down because you pissed him off.”
Sora sounded pissed. “I’m sorry, he was threatening my daughters life. Whatever. If you’re going to get pissed at me for trying to protect Akina then just don’t speak to me.” He walks back into Akina’s room.
She growled. “She didn’t need protecting! It was an empty threat Sora! I would never let anything happen to her! Remember? I told I wouldn’t hurt her, so why would I let someone else do it?”
“I was still trying to protect one of the few blood relatives I have left. Can you blame me?”
“No I don’t blame you I just...” she looked at him. “I need you to trust me. When I say she won’t be hurt, I need you to trust that it won’t happen.”
She looked at him, then sighed. Of course he doesn’t trust me. Walking to her room, he opened the door. “I’m gonna take a nap... nice meeting you guys.” She ushered them out, then closed the door.
Sora was in the kitchen cooking dinner. He fed the spaghetti to Akina, ate his then knocked on Don’s door to tell her it was ready.
Sora opened her door and gave her the food before leaving
She looked at the food, then curled back up. She spent the rest of the night that way, not talking to Sora or Akina until the next morning. Getting up early, she made them breakfast again, but was much quieter.

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