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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

She gives him a look. “Um, no.” She pushes his feet into the floor. “You can put your arm around me but not feet please.”
Sora smirks as he puts them back onto her knee. “Why not? You have a foot fetish?”
She turned bright red. “What?! Are you joking!” She pushed his feet off, punching him in the shoulder lightly. “Of course not!”
She blushed again, realizing he had tricked her in a way. Laughing, she shook her head. “You’re impossible...” Running her hands through his hair, she gave up and watched tv.
He smiled at her then started to smell something burning. “OMG THE PIZZA.”
Looking behind them, she saw the twins say in the room. “I got this Sora.” She opened the oven, taking out the pizzas with her bare hand, then snapped her fingers. The smoke disappeared and the smoke alarm did not got off. She closed the oven and sighed at the burnt pizzas. “Let’s see if we can fix this...” She said something quietly, and the pizzas glowed. Suddenly they were nice and warm, no burnt marks anywhere on them. She smiled at sora. “Neat trick huh?”
He smirks and puts his head on her shoulder. “You’re useful aren’t you?”
She blushed. “I try...” She kissed the top of his head. “Now let’s eat.” She took the pizzas and walked out.
“I’ll bring plates and knives in to cut up the pizzas and put them on something.”
Sora smiled and brought plates in with a blanket to put on the floor of the carpeted floor to eat on
Don helped cut up the pieces, then sat next to Sora, eating her food.

“Markus... what’s Don’a report?” “Well sir she’s been slacking. She’s down 10% and she’s also moved in with a human roommate. I believe he knows her secret.” The demon he spoke to roared. “WHAT?!!” “She’s very careless.” Markus siad, smiling evilly. “That’s unacceptable!!! I’ll have to see her and this... roommate... I can’t let her mistake ruin us!!”
Everybody was laughing and enjoying themselves until there was a knock on the door.
She paled. A tall, pale man stood there, his eyes bright red. “Don.” She looked behind her. “Lord Tyr! What are you doing here?!!”
The twins, Sora and Akina looked confused. “Should we leave you two alone? We’ll be in Akina’s room if you need us,” is the last thing Sora said before they all left to her room.
She blinked. Looking up at the man, she found his boiling with anger. “You. You actually got a human roommate?” She gulped. “Lord Tyr I... I just...” He grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up. “Your job isn’t a game!! If you wanted to play with humans you should have been a succubus but you CHOSE to be a field agent. You can’t be distracted.”
You could hear Akina’s giggles throughout the whole apartment

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