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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

He’s the big spoon and falls asleep before sitting up and panicking
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise until now because we were always in the heat of the moment.”
He puts his hands over his face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget about it.”
“We were always in the heat of the moment when it happened.”
“Let’s do that. There’s been no consequences yet so hopefully there won’t be any consequences.”
He sighs and curls up by himself, waking up in the morning to see to the twins and Akina
He sits on the sofa, turning on the TV for Akina and the twins and walks into the kitchen, “I’m sorry baby. Please talk to me.”
She glanced at him. “You can talk to me... after you explain how we’re gonna pay for that.” She gestured to an envelope on the counter.

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