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Futuristic An Unimaginable Imaginary


Within the Depths of a Dream


In our world, there is one...no three things that are impossible to comprehend. Usually being grouped into the same category, they are Life as well as Space and Time. These are areas of science that still have questions that remained unanswered, and perhaps for the better.

A Breif History

Long ago we all thought that everything revolved around us, Earth because we were God's chosen people. No one could defy this logic or anything for that matter to risk being thrown into a prison or in worst case scenarios, burned on a pyre. But soon after when state broke from church and science was widely practiced, it was ovbious that we were not the center of the universe but just another meaningless speck of dust in something much, much more. Something beyond our realm of comprehension, but like always, someone wanted to comprehend it.
The Comprehend-er
A man named Jonathan D. Hendricks was a bit too curious. Constantly studying late into the night to try and prove existence of what we could yet not see. Blindly working himself to death, pouring over theories and explanations of the unexplainable. One theory of note was one that claimed our universe was part of something massive, a multiverse if you will. Consisting of hunderds of thousands of bubble like objects that all held their own universe. You must be wondering what this has to do with you. Surely this man ws clinically insane. Not quite. Let me continue....
The Comprehend-ies
Jonathan passed at age 66 in the year 2016. We were only blossoming then, planning the first sciucde mission to Mars. Trust me, there were various more attempts before colonization began in 2075 and sorry to disappoint but aliens don't appear. Not yet at least.

Later, in 2080 when space travel was possible yet steep in price as well as not being able to arrive at your new destination for centuries, it wasn't very popular either. But, when a woman by the name of Kathryn Tharcus stumbled upon the mad man's research that had been buried in the deepest, darkest, dustiest file cabinet in the far back corner of the acient storeroom. The notebooks and countless pages of paper were old and yellowing but still alive and able to be read.

So that is what Miss Kate did.

And became obsessed with.

Some say insanity isn't contagious, but after this I beg to differ.

She began doing as he had, spending countless hours of time over his notes and finally gathering enough "evidence" to present this idea to those above her in NASA.

They loved it as well.
The Plan

The idea is simple...or as simple as it could be made. A team of 3 people were to be sent in a shuttle at the speed of light until some barrier was hit OR that bubble was broken. There was just one problem...

How does one prevent "spaghetti-fication." Or when one takes the form of spaghetti noodles. This was said to happen when any living thing travels at the speed of light. So, their solution was to put the three "volunteers" in a cryogenically frozen state, hoping that it would sustain life and prevent any unwanted health problems. Finally, it was decided that they would be in said state until the system was alerted of one of the two suspected outcomes. If not? They'd just be drifting in space endlessly.

But, where would they find people to do this experiment? No one would just willing throw their life away for something as chaotic as this.



This is where you finally make your appearance.
The Labrats

Three people where selected, sat down in Kate's office and given a choice. Either be sent to prison for the rest of their life for an apparent crime or go along with the project as if they had willingly volunteered.

History repeating itself perhaps?

They had no choice but to accept their fate and reluctantly agree.

Last thing they saw before being loaded up like cargo and shipped off to who knows where?

A crazed, cold look in Kathryn's eyes.
A Bit Of Foreshadowing...
Now...what if I told you that Johnathan's idiotic idea held some truth to it? He wasn't right with everything but the general idea...yes. Thousands of years later, the ship with awaken our "cargo" right as they break that barrier. Yet, they don't know that quite yet.

Oh the joys of being a narrator...


Spots Available:

Earthling 1 - Claimed/Gender Fluid

Earthling 2 - Unclaimed/Unknown

Earthling 3 - Unclaimed/Uknown

Other - Unclaimed/Unknown

Other - Unclaimed /Unknown

Other - Unclaimd/Unknown

Hope ya'll enjoyed that little introduction! ^^ I had just watched a small little (well, hour long) video on this type of topic and I couldn't help make a roleplay about! This will be detailed so all that I ask is 3+ well thought out paragraphs though this can be stretched during dialogue.

This other world is currently under heavy construction but will be included if this gets enough interest! The "other" category are natives of this other...universe? I'm confusing myself by all this.

If you have any questions, ideas, or would be interested in assisting me, please don't hesitate to speak up!

AlphaDraco said:
Definitly sounds like something I'd be interested in.
Lovely! What position would you be interested in?

Also! Any ideas would be appreciated! ^^
StoneWolf18 said:
Lovely! What position would you be interested in?
Also! Any ideas would be appreciated! ^^
Well, I'm pretty good at writing from alien perspective, though I'd like to know the exact thought on what they would be like first.
AlphaDraco said:
Well, I'm pretty good at writing from alien perspective, though I'd like to know the exact thought on what they would be like first.
That's...still in the works. They are going to be resembling humans quite closely though!
StoneWolf18 said:
That's...still in the works. They are going to be resembling humans quite closely though!
Ah, ok then. Well, I'll wait and see for a bit. Probably will still go for it though.
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AlphaDraco said:
Ah, ok then. Well, I'll wait and see for a bit. Probably will still go for it though.
Alright. Do tot think you know anyone who might be interested?
FloatingAroundSpace said:
Hmm I might try for an earthling. Would they get paid to do this?
Heh, fuck no. It's a suicide mission that they were forced on so pay would be out of the question.
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StoneWolf18 said:
Heh, fuck no. It's a suicide mission that they were forced on so pay would be out of the question.
Ooo force. I think I like that. Some criminal that did high-class crimes like embezzlement, fraud, and pyramid schemes getting booted off to space over a crime they actually didn't commit.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
Ooo force. I think I like that. Some criminal that did high-class crimes like embezzlement, fraud, and pyramid schemes getting booted off to space over a crime they actually didn't commit.
Did you read the main post?

StoneWolf18 said:
Three people where selected, sat down in Kate's office and given a choice. Either be sent to prison for the rest of their life for an apparent crime or go along with the project as if they had willingly volunteered.
History repeating itself perhaps?

They had no choice but to accept their fate and reluctantly agree.
They didn't actually commit any crimes and had some degree of note in a certain science and of the like.
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StoneWolf18 said:
Did you read the main post?
Yes and if I understood it correctly, the individuals were either highly suspect in a crime or were already criminals and were given this choice in order to avoid a prison sentence. Isn't that what that means?
StoneWolf18 said:
Did you read the main post?
They didn't actually commit any crimes and had some degree of note in a certain science and of the like.

FloatingAroundSpace said:
Yes and if I understood it correctly, the individuals were either highly suspect in a crime or were already criminals and were given this choice in order to avoid a prison sentence. Isn't that what that means?
I guess I wasn't clear enough.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
Ah ok, yeah I didn't really catch on that it was scientists specifically. Sorry bout that.
Oh your fine. I mean, they could have a criminal history and my character will though nothing too major such as blowing up a wal-mart on Black Friday.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]This is actually really interesting.

Lovely! If you have any questions and or ideas please don't hesitate to speak up. ^^
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JokerValentine said:
I like the idea, but I am a bit confused on the direction. What will be occurring in the RP?
Well the Earthlings that are now stuck in this new universe will have to learn to adapt. I'm still heavily building so plot points are in the works. ^^

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