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Realistic or Modern An unexpected chance for Anomalous Children



Ari didn't own much and had come to the orphanage just over a year ago, so it took her only a few moments to empty the contents of two drawers into a small drawstring bag. Then she followed Maria and Logan down to the office, wondering what would happen to her after this and who else would be coming with her.

Ari didn't own much and had come to the orphanage just over a year ago, so it took her only a few moments to empty the contents of two drawers into a small drawstring bag. Then she followed Maria and Logan down to the office, wondering what would happen to her after this and who else would be coming with her.
((leaving post))

Daniel looks at Jade "have you ever thought about leaving this place?. We could go out and explore the world. I have always wanted to go to the UK and live like a wildfox there. Then I won't have to worry about changing forms so much. Anyway listen bro it's been a great time with you here but I want something more from live. then staying in an adoption centre all the time let's be honest our chances of getting adopted here are very slim and if we do then the person will probably just experiment on us or something.
You can come if you want to or not but either way you have always been an amazing friend and I will never forget about you, if you decide to stay here, then maybe we will meet again in the future who knows"

he says as he gets up before putting his front paws on Jade "goodbye amazing best friend. I will never forget" he says before taking his paws off him and starts running over to a hole that he has been digging in the back garden. He then goes into it and comes out on the other side of the fence. He then stops and sits down before looking at the adoption centre and reflects upon his life there. He also looks to see if Jade is coming or not. After a little while longer he gets up and runs off into the woods nearby to start his new life with or without his best friend.

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Leaving Post
Jade gets up and runs to the forset to catch a boat leaving for Korea where he is original from. He glances back at the Oraphnage. ( In the picture that's what he says to himself) He runs to catch the leaving boat.
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