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Fantasy An Otaku Life!

~Emiko Mikoto~

'Hmmm...Let's see who I can befriend...'

Emiko looked around the class until she spotted someone who was probably deep in their own thoughts. Maybe she could be their friend? Emiko smiled at the thought and she stood up with her belongings and made her way to sit near the Probably-Deep-In-Thoughts-Person, as she dubbed them until she learned they're actually name. She sat in a desk that was infront of Probably-Deep-Thoughts-Person, she turned to them and smiled softly. "Hi, I'm Emiko Mikoto and you are?" She held out her hand with a friendly smile, she really hoped to befriend this person. Emiko wasn't a shy person but she does get scared on the inside of some rejecting her or something like, sometimes under pressure she would cry or ran away. But the under pressure has nothing to with this topice...So yeah. Anyway Emiko was a friendly person, she wouldn't hurt a fly.


(Good? Bad?....Oh, who cares? I don't!....Well maybe a little)

  • That Kuroneko... Getting all chummy with that neko girl while the teacher wasn´t...well, ok, the teacher WAS looking. But the teacher wasn´t doing anything about it. At all. I couldn´t believe it. I allowed my face to drop against my desk, disappointed, only to pull it back up from the pain.

    "Ow!" I complained, rubbing my forehead and hearing a chuckle inside. I pouted, whispering. "It wasn´t funny."

    <Yeah it was, sis!> Toei chuckled again inside my head. I cringed, allowing the thoughts of the pain to flow into him too. Not only were my cheeks red from embarrassment, but he had just called me "sis". We had agreed not to call each other that anymore. <Ow, ow, ow, ok, stop it!>

    I smirked a little and turned my attention to what was ahead of me, just in time for my eyes to widen as I saw someone sitting there, someone I hadn´t spotted before, sitting right in front of me. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from shrieking at this, and the girl turned towards me. Blushing, I slowly removed my hand from my lips.

    "K-K-K-Kirihi-Kirih-Kirihira M-M-Marian-riane. And-and you a-are?" I asked, TRYING to seem calm and comfortable, before realizing the sheer stupidty of the question I just asked.



Aimi Aiko

"All Hail the Dandere Queen!"

Mood: Relaxed

Location: 2nd Year's Classroom

With: @One Mean Ghost

Thought: " Purr..."


Aimi's perched up fur fell down smoothly at the touch of Kuro-Chan's, it only took her a bit to fade into a mood of relaxation. She let out purrs which made vibration around Kuro-Chan's neck, she blushed through her snowy fur. "Well I am a bit of a pianist & I-I well, sing a bit.." She choked out, hoping that he wouldn't ask for her to sing to him.

Aimi groomed her pelt while her silky tail lay on Kuro-Chan's chest. As he scratched a spot on her ear her tail perked up swiping past his chin. She looked down at him softly playing with his hair, she hoped he wouldn't mind. "Kuro-Chan what instruments do you play?" She purred licking her paws, as she sat up her chest pushing up against him.

Hearing a sharp tone, Chakku quickly sat up and looked around widly, jumping as he finally saw a finger in front of him belonging to...a girl...Oh No. Chakku was already shaking, sweating a bit. Oh god, what did she want? Did she want him to move? Was she going to rat him out? He closed his eyes, waiting for her to speak. He flinched at her stuttering. She was so angry, she was stuttering over her words now! Finally, she asked him the question, causing him to open his eyes and look up at her from his seat, blushing heavily as he noticed that even if he stood up, she'd still be taller than him. Realizing he was staring at her now, he looked down at his desk, blushing as he started to shake and sweat even more!

"U-Uh...U-Uhm...U-Um." He tried to get the words out, but the fear of being yelled at or even hit terrified him greatly. With a gulp, he opened his mouth. "Ch-Ch-Chakku S-S-Sakura." He stuttered softly, looking down and twiddling his thumbs. "Uh-Uhm...I-I d-don't r-remember t-touching y-you...b-but I-I p-probably d-did a-and w-was t-too s-stupid t-to n-notice." Chakku closed his eyes again, pushing up his glasses and putting up his arms. "I-I'm s-sorry! P-Please d-don't g-get m-mad!" He knew his plea was useless. She'd never take it easy on a nerd like him. Girls, especially the pretty and tall ones, at his old school never did have even the smallest sliver of mercy when it came to throwing insults at him. It was only a matter of time that it happened here too.


  • He...didn't remember touching me? True, the feeling was a little faint but I had felt something, for sure! Or was it just my imagination? I found myself blushing further as I came to the conclusion that that might very well be it. Oh no, how would she ever get over this? For now, playing it cool would have to do...

    "M-m-my name I-is... Hum... Hum... Huh..." I couldn't remember! Why couldn't I remember? Come on, come on! My eyes scouted aprons the room, looking for help, glancing at the board, then at the teacher and at my desk, my sight meeting with my notebook, with my name written on it. She gulped in relief. "Suzumi Aya. Pleasure to meet you, Chakku Sakura. I will accept your apologies, this time. You should be careful not to overstep yourself."

    What the crap was I saying?! If I didn't get him on my side, I might be done for!

    "You are new, correct? Well, if there is anything you'd like to know, you can ask, as the newspaper club president, I may just be able to help you."




"Me? I sing and play guitar. Just.. don't ask me to read music. I have to play by ear" He answered, smiling as he felt her starting to play with his hair. He was a neko himself, so he tended to enjoy having his hair petted or otherwise played with. It was enough to get him to start purring a little himself, the sound rumbling in his throat just a little bit.

"It's the curse of being self-taught. I never really figured out how to read music... But if I hear a song once I can reproduce it" He smiled, turning his head just a little and nuzzling her fur since she was so close to his ear. She was really soft. It brought a bit of a smile to his lips as he heard her purring in his ear. It was rather relaxing.

Kuro could already tell this was going to be a good year. Momoe-chan had lunch for him, Aimi-chan was joining the club, and she seemed to enjoy sitting on his shoulder, and... Well, there was also Chiharu kissing him and seeming to flirt with him right out of the blue... He still didn't know what to make out of that... She'd kissed him, played with his ear, and then had walked off in a huff like it hadn't happened...

So, two pluses, and something he was still trying to figure out. Still, not a bad start to the year!

~Emiko Mikoto~

"Emiko Mikoto, it's nice to meet you." Emiko giggled softly, she seemed really shy and Emiko didn't mind besides she's probably really nice even though she's shy. "Can I call you Kirihi or Marianne?" Emiko asked with a questioning look but she still had her smile, she was curious to what she call her. She didn't want to call her by her first name or last name without asking, what if she got mad at her calling her a certain name? "You can call me Emi, well if you want to." She didn't mind being called Emi, that was her nickname, well other than 'Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World.' As her sister would call, she never understood why....Her sister can be very weird sometimes but that's part of her personality and nature.


Aimi Aiko

Mood: Happy

Location: 2nd Year's Classroom

With: @One Mean Ghost

" Purr.."


Aimi smiled hearing Kuro-Chan purring, she was surprised before feeling quite happy! He was just so adorable, and his hair so soft! Aimi ran her paws through it, due to his purring she guess he didn't mind. She reached his ears and smirked only to start scratching them softly, the same way he had did her's. Aimi's ears perked up when she heard he didn't know how to read music, this surprised her though she just smiled softly.

" You know Kuro-Chan I can teach you how to read if you wish. Though I find your talent of reproducing quite admiring." She answered, her tail waving back & forth soothingly. Aimi looked straight into Kuro-Chan's eyes before frowning a bit as played with a bit of his hair." Kuro-Chan are you hungry?"
Chakku awaited her response, too scared to question her behavior. She was going to hit him, wasn't she? He always had to screw everything up! But what shocked him was that she actually...accepted his apology? He nodded dumbly at her warning, mouth agape a bit. He...He had to be more careful! This was the second time his new reputation was almost ruined! And he felt as if this was the last time he was going to get off easy. He gulped, repeating her warning in his head. Don't overstep yourself. He needed to find some way to blend in with the second years without drawing attention to himself. But how?

He perked up at the mention of her being president of a newspaper club, an idea slowly formed in his head. That's it! All he had to do was join a club or two and he'd seem like a regular second-year! And maybe, just maybe, he'd make a...no. No, he couldn't get ahead of himself. Something like that wouldn't ever happen. Ever. Should he join the newspaper club, though? Newspaper clubs were always so small and secretive...at least, that's what anime made it seem like. Chakku knew small and secretive meant quiet, and chakku did love quiet. But...what Suzumi-Sama let him? Could he even ask? Gulping, he looked up at her, yet blushed and quickly looked away. He could do it! He just had to!

"U-Uhm...U-Uh...S-S-Suz...S-Suzumi-S-S-Sama?" He stuttered, shaking and rolling his finger around one of his hair curls, blushing heavily. "I-I k-know I-I m-messed u-up..." He began, trailing off and gulping. "B-But...Ma-Maybe...ca-can I-I J-Join...th-the n-newspaper c-club?" He said softly. She was going to say no! Why did he even ask?! "I-I un-understand I-If y-you d-don't wa-want m-me." He muttered.


he then suddenly realized that he has been doing his trademark 'death' stare to his classmates, so he instantaneously looked back front and face palmed at his stupidity. he thought to himself that maybe what he thought was racist, but who knew? certainly not him. he never knew the amount of something that is acceptable by society.

but now what? he can't think of something else to do, with nothing to think off and the teacher not giving anything to do, he was stuck doing nothing. so he looked back again to aimi and kuro now with a face of confusion as towards a question aimi asked 'are you hungry'. he had a good ear so he basically is already a trained intel gatherer, wether be it for a rumor, suspicion or something else.

'odd' he thought to himself, everyone knows eating in class is forbidden so why would she ask that? maybe she would treat him at break time? or maybe she'll sneak in a food breaking the school rule? now he would be lost in his thought again, but again he forgot to turn back before he got lost in his thought so again his face turned from confusion to emotionless to his 'world famous' death stare, the difference now his stare became more terrifying becoming more of a "
i will go to your parents house, murder them and then burn their bodies with all of their possessions inside their own house, then take a cloth of chloroform and knock you out and dump you to a filled sewer and wait for you until you drown and your body will bloat from the cells absorbing the water until the slightest touch will dismember your limb and your face will be so disfigured not even the FBI can know who you are" kind of stare towards them


  • Who was this girl? I had never met her in my life, but she seemed so keen on changing that. At least she wasn´t a boy, otherwise I might have run out of the classroom. I partially covered my face with hands as I spoke. It hit me that I had never seen her around before. Was she a transfer student or something?

    "You c-can call me Kirihira, Emi-san. A-are you new?" I replied, peaking with a single eye towards her. Wait, where were my manners? If she was new, I should greet her properly, no? I immediately stood up and bowed to her. "Welcome to our school, Emi-san! I hope you enjoy your year here!"

    Toei giggled inside me again. I growled at this, pinching my forehead while conveying the pain to him

    <Ow, ow, ow, ok, ok, I´ll stop now!>

    "Hmpf!" I said, looking away with my arms crossed.




"Well it couldn't hurt to try to learn to read mew-sic" Kuro smiled up at the kitty on his shoulder. The purr still rumbled in his throat as she started to play with his ears. He just couldn't help it. He was trying to keep it quiet, but it wasn't working. The year was starting off rather spectacularly for him. So many cuddles and pets! His tail swished happily behind him as he smiled to himself.

"Kuro-Chan are you hungry?"

His stomach answered long before he could, rumbling just a little as he smiled sheepishly. "Well... I did forget to eat breakfast... But Momoe-chan promised she'd share some of her lunch with me!" he smiled brightly, still excited at the prospect of an actual meal that didn't come out of a dumpster. It seemed he would never remember that, as his senior, he should address her as Momoe-senpai.... For someone with an Eidetic memory, he seemed to forget stuff a lot...

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt himself being watched.. His golden eyes shifted over to the staring boy, whose look seemed to have degenerated into something of a threatening glare...

Kuro tilted his head, wondering why the boy looked so... murderous....

"I wonder, did you piss that guy off at some point, or is he just in a piss mood?" Kuro asked glancing up to his shoulder companion. He didn't recall doing anything to him. Then again, he still hadn't figured out that the cut on Chiharu's forehead was his fault, so it wouldn't be too surprising if he had done something without realizing it...
Yuuki would be at homeroom class 2-A sitting at a desk which was about located in the front row second seat. He wondered what was going to happen, but it seems students around him were socializing. In any case, he would take it upon himself to relax and prepare for sensei to start talking. For now he would very well at least look around to see what other students were doing. All sorts of socializing were occurring, and he thought it was a relatively nice thing to be doing.

He was never one to initiate conversation, and certainly was not one to be the engaging type. It is ironic considering the fact that he is actually a very approachable person. Then like typical japanese students who usually have nothing else to do in the classroom, he would look to the windows to glance at the scenery laid before him. There was this nice ray of light that would cover the land, and it would certainly help that it had this sort of positive vibe to it. "Today seems like a nice day. Maybe I'll go outside sometime?" He would think to himself as he kept on staring at the horizon.

(Open for Interaction)
Mari had a book propped open on her desk in front of her, her slim pale fingers holding it up by the spine. It was a dark green leather book with nothing on the back or the front, but the spine, in gold leaf lettering, gave away the title. It was an older thriller, a classic and one of Mari's favorites. Every once in a while she would pick it back up and read it again, even if she knew what was going to happen. Just the feel of a book in her hands is enough to make her happy. Her eyes glanced up when sensei had stopped speaking and returned to her desk. Mari didn't bother making a suggestion because she didn't really care about the festivals. Overpriced knickknacks, mediocre food, and cheesy entertainment was not what Mari considered fun. And not to mention all the loud, sweaty, obnoxious festival goers. No, Mari would stay in that night, curled up and probably reading or doing homework.

When she saw a girl collapse after the bothersome cat jumped on her head, Mari sighed. Just being in their presence made her feel like she was absorbing the obscenity. Kuro wasn't even tolerable in human form, but as a cat? Animals made her... unhappy. They were usually itchy and didn't like her either. Maybe she just didn't like animals, it was nothing against him. Well, he didn't seem too intelligent though. It wasn't like she was looking for friends. People were untrustworthy. She would never trust another with her things, let alone her friendship ever again. People only hurt people. And Mari was sick of getting hurt. There was a student with a cane who was glaring at everyone. Mari rolled her eyes and they fell on a male who didn't seem to be causing a commotion. How surprising. He was just staring out the window. Mari looked outside and frowned in confusion. What was so interesting outside? Surely it was probably better than being in here, but not much seemed to change with the world or rather, the change was too predictable, too consistent: boring. Mari studied him silently, wondering if maybe he was as absent minded as the two cats.

Yuuki would admire the scenery for a bit more, and then look back to his own desk. Homeroom has not most likely started yet, so for now he had to wait for a bit. He took a good look at his desk which was clean, but not too clean. It had signs of aging such as a bit of rust below the legs, but the top seemed to be in good condition. The students must've taken good care of these desks, but he wasn't sure if this was the only "clean" desk around. For now he would prepare himself to get ready for classes, and was sure to do his homework and study what he had to study.

As he had his thoughts, he would notice that a female student who looked to be around his age was studying him. Since he was one of the only few students not socializing, he probably assumed that he was the quote on quote "oddball" in this scenario. He would then decide to interact with her because well it would be nice to talk to another student. Yuuki looked to her and greeted.

"Hi there. It's pretty loud in here isn't it?" He would give a warm smile and a friendly tone.

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~Emiko Mikoto~

"Yes, I'm new. And thank you for the welcome, that was sweet of you." Emiko was happy that someone welcomed her, her first day at this school seemed like it was going to be really nice. She wondered how Natsume's day was going so far, she hoped that Natsume was okay. Emiko noticed that Kirihira pinched her forehead but she decided not to pay attention to that, Kirihira seemed like a really nice girl. "Kirihira, you don't have to use 'San' in my name, besides I wanna be your friends." Emiko's smile seemed to brighten a little at the idea of becoming friends. Smiling was basically normal for Emiko and it was quite rare, and somewhat weird, to see her without a smile. "Did you go for your first year of high school? I went to another school, kind of obvious though, my younger sister's a first year...Sorry it must be annoying to listen my rambling.." Emiko gave out a sheepish laugh and smile, Emiko did talk a lot sometimes and she would sometimes feel bad about it...I mean who wants to her ramble about random stuff anyway? That's what Emiko always thought.

(Sorry for the late reply!)



More confused then ever

'Eto... Eto... Eeeto... Eato... Etoo...' Passing the time, Takana found himself mulling over the speech mannerism of the girl named Aoi. Takana never paid it much mind, until now at least. Recalling all the times she said it and the tone she used, it made her all the more endearing. Already, Takana was imprinting it on one of his many half complete characters. Takana tried as hard as he could to recall the exact way Aoi spoke the word, the adorable, fascinating, enrapturing word.

Lost in thoughts, Takana didn't notice the bunny girl's advance, until she sat herself on his desk. An action that caused Takana to recoil backwards, and almost fall out of his chair. Takana really did not know what to make of his current situation. The only thing he did know was that school was more of a headache then he first thought. Already, two out of the four people he had interacted with made him want to jump out a window and take his chances with a giant squid, rather then deal with the rest of the school day. Although, what surprised him more then anything was the fact that she expressed genuine concern. No, there was no way it was genuine, she wanted something out of this. After all, no sane human would express real concern for Takana, not without wanting something in return.

Then she started playing with her face.

'What... what is she... doing? Is this some kind of mating ritual?' Takana, although he held a good blank face, was seriously confused by this girl's actions. It took a moment before Takana was able to recognize the girl's actions as an attempt to cheer him up. Well, it failed, utterly failed. The silly display did nothing to fix Takana's mood... however, he did smile. Takana did not smile for himself, no, he smiled for the girl before him. Although the smile may not have been true to his own feelings, Takana tried his hardest to convince the girl that her attempt was not in vein. He even gave her an awkward laugh of sorts, it kind of hurt. The act of smiling was unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but that was fine. Takana would endure if only to make this girl happy.

When she would finish, Takana would revert his face, although while still trying to keep a half smile going. Then, he would speak. "I could write a grimoires's worth of reasons as to why I am sad. But none of them really concern you. So, rather then talk about that, lets address you. More specifically your reason for approaching me. You want something out of this, whether you are aware of it or not. Obviously your not here to make friends, I'm too unattractive to make a good friend. So what then? My lunch maybe? Or I could just give you 1000 Yen right now and we can call it a day." His voice had no hint of hostility of any kind. He was being sincere. Cold and calculating, but sincere none the less.


"Oh, the bell... better get going," Ai said as she picked up her bag filled to brim with papers, folders, books and the like. The stack of books to be sent back into the system and shelves having to wait until either her lunch break or after school. She made her way past the doors of the library, and onto the hallways which were still slightly full with the last minute stragglers.

The library staff was thankful enough to give her a pass so the tardy wouldn't unexcused for helping them out - even though she signed up for the job and should have expected some sort of 'catch' that came with the usually quiet atmosphere. The now glasses-less female made her way over to second-year's classrooms, eventually finding her own after standing right in front of the sign. "I really should get an emergency pair..." She said sighing before stepping into the classroom.

After explaining her situation to the teacher, she found herself in the front row of the classroom and catching up for their plans for the festival. Although, most of the explanation and conversation was simply two people gesturing to each other before they both came to an understanding, some sort of sign language between the teacher and the student. 'Something sweet? Can't do that...' Ai resigning the possibility of her cooking something that actually tastes good and won't poison the student body.

She sighed as she flipped open, 'Lord of The Flies', not bothering to open her bag for another one. The Library assistant perfectly happy reading the story about children tearing each other apart limb from limb both figuratively and physically. There was really nothing productive to do in homeroom with the class taking over (and the teacher letting them willingly) turning it into a social gathering.

Tag: N/A

Location: 2nd year Homeroom


"Ato-chan! Wait for me!"

'O.K. I did realize this guy was a social butterfly, but I didn't expect it to go this far...' Chishiki thought rather surprised that she didn't think of this happening, although her face just barely showed a hint of surprise before her perfectly calm composer returned.. 'A-to-chan?' In her mild confusion, she mindlessly echoed the nickname that he gave her. "Oh wait, Pyosimros, is this what you meant by lying about unimportant things..." She commented to herself, as she heard his footsteps behind her, 'Yeah, he is probably...'

"Sorry. When I have the chance I walk with other people, I take it. Tendency I have."

'...Going to run past me as a joke...' The fourth wall breaker getting things wrong twice in a row, a new record in the small time she actually existed. "That makes no sense, are you in-" She stopped herself before she probably said something ironic to him, 'Is he stupid or something, you shouldn't force yourself to talk to someone who 'meant more Advil'. 'Thank you for that compliment @Pyosimros, glad to know that I impact someone else's character for them to take imaginary drugs.' Chishiki poking fun at real life again, 'I hope I don't give him a heart attack from overdosing...' The mild joke in her mind probably not going to be funny to anyone, real life or not, unless they were oddly morbid and had a dark sense of humor.

The thought soon passed as she quietly listened to her music again, 'You mean your music', as she took her time as she went to her class with the over social blonde. 'Eh, you aren't going to bother to write anything or correct anything about that... 'Writer-Kun', ' Obviously, not going to let @T h e F o o l live that down.

"I wanna judge too."

Her near red eyes scanned the room, even though she knew who said that by their posts.Although, it was more entertaining to watch a movie than a book to her, 'Eh, nice analogy, which book did you steal it out from'. Such, she is ungrateful for the writer's wisdom . 'I can read your posts you know, probably one of the few things that make this RP bearable for me, and you had to make it as ironic as possible... ' The thought poking fun at another member of real-life, although this one had a slightly more depressing undertone. 'Oh, Blondie wants to judge the talent show, well he is supposed to be fair... It would be a good judge' already dehumanizing who she thought would be 'popular'. The word being taboo to her. She walked through the rows, taking one of the seats closest to the exit of this classroom, 'Sterotypical much..' being the last thought before @T h e F o o l wanted to shut her up by finishing her post.

Tags: N/A

Location: 3rd Year Homeroom.


"U-uh, Yoshida-ch" The red haired male was about to take her out of her daydream before she managed to take herself out of it. Although, he was rather curious what she was thinking about that made her seem happier than normal, seeing the grin almost plastered on her face.

"Oh! Look at the time ohmygosh we're so late!"

"Wait what!?" Kodoku said as he managed to do the one thing that he hoped wouldn't happen. "Oh, Gomeno-" He was yanked by his shirt, choking him a little with each tug, the second time to be interrupted in conversation, but he didn't mind. After all, it seemed that Yoshida-chan didn't want him to be late either, taking it that way instead of her trying to break his neck. Which, if he based it off her earlier remark, actually would be pretty accurate. He scolded himself for a bit for not have the capacity to forget about that as she wished.

After pulling him across the hallway for a bit, she let go, probably to get rid of 'dead weight', at least that is how he saw it. 'So fast...' The gardening club president thought as she ran off at full speed to homeroom. He sped-walk behind her, although he was far behind her all the way there. However, on the last staircase when he heard a large slam coming from his classroom. Kodoku wincing in pain, even if he wasn't the one getting hurt, it just sounded painful in his mind.

He quickened his pace, just under running to see what happened, ending up with no idea what was going on. Just seeing Yoshida-chan in her seat instead of socializing, finding it odd, thinking that she would be one to socialize with everyone due to her friendly attitude. "Ah, gomenosai for being late..." He said to the homeroom teacher...which didn't seem to care much.

"Sorry for making you late as well Yoshida-chan..." He said to the 'dying' school girl before being slightly selfish and looking over the room for Kirihara-kun. He frowned not being able to see him however, he believed that he found his sister talking to a female she hadn't recognized from last year. 'Well, I'll wait so I don't disturb them, doesn't seem like I would be welcomed right now. I still have the school day to turn it in anyways...maybe Kirihara-kun is late...' He thought to himself, staring at the two before the thought passed. He looked back... yeah, dying student was the only word to describe her right now.


Location: Second Year Homeroom
Aoi Kurosawa

Mood: Daydreaming

Location: Classroom

Ooc: #Foodporn

Aoi was left alone, staring at the classroom with the students talking to each other as if there wasn't any teacher watching them at all. Some small events even happened inside the classroom. Like how some girl fainted and was helped by a male neko, which would look like to be a harem king in the near future. 'I wonder if she's gonna be one of his waifus.....' Aoi thought to herself as she looked out of the window from afar. She still needs to think how she is going to make them and when to do it. "Is my budget enough to cover it??" She asked to herself and made some simple calculations over it. After a few minutes she would stare at the answer and nodded.

"I guess it does.." Aoi mused as she looked down on her notebook. Oh how she wished she could eat something right now. . . Something sweet. . Maybe that Hot chocolate fudge which melts on your mouth, luring you into an endless pleasure of chocolate. Or maybe that strawberry cake, where love is in the air as you take the first bite out of that sponge cake with strawberries on top. Symbolizing the sweet moments of first love confessions with your crush. Macaroons, an endless flavour of macaroons which gives you a journey to rainbow land. Each flavour is unique that makes you want to eat more of them until you feel full and unable to take another bite. The temptation is there, as if seducing you into eating. Is this what foreigners call "Food Porn"? Because Aoi seems to be thinking about nothing but sweets. Its quite amazing how she was able to keep a calm straight face while drooling inside.

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Aimi Aiko

Mood: Threatened

Location: 2nd Year's Class

With: @One Mean Ghost @Salex

Thought: "Ok obviously Sutiban-San is upset at me!"


Aimi looked down at Kuro-Chan when he said,"Well it couldn't hurt to try to learn to read mew-sic" She felt happy to be able to teach him. Oh goody how much fun it would be to teach him. She let out a little purr just from the though blushing under her snowy fur. Though when he said he forgot to eat breakfast she frowned, how could you forget an important meal? She shook away the thought before opening her mouth," Oh well I know your sharing with Momoe-Sama, but I was wondering if you would like one of my lunches for lunch, my care-taker packed too many. I don't want it to go to waste. Plus Kuro-Chan I can kinda feel your ribs ."

The cat had disappeared under his arm rubbing against his ribs purring though as soon as she looked up she saw AREKUSANDĀ looking at her in threatening way, this did not scare her at all. It angered her quite a bit what had she done? She was done cowering she was going to step up her game! Aimi walked over to Arekusada-chan and cleared her throat."F-Forgive me Arekusanā-chan, but dis Kuro-Chan or I upset you?!" She asked in a human voice looking up at him she was shaking shyly
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he was still thinking hard, when he thinks hard his whole conscience goes somewhere to a part of his brain where he can control anything to help him think better, he ussualy can't get out of this phase until someone calls him out or something touches him, that means that although his eyes are wide open and staring, he cannot see through them.

this means when aimi was walking towards him, his gaze didnt move at all. another thing to note is that when he is in this 'phase', he is easily startled. so when aimi said "arekusandā-chan", he snapped out of the phase and was so shocked, he tripped on his own foot resulting in him and his chair falling behind

kuso..." he mumbled, he then stood up "oh.... was it because of my stare? sorry, that happens alot when i think hard, you and kuro didnt do anything wrong, i just happened to look at you and kuro while thinking hard" he said as he pulled up his chair and scrached his head "ahhh.... this will hurt until tomorrow morning..." he said

@The White Rabbit @One Mean Ghost
Mari didn't have to look up to know that someone's eyes were on her. She was always keen at picking up on what was going on around her. Most of the time, she just tuned it all out however. With an inaudible sigh, she glanced back up at the boy with his head in the clouds and just as quickly returned her eyes to the pages of her novel. Mari was silent for a few more moments and it would almost seem she wasn't going to respond at all. And then she replied without looking up, "Yes, they really are." With that, she pushed her glasses back up her nose and silence returned. It was likely awkward for him, but Mari didn't really care either way.

Finally, she dog eared the corner page and set the book gently down on her table as if it would be hurt from hitting the hard surface too roughly. And then, Mari gave him her full attention. Despite the warm smile he had for her, she only looked at him indifferently. It wasn't that she disliked him, if anything her full attention was a sign of her tolerance, but Mari never really smiled. "I don't suppose you also appreciate silence like I do?" The most form of change in her expression was a cocked eyebrow and a slight, very slight, tilt of the head. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the caned boy stand and speak to the two cats. Peas in a pod. Where was weed killer when you needed it?

Yuuki would look at the girl and would reply calmly. "I think silence is a wonderful thing. The serene air really makes you feel calm and relaxed." He would think about what else he liked about silence, and thought about the depth of it. One can feel lost within the world of silence, and perhaps would be within their own world.

"I think silence can also be like a deep space; one can get lost in it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's perfect for when you want to read a book," he would look to the book she had.

Chakku tilted his head innocently. What was wrong with Sama? She didn't seem younger than him and they were FAR from equals, so that meant she was the superior. It was what he called everyone, family and...strangers that weren't friends. His pessimist mind always reminded him he was below everyone else, so it would only make sense to refer to everyone as such. After hearing her response, his eyes widened. He...was actually in a club? It had to be a dream! He thought she would say no for sure! But why did she say yes? Was it a joke? ...Well, whatever the reason, he had to not try and screw this up! He had to! Just meet her behind the pine tree, chakku! Just...meet her...behind...


The blush came back at full force as he shook and sweat, the sudden realization almost causing him to fall out his chair, yet he caught himself. She wanted to see him...BEHIND A PINETREE?! But in anime, that usually meant that...that...They would kiss?! She was basically asking him to kiss her! SHE was asking HIM! He began to hyperventilate, trying to loosen his bowtie a little. He wasn't even looking for a girlfriend right now...or, at least, he thought so. She DID look pretty...and it would be nice to have at least one little kiss...n-no. H-He c-couldn't! H-He didn't want her being bullied for dating a loser like him!

"U-Uh...E-E-Erm..." Chakku gulped. He tried to choke out the word no. Just two letters, Chakku! Just say TWO letters! "O-OK!" ...Not those words.

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Aimi Aiko

Location: 2nd Year's Classroom

With: @Salex @One Mean Ghost

Mood: Worried

Thought: " Oh so many getting hurt today!"


Aimi winced to see Sutibun-Chan fall, she didn't mean for this to happen. She was just a little upset, from his creepy stare at Kuro-Chan & Her. Aimi listened to his answer, to his question her ears perking up a bit.
Why was Sutibun-Chan staring at Kuro-Chan and I? Aimi thought to herself holding her gaze on him.

Finally, guilt fell over her, she had caused him to trip! He even said it would be hurting till morning, Aimi froze with guilt. Thinking about what to do until she opened her mouth after taking her normal form." Sutiban-Chan may I get you an icepack, since it was practically my fault your hurting?" The girl asked worriedly.

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