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Fantasy An Otaku Life!


The Mermaid Slayer



Ohayoo! Hajimemashite.

(Hello! Pleased to see you.)

"Hello, Senpai! You can call me kouhai. I will be here to guide you through our world.

A world where school uniforms are a must, where schools have disciplinary committees and your teachers are called sensei. It's rude to call someone by their first name until they give you permission. You would love if your crush made you a homemade obento for lunch. You say itadakimasu before eating your meal. You do not wear shoes in people's homes and exchange the shoes you came to school with for the shoes in your locker that you must wear during school. It is uncommon not to be part of an after school club.

This is the world you crave to live in, right, Senpai? Now you can! Don't worry, you're not alone. This is a place every Otaku can live out their anime fantasies. Imagine every anime trope and stereotype in one place. And that one place is right here.


(Good luck!)

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Welcome to Sakura High School!

@One Mean Ghost @Idea @Pyosimros @SomeAnimeWeirdo @T h e F o o l @boyguro @NekoChanBo @Kiroshiven @Hoki

The sun had already begun to rise over the horizon, above the luscious trees and the main building of Sakura High School, bathing the area in honey colored sunlight. Students bustled about, chatting among each other with smiles and laughter. Some walked toward the entrance. Some sat beneath the huge cherry blossom tree. Buds on that tree had begun to sprout revealing the first petals of the silky, pink flowers. Some of the students simply walked around, waiting for the chime that signaled the beginning of the day, which meant they were to head to their first hour location. It was a beautiful day, not too warm or cold, with a gentle breeze that rustled the hair of the students and the foliage of the plants around.

A week had already passed since the beginning of this school year. Clubs had found their new presidents and captains, hoping to fill their superiors shoes well. Some stayed in their positions, having another year or two before they too would have to say farewell to this high school. Most were sad but there were a few who would have not been happier saying goodbye. The first years who came to school found old and new friends. Those elder to them befriended some of them and furthermore, each other. The beginning of the year was always a prime time to meet new people and that was why most of those students that could be seen, looked happy.

This school, while not extremely diverse in elective classes, offered a wide variety of after school clubs from gardening to basketball to the famous newspaper club. If someone had an interest, there was likely a club to fit their needs. If there was not, that was because there was simply not enough room for another club. Some of the clubs had to share areas, whether that be for over flow or equipment reasons, already.

What could be more perfect than to be here? What could happen here? Perhaps lasting friendships will be made during the Fall Festival, when colorful lanterns light up a path of booths with delicious warm food and cute souvenirs. Maybe a girl will finally work up the nerve to make her crush a boxed lunch. Maybe a boy will finally have enough courage to confess to his own crush. Maybe a huge scandal will break out and be exposed to the entire school through the newspaper club. Maybe they'll all go on a field trip that some will remember for the rest of their lives.

Who knows?

And of course, who other than you can find out?

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Momoe ran through the courtyard, with a pep in her step and a bowl of rice in her hand. She loved to eat rice for breakfast and unfortunately she had overslept. Of course the only option was to shovel rice into her mouth with her chopsticks while sprinting to school. What other option was there? She could just not eat but how she loved morning rice... So good! And it energized her for the day ahead of her. School had only started just started and already classmates of different years disregarded her as their president. Truth be told, it was probably because she was the most energetic, disorganized president they had. But most seemed to like her.

Once the rice was finished, she tossed the bowl and utensils into her bag, probably not a good idea, and slowed her pace down a bit. Momoe turned her head as a male student called out to her, one she had seen a few times around, and who she was hoping to recruit to the disciplinary committee.

"At it again, Onohara? Your shoes are already off!"

Momoe looked down, stopping in place, not even realizing that she had been in such a rush that she had forgotten to put on shoes. No matter. She had about seven pairs of flip flops, sandals, and the like in her locker that was only supposed to have one pair of shoes. Frankly, she loved being barefoot. Shoes were confining. But teachers did not like that so much. So, she kept tons of shoes in her locker for when they barked at her for yet another time about school dress code, which, despite being the president, never followed. Not to mention, forgetting her shoes was a common thing. As far as anyone saw, Momoe was always in a hurry with a big smile on her face.

"You know I don't like shoes, Fugioka." She said in her high voice. This voice along with her small stature and rounded features often got her mistaken as a younger girl. Silly that she was possibly the oldest of them all. Fugioka laughed at her, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, typical Senpai."

"Speaking of typical Senpai..." Momoe hopped back a couple steps, saluted him with two fingers and a small wink and was off again, to find someplace to sit and sort through the papers she hadn't finished the night before. It would be easy to sit beneath the big tree at the front. It was a lovely place to sit, really. So, Momoe sat her bag there, rifled through it, and began to sort the papers involved with being the student body president. Her ears were relaxed, brushing against the trunk. Occasionally, her nose would twitch, too.


"Bright..." Ai slipped from her lips, although it was probably inaudible to anyone except for herself. The female raising her left arm over her eyes, her right preoccupied with holding a novel from the library, blinking twice to let her eyes adjust to the light of the new morning. (Slightly hating her lenses for not working and adjust to the light for her.) Letting out a breath of exasperation as she slinked her arm back to her side, the gentle spring wind brushing against her hair as she walked forward through the gates of the school with the fellow students that arrived at the same time.

She watched the groups that have already formed around her, the unspoken 'rule' of school that if you don't make at least one friend, odds are that those groups would be exclusive to those people - the only exception being you are a new student. The pale skinned female passing the cherry blossom tree in its slightly early bloom. The first sign that 'her season' has left Japan along with the northern hemisphere. A small frown forming on the poker-faced second year before fading away and locked into her closet.

Ai slipped off her shoes quietly, even though if she had yelled the loudest she could it would probably be drowned out by the murmurs and conversations that the under and upperclassmen were having. Quickly putting on her Uwabaki*, she began to manage her way through the groups of 'friendship', both new and old - mainly of the latter in her opinion.

After a few turns from the lobby, she found herself at the door to the school's library, something that she could probably do blindfolded from repetition. (Although she wouldn't be one to admit it.) Ai staring at the few students that were there before her, mainly to finish up on their assignments for their homerooms since the majority wasn't what you would call exactly nose deep in their books - if they were holding books at all.

Ai sat behind the counter for checking in and out books, glancing up every now and with the occasional awkward stare towards the student body to see if anyone wanted to check out a book or two.

*Uwabaki - Indoor Shoes :D . (This is the result of the years of being a weeb)

Location: Library


"Watashi wa ikimasu,"* Kodoku said as he finished up his breakfast (another failure of his cooking) and made his way to the door, his words echoing through the empty home. The male still used to formalities, even when there was nobody there to reply to him, 'Habits are hard to let go, aren't they...' He thought before letting himself give a melancholy smile before creaking open the empty home's door.

Once arriving at the academy, his slightly moody attitude changed more than slightly when he looked up at the blossoming of the cherry blossom. The spring wind brushing by him as he sat on the bench, starting to admire the plant life that has rebirth again, one of the reasons that he thought it would be a good idea for him to join the Gardening Club, eventually even becoming the president (although he still didn't think that he deserved the position.) However, it was clear his love of plants are near abnormal or is abnormal.

The beginning of the school year always full of laughter and smiles around the outdoor lobby for students - speaking of which he found a club member - Onohara-senpai. When the thought of approaching her came up, he shoved it to the side, feeling that she was too busy to deal with someone like him. The red haired male noticing her sorting through her papers, confirming his earlier thought. Although he was questioning him decision already considering that he could end up taking some of the
workloads off of the Student Body President. The internal debate continuing until he came to the compromise of asking her when she seemed a little free and unoccupied.

In any respect, he was happy enough watching people talk, laugh and maybe even stare in awe like he was at the blooming beauty of the mark of spring. A blossom falling on his lap as he frowned at himself, having the sudden realization that he was forgetting something.
"...What was it... was it the plants? No.. they should be good, I watered my part yesterday...keys to home...nope... my phone.." Kodoku continued to mutter down the list until he could figure out what he had forgotten - if he even lost anything to begin with.

*I'm Leaving

Location: Outside/Bench

(Alright. Ples. Don't kill the Fool this far in the RP.
xD )
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Chakku ran out the house in a hurry, straightening his bowtie before picking up his bike and jumping on, pedaling immediately afterwards. He almost lost his balance a few times and had to dodge the occasional citizen in front of him, but he still peddled fast, not stopping in the slightest. As he rode to his sakura high school, his mind began to wander. Geez. It's been a week already and he was still oversleeping. Then again, it was his fault for watching the whole nichijou series all night...again...for the fifth time. He still couldn't believed he skipped a grade. His freshmen grade to be exact! He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. After all, although that meant he had only two years of school left, that also meant he was immediately flung into the harder subjects and he was still debating whether he should tell somebody or not. Let's see, did he have everything? Pencils, check. Papers, check. Yu-Gi-Oh card, check. The school doors, che-....wait. SCHOOL DOORS?!

Chakku's eyes widened as he started to speed toward the doors, causing him and the people in front of him to scream and jump out the way. He tried to stop the bike, but before he could press the handle, he was already inside the school, screaming like a maniac with a comical gush of tears falling from his eyes as the bike suddenly jerked to a stop, causing him to fly into a wall. Everyone looked as the boy groaned, slowly peeling from the wall before falling on the floor, flat on his face...he was pretty sure he just broke his tailbone.

  • Elizabeth covered her mouth as she let out a yawn in the limo. It was yet another day of attending classes at a public school. She wasn't sure why her father had made himself apparent only to try and force her into a public school rather than letting her continue having private lessons. It didn't matter though, it turned out to be enjoyable to attend Sakura High. After a year, she'd already gathered a following and been labeled as a school idol. Not bad for a girl's first year. She lazily slipped her pack onto her shoulder as the limo came to a stop. She waited patiently as the driver came around and opened the door.

    "Thank you Jarvis." Elizabeth smiled as she heard the sudden shrill cries of her fans, both male and female. She turned to face the small horde and waved with a bright smile. "Mina, ohayo!" She said as best she could. Despite the lessons, Japanese wasn't exactly her strong point. Luckily, a lot of the students knew enough English to speak with her. The crowd responded with several of them greeting her and a few cheering as she greeted them. Soon though, her usual cluster started gathering around and trying to chat with her. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. I'd like to practice." Elizabeth took her violin case from Jarvis before walking through the crowd, carrying herself much like the princess everyone thought she was. Everyone did stay out of her way when it came to her practicing. Being part of the music appreciation club and a performer, she needed her time to herself.

    As she walked into the soundproof room of the Music Appreciation Club, Elizabeth's smile grew wider. She shut the door and laid down her violin case and bag. After a quick stretch of her arms and fingers, she removed her violin from its case. "Hello Veronica. It's time for us to create once again." She adjusted her position as she tuned her violin to the correct set up for what she felt like playing this morning. "Let's begin." She mumbled as she began to play Caprice No. 4 in C Minor.

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Chakku groaned, picking himself up and limped toward his bike. With the same shame you felt when you had to pick up a paper ball you tried to throw in a trash can, yet missed and had to walk all the way to the front of the room to get it, he walked outside, put his bike on the wrack and locked it in its chains, and slowly limped back inside. He reached his locker and opened it, taking off his sneakers and throwing them inside before grabbing his school shoes and slipping them on. He got up and cracked his back, pushing up his glasses with a blush as a student next to him gave him the weird eye. Quickly walking away, trying not to fall. Honestly, he expected things to go better...oh, well.

He held his bag up to his chest, hunched over, and looked around, as if someone were gonna attack him. In reality, he expected at least ONE person to call him out that he shouldn't be here. That he shouldn't be going to a second year class when he was still technically a freshman. Yet here he was, taking his sweet time to get to the classroom. He knew he was going to be late this way, but he still couldn't get used to this feeling that someone was watching him. Waiting for him to mess up so they could strike and get him expelled with his secret, but that was impossible! it had only been a week! No one was secretly plotting to get him expelled! ...



There were some things you could always count on at this school. One of which being that Kuro was always the first one on campus every morning. Every morning, he was in some strange place or other playing his guitar. This particular morning, he was in the lower branches of the tree that stood in the main courtyard. For awhile, he had just leaned back against the trunk of the tree, looking up at the branches as he just let his mind wander.

The vacation had been particularly rough on him. He hadn't been able to scrape together as much as he usually did, and food had been more scarce than usual. With the heat, it was harder to find food that had been thrown out that didn't go horribly bad before he found it... He sighed, feeling his stomach already rumbling a little bit.

He shook his head. "No use feeling sorry for myself, that won't put any food in my belly." He murmured with a soft smile as he strummed a chord on his guitar. Even though he had the Music Appreciation Club's room reserved for after school activities only, it was usually empty before school as well unless Elizabeth had decided to commandeer the room for the morning. It didn't matter to him if she did or not. In the mornings, when a soft breeze was blowing, his favorite spot to play was in the branches of the big tree. There was just something relaxing about it.

He looked down at the shiny, almost reflective surface of his black hybrid guitar. He had stolen it a few years back when he was particularly desperate. Originally, he had planned on selling it, but instead he taught himself how to play it, and would try and earn money by performing on the streets when he wasn't at school. It wasn't an easy living, after all, there were hundreds of others just like him trying to do the same thing. He just had to remember to keep his head up.

His golden eyes lit up at that thought as he adjusted the tuning on his guitar. In the next moment, he started strumming out a song that fit the way he was feeling right meow as his tail swayed in time with the song below the branch he was perched on. He just had to keep his head up, and everything would turn out fine.


His voice was actually rather beautiful, the sound carried well and he just had a natural talent for putting his heart into his music. Not to mention, he was blessed with what is known as an Eidetic memory. He could recall things in great detail. When it came to music, it meant he could reproduce a song on his guitar after only hearing it once. More than that, he could make the song his own by adding his own flare to it. It was his one great gift.

Goodness knows he was helpless in just about anything that couldn't be solved by music...
Chiharu brushed the bead of sweat from her brow and stood straight up from her stance. Her hands were still clenched around the kendo sticks handle and slowly she released it. This was always a wonderful way to get out stress... is what Chiharu would have thought until the kendo teams captain strode over to her and another girl, referring to the them with the names that he had chosen to call them. Chiha-chan. It sounded... cute. And gross. It's Hatoyama. She wanted to say that, but she knew it would fall on deaf ears. It was something Chiharu had said to Hasegawa quite a few times and he would simply disregard her. What a silly fox... Silly... not stupid. Chiharu often had to correct herself from being rude as it was a habit. She did respect Hasegawa's high level of skills as a team captain. But sometimes he got on her nerves. When she tried to be nice, he just seemed to end up aggravating her anyway.

It was when Chiharu felt Hasegawa's hand brush over the top of her head did her eyes narrow and her face go red. She puffed out her cheeks, clenched her fists, and made a conscious effort not to kick him in the face. Grrr, stupid Hasegawa! Who did he think he was, anyway? Patting her on the head! While he was considered her superior, there was no way she would ever call him senpai or look up to him with affection. The very thought only made her blush more and she crossed her arms as she felt something furry brush against her legs.

Looking down, Chiharu saw that it was Hasegawa's pet brushing against her legs. He was really cute... If other people weren't around, she might have scooped him up into her arms and snuggled the creature against her face. Curse what is cute! She could never let anyone see her like that, though, so she stared at the adorable critter for a moment longer before looking at Hasegawa. "I-It's been alright I guess..." Chiharu muttered softly, looking away. He really was kind. If only she could manage to be the same way.

@Kiroshiven @Pyosimros

Momoe was still read the papers and occasionally reaching into her bag, into a little ziploc that contained pieces of celery and baby carrots. She'd munch on them as students strode by and sometimes told her good morning. She would smile, say the same, and then continue sifting. It wasn't too intense of work. It was then, a beautiful melody sounded from above and her ears stood straight up, taking in the lovely sound. A guitar and a voice, singing a song she had heard before. It was Western she believed. One of them twitched as she listened and raised her head. And then she looked up to see someone Momoe had seen before. He wasn't the same year as she was and she didn't know his name but she had definitely seen him. She had never known he had played or sung so well though. She herself wasn't all that into music or at least not making it.

Her wide crimson eyes locked with his as she continued to listen to him play. She noticed other students around turned their attention this way or simply stopped to listen too. Everything else was lost on her. This had never happened before. Usually she listened to music to help her pep for working and now this song had made her forget about the papers on her lap altogether. How strange, Momoe thought. When his song ended, she continued to stare at him, as if all motor functions had suddenly become something she did not know how to do. Finally she found her voice. Momoe tilted her head to the side, inspecting him curiously as she spoke softly.


@One Mean Ghost
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Kuro blinked as he heard a voice below him, his tail swishing under him as he recognized the familiar face of the student body president. It was hard not to recognize her, even harder still given he had an Eidetic memory. "Ohayo, Momoe-chan!" Kuro smiled down at her, waving his hand just a little bit.

Yes, it was generally considered a little offensive to use someone's first name without permission. Unlike most students, however, Kuro had spent a majority of his childhood as a cat, so he didn't learn some of the intricacies of social interactions like he should have. Another carry-over from his feline days was his reluctance to call fellow students 'senpai', even if they were his seniors. In feline society, such titles were earned, not just given due to age. It had gotten people mad at him on more than one occasion, but he didn't mean anything by it. More often than not, it was just because he forgot

He tilted his head as he watched her, recalling he had never actually spoken to her before. That, of course, meant she likely didn't have a clue what his name was. "Oh... I should probably introduce myself... I'm Kuroneko Kouun. But everyone calls me Kuro" He smiled down at her as he shifted his weight on the branch so he was facing her. "I'm President and founder of the Music Appreciation Club" He added with a strum of his guitar.

About then, a sudden thought occurred to him as he saw her papers spread out around her. "Oh... Sorry, was I playing too loud, Nyaa~?" He asked, his ears laying back on his head as he watched her. He slipped off his guitar, not wanting to cause more of a disturbance if she was doing important stuff.

With no warning, the breeze picked up, rustling the papers and sending several of them flying away on the breeze. His eyes narrowed as he reached down, setting his guitar on the ground next to the trunk before he leaped from his branch, his form changing in midair to that of a sleek, black feline. "Oh no you don't!" He meowed, pouncing down on two of the papers and holding them in his mouth as he chased down the rest of the offending documents. It was rather adorable, watching the little black cat chasing down papers on the breeze, leaping through the air to pounce on them, holding them carefully in his mouth as he tried not to trip over the ones he'd already caught to catch the rest.

It only took him about a minute to catch all of the wayward documents, and he padded back towards her, his head held up to keep the papers from dragging as his tail swished proudly behind him. "ai goh hem" His voice was muffled from the papers. He rolled his eyes, setting down the papers on her lap before he stepped back, sitting on his haunches. "I mean... I got them..." He rubbed his ears sheepishly, still sitting in the form of a small, black kitty. Somehow, he had managed to keep from puncturing the papers with his teeth..

His golden eyes looked up at her, just staring curiously at her wondering if she was going to say something soon. Absently, he scratched his ear with his back foot as he waited for some response from Bunny-Senpai.
A quiet yawn escaped Yumiko's mouth, she hated the morning she would much rather just be able to sleep in relax but no she didn't have that chance. Yumiko just simply stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before she finally got up. Running a hand through her hair she moved into her bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth as quickly as possible she returned to her bedroom and got ready for school, while normally she would run first she wants to get fully settled in with school first and to fine a nice running path for her, but still it felt rather strange she was always used to running every morning oh well it wouldn't be long until she started it again...hopefully.

The next step on her morning ritual was breakfast the most importance meal of the day. Heading to her kitchen she made her self simply some toast and jam. Taking a seat she began to eat it, she was never one to rush which often caused her to be late but she never really cared or originally she wouldn't ever since she became the First year class rep things change. Her new duties often required her to get to school a little early, thinking about it she could use that as her daily run but then she would be all sweaty for school which was rather gross and for a girl with only a few friends already wouldn't be good to help make more. Then it occurred to her, she could just bring a change of clothing and a lot of perfume that would work. It was decided her new daily run would be to the school ground...it just meant she needed a bigger bag.

Yumiko quickly headed back up stairs and found a rather large duffle bag it was perfect, with a strap so she wouldn't have to carry it in her hand as well. Yumiko quickly changed clothing and placed her uniform inside the bag, she put some simply jogging pants on and a white tee-shirt. Heading back downstairs she put on some simply running shoes, with her school schools being kept at school it was easy in that way meaning she didn't have to carry them with her.

The small girl left her house shutting the door behind her, she began jogging at a rather fast pace to the school, fact is the early she got there the less people that would see her dressed differently, she always tries to attract as little attention as possible but her personality mixed with her vibrent hair dyed color often made that hard, however she hated her normal hair color so that was one thing that wouldn't change. It didn't take her long before she reached the school but even so she worked up a small sweat.

Yumiko took a look around and the place was packed, not that it really bothered her even when not being dressed rightly at the moment it was hard to have not noticed the small pink haired girl before, after all her loud and as some have call it obnoxious personality has already get her a large amount of attention, then being the first year class rep gained her more and by now a large amount of people were sure to know the small girl...she hoped or else this just look awkward.

Yumiko quickly ran past everyone to the inside of the school, changing her shoes she ran to the closest bath room and looked inside, no one perfect. Taking one of the cubicles she got changed in record time. She then sprayed herself with a rather large amount of perfume to mask the smell of sweat. Her uniform was slightly modified but nothing that stuck out too much, she had a smaller skirt something she didn't mean for originally but after the first week she grew to love it too much to let go. The second major thing was that her uniform was slightly small for her since they didn't have a uniform made for someone of her tiny scale they had one made just for her only to get the measurements wrong, it wasn't majorly wrong just slightly and often caused her to show the lower part of her stomach, not that it bothered her she was self continuous about her height not her weight that she didn't care about.

After about five minutes Yumiko left the bathroom and headed back outside switching shoes once again, she liked the morning air on her skin so as usual she would spend as much time as possible in the morning outside. Taking a look around Yumiko found a nice free grass spot which she walked over to and laid down on it, the grass and the air felt great on her skin she could just fall asleep right there but she didn't. She was rather lucky she knew most class reps and things to do right now, but being the first years they wasn't much she needed to do right now. Yumiko duffle bag was right next to her, the strap tied around her arm she trusted no one near her clothing after all they were some creeps at this school. Yumiko moved her arms behind her head lifting her small top up slightly reveling more of her stomach about to just under her belly button, she just simply shut her eyes not caring even if people stared the girl would just simply take it as a complement after all it was just someone appreciating her body.

  • Another day, another set of troubles. Paw by paw, I followed the road to school, as my tong pushed against my teeth like waves onto rock, attempting to remove the last bit of fish still stuck in them. Fish had an oddly delicious taste ever since I had been stuck in this form...In fact, pretty much anything that was edible tasted much better than before. Whether it was a sign of evolution in the sense of making cats more suitable to eat more things, or if it was a sign on the lack of it, by lacking the complexity to really distinguish among flavors, potentially with deadly consequences, it was impossible to tell.

    With the school´s iron gates behind me, I headed for the staff room, the first term was probably about to start and I needed to get ready to give my own class. I could see young girls already staring at me. It was a little obvious by the whispers and giggles that "sensei" wasn´t the image they had of me. I wasn´t even the only cat around, by a long shot if you counted non-transformative nekos. But having a teacher who is also a cat is far less enticing than having a cat who is also a teacher. The bell shaking at the slightest breeze didn´t help either. I hurried my pace.

    My "desk" at the staff room was consisted of a pair of drawers on the closet by the right corner of the room that had been "kindly" attributed to me in respects to my "situation". I missed being able to look through my papers sitting comfortably on a chair. Now my chair was the floor and I couldn´t keep a single piece of paper clean, cause only my mouth could really be used to grab things. I sighed, hoping this year I would at least get a little more respect from the students.

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Sutibun woke up, his head very tired as he overslept last night. he stood up from his head and sat down for a while, he scans his room for his trusty metal cane, he tries standing up but suddenly sat back down feeling a circular metal object on his feet, it was his cane on the floor so he took it and used it to support himself standing up, you rarely saw Sutibun without his metal cane which he bought just for 200 yen. he then walked towards the bathroom and took a shower and brushed his teeth

he dries himself off with a towel and goes to the kitchen. he makes toast and some eggs which was finished in under 30 seconds, he gets dressed in his uniform and walks out of his house with his metal cane. he breathes the morning air and starts walking too school, he greets anyone he meets on the way and walks his merry way. once he arrives to the school he enters and just traverses around the school with his metal cane


Momoe blinked. She felt rude not knowing his name when he knew hers. She was the student body president, but didn't that make it her obligation to know everyone too? And, she just realized he called her by her first name. Had they spoken before? No. It was not as if she cared what people called her, but it was a surprise since she was used to hearing "Onohara-senpai" all day. He introduced himself as Kuroneko Kouun but said others called him Kuro. That must explain why he called her Momoe. Momoe was sure she had heard that name before and when he said he was the president of the Music Appreciation Club, she knew why. She smiled warmly up at him.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Kuro-shi--ah, Kuro-kun."

Her ears flattened themselves down more, showing that she was more relaxed. Momoe absently wondered how he had gotten into the tree while she was there, but quickly waved it away. Momoe was easily distracted. He probably could have carried a Tuba into the tree and she wouldn't have been the wiser. Good he didn't though. A guitar was much more pleasing to her ears. "No!" She called up, cupping her hand around her mouth to make sure he could hear her. It had dawned on her that her voice was pretty small sometimes. "You played nicely! It was a pretty song, really."

Momoe opened her mouth to say something else about the music when a strong breeze blew by, sweeping up her papers and scattering them like snowflakes. The short strands of her hair tickled her cheeks as they were swept up too. She was fully prepared to spring up and go make a hasty grab for the sheets but Kuro-kun beat her to it. In fact, he changed as he leaped from the tree. Momoe put her hands to her cheeks and watched with wide eyes as a furry black kitty darted about, collecting her papers. Her eyes glimmered with delight.

When the feline headed back over and dropped the papers by her, she stared for a moment longer, absently shoving the papers back in her bag. And then she squealed in delight. "You're so cute!" She exclaimed, giggling and reaching for him. Momoe hugged him to her chest closely, enticed with his silky fur. She was blissfully unaware of how this may have been a bad thing, what with her wearing strangely revealing clothes. Her chest wasn't very big but currently, the cat was nestled right in between... Momoe made a happy humming noise as she rubbed her snowy cheek along his head, snuggling him.

@One Mean Ghost
Stamper said:
Momoe blinked. She felt rude not knowing his name when he knew hers. She was the student body president, but didn't that make it her obligation to know everyone too? And, she just realized he called her by her first name. Had they spoken before? No. It was not as if she cared what people called her, but it was a surprise since she was used to hearing "Onohara-senpai" all day. He introduced himself as Kuroneko Kouun but said others called him Kuro. That must explain why he called her Momoe. Momoe was sure she had heard that name before and when he said he was the president of the Music Appreciation Club, she knew why. She smiled warmly up at him.
"Ah, nice to meet you, Kuro-shi--ah, Kuro-kun."

Her ears flattened themselves down more, showing that she was more relaxed. Momoe absently wondered how he had gotten into the tree while she was there, but quickly waved it away. Momoe was easily distracted. He probably could have carried a Tuba into the tree and she wouldn't have been the wiser. Good he didn't though. A guitar was much more pleasing to her ears. "No!" She called up, cupping her hand around her mouth to make sure he could hear her. It had dawned on her that her voice was pretty small sometimes. "You played nicely! It was a pretty song, really."

Momoe opened her mouth to say something else about the music when a strong breeze blew by, sweeping up her papers and scattering them like snowflakes. The short strands of her hair tickled her cheeks as they were swept up too. She was fully prepared to spring up and go make a hasty grab for the sheets but Kuro-kun beat her to it. In fact, he changed as he leaped from the tree. Momoe put her hands to her cheeks and watched with wide eyes as a furry black kitty darted about, collecting her papers. Her eyes glimmered with delight.

When the feline headed back over and dropped the papers by her, she stared for a moment longer, absently shoving the papers back in her bag. And then she squealed in delight. "You're so cute!" She exclaimed, giggling and reaching for him. Momoe hugged him to her chest closely, enticed with his silky fur. She was blissfully unaware of how this may have been a bad thing, what with her wearing strangely revealing clothes. Her chest wasn't very big but currently, the cat was nestled right in between... Momoe made a happy humming noise as she rubbed her snowy cheek along his head, snuggling him.

@Stamper [/color]
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"You're so cute!"

He blinked, caught off guard by the sudden exclamation. He had expected, at most, a polite thank you not....

'Wait... is she gonna-'

He didn't have time to finish his thought as he felt her hands grasp him, lifting him up to hug him against her chest. If cats could blush, right then 'poor' Kuro would have looked more like a lobster than a cat. He felt himself enveloped by a warm softness, cuddled so carefully against her.

'If I'm dreaming... please don't wake me up....'

He couldn't keep himself from purring as she snuggled the top of his head, his tail swishing happily behind him. He couldn't be blamed for enjoying this kind of attention. He was very much a guy, and very much one that enjoyed the position he found himself in. Of course, he knew full well he'd likely catch hell for it later. Either she'd remember he's not purely a kitty and would drop kick him over a wall, or she'd spike him like a football, or.... well, he'd worry about that later...

For now, he just wanted to enjoy this moment and save it all to his Eidetic memory banks for later...

'So soft.... so very soft...'

Yep, Kuro had most definitely died somewhere and found himself behind the Pearly Gates.
Aoi Kurosawa

Mood: Sleepy

Location: Underneath the tree beside the running field

Ooc: Finally.. ;v;

The breeze was warm and fresh as the bright green leaves danced with the wind. The grass waved slowly as Aoi felt at peace. Sleeping underneath the shade of the tree that would protect her from the sun's rays. She didn't have enough sleep due to her crying sibling that woke her in the middle of the night. It took her nearly 3 hours to get them back to sleep. And know she had all the time she has to rest, lie down and sleep like a log.

A small group of animals would stare and go near her as if she was a safe sanctuary from all those evil humans that would squeeze them to death. Even a small kitten would climb on her stomach and sleep. Aoi's mouth was slightly open as a leaf fell down from the tree and landed on her mouth, covering her lips.

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Chakku blinked. Wait. Didn't he pass that room? As he began to walk again, he could only look around with a confused expression as he was now in the boy's bathroom! Did he take a wrong turn?! He ran out the bathroom and started to speed walk down the hallway, twist and turning corners until he found himself...at the library. Chakku facepalmed. He got lost. Again! This happened so frequently that two days ago, it took him nearly an hour just to find the drinking fountain! Chakku sighed and looked around, observing the bookshelves with a curious look. Well, maybe he should check out a book. Yeah. He liked to read! Sure, he just mostly read fanfictions on his computer, but he also read books too! Walking around, he finally found the fiction section, and with that, he started to browse, finger hovering over various titles.


Chakku blinked and looked around. He saw no one in the fiction section except just a student here or there, but they weren't even looking at him. Shrugging, he slowly went back to browsing.


Chakku looked away again to see a student look directly at him, causing him to jump and look around before pointing a finger at himself.'

"Yeah. You." The student said with a snicker. He handed a book to chakku. "Hold this for me?"

Chakku gulped and nodded slowly, taking the book from the students hands. Before he could question why, the student ran away quickly, causing chakku to look at where he'd been with a blank stare. He looked down at the book, frowning at the blank blue cover. It felt heavier too! What was this book even about. He opened it, yet his eye caught something quickly falling to the floor. Blinking, he crouched and picked it up, only to blush heavily and his glasses to fog up as it was...



Chakku looked up and quickly turned to the source, mouth agape as it was the student holding his phone up. Chuck looked at the hentai manga again, before looking back up at the student, jumping as he was now gone. As chakku just stood there, he suddenly came to a realization. He had just been pranked! But what was that guy gonna do with the pic-

"Oh, Ai-chan! I got something you need to see!"

Chakku yelped and threw the manga to the floor before quickly heading to the direction of that voice, only to stop and look in shock to see the student already showing it to a purple-haired girl behind the counter. He began to bite his nails, knees knocking together and shaking uncontrollably. No, no, no, no, no! What should he do?! What. Should. He. Do?! He could only now stand there like an idiot, pushing up his glasses while sweating bullets.

@T h e F o o l
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"Excuse me, do you know any books that are generally good. It doesn't have to be a specific genre."

The golden-brown eyes shot up from her novel, a brief flash of excitement going across her face before it returned to the apathetic mask. She grabbed a sticky note from the desk, "Have you read Fahrenheit 451? It is one of the better books in Ray Bradbury's inventory of books. While you are there, try reading Dark Carnival... It is the first book he had ever made. Go to F-Bra to find both of the books!" Her voice sounding more bored than excited to be able to offer her opinion of books. Ai clicked her pen, writing the book names and the location again in case they couldn't find it because of their own forgetfulness. That last session probably being one of the longest time she had spoken to someone else this week. A few moments later the same person coming back to check out the books. 'Beep Beep..' Repeating the sound of the books getting checked out in her head mindlessly. Her novel being set aside.

"Good morning Shizuka-san. Sorry, I´m a little late."

Ai glanced up from the library catalog, finding the other library volunteer apologizing for being late this morning. She gave a small shake of the head, trying to imply that she didn't mind much, which may or may not have gotten through to the white-haired girl. She was barely used to the 'their' company in the morning from the earlier week and so far, from what she could tell, Kirihara didn't seem like the type to end up oversleeping most of the time.

The short-haired female held up the inventory checklist for the fellow second year, making sure that the books checked in go back to the same author (unless they were a one-hit wonder of the writing world or a beginner starting a series) and that the system is correct before the majority of the books get checked out. Ai being responsible for the A-L authors and 000-400 for the non-fiction books - which are almost never checked out this far in the school year. "If you are busy after school or at lunch, I'll take care of your half..." The slightly shorter female offered before flipping the next page of her novel. Although the Dandere probably had the ulterior motive to be away from most socialization - doing a good job hiding that motive in her monotone and slightly robotic voice.

"Oh, Ai-chan I got something to tell you!"

'Someone has business with me? Also, he called me by my first name,' disliking the male for disregarding formalities. However, Ai remained her calm stature...until she saw the photo. The female quickly covering her face in embarrassment, someone bring that kind of 'thing' into school was unspeakable. Her utter surprise making her fall backwards in her chair.

"Ow..." She whimpered out in mild pain as she rubbed her head, her glasses somewhere around the 'crash site'. Ai managing to find her glasses, although now they were slightly cracked. 'Even with barely any social interaction with others ends up with something broken' The slightly pessimistic mindset talking to her as she got up. Her target being what she believed was the hentai holding the...hentai. Her search finding the sweating mess by the shelves. She shook her head, this was unlike her, not noticing this was a prank between two outside participants until now. The quiet ball waving him over to her so she could discuss this matter with both of them and a staff member.

Location: Library

With: @SpicyLickiTounge


"Papers... " The list stopped for a moment, Kodoku finally narrowing it down to something. "Homework? No, I finished that, I know I could at least remember to do that much at the least." He said tapping his finger against his leg trying to remember which paper he was missing or needed to turn in. The male not being very observant to the outside world in his mental searching, ignoring A) the biker crashing into the front doors of the school and probably breaking one or two bones out of little over two hundred. B) The robot that just went 'boom boom' in someone else's face. C) The highly unseemly behavior taking place under the Blossom Tree with the nicknamed Harem King and the Student Body President. Although, it wasn't like he could talk much about the third one.

"Basketball? Basketball!" The red haired male finally figuring out the paper he was missing, forgetting to turn in his form to the president and the staff afterward. The male speed walking through the school, after changing into his Uwabaki* of course. His formalities not going away simply due to his own mistakes.

Once arriving at the Gym/Basketball Court, he found himself finding...nobody.
"I guess I was late, maybe I can find him in my classes? I think he is in his second year too..." He placed his hand on his head, having a small headache, as to how he could mess up turning something as simple as a club application. For the moment though, he came to the conclusion to simply stay in case he would arrive.

* Indoor Shoes.

Location: Gym/Basketball Court.


Chakku flinched as she waved him over. This was it! He just knew it! He was going to get expelled! He was going to be a highschool dropout, his mom was gonna have to get two jobs to support her no good bum of a son, he was gonna sit inside all day and play video games! ...OK, he already does that, but he wanted to do it with a good education! With a gulp and a blush, he slowly made his way over to her, twiddling his thumbs and looking at the ground as he prayed to whatever god that everything would turn out okay.

"You think you know a guy." The student said, much to chakku's dismay. "Who knew that quiet little sakura-kun was an ecchi! What other secrets do you think the new kid is hiding from us, eh, ai-chan?!" The student snickered, causing chuck to only sweat more. Did he know he was misplaced?! Was he gonna tell everyone?! Wait...Was he going to show everyone the picture?! Chakku started to shake even more. This was horrible! Terrible! This is why going outside is dangerous! What was the point of fresh air if you looked like a hentai-freak breathing it in?!

@T h e F o o l
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  • His hands flew across the paper as he thought of yet ANOTHER way to fix the robot. If he decreased the resistance of the wires and directed the energy into three projectors that then shot out three lasers that looked like one, it could possibly prevent the explosion from happening. Hiiro grinned at his latest idea when a sudden ball of energy greeted him. Knowing that very few people would deal with Boom he looked up from his sitting position at the tree to look at Lila Suzumi. "Morning Suzumi-senpai." He said without much thought. "I'm still working on the laser bot." He sighed as he ran one hand through his hair, the dried on grease made it awkward. "I can't seem to get it right, but my latest theory might just making it a success. We'll find out after school today." Hiiro, ever the optimist, smiled as he gave her the thumbs up.

    He stood up and pet the girl's head noticing one thing of milk in her hand. "Trying to grow some more our adorable loli?" Hiiro teased the girl a little bit before a new theory popped into his head. "I wonder...." He started jotting down notes in the back of he book, he had a few other projects in here as well. Shoes that didn't feel like you were wearing them, a love potion, something to help you be nicer to people you liked, and now a chemical that would allow someone to change their appearance to whatever they wanted, like you do in MMO's. "So, what's the plan for today Suzumi-senpai?"

    @Stamper @SpicyLickiTounge @Idea

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Imagine Momoe's surprise when the adorable cat who had rescued her paperwork was ripped from her hands. It was none other than Ayaka-chan, a girl known for her flirty ways. Momoe frowned, feeling what would be anger but instead was anxiety build up inside of her. She stood up, her ears sticking straight up. The girl was quite a bit bigger than herself but that didn't bother her any. She was about to say something about Ayaka referring to her by her first name, something that usually wouldn't bother her, but annoyed her now, when Mai strode up, looking very upset. Oh, wonderful. She basically told Momoe and her sister off.

Momoe was quite anxious, and quite upset. Who did they think they were anyway? So she smiled at the two, hands clasped behind her back and leaned forward, still looking as sweet as can be.

"Ohayo, Tachibana-chan. I would like to remind you that I am your superior both class wise and student government wise, and it is rude for you to talk to me that way. Knowing that you speak to superiors that way... well, it would be irresponsible of me to let someone like that continue on as Class Rep., wouldn't it?" Momoe said so gently, giggling softly. But the threat was there. "If I were you, I would show more respect. You do value your place on the student government don't you?"

Truthfully, Momoe wouldn't want anyone who did not respect her authority on the council but right now, this was more of an empty threat. Of course, Mai wouldn't know that. Momoe scooped the black cat up in her arms again and lightly pet his head, still smiling ever so sweetly.


Kuro wasn't doing anything wrong. He was just minding his own business and enjoying being snuggled. No one could possibly be mad at him for that, right?

He heard a voice behind him, and he turned his head just in time to see another set of hands picking him up. He squirmed just a little before he found himself once more in a very soft, comfy place. He blinked, hardly daring to believe this was actually happening. He was just about to start purring again when Ayaka spoke up.

"Enjoying yourself my little pervert?"

His hair stood up as he looked up at her shocked. Why was HE the pervert here?! I mean, sure he was enjoying being nestled quite comfortably between the president's breasts until Ayaka had decided to relocate him to hers, but it's not like he asked for it! I mean, sure, he didn't exactly complain, but who would?!

Kuro wasn't sure what to do once he was set down. He tensed a little as Mai arrived, giving her sister an order before going off on the President. He felt a little awkward sitting there. In some way, he felt responsible for it, but he wasn't sure where exactly he had done something wrong to cause this... He had played his music, and he had helped recover her papers, and then she hugged him.... and hugged him... Yeah, he didn't do anything wrong this time!

"As for you Kuro, I'd recommend keeping yourself out of these kinds of situations. Don't want people calling you a pervert now."

'And somehow, I'm still getting called a pervert....' His ears lay flat on his head as he considered that thought, his tail flicking irritably behind him. As if enough strange things hadn't happened today, he felt a soft hand petting his fuzzy head. He blinked, looking up to see Mai smiling down at him.

"Such soft fur. I could pet it all day."

He had to have missed something. Wasn't she just scolding him? And then she started petting him.


He watched as Mai started to walk off just as the President spoke up. Her voice sounded so sweet, but there was most definitely some venom in there, causing Kuro to shiver just a little bit. He half expected a fight to break out.... Before he could try and get to a safe distance, he felt himself being picked up yet again, finding himself comfortably back in the President's arms. He couldn't help but purr a little bit when she stroked his fur. It wasn't something he could control... It didn't help that Momoe-chan seemed to know exactly where to pet him..

He tilted his head, purring rather loudly as he enjoyed being petted. Kuro could easily get used to this... If he lived long enough to enjoy it....
Chakku was doomed. This was it. He could see it in the papers now! ' New transfer student gets kicked out because of hentai!'. It would take a miracle to get out of this now!

"What nonsense are you trying to pull today you, miscreant?"

And as if the universe has read his mind and heard his plea, his miracle came in the form of...a strange girl? Chakku stared as the girl chewed the student out, who was shaking in fear. She even deleted the photo, saving chakku's reputation...though he had a feeling he would ruin it either way, later. But at least it he had some time! He watched as they both walked away, the student running through the doors crying. Chakku then blinked before slowly came to the realization he was left alone...with a girl.

The sweating and blushing, that had slowly started to stop once the strange girl, came back with full force. Shaking, he looked at the girl as if she was a boss on one of his video games. Come on, chakku, say something!

"U-Uh...M-Mmm...U-Uh....G-Gah!" And with that, he ran into another section. A section where no one would go so they wouldn't bother him; The music section. Though instead of browsing for books again, he sat with his back against the bookshelf, hugging his knees and waiting for class to just start...if he could find it when it did. He looked at the ground, not bothering to look up in fear of getting pranked again.

@Kiroshiven @T h e F o o l

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