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Fantasy An Earthen Lament | OOC [FULL]

blackwardens don't have anything to do with...grey wardens... maybe....?
Ironically a coincidence.

The Blackwarden are a secret society of monster hunters, witch hunters, and unorthodox adventurers whom essentially predate inquisitors and so forth. I guess they have one thing in common with the Grey Wardens in that they fight abominations and seek to protect the world at all costs. There isn't any blood-drinking joinings or ancient treaties, though. Oh and they don't sacrifice their souls to defeat archdemons either.
Ironically a coincidence.

The Blackwarden are a secret society of monster hunters, witch hunters, and unorthodox adventurers whom essentially predate inquisitors and so forth. I guess they have one thing in common with the Grey Wardens in that they fight abominations and seek to protect the world at all costs. There isn't any blood-drinking joinings or ancient treaties, though. Oh and they don't sacrifice their souls to defeat archdemons either.
but they could....because antiquity amiright i.e blood drinking and ancient treaties
They could what? Drink demon blood? Hell no. They have more in common with Witchers than they do Grey Wardens.
They could what? Drink demon blood? Hell no. They have more in common with Witchers than they do Grey Wardens.
not exactly demon blood, but idk the way that the grey wardens drink darkspawn blood to be closer to the darkspawn and the archdemon is usually conveyed in antiquity for ritualistic means. i.e, drinking the ayauhausca to get into the dreams. i had a history of horror class last year uwu learned some insightful things
God mood, altho Hun i saw the fc first and cant imagine any different <3 sweet boy
i...i... i just realized we were all dumb and didn't put money in our equipment.... we r all poverty friends now....
i...i... i just realized we were all dumb and didn't put money in our equipment.... we r all poverty friends now....
I will allow you to guys to clarify your wealth, lol. No more than twenty gold coins, however. Good measure for wealth is D&D 5E rates.
"Oh, I don't know...old...dilapidated shacks like these are probably harmless. Maybe some spiders, large ones. Bigger than you I imagine,"
Full reminder that we are not in a shack, but between stone and old wood alike. There is a tiled roof, after all. It is a ruin of an elven structure of some sort. :coolshades:
Full reminder that we are not in a shack, but between stone and old wood alike. There is a tiled roof, after all. It is a ruin of an elven structure of some sort. :coolshades:
oh she knows but rowan is SASSY
Is there a posting order btw? Gowi Gowi Or for this mingling bit are we allowed to go ham
I mean, it's not like the inquisitor is showing their paladin colors proudly. They are pretending, too. :closedeyessmile:
As for this question? Not particularly, but we should be mindful of those who may be approved and whom haven't posted who have been approved.
wicked bless u and ur bloodline

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