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"And you don't have common sense!", Sam snarled at the abomination before the hail of laser fire stopped, having swiss cheesed the clones the drones could see, the swarm of tennis ball drones focused instead on forming a large sphere around Sam, Dark Kotsu, and Red. A hum filled the air as they began charging their lasers for a blue matter splatter.

While that was happening, another floating sphere, different from the others insofar as it floated with purpose, but didn't have a glowing light, bumped into Red Owl's back, liquefying and spreading into a reflective full-body skinsuit around the telepath. This reflective skinsuit protected Owl from the result of an overcharged drone shot.

"Blue Matter Splatter," Halo announced before the drones released their overcharged shots, creating not a grid of lasers, but a sphere of glowing blue liquid, just like when Sam had overcharged the DEHDs in the real world, but on a much larger scale. Sam's armor and the reflective skinsuit on Owl protected them from the liquids destructive effects, but not Dark Kotsu. Even if he could survive the splatter, the drones acted as a net that kept the sphere of liquid from spilling out, and continued to pour energy into the sphere of Blue Matter. Vision would be impossible, and movement slowed by the resistance of the liquid.
Kotsu produces Fritz Roy's energy sword as he catches his balance from his strike as he quickly focuses back on Red. He summoned it with it's crackling blade as Kotsu felt himself needing to thank Fritz Roy for his toy. That's when the smell of the blood hit him. Kotsu knew that Red Owl looked good in red, but he didn't think himself to get this hungry around this type of sight. He was curious what she tasted like. After all, Blue didn't taste too bad back at the theatre...

Kotsu's thought process shifted back to the battle as Sam jumps in, covering Red in some armor that helped mask the scent of the blood. The blue sphere was majestically beautiful. Kotsu walks calmly to it, his eyes contrasted against the sphere's rays making his eyes look purple. His green aura looked more turquoise due to this as well. Kotsu readied the energy blade, his katana, and the four laser sword whips protruding from his arms.

"I'll end this game. I should have never let it get this out of hand, my mess shouldn't have been cleaned by my friends, my family." Kotsu said with a bored expression as he waited, poised outside of the sphere.

"I live for myself now, and I can't have some careless part of me wander around. We must make balance. You snuffed out the light, now I must vanquish the darkness." Kotsu didn't smile, or have any expression as he spoke. If any of the Dark Kotsu's approached near him, one or two of his whips on either side would defend him or would riddle their bodies in throwing knives.

Kotsu thought about what Acascius had said to him about utilizing Dark Kotsu's powers. Denton told Kotsu that Dark was a part of him as well. Valerie's broken body flashed through his mind, as the veins on his forehead pulsed violently. Human Kotsu's broken skull pierced into the wall of the projector. Yellow... Kotsu's red eyes intensified once again as he felt his strength sweltering, his aura intensifying the air around him would feel like it was shaking.

The image of the battle was gone, as Kotsu felt the last bits of his cares fade away as his humanity burned out. Kotsu's eyes were red but with a lazy look to them. He still looked battle ready, as his whips defended him still against the clones.

"Why can't you fight me with your own power? You're boring me. It's like playing a game with cheat codes on. What are you? Five? You can't even play a game without the fear of losing. Maybe that's why I'm better than you." Kotsu said in a monotone voice as his armor shifted in a meek shrug.

"Sounds like you're just a miserable fuckin' loser."
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Dk spins to Kotsu even as Sams droid splatter tears into his body, he ignores it, he had the power of a Godess. "Bored huh?"

In a flash he is upon Kotsu with a lightning quick blow he breaks Kotsu right arm, trips then slams him into the ground.

"Bored now?" Dark Kotsu laughs. "I am TOYING with you all, nothing you can do can harm me, I'll have my fun wearing you down before ending you-"

His sentence is interrupted by a wave of mental magic unlike anything they had felt before. Reality bends and twists as Red owl unleashes her power.

"Ob-fucking- jection" She yells and the eather streaming from her head crashes into Dark Kotsu rending his God hood away from him so violently his is thrown into he side of the barn. Blue and Reds mental energies clash and push against each other in the air creating dazzling lights that set the barn a blaze.

"Now!" Red owl commands. "I can't hold Blue power back for ever, attack him now!"
"On it," Sam shouted over the comms. The drones killed their net, and the blue matter spilled out, vaporizing a deep crater where Sam and Owl had stood before. The drone swarm began charging again, but not for a splatter. The six boxes on the wagon come to life, forming into a humanoid frame and unfolding into copies of Sam's Cyber Angel armor.

"I got to my workshop, today, fool," Sam sneered, "Meet my army." The six mechs plus Sam reshape their armor into super canons, the drone swarm dividing itself amongst the cannones to begin spirally around them. Seven Halo Blasters began charging a beam.

"Take aim, girls," Sam said with a grin behind her helmet, "I always wondered if this would take out a vamp like you, gotta keep up somehow," she giggled. Seven Halo blasters plus drones locked onto Dark Kotsu. Please let this work, she thought as the seven cannons released their shots, And please don't let this fry my system.

The air crackled with electricity as the seven spiralling lasers made their way across the room at light speed.
Kotsu would have felt more of an impact from being slammed to the ground had he not be donned with armor. Upon Dark Kotsu being blasted off of him, Kotsu breaks his arm back into place, in a moment he was behind Dark Kotsu after he had a gap between him and the wall. Kotsu pierced Dark Kotsu's torso with his katana, twisting it to keep it in place as the whips dug into Dark Kotsu, holding him in place for the Halo Blasters.

"Didn't you get the memo from Owl? I like my meat DARK!" Kotsu pulls Dark Kotsu's arm and snaps it behind his back while biting into it, shielding himself from the blast using Dark Kotsu.
01 had been knocked away like a mere fly by Dark Kotsu's attack, slamming against the opposite wall, he was dazed as he slowly got back up. He was sure that a few ribs had been cracked by the impact.

02 had continued to fire arrows to no avail at Dark, doing his best to stay out of range from the clones and the original, hitting him with a mixture of ice, wind, and earth arrows, trying to slow him down and knock him back. He didn't risk fire arrows, in the event he accidentally ended up setting the barn on fire.

Joseph had continued to fire volley after volley of his light guided arrows. He was quickly running out however, soon down to only a handful of arrows, as the rest were buried in the bodies of several Dark Kotsu clones. He had been doing his best to keep them off of the rest of the group, ensuring that they could keep Dark Kotsu in check. He almost thought he'd have to use Verum once he had begun to target Red... however that situation was quickly taken care of, Dark Kotsu becoming vulnerable to their attacks.

"Alright, let's take him out!" He called out as he ran up to 02, nocking another arrow as he did, a magic circle appearing in front of the two. 02 looked at his original counterpart and nodded, before nocking his own. In tandem, the two drew their arrows, aiming at Dark Kotsu through the circle. "...Now!" Joseph said as he felt his draw reach its apex. The two allowed their arrows to fly, the arrows shooting through the magic circle. As they did, they were enveloped in a silver light, being imbued with Joseph's magic.

At the same time, 01 had managed to stagger to his feet. He saw the flurry of attacks aimed right at Dark Kotsu... but that didn't mean he didn't have a bit of range himself. He charged forward, before leaping high into the air, his scythe behind his head as he slammed it down. As he did, the concrete from the ground rose up, a wave of concrete spikes working its way towards Dark Kotsu, aiming to impale him.
Pain so intense he it bleaches all other thoughts. Dark Kotsu shrieks in surprise and horror but his voice is drowned out by the roar of eather fire. Sams lasers combined with Joes magic arrows engulf him. The damage is so intense even Kotsu who was using him as a human shield winces from the burning power they poured into thin. The barn erupts into little chard splinters and everyone is thrown back.

Smoke, ash and dust choke the air and blot out the sun. Kotsu stands, pained by still alive, had they done it? Had they won?

Out of the smoke a wretched disfigured form half stands. Almost half of his body had been blown off and so grotesque was the damage that Dark Kotsu looked more like a butchered carcass than a humanoid vampire. Half his face was melted to nothing and the other half stares at them with half dead, half crazed eyes. If he had a voice box left he would have screamed.

But despite all the damage. He was still standing.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I'm at my limit." Red says, Bickles looks over to her.

She was pale, the last of her mental magic petering out in it's desperate attempt to keep Blue owls blessing from returning to DK. But she was spent.

"We can't win, we have to run."

"Like I would let you run." Dark kotsu says his divinity returning he stands once again immortal! But, the damage he sustained does not heal, now this living corpse fueled by magic and hate staggers towards them with death in it's eyes.

"I was playing with you guys and having fun. But anymore, that hurt, you're actually a threat to me." He laughs, his tongue hanging out of the melted side of his face. "No more games, I'm going to use 100% of my power. you dead, DEAD ALL OF YOU, starting with you!"

Dark Kotsu points to Red.

He moves so fast their eyes can't keep up with his movements before Red can blink Dark Kotsu plunges his right hand through her belly. She gasps as his claw penetrate deep into her body cavity.

"No!" Bickle casts stupefy on dark Kotsu who ignores it throwing Red aside in a bloodied heap. Sending a ethereal slash at Bickle cutting off the lads arm. He cries out then is knocked out by a swift kick from Dark Kotsu who warps to him in a flash.

Khperi flies into a rage shifting into her spider form impales Dark kotsu, but her weapons do nothing, she blasts her with a wave of mental magic that totals her body.

"Do you see now?!" He roars. "How powerful I am!"
"Oh, that ain't good," Sam said as the cannons retreated back into the armor to cool off, barrels glowing red with heat, not that Sam felt it. "Anyone got a plan?"

'Are you having trouble with just a demigod?', said a familiar raspy voice in her head, 'Even Heracles could be killed, what makes this false demigod so special?'

"He's fucking indestructible, that's what!", Sam snapped at Hephaestus.

'And so are you. Your armor is impenetrable, and you survived a blast that killed everyone else within twenty miles from the explosion alone. Durability is not even a question, here, Champion. He is the champion of dreams, not the champion war. I should know, I get orders from Aries daily. Are you so weak as to be crushed by a dream, champion of fire?'

The mechs flew towards Sam, breaking apart into their components as they arrived and attaching themselves to Sam's armor, the suit growing in size with each piece.

'Will you be defeated by imagination, Engineer?'

"This blue bitch has my kid, I'm not dying before she does," Sam growled as the plates of her armor began to glow.

'Then prove you deserve my recognition, Samantha.'

"Demon Wrecker Proto.. tyyiiepe..." Halo stalled as the circuits that housed her began to overheat and lag. "Malfunction. System overheating. Initiating cooldow-"

"Be quiet, sweetie, mom's busy," Sam said to the AI, switching off the vocal system and cramming the AIs into a loose DEHD, flinging it back into the workshop, while the rest of all Sam's tools and DEHDs hurled across the room and attached themselves to the prototype Demon Wrecker. Being seven times the size of the regular armor, there was no way Sam could control it by the movement of her body as with the normal armor. This wasn't a suit, it was a mecha. And that meant the guns had more room.

The glowing mech made a crater as it blasted across the barn at DK, alternating shots with the Halo Blasters, missiles, and flaming punches from the hulkbuster ripoff, each punch or blast cratering or dotting the area with holes behind Dark Kotsu.
The green energy that had been invigorating everyone suddenly stopped as Kotsu witnessed Dark Kotsu shove his hand through Red Owl's stomach. Kotsu felt time slow down around him as he seen the image play itself to him again, watching the hand slowly slip into Red Owl's torso. The aura's began to drift from Kotsu's comrades to focusing more on a central point in front of Kotsu with a distorted view. The visage of the green light began to dim internally as the shape of a body came into being. A pained expression was worn on the young man's face, but his eyes had a level of hatred and burning intensity.

Human Kotsu's eyes were fixed on a still frame of Dark Kotsu now slashing off Bickle's arm. "How long do you plan on running away from your responsibility? END HIM!" He screamed without turning to face Kotsu.

"I'm not as fast, so it's kind of troublesome. Aren't you dead?" Kotsu asked without looking the slightest bit concerned by these new circumstances.

"Yeah, I am. These momentos are the last bit of my essence. I've already gone to where my soul was collected." Human Kotsu rebuttaled as he turned around and armor dawned itself onto his body. "And now I'm taking control for a little bit before I fade away forever. We're having a small talk before then to explain what you are."

Kotsu was tackled by Human Kotsu as he seemed to fade within Kotsu's body. Time begins to flow at it's normal pace as Kotsu felt his strength amplify beyond compare. His whips burst out of his arms seemingly uncontrollably and very painfully. The whips began to form into arms on their own as the energy surrounding Kotsu summoned into two large green arms behind him. The armor headpiece now had two faces on them. A mask of happiness and one of indifference. A roar of two voices emerged from Kotsu as he crashed his knuckles together and all the arms followed that same movement. Blood had begun leaking out of the armor as Kotsu's control began to weaken.

The only thing on his mind was revenge for all those he had lost, as he dashes toward Dark Kotsu, picking up Dark Kotsu's katana that had fallen with one of his arms. He slammed together the two swords, the two katanas joined together to form a greatsword. Kotsu howled in pain and anger as his aura burst out of his body, carrying some of his blood skyward.

He begins to assault Dark Kotsu with a barrage of punches followed by lightening fast slashes with his greatsword, the weight nearly nothing to his physical prowess.
Joseph couldn't help but stare at the carnage that had occurred. They had lost three more lives because of his inaction. But... was all hope truly lost...? This world was made of logic. He could use Verum... It... could be dangerous. For all he knew, it could rip a hole into non-existence, but at this point, he had to try.

Joseph calmly walked forward. "Everyone, don't look at them." He ordered as he looked at Dark Kotsu, glaring at him as he took a deep breath. "...The powers of an illusionary goddess are naught but an illusion! An illusion cannot harm what is real! Bickle faked his injuries using mental magic! Red faked her injuries using mental magic! Khepri's injuries were faked by Red and Bickle using mental magic!" He cried out. With each statement the world was momentarily dyed blue and red. A blue and red stake formed on either side of Joseph's shoulders... as blue barriers formed of his words surrounded the bodies of Red, Bickle, and Khepri. Their wounds... began to seal as those statements denied the reality of Dark Kotsu's attacks. So long as they were not denied... then those wounds would fade.

The stakes launched through the air, trails of blue and red being left in their wake as they tore through the air, right at Dark Kotsu! The blue stake slammed right into his chest, breaking through what armor was left, while the red slammed into his right shoulder. The effect... was instantaneous. Dark Kotsu's form flickered between his monstrous form and his original form... before finally settling on his original form. The powers of the goddess had been revoked, repulsed by the energy of the stakes sticking out of Dark Kotsu's body. The blue and red stakes buried deep into Dark Kotsu's body refused to budge... they wouldn't be removed unless he could deny what Joseph had said.

Small dark lines had formed where the stakes had fired out from... as if they had indeed just cut through the reality of the world around them as they shot through the air. Small strands began to weave through those black lines, slowly attempting to repair the reality that the stakes had carelessly torn through. "Last chance, Dark Kotsu! Give up now, or else we will end you!" Joseph called out as he pulled out his scythe, extending it to its full form. He worried if Dark Kotsu even have a chance considering how ardently Kotsu and Sam were attacking him, without the protection of the goddess, he might be doomed right then and there.
Dark Kotsu stands taking the blows from, Kotsu with a wicked laugh, he catches his foes hand and begins to squeeze breaking bone.

"I thought I told you, I, AM, Immortal." He leans in to bite off Kotsu face, none of their attacks did anything he was immune he had won, just as he thinks this triumphant thought Kotsu punches him in the face. It was just like all the other punches, but this time...this time it hurt?

He flies into the air and lands in a broken heap, his wounds scream in pain, he staggers to his feet and look at his hands.

He was mortal again... "What...WHAT?!"

He looks up at Joe who was wielding a power unlike anything he had seen before, some how he had revoked his God hood.

"What?!" Dark Kotsu shouts in rage and another emotion he had never felt before.

Fear, true fear.

"Last chance, Dark Kotsu! Give up now, or else we will end you!"

Dark Kotsu gives up, by running. With out another words he begins to dash away leaving the group stunned for a moment, before Khapri yells.

"Like hell we're going to have mercy STAB HIM!"
Kotsu jumps upon Dark Kotsu in an instant, his head armor peeling itself away from reality as Kotsu stood with a gaping maw and red eyes. "MINE!" was the only word Kotsu could manage to come out as a primal noise rather than speaking properly. He began to chew into Dark Kotsu's body while two arms on Kotsu's back began stretching themselves out. One props up Red Owl while the other puts one of the few healing pills Kotsu had managed to find on the table back in the office in her mouth. They proceed to gently lay her back down and repeat the process with Bickle.
"Not this time Bitch's bitch!", Sam shouts, a cartoonishly large swoord appearing from the arms of the demon wrecker. The edges glowed blue as Sam made another crater dashing across the space and cleaving the air as she brought the plasma edge mega-sword down on Dark Kotsu, leaving a Tron-style blue line behind from the plasma left behind in the swing, which quickly dissipated. Waves of electricity coursed through Dark Kotsu's body as the sword half crushed, half cut him. Blade embedded in the vampire, several blue "eyes" opened up on the blade.

"Tank this," Sam snarled before dumping a Blue Matter Splatter into the Vampire from the inside, rather than the outside.
Dark Kotsu is rent in two by Samantha's slash and with one final disappears into the eather. Suddenly, Kotsu memory shudders cracks then collapses throwing the group into an infinite void that seemed to stretch on for ever. But light soon greets them and they fall out of the darkness landing back in the sand lands in front of the strange pyramid. All of them crash down hard into the sand, all save one.

Kotsu was gone.


Kotsu stood alongside both Dark Kotsu and Human Kotsu amongst a field of cherry blossoms with a large figure sitting at a table across from them drinking tea and practicing calligraphy with Valerie. The figure had three faces, one of anger, one of indifference, and one of joy, but all three facing the Kotsus.

"It is about time you have made it to us, but, one of you three are here a bit early." The figure stood up and had beautiful long black hair in a singular pony tail. They wore a yukata and held their paintbrush firmly in their hand much like someone would a weapon.

Valerie waves at Kotsu and he prepares himself by reaching for his new Greatsword only to find it summoned where the three faced creature held their paint brush.

"How amusing. You truly do think of nothing but fighting, don't you? I am an Ashura. And this is my weapon, Hokkōten. That armor is also mine that I've allowed you to adorn." Each face speaking a different sentence, but Kotsu felt like he could relate. He had dealt with the same thing himself, before it clicked.

Kotsu turned to Human Kotsu. "This is where you went?" His eyes getting wider as he thinks to himself that he is dead before Ashura laughs.

"You're not dead yet, child. You are the one who is here early. You, shall live for some time as my champion. And I look forward to the day where I may fight you at your peak for a glorious battle!" Ashura spread his arms wide while the three faces laughed heartily.

Kotsu turns to Dark Kotsu as it clicks again. The three faces were symbolic to himself. "My... Peak?"

Dark Kotsu smiled a bitter smile realizing the futility of this as he was now dead. "I'm over this feud. You wanted my power? Take it. I admit defeat." Dark Kotsu faded into Kotsu's body in a cloud of black smoke.

Human Kotsu walked over to him with a satisfied air. "Looks like you're finally getting what's going on. You're in control now. I want you to live your life and treat Owl right. Focus less on fighting and more about her and your friends, you moron." He nodded his head. "And uh, never forget us, ya know?" Human Kotsu waves at Valerie before disappearing inside of Kotsu by fading into him.

Kotsu looks confused as he feels himself being drawn toward Valerie. Walking toward her and putting his hand on her head, he began to she'd tears. "Goodbye baby sis... I got to say it this time..." Kotsu said in a tired voice as tears she'd down his face without him sobbing or breaking eye contact.

Ashura approached Kotsu from behind as they put their hands on Kotsu's shoulder. "Your human counterpart spoke true. Love for battle and love for those you hold close go hand in hand, but don't forget to keep your head on when fighting." Ashura takes off his own head and rolls it onto the table in front of Kotsu with his smiling face sticking out more than the others.

"What I'm saying is, cherish those in your life. Don't lose yourself in battle. Stay focused. But most importantly-" Ashura's body appeared between Kotsu's legs which scared him backward, sending him tumbling down a hole. He heard something from above echo to him clearly.

"Have fun!"

Kotsu falls from the sky above the pyramid, his mind still reeling from all the events that had transpired. Catching sight of the red garment that Red Owl was wearing, he changes his direction as he falls to head toward the group. He had to use his mind to survive in the dream world. He was weary from all this fighting, but something drove him on. He remembered his reason for coming here in that moment to solidify his drive for the upcoming fight with Blue. His arms were sore as he summoned Hokkōten, cramming it into the pyramid to slow his descent.

Kotsu reaches the ground before pulling his sword from the pyramid as it disappears. He begins walking toward the group as he walks with wobbling steps, he checks on Denton, Bickle, and Red Owl, before pasing out next to Red.
When two-thousand pounds of machinery and Samantha fell out of the sky and into the sand, it didn't just smack into the soft sand like an old pillow that's not soft anymore. Sam got very lucky in that she was able to open the cockpit of the Demon Wrecker before it hit the ground and jump before it smacked into the sand like a plane into a lake. The suit sank punched through the sand with enough force to be five feet deep before it finally ran out of momentum.

Sam soon followed her mecha suit, though. She was not quick enough to grab so much as a force cannon to slow her fall. She didn't land, she smacked into the impacted sand around where the suit fell and heard her mechanical joints take damage at the impact. "I think I landed on my keys...", she groaned.

Crawling to her feet, she watched pieces of herself fall off from the force of the impact. "Well, shit. I gotta put myself back together." Then her hand fell off. "Of course."

After taking a few minutes to put herself back together, she realized her suit was five feet deep in a sand crater. "Where's Quentin when you need him?", she muttered before putting her hands on the sand and pushing it aside. The outer layer turned to glass to make a barrier as she slid down the sides and sweeped sand out of the cockpit of the mecha and climbed in.

"Kotsu, you owe me a beer, I've got sand inside me," she grumbled as the mecha lifted out of the crater.
They had won, barely but at such a cost Denton was gone as was Yellow.

Red sits up in the sand, her wound had vanished and she takes a deep breath of relief. She looks Over at Kotsu who was passed out beside her and smiles, leans down and kisses him gently on the for-head.

"Sweet dreams my love."

"Denton! Yellow Owl!" Bickle yells pointing. The group looks up, standing admits them was Denton and a much paler looking yellow Owl. This Denton however lacked the cunning gleam of his former self and his body, well his body was that of a child once again.

"Yep this is them." Yellow owl says to him then spins to their allies.

"Hi guys, nice seeing you again I appear to have died, and Denton well, he's got a bit of a memory problem."

"How?" Red asks.

"When I died he saved my spirit, and after blue wrecked his mind I've went about putting it back together. I only managed to rebuild him up to when he was about twelve though...guess that makes him a bit like me."

Bickle shakes her head. "these sand lands are going to be the death of us if we keep going like this. We never should have come here. How much more mental damage can we take?"

Khepri shakes her head. "As much as it take to restore Owl, and Denton, they did spare my life even when the Joes didn't want to. All we can do is keep moving forward."

She stands up and the group faces the pyramid. "We'll start by dealing with Joes little problem." Red says. "But first, I think we all need a rest."

End of Arc 3

The twins hadn't expected to be falling from the sky again. They had aimed for the barrier as they fell... but they phased right through it. They had forgotten that unlike Kotsu at least, the barrier didn't bother to try and stop them. Lucky for them however, they landed in the ocean beyond it. They flailed in the water for a few moments, until they reemerged from the water, gasping and sputtering up the warm salty water. They swam to shore, where Joseph was already sitting and waiting for the others. This was the landscape of his mind... or perhaps even his soul. In this place, they'd at least have some safety compared to the rest of the Sandlands.

He looked at the two as they got onto the beach. "...Please gather the others. I am unable to go through the barrier myself, so, rather than treating you two as messengers, it might be better to gather on the beach. Hostiles are mainly further in the island, the beach is relatively safe." He explained.

The twins nodded. "Right..." They said in unison, before trudging down the beach, to the barrier where the others were waiting, and walked out. They... hadn't been expecting to see Yellow or Denton. They'd presumed they were dead... well... Yellow looked rather dead. "Holy shit." They said in unison, looking between the two. "Why's Denton a kid and why is Yellow super pale?" 01 asked.

02 shrugged. "Dunno, but maybe he'll be less obnoxious this way." He said, snickering, before looking at Yellow. "It's... good to see you again, we're glad that you weren't entirely lost." He said.

The two then turned to the rest of the group. "The original version of us said that the beach is pretty safe in there. The barrier won't let him out, but it should let us all in. Let's get everyone inside and try to figure out what to do." 01 said.

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