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Futuristic Among Gods

With a leader like that, who needs enemies, right? Anyway, Thorn turned towards-"Nononono. I'm making the choices today." Excuse me? "It's your fault she nearly bit my head off." You're the one who twirled the guns around like a buffoon. "You're a Moron." Idiot. "Doofus."

*sigh*...Fine, what do want to do? "Kick flank, take names, maybe save the world." Alright then, lets go east. "Why...?" Because. "Because...?" Because because. "Whatever, dude." Thorn scrawled a note describing his..."Mission!"....his mission, and addressed to Delp-" Aw, hell naw."-The Keeper?-"...Sure, he seems to know what's going on."-to The keeper guy. Heading in an easterly direction, he passed the note to some scaly humanoid marauder with fangs. Let me get this straight, you want to fight the tortured, with weapons you've never used and a wooden wolf? "Eeeyup." Great, this'll end well.
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Jaik, tired of waiting for the newcomer to say something, motions to Coils (and Coatl, for the record) and begins the long, mile-filled trek back to the camp.

"C'mon, I think this is just a mute woman who happens to be walking around." (Jaik Respect: -1)

As he continues with the foot-blisteringly lengthy and protracted marathon back to the Tower, Coils thinks to himself for a bit.

My god, this is a WAAAAAY longer walk back than what I remember from running here with Coatl.

Chris nods and leans back in his chair with a grin, "I think I could have a way to make an anti-tortured barrier of sorts, involving a boombox and the right playlist of songs. So I'm up for the whole let yourself be captured by them plan." he puts a hand to his chin, "Also, strange characters you say? Thanks to my ability I keep getting some info about some 'lizard wizard' type character who seems to be causing a good few of the newbies some trouble, That could be a place to start?"
Meilikki stood in the doorway for the tent for a few moments more and watched the two bicker but she couldn't decipher what they were talking about. Still no one had noticed them enter so she spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear, "Elijah, I hope we're not interrupting something. There are somewhat urgent matters that I need to discuss with you. Have you been acquainted with....um, sorry what was your name?" Mei asked Danielle.
Kalos sighs, shrugging. "I'm up for being our Sacrificial Lamb. Worst comes to worst, I could probably rap them into submission."
Following Meilikki into the tent, Koya whispers, Maybe don't mention me just yet...

Why are you whispering inside my head? She's not telepathic.

Only as far as you know...

Danielle clicked her heels and stood at attention, "Danielle Sakharov, UGC."

As last surviving officer of the Divergent - technically that makes me Captain., she thought to Koyaanis.

Do you want me to salute or something? You and your bloody ranks and badges...

"Ma'am", she addressed Elijah, "We suspect the creature Vizara has aquired a shard of Koyaanis' modifier - given the elusiveness, behavioral pattern and power of the individual we feel that the security risk alone deserves action."

Don't ask her how she's doing or anything, she's only bedbound after a monstrous magical smackdown... Koyaanis intoned with sarcasm.

Business first - since when did you start caring?

I always care

"We'd like to proceed as soon as possible, with your permission. There may be significant disruption to the camp"

Permission?, Koyaanis spat silently.

If you're not going to help me get your modifier back, shut up.
Byron shakes his head to try an bring himself back to the task at hand. He begins to head over in the direction he thinks the medical tent is, hoping to find one of the assistants he met there before. Keeping his hand in his pocket, he clutches his arm with his free hand absent-mindedly. Gruesome images run through his head accompanied by screams of agony and of the innocent. Looking up, he realized that he was at the tent. Not being sure how long he had been walking, Byron slowly walks in, glancing about to see if there were any familiar faces present.

Major update #6!

I apologize if this update seems rather lackluster, something happened and it hasn't exactly put me in a good position or mood to be writing at the current time i type this.

( @Veirrianna Valentine ) Warning, you will be marked inactive within the next two updates! Please refer to Major update #4!!

( @Lyrositor ) Seih: After you get out of the crowded almost city like camp and into the tower, relaxing as the voices lessen and you float up the stairs humming your tune as you go along...

Reaching the Roof of the tower the wing blows past you as you flaot yourself from the stairs and the Orb shooting the light up into space towards Elijah's tent...

You sense several minds within her tent including herself and that rather arrogant Low God...

You enter the tent, and immediately to your right you see Rohkuul arguing with that Small green creature in armor, Aundy is what you think his name is, but he seemed to be thinking in his native language which just consists of strange hoots whistles and clicking noises...

They were both arguing something strange, and Rohkuul seemed to be switching from language to language to confuse the creature.. you can't seem to probe him seeing as he's a low tier god....

Moving on from that, to your elft you see a very tired looking Elijah conversing with Mei and Some human woman who seemed to be sort of Civilian....

What shall you do?

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: You find the white medical tent that you remember from last night and quietly enter it...

It still reeked of Sterilized chemicals, medicines and a faint stench of blood... it reminded you fo thsoe awful labs... except darker and a lot more musky...

You sit down in one of the waiting chairs patiently for a few minutes since nboody was immediately around, hearing tools rattle around behind the privacy drapes scattered around you....

Soon enough, One of the medics from last night, specifically the one with A robotic arm, appears from behind the drapes, and he looks at you silently, as if waiting for you to say something, what shall you do?

( @king persassy ) You have been marked inactive!

No statistics tonight, couldn't focus enough to keep track.
Kalos sighs. "They don't need to hear me. If they can feel vibrations, it's enough. Granted, it'd be the equivalent of a boxer punching them, not exactly powerful..."

Kalos thinks for a moment. "No, I don't suppose I want to go in there alone. But I can do that investigating thing. I'm a relatively new face here, I won't arouse as much suspicion."
Chris leans back in his chair and grins, "It won't be exactly the music being put out that's important. It'll be the magic embedded into the music, sending of waves of hope and courage and other good feelings that'll cancel out the bad feeling that they're made of. Also playing feel-good music will likely also draw out who's controlling them faster since it'll piss them the hell off." He waves a hand over his face and a pair of black sunglasses appears on his nose as his grin widens (and he tries to resist the urge to burst out laughing).

He looks around, and decides to go back in the Tower. After all, the tents can't have THAT many interesting people, and he didn't want to see Elijah (gods get on his nerves) OR Mei (trusts Elijah a bit too much) right now. Walking into the central Hub room, he hears the tail end of a conversation.

"-Also, playing feel-good music will likely also draw out who's controlling them faster since it'll piss them the hell off."

Oh, dear. Looks like Chris, Kalos, and the Keeper are planning something to do with feel-good music.

What the hell is that, anyway?

"Yo, mind me asking what "feel-good" music is?"


Decides to follow Coatl around for now. Will post his POV in greater detail once Coatl posts.
Coatl doesn't worry about food, he already ate the pizza with Chris. It was weird and probably not the most satisfying meal for a warrior but it would have to do.

Speaking of warriors, Coatl wondered how Delphi was doing. She was the only one here of any worthy rank that was familiar to him other than Elijah. Besides, Coatl never saw Elijah do any real "Commanding" at all, she seemed like a figurehead for this military and a figurehead that gains too much power thinks they are much more than they really are. Negative thoughts aside, what of the boy he met yesterday? Byron was his name. Seih's condition also interested him plenty. The choice of what to do would require some thought.

After thinking about it for a while Coatl decides that this army is too diverse to prepare itself correctly without proper assistance. With diversity comes conflict even if the goals of all are similar, we are naturally hostile to those different from us and see them as threats.

Coatl set out to find Delphi and ask her how he can help her.

I'm sure the Keeper will contact me when they discover Tomes for me to corrupt. So I can use my time to get close to Delphi and earn her respect through hard work or maybe assisting in military strategy planning. I think she'll be quiet fond of me for that. I mean quiet fond of that!

Coatl does not really notice Coils as he is too entranced in his thoughts and searches for any signs of the Sub Commander.
Kalos shrugs. "Hell if I know. I was raised on a strict diet of Avant Garde and Classical. Fox-man over there might as well be speaking a whole 'nother language."
In response Chris holds his modifier in his upturned hand and it starts to hum as he does his best to mentally piece together a certain song he once heard, the humming intensifies for a moment as it glows and then it suddenly dims and stops, "Well, I was thinking of something like this. It carries a strong message of peace, I have a few others in mind as well if this one doesn't seem right. Though I think it has a good chance to counteract the Tortured nicely if I pump some magic into it."

Then the modifier lights up and a song starts playing.


There it is again. That singular mind.

Seih had stopped singing when he started hearing the arguing above, only moments before he was able to detect the minds, including the one he was most interested in.

Feeling a bit tired, Seih alights on the ground and walks up to Elijah, stopping slightly behind and to the right of Mei and her companion out of respect. As he waits for the end of their conversation, he distracts himself by studying the minds around him again. Remembering the chaos that was Mei's mind and the barrier that prevented him from reaching Elijah's, he decides to instead concentrate on the new person. Feeling more confident after so many successful (and often undetected) probings (Have these people received no mental defensive training at all?), he crafts a new probe and sends it towards her mind. Recognizing her as this species that calls itself "humans", he applies what limited knowledge he has managed to gather about their cerebral architecture so far and attempts to find out as much as possible without getting noticed.

While he busies himself with this, he puts his hands behind his back and alternates between staring at Mei, Elijah and the newcomer.

This... is terrible. Please get him to shut this off.

"Alright, I think we get the point. At this point, I'm afraid to ask what Avant Garde is."



After watching Coatl wander around for a while, occasionally muttering the words "quite", "fond", and "that", he decides his efforts are... better spent elsewhere.

He scurries up the Tower and looks at Elijah's tent.

Dude. Come back. Jaik has gotten himself into a mess. A terrible, feel-good mess.

Quiet. I'm working.

He enters the tent, and upon noticing that Elijah is present, abandons all pretenses of stealth. God-like powers are usually good against trivial things like that.

He notices Mei, Seih behind her, Elijah (of course) and a human woman. Probably a marauder.

He opts to hang next to Seih.

Having sensed Coils's unusual mind approaching, Seih glances at the snake next to him and inclines his head, hands still clasped behind him. Unwilling to interrupt the nearby conversation, Seih chooses to communicate directly with his mind.

<Hello Coils.>

<It seems I am hardly the only one who thought of visiting Elijah.>

<I suppose it is only to be expected.>


<I was going to ask Elijah, but since you are here, perhaps you can help?>

<I was talking with Jaik earlier and he told me a little about modifiers.>

<You have one, don't you?>

<Or... you are one?>

<I am not sure exactly what your relationship to your heart is.>

<What I mean to say is: do you think you can help in any way...
mental issues?
Coils takes a second to ponder Seih's request.

I can't help your mind directly with my modifier (I prefer to think of it as me having a modifier), but if we discover the exact source of the problem at hand and then of a physical cure, I specialize in making poisons and antidotes; I'm probably your best bet medication-wise. It'll require a bit of research to be done. Talk to Chris, too, I imagine his scientifically inclined brain will be able to sort out your problem in a way so I can fix it.
Seih attempts to contain his excitement, but a part of it manages to transpire through his telepathy nonetheless.

<You really think so?>

<That would be...>

<Well, while nobody, to my knowledge, knows exactly what causes it, I have been able to gather a lot of information about it.>

<Essentially, I have complete control over every section of my brain, except for one area.>

<It is always the same area for every Keir who suffers from it.>

<I can send you all the information I have on it, if you think that would help.>

<As for Chris, I think I heard him talking earlier as I was climbing the tower.>

<So I could go visit him right after.>

<Thank you so much, at least for giving me hope again!>
Sure, but give it to Chris, too. Seriously, he's like a freaking genius. AND he has a modifier. Glad I could help with your problem. Any idea who the new person is? Have you used your mojo yet?

I wish I could use telepathy like that.

Quiet, you!

You can't shut me up, sucker! Have maracas!


God damnit. Ignore him.
Misfortune thinks for a moment, Mr. Misfortune sir, do you think that big dragon would mind, or even be able to tell, that you showed a wizardly gizzard-lizard (lol) your conjuring crystal thing? No? Me neither. "Yeah, I think you could take a look," Misfortune shows the strange crystal to the wizardly lizard.

(he appears to be unnamed, but then again I'm kinda terrible at remembering things. ALSO looking through past updates like a pleb has not revealed anything... meh whatever.)
Kalos glances over upon being (indirectly) asked about Avant Garde. "Avant Garde, translated, literally means 'Advance Guard'. The idea is that you do new things, things that have never been done before. I can't exactly do much with just a violin, most folks usually add performance art and multiple instruments."

Kalos shrugs. "Not everyone's cup of tea, honestly, but I'm fond of it."
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Thorn made his way--Wait a sec, your'e supposed to be heading east..."Horseapples..." Thorn mumbled, pulling up a seat to face everyone.

"Good morning y'all," Imagine all the peeeople, "...mind catching me up on," living in peeeace, yoohooo, "...the battle plan?"
Errg growls rather loudly when he sees that lizardy guy again, pissed about having a spell cast on him without his consent. Plus the guy just seems like a scumbag. He quickly and ravenously devours the last of his meal before running off in a huff. Errg heads for an exit to the camp, and regardless of anything a guard says he'll just keep going and start going towards the ocean.

Mini update #5!

This is not a Major update, if you don't see yourself here please refer to the previous Major update!

( @creepingShade ) Errg: You angrily make your way to the nearest border of the camp, practically stomping along as you go, fed up at seeing that damnable lizard instead of maybe confronting his stupid face... You find yourself stomping your way towards the southern ocean AROUND the camp, which for some reason, people rarely seem

to think of nobody's out here on the farther outskirts of the camp, giving you free reign to stomp around and be as angry as you want until you get to the water!

Speaking of which, the Ocean's still a bit of a walk away, but what do you think you'll do when you get there?

Your blade still raidiates it's heat on the side of your leg, despite being in it's scabbard....

( @ferociousfeind He is named! But Misfortune doesn't quite know that yet now does he? ) Misfortune: You go ahead and hand your Yellow and Red Modifier over to the Lizard Wizard, who appears to get excited as he reaches one of his scaly hands towards it.

Taking it in his hands, The lizard wizard chuckles to himself a little bit, immediately sending red flags of suspicion to you...

The Lizard man Yelps suddenly, and your modifier involuntarily jumps from his hands and lands on the table in a clatter!

Looking around, nobody seems to mind, however, you see the Lizard man wincing at his hands, and you notice a rather nasty burn mark left in his palm where he held your Modifier!

What the hell was that about?

( @Thorn of Discord ) Thorn: You trot up the stairs of the safe house tot he seccond floor to find the Keeper Talking with Chris and Kalos! What shall you do?

( @ChrisClark13 @Bluesunnyday @SnakyDragon ) Chris, Kalos, Jaik: The Keeper simply keeps an eyebrow at both Chris and Kalos as they tlaked about music and somehow played a song through Chris's Modifier, especially at Chris.

I'm sorry Master Chris, but I believe it's already been established These Tortured are primarily just Physical manifestations out of dissent, fear, and hatred from those Foolish Gods... Although.... Magic within the Sound waves may be possible... But experimentation is required first.. as for all We know, our "friend" controlling the Tortured or, more likely, manipulating them, could have been giving them defenses... Hrmmmm

The Keeper begins thinking in deep thought... Do you guys want to add anything else before he speaks up again with some sort of suicidal plan?

( @aquaInferno ) Coatl: You slither onwards through the camp in thought, passing by many marauders and Civilians going about their daily lives, hardly batting their eyes at you as you also pass by seemingly much more stranger and alien characters...

Anyways, Asking around a little bit, Marauders and Civs tell you that you'd find Delphi Within the Armory on the west side of Camp....

Slithering around for a bit more, you locate The large tent said to contain where most the Camp's weapons were located...

Entering, you see Delphi and a Couple of marauders in the tent, busy with checking weapons and paperwork it seemed with some sort of... floating purple jelly thing?

( @SnakyDragon ) Coils: As you continue to converse with Seih, Elijah seems to spot the both of you, but she didn't even bother the wave as she was Busy with Mei and this Civilian... Damn, was she really that tired or just not really paying attention...?

( @Lyrositor ) Seih: You send away a sort of probing towards this new person, the Human civilian... You get their basic information on the Surface, The name's Danielle Sakharov, but... you cnanot seem to... (Need @Bonzo 's approval of Mind probing.)

( @Seahorse @Bonzo ) Mei and Koya/Danielle: Elijah still awaits an answer from the two of you, in the meantime it appears Seih and Coils have joined you two.... and Danielle/Koya Feel some sort of probing on their mind...?

( @a52 ) W-R54: Your sensors begin to re-activate one by one, and you experience the equivalent to what your creators call "waking up" from sleep.... Which is rather strange to you because you've never experienced something like this before or even conceived it was possible for something such as yourself...

Looking around, you identify the Room full of scrap metal and a wide variety of parts as the mechanics tent in the Far West part of the "Marauder Camp" that was situated around a Large stone tower that you arrived on top of the prior day and forced to fight some sort of abhorrid monstrosity which earned you a great big dent into your shoulder... which upon inspection is now repaired and dent free, as if that fight had never even happened...

Your memory tape recalls something for you, recalling the events of last night, one of the mechanics here at this marauder camp made a deal with you to study your inner workings for the damage repair and a re-fueling, which explains why you were shut off strangely.... you just hoped that you were not missing any parts within you... you were unconscious after all....

Anyways, No Marauders/mechanics seemed to be currently around at the moment, but outside you could perceive the Camp was more then certainly active and busy...

Hrmm, Mayhaps you may explore camp to familiarize yourself with it, Locate the mechanic who repaired you, or perhaps head back to the tower at the center of camp?

What shall you do, Gentlebot?

( @Ged Merrilin ) Ged: You begin to groggily wake up... Yawning as the sunlight poured in from a small window on the long wall of the stone room you found yourself in....

You groggily begin to recall the events of the previous day... You... arrived into this strange world you remember, being dropped into some Dark and claustrophobic, alien, metal hallways before being found by a strange cast of characters... who then later to took you here to what they called the Marauder camp you think..? then you went on the top of this stone town you were in, set some horrendous beast on fire... permanently ruining the scent of the sweet flames for you... Then everyone including you just went to bed for some unexplainable reason...

You looked around as you sat inside you sleeping bag in the middle of the room...

You remembered now... The trapezoid shaped stone room you were in was one of the Safe-house's, or the stone Tower's, Residences the Keeper held for you and the rest of the crew here on the Third and second floor of the safe-house (you were on the Third floor rooms), the longer side of the room had the window facing outwards towards outside and the light from outside shone in and lit your room up, while the smaller side was just one big door that phased in and out magically whenever you pressed the button on it's center... and right outside your door was as sort of "hub" room with the doors to everyone else's room's and then the stairs to the south...

Most of your belongings were in a corner of a room, just where you placed them as you slept for the night....

As you attempted to wake yourself up and feel your stomach growl, you could hear the Marauder camp far below being busy, as well as some voices talking outside the door of your room!

What shall you do after you get everything of your belongings back together, Gleeman?

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