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Futuristic Among Gods

Kalos sighs. This is all going to hell and back... He begins moving, weaving through attacks with surprising ease, playing swift notes that slash at necks and limbs, attempting to kill or at least incapacitate as many of the undead as he can.


Maya frowns, twirling the cylinder again until it stops on a dull, deep brown light. She launches a barrage of shots at the ground and at the beast's tentacles, hands of dirt and mud reaching for the god's assorted limbs.
When Roy realizes his dose of Kamikaze had run out, the first thing he does is reach into his duffel bag with one hand and flick up the visor on his helmet with the other. He quickly takes the inhaler, eyes open and ready to dodge. He's disoriented for only a moment as his perception is jarred from normal speed to seeing everything in slow motion, blinking twice before dropping the single-use inhaler. He'd have to check how many doses he had left later. His hands fly up to catch his pistols after he flips down the visor again, fumbling only slightly with the spring-propelled catch before leveling the shock-round filled pistols at the deities. "Too bad for you that rock is actually sort of conductive." He spat out before firing three rounds at each one's torso.
With the Goat Demon God out of the picture and the nearby Laser Knight God being handled by Marcus and 5 others (Chris, Misfortune, and the 3 friendly NPC's), Alexander was able to take stock of his surroundings and being repairing his destroyed Dynamo Units. He activated his aura's Yellow Fire element, a weak but noticeable circle of yellow aura radiating outward from the point of impact and highlighting the broken fragments of the two destroyed Dynamo Units. Manipulating the aura wave so that it dragged the broken pieces back to Alexander and surrounding them with the other four still working Dynamos, each one forming up at the point of an invisible pyramid, he begins repairing his Dynamo units, the two larger ones forming up behind him again from where he had left them in this fight. Without the energy for his larger Dynamos to function properly he didn't know what to do with them. Magic was different here and there were beings that, by nature of who and what they were, could absorb both magic and aura without it affecting them. This led to some very interesting and troubling questions-- questions that needed answering.

Major update #20!

Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!!!

(Or whatever other holiday you may celebrate!)

Edit: On a side note, I also HIGHLY encourage you all to post ASAP, in order to reduce stress on me and bring about more updates for you guys!


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 @creepingShade @arcaneSentinel @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik, Izhane, Byron, Marcus, Alexander and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

Izhane: You have to let some of the potions cool before you could hand them to people, since they seemed to almost be BOILING from the godfire that was blasted on you earlier... but after handing some out to Seih and Thorn, you only appear to have two left in the charred satchel... A lot of the potions inside it remain intact, but it's possible a great many of their properties were changed when they started to boil inside of bag, you'd probably have to go through each vial and bottle individually later to make sure they weren't either extremely dangerous or had their properties changed from the heat...

Looking around, you could see the human, Danielle you think her name was, already getting to work on providing some basic care to Vizara, they seemed fine enough themselves as she patched the poor lizard up as best as she could with that tiny medical satchel she had and using some of her clothing as bandages...

In all honesty, you felt pretty damn shitty too, considering this awful, painful, burning sensation acrossed nearly your entire body... Hell, now that you look closer, your own skin was starting to show inflammation!

That single blast of fire almost felt like you took a quick 5 second trip onto the surface of a star it felt like... (In fact, God-fire probably is at least the heat of several stars if not one!)

You do have at least two remaining health pots on you after handing one out to Thorn and one to Seih... It was unfortunate resources were scarce here in this world they so appropriately dubbed "Paradice" for some reason. (You think it was some cruel joke from either the Sub-Commander or Supreme commander, but they say thats what those strange, small and furry natives actually called this place...)

Even with the Supreme commander's help, you aren't sure if these allied gods would be able to help get what you needed either, and these would probably be the last ones you'll have on hand for quite awhile in all honesty...

Would it be better to save these potions for now and live off of lengthy, gross and simplistic salves/ointments, or should you perhaps relieve Vizara of some of his already destroyed looking body?

Thorn: You're beginning to feel yourself heal up a little bit with every small swig of the one, red and strawberry tasting potion that Izhane handed to him, the pain was still there even with Seih's assistance of turning off some of your pain receptors, but it was slowly getting easier to breath and limp around...

Wait... Ribs don't grow back... do they?

Byron: You yourself feel really really damn fatigued, especially after barely surviving that damn onslaught from that blue dragon god earlier that went right through your Diamond ice somehow... Looking at your forearms, they were certainly all scratched up and felt like they were lain out and smashed by several jack-hammers... but otherwise you think you're kind of okay... Maybe this Izhane guy has something that could get you back up to speed...?

But then again.. considering your past with drugs... You feel a bit of a paranoia overcome you... but it seems like the Salamander could be trusted here in this world that was not your own...?

Seih: Taking a small sip of the rather thick, but at least pleasantly cherry/strawberry tasting liquid, (you couldn't quite make out the flavor besides just "RED", oddly enough...) You do feel a slight increase/at least balancing within your body as it travels through your system... it's likely you'd have to drink more... like the Salamander who just gave this to you said, it definitely won't bring you back up to 100%, but it'll at least help counter the chemical overdose of your own little vial...

Danielle and Koya: Despite the almost deadly feeling headache you both felt, you're able to hobble over to the fallen lizard wizard... looking him up and down, he had several bullet wounds caused by you, there appeared to be strange scarring here and there, no doubt from the God that possessed him most likely, and otherwise just a few slashes and bleeding cuts here and there as well as you assume there to be internally bleeding and immense over-stress of his entire body and mind especially...

Looking around, you recognize the salamander nearby, you kiiiiiiiind of remember him, was his name Ease-hayne or soemthing like that? All you know is he worked in medical or something... maybe he'll have something to help Vizara out here?

(In a smaller summary:

Thorn is healing gradually with potion with bruises and internal injuries.

Izhane is suffering 1st-2nd degree burns, primarily on the front of his body.

Byron is more or less heavily fatigued and scratched up heavily on his arms.

Seih's felt a minor increase in his health, but still suffering quite a lot.

Danielle/Koya and mentally and spiritually exhausted.

Vizara is seriously and almost fatally injured.)

What shall the four (5?) of you do?

Jaik and Coils: The two of you immediately begin following up the Ninja, firing off at least two quick crossbow bolts before throwing the actual crossbow with it!

As expected, the ninja dodges the two bolts with ease, and unfortunately, all slices your other crossbow right in half! (Seriously, what were you expecting?)

But fortunately, it serves as a good distraction, and you're both able to pounce upon the ninja! tumbling around on top of him as you both roll on the grass, trying to gouge out eachother's throats with your weapons!

However, the Ninja's able to catch your wrist before you can plunge the kukri down into him as Coils holds down the tonfa....

Looking the ninja directly int he face you suddenly notice his form is beginning to dissipate and start fading away... he was escaping!!!

"We Will meet again, Warrior..."

He hisses through his mask in a deep, echo-y voice... and you fall right through his form as he escapes upwards into the sky... Leaving you staring down at the soft grass underneath you....

Two crossbows destroyed, and a torn up cloak... but at least it seems Coils has sapped some energy out of the god during the fight... which you note to yourself was a pretty exciting and well fought fight...

Sitting up and looking around, you could see everything in this group you were in [Group A], everything was begging to wrap up it seems... (read around everyone else in group a to see what's going on!!)

Misfortune, Chris, and Marcus: Each of you start your different attacks towards the Laser knight along with the three foot-soldiers!

unfortunately however, Chris is forced to miss both shots as the God Struggled against the three foot-soldiers trying to beat it down, Misfortune's thrown knife merely jsut bounces against the Armor as the knight's too pre-occupied, and marcus could not get a clear drop or find a good weak-spot upon the god as it fought!

However, as the fight went on, the Laser knight kept on charging energy, none of you were sure if it was to either escape or create another devastating blast with the artifact inside of it's helm.

But your question is answered quickly as the laser knight lets loose another terrible beam, directly into the torso of one of the footsoldiers attacking it!

You're all forced to shield your eyes from the intensity of the beam as the poor footsoldier god is blasted and melted from the being!

As the beam dissipates and the laser knight begins charging it up again, you all see the afflicted God stumble backwards, his entire chest seeming to have been melted away before the fall to the ground with a sad, and almost deathly drop to the ground...

Their form begins dissipating into energy that begins heading towards the Laser knight himself, allowing him to begin charging up another laser or escape spell as he kept trying to defend himself from the two other footsoldiers, who both now fought more furiously then ever for their fallen brethren!!

The laser knight manages to fling off both foot-soldiers with the side of his large lance and the great tower shield he wielded...

Marcus and Misfortune both however see an opportunity with the Knight's exposed back, and the both of you immediately jump upon the knight! Your weapons unfortunately cannot do much against it's invincible armor, but you are both able to distract them!

Immediately, the knight is forced to drop both his shield and lance to immediately grab for the both of you!

Grabbing Misfortune by the leg and Marcus by the arm, with a an almost newfound strength, the knight immediately pulls you both upwards and -SLAMS- the both of you into the ground with a heavy -THUD!-

The Knight turns to go pick up both his lance and shield, not bothering to even look at the two of you...


Chris is able to aim the last shot he has, even with his vision going in and out inconsistently, he is able to see for just a momment, and -BAM-

Instantaneously, the visor of the God shatters as the bullet hits the top of the helm!

Forcing the god to flinch and immediately drop to their knees, hiding the exposed orb within it's helm!

Capitalizing upon this, the two Foot-soldier gods immediately spring to action!

One of them pouncing upon the god again, trying to wrestle the arm away from guarding the orb as the other immediately pulls both Marcus and Misfortune out of the danger zone.

"Good work mortals, but let us handle this now!"

He says to the both of you after dragging you both out for a couple of feet away from the Laser Knight!

However, as the other foot-soldier keeps attacking, The laser's knight form seems to be generating energy once again, however instead of suddenly letting loose another devastating, his form immediately begins dissipating, and escaping away with a beam upwards into the sky, having been forced to escape!

The tension and the adrenaline soon settles down... and Most everyone seems to have finished their fights....

(Chris has sustained severe head injuries, vision blurring and so on.

Misfortune has strained himself greatly and was slammed once into the ground, minor injuries.

Marcus has been slammed on twice from two different fights, minor injuries.)

Alexander: Upon summoning the Aura, you immediately notice a severe lag and sluggishness to retrieving the broken bits and pieces. (which you note, were pretty damn smashed, bent, and even some bits being irreparable even.)

Wondering what the hell was going on here, looking up the error reports again, it seems the engine's severe lack of energy still persists, the first level was still remotely nowhere from being filled, even your Aura in this realm seemed deeply diminished... This concerns you greatly as you also take note of the previous instability reports of the portals as well, the less Dynamos there seemed to be the more unstable they become, and could possibly even become deadly if anymore of these powerful beings destroyed anymore you hypothosize... (Especially when you see the Laser Knight nearby blast another one of those powerful beings into some sort of energy... Read Above in Chris, Marcus, and Misfortune.)

You sigh deeply as you take a look at the destroyed dynamos, even with your Aura, it seemed that getting the destroyed ones back to working order are going to require a lot more time then you are used to...

Maybe you could ask some of these people here trying to recover where the hell you were?

Mei: (You have not posted! please refer to the previous update!)


( @creepingShade ) Errg: After his triumphent call, you start cutting up what you can, sometimes the monstrosity twitches like some dead fish would, but it honestly doesn't bother you...

Making sure to slash off still probably functional limbs and cutting down the upper serpent head, you begin cutting down into the core spider like area of the immense beast...

The heat of your sword only cauterizing more flesh that makes it basically inedible, so you're forced to use your own claws and blades to carve out whatever meat that looked not-poisonous, piling most of it in a stack for later for you to heat with your sword later...

As you dig around the beast's insides though, you suddenly feel a shift with the entire Island itself!

Peeking outside of the beast's entrails, you could see the palm trees swaying and small wave encircling the island itself, leaving behind a small wake, as it seemed to be traveling!

Maybe something has changed in that stone underground area?

or you think you won't pay any mind and just start cooking your well earned (and very strangely tangy and salty tasting meat/blood) meal?


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Paradox Turtle ) Kalos, Maya, Adam, Coatl, Lupa, and Ged:

Coatl, Kalos, and Elijah:

As Kalos goes about doing his best to keep away the remaining undead, Coatl immediately grabs for his weapon, coiling himself, and springing upwards with sword in hand as it rips right through the God's robes!

Upon proudly landing to see the damage he caused, Coatl's unfortunately met with a long, boney staff being whipped right into his chest! Sending the Pharaoh immediately flying with a sharp pain acrossed his chest, directly into Kalos!

Both of you tumble at the force of the blow as you both get tangled up together on the ground!

Looking up however to Coatl's horror, the upward slice through the God seemed to do absolutely nothing as it looked angrily at the two of you while charging a spell....

However... The god made a fatal mistake, and the both of you could see the realization on in the skull's expression as it began to turn to see Elijah with a fist flying forward, sparking and charged with devastating red energy! Kinda like this actually--

Upon impact, a large hole is blown through the God's form!

Immediately a skeleton shots out of the dark and ominous clothing, impacting the ground and creating a small greater with the impact of Elijah's fist!

All sorts of dark purple energy poofs from everything except the Skeleton Elijah punched right out of the god, each speck of energy immediately being absorbed by Elijah's modifier!

Quickly, the portals created by the god shut as well, slicing a few undead in half!

Both Kalos and Coatl quickly untangle themselves as well, despite the pain from the impact, and the two of you have no trouble finishing off the rest of the undead!!

After the tension of of your guys's battle, it turns out the God is still alive as it attempts to scramble away from Elijah Who loomed over it now. Even though the skeleton was at least twice Elijah's size, it seemed to cower in fear from her trying to back away...

Elijah did not do anything, and gave the two of you a curious and confused look... She didn't seem to know what to do with the cowering skeleton it seemed like...

What shall the two of you do...?

(You are also available to help the others nearby whoa re also in group B now if you wish!)

Adam and Ged: Adam, after pressurizing what he could with the water that was on him, immediately shot the stream of water directly at the Barbarian who was going after your two allies!

The blast of water shoots right through the God Barbarian, a small, but steady stream of energy begins to leak out from the two newly created holes that were within him as Adam did his best to recover what water he could!

Immediately, the Barbarian flies into a rage as he turns his heels and starts charging towards the both of you instead now!

Axe raised he takes several swings downwards at Adam and Ged both, thankfully the two of you are barely nimble enough to not be instantly chopped in half by the large axe as he swings it wildly at the two of you!

Looking behind at the barbarian's companion, they look to be charging some sort of spell before suddenly teleporting away in an escape!

The barbarian's furious swings continue to almost graze and slice the both of you open! It felt as if each swing could slice apart an entire mountain!

The both of you can't keep dodging forever, but neither can he swing forever.... hopefully...

Your marauder companions are still reloading nearby, what shall the two of you do??

Maya: Turning to grave-soil shot, you immediately fire off a couple of rounds at the Glitching, extremely weird robot!

The bullets hitting the soil around the it's strange body, the dirt and soil shooting upwards attempting to grab the God, and only partially succeeding as it it distracts the god enough for Rohkuul to make a few clean slices at the other God, sending pixelated energy flying about as you kept shooting shoots at it to distract it!

However, it's body begins to violently convulse and split itself everywhere in attempt to dodge the opposing god's attacks! Seeming to be channeling some sort of energy up, probably to escape!

It's appearing to become far more difficult to hit and avoiding the ground you shoot at altogether and keeping it's "eyes" away from you!

What shall you do?

Lupa: After quickly putting your paws onto the warrior's sword, leaving a pitch black Aura upon the sword itself, and you immediately back off and let him once again engage the being of light!

Immediately after once slice there is an obvious effectiveness against the being of light as a small, black slash diminishes some of it's form upon contact!

Unfortunately however, the being seems to realize it's source and focuses upon you!

Immediately several beams of solid light are shot towards you!

Each one barely grazing your fur as you do your best to dodge around them as it also Dodges the assisting Aundrey's blade!

Unfortunately, as you dodge around, you suddenly feel an intense, painful beam shoot right through one of your front legs! Causing you to tumble and fall tot eh ground in pain, the searing heat of the light smoking through the tiny hole it made right through you!

Immediately the being begins charging towards you to avoid your assisting companion!

You can't tell what it's going to try to do, but you needed to do something and quick!

Almost anything to get away from the being as disregarded the other threat to it by going directly after you!

What shall you do?


( @hector212121 ) Roy: Immediately as you go for the drugs in your bag, both Gods lunge right at you, spear tips looking to pierce right through your armor as you're forced to to jump back with a stumble and accidentally drop the drug onto the grass as you pop up your pistols and fire three shots each!

The bullets connect and easily chip off tiny bits of the armor, however the shocking effects themselves merely only poof and spark off the rocky looking armor!

Shit! You think to yourself, These guys were giving you absolutely no time to even buff yourself as they split and circled around you, the one with yellow markings going around behind you as the one in green stays in front of you, tip of the spear illuminating it's energy!

Doing your best to avoid both the spears from behind and front, you unload a few more bullets towards the God in green to every place possible besides the torso, but even hitting the head only chips off tiny bits of stone armor and nothing else!

The two spear-men begin slashing at you front and back, your system lighting up with minor damage warnings as you feel some slices in your duffel bag from the back and receive some burning scratches into the front of your armor as the two attackers danced around you!

These guys seemed to be trying to intimidate you or fuck with you here, as they seemed to be trying to poke and prod for weaknesses instead of our-right killing you!

It really doesn't help that they're also slashing at your duffel bag either, likely spilling a few things you'd normally need probably, the assholes.

Shock rounds obviously won't seem to be working anytime soon either, and they're likely going to prevent you from switching ammo types!

What shall you do?

Time taken: Abooout 7 hours, didn't have any motivation or energy for this one and i was talking a tooon in the skype chat today

Total word count: around 3500 words

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah
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I wonder how it works, Seih asks himself as he finishes his sip of the liquid. The liquid begins to take effect, and as he starts to feel better, he lets himself hope that it will work. But just as quickly, it stops improving his condition, and he feels disappointed. I guess that means I just need to take more then. With one swift motion, Seih empties the entire bottle and waits. Soon enough, he does end up feeling a little bit better, but still not by much.

Frustrated, Seih hurls the bottle at the ground, where it shatters on a nearby rock. "Your potion is indeed insufficient," he tells Izhane. "I need something more."

Seih gets to his feet and starts to walk back towards the camp. He's about to ask someone to carry him to the camp when a better idea strikes him. He turns around and limps as quickly as he can to the unconscious body of Vizara, only to begin rifling through his pockets. After some time, he finds what he is looking for - the small, gem-like shards that had started everything. Pretending not to have found them, he continues to search Vizara, trying to discreetly pocket the shards as he does so. When they're all spread throughout several pockets beneath his coat, he gets back up and spots the gods who had come to help them. None too keen on further interactions with deities today, he resumes his walk back to the camp, ignoring the others around him. With his left hand, he fingers one shard of the modifier in his pocket, wondering how to unlock its power.
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Roy thinks fast. Say. Another world... wouldn't have comlinks*. And comlinks... have very loud speakers. At least, speakers that can GO very loud.

He mentally connects with one of his burner** comlinks and makes it unleash a hellish cacophony of high-pitched sound while he pulls his shotguns from their back-holsters hoping to throw the deities off guard. His ear protection had already deployed the moment he thought of it and of course told his suit to deploy it.

He points one at each and fires the spike on his boot into the ground before squeezing the trigger. In about 3 seconds, he unloads 20 rounds into each of the Low Gods before releasing the trigger, each shell-belt a fifth lighter and less lead-bearing.

*A super-advanced cell phone. In perms of sheer power, take a normal cell phone and multiply by Glados

**A extremely bottom-of-the-barrel comlink, still better than today's cell phones, used mainly when you need something that can't be traced back to you because you trash the comlink when you're done with it.
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Of course ribs grow back, don't be a baby. Thorn reluctantly sucked on his sponge, he never liked strawberries. He took a well earned seat on the ground and merely observed around him. Wizard-Lizard down!

Speaking of Vizara, Thorn spotted Seih grabbing something shiny from the guys pocket, and walk off. Thorn tailed his small friend, keeping an extra good distance from his probably alert mind.
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Jaik assesses the situation.

Mostly, his broken crossbow.

"Son of a bitch."

Noting the fact that it was cut cleanly in half, he presumes someone around here knows repair magic or the like in order to fix it. If they couldn't, he could make another one...


He picks up the two halves, and looks around, mostly for Coatl.

Instead, he spots Seih pocketing something veeeerry interesting from Vizara's body.

This guy really enjoys getting into the thick of things.

Jaik decides to pursue Seih, juggling around his head the possible reason for this latest endeavor. First, Seih is sneaking out of camp into a forest, and then he's stealing things from unconscious people???

Being a spy for an unknown party is a real possibility at this point.

With that thought in mind, Jaik decides to be on his guard for any mind-trickery this kid could have for him, if he even was a kid. Could be a god in disguise.

Coatl feels...sorry for the skeleton creature as he sees it cowering from Elijah. Something about it reminded him of his own past. The way the gods of his world tore up all of Iania through "natural" disasters, killing whatever got in the way just to root out Mezbet.

"It's likely a trick and if it is, Elijah and I can handle it. Kalos, if you would please, check which group is in the most peril and assist them?"

Well that felt weird. Asking rather than commanding...

Nonetheless, Coatl now comes up beside Elijah and brandishes his blade once more.

"This skeleton has cheated death once before. Even as a God, do you fear death? This question could be directed at either of you I suppose."

Coatl came between Elijah and the skeleton god in the manner an executioner would.

But then unexpectedly Coatl holds out his unarmed hand towards the god, to help it up should it choose to grab his hand.

"You are here because you want more power. If you side with us, you can have that. My world's gods damned me for inheriting powers similar to yours. I am sure a plethora of gods have done the same to you. I have not been damned here by these people. The giver of my powers, Mezbet, has vanished. I need a mentor. You can help me. We can improve together and do something right with our powers. If we do that, there will be no fear of death and what's to come."
You didn't mean that about leaving a casualty. Koyaanis states simply.

Not now the immediate threat is gone. First rule of emergency aid is to only act when it's safe.

Koyaanis grumbles and curses his splitting mindache.

Any special spirit medication in your kit?

I do... Danielle replies, taking out a 20ml vial of rakija and drinking it immediately. Koyaanis has a peculiar moment when Danielle doesn't choke on the caustic strength of the alcohol, but he feels someone ought to.

Did you make this out of paint stripper?

Please, the Divergence had a laboratory with a chemical printer.

Her head still with the resounding pain emanating from Koyaanis is only slightly numbed. She turns her attention back to the patient. Vizara will not recover with mere UGC sterigel and bandages, although his wounds are no longer bleeding thanks to coagulant.

That's one less thing that he is about to die of - we need to take him back to the camp. Danielle shouts for a stretcher, and regrets the volume immediately as the thumping in her head makes her eyes water.


'Izhane! Can you help me?' She says at a more reasonable volume.

Blinking her eyes open she sees Seih rifling through Vizara's coat. Her initial surprise is overcome with fury as the glint of a modifier shard disappears into his pockets. Before she can say anything he scurries away.

That little shit! What does he think he's doing?

Koyaanis is confused and tries to find the least incriminating reason for Seih's actions.

Dunno let me speak to him - he's alright. It's probably...

'Fuck that' Danielle spits out loud as she springs up after Seih, hand on the hilt of her stunstick.
Um, seih? Oh, Dark and Light. <Seih?>


<If you're hurting too, I can't do anything for you.>

<That's not - I mean I am but - Ah - did you take something from Viz?> Koyaanis sends, attempting to avoid accusing Seih directly. <Also look OUT>

Danielle storms up behind Seih and clamps a hand on his shoulder. "What exactly are you planning to do with that?"

Seih leaps back, turning as he does so. "Don't. Touch. Me." he hisses."And as for what I'm planning, I'm bringing it in so that it can be repaired. Do you have a problem with that?" His eyes narrow.

<See? It's ok-> begins Koyaanis uneasily, urging the stick back into the holster.

"Hand it over - it's not yours and you don't know how to." Danielle pointedly extends her off hand for the shard.

Seih backs away from her hand. "Am I supposed to believe it's yours then? What makes you so much more qualified to handle it than I?"

Danielle seethes but Koyaanis cuts in, <Well, it used to be mine. They can be dangerous when used by another, and that's a properly working whole mod...>

"What made you think you could just walk off with it? What are you really planning?"

<Dani that's not->


Seih grits his teeth. "I have told you the truth. I will not use it myself. But I only have Koyaanis' word that it used to belong to him. Assuming he isn't lying, who knows what would happen if a different host body attempted to use it? No, I am bringing it to the Keeper instead. If you don't trust me, you can follow me, so long as you keep your distance."

<That's reasonable, right?> appealing to Danielle, taking the opportunity to deescalate things.

"....Help us take Vizara back to the medical tent and then you can present it to the Keeper. Don't try to leave my sight until then." Danielle slides the stick back into its holster, but doesn't take her hand from it.

Koyaanis sighs, and tries to diffuse the hostility with a different tack: <Seih are you ok? You bore the brunt of that attack...>

"Who cares about the lizard? He caused all of this,Taking the opportunity to deescalate things" Seih mutters, but he follows Danielle, eyeing her weapon uneasily.

<Not really.>

<But I'll live.>

<I could do with some rest right now, though, so the sooner we get that idiot and those shards back, the better.>
Marcus felt himself be dragged by one of the knights after being thrown once more onto his back and did not protest when the knight said to leave it to them. "Fuck, being thrown on my back better not become a regular thing." Marcus then felt his ribs and noted a couple were bruised but not broken and he had multiple scratches across his arms and face from small pebbles in the dirt he watched the laser knight seemingly escape. Marcus's body felt like hell but with a little rest he would be back to normal again.
Viewing the reports from the battle that just ended, Alexander was surprised to note the instability in his portals when fewer Dynamos were used. The state of his Dynamos was also inconvenient. He could speed up the repair time by diverting the energy used for armor reparations to Dynamo reparations instead, but it would still take longer than usual. Fortunately all of his creations were done with nano-technology, so rejoining all the sections and replacing the damaged sections were as simple as nanite propagation via matter or energy consumption in concert with data for the areas that needed replacing, and redirecting the energy used for armor reparations to Dynamo reparations would help the process along.

After keying in the needed commands for energy diversion and detailed Dynamo repairs Alexander began walking over towards the others, only stopping by Marcus long enough to use a healing spell for his injuries. His Dynamos forming a hollow pyramid with hexagonal openings in the sides and rotating behind and to the left of him as the working Dynamos occupied themselves with the task of repairing the broken ones, Alexander quietly observed the others that had survived this battle. If he was not approached first, he would pick someone to question for information based on what he sees.
With the adrenaline gone, Misfortune realized why being a hero isn't just a "run-of-the-mill" thing, the pain was rather diminishing, as his thoughts began to be replaced with "how do I stop the pain?" Obviously he was going to be fine in a few hours, but maybe shrugging it off like in the movies was going to be harder than he thought. He tried his legs, and found a few sore ones. He looked around to asses the damage all around, it seemed most of the fighting was over... wait, why were they fighting again? Oh yeah, Mister Wizard Lizard with no Gizzard! Misfortune ran - no, sort of half-limped - towards that shady figure.
Chris groans as he tries to use his modifier to absorb as much divine/godly energy left over from the fight as possible. He tries walking around a bit as his focuses on his trying to make this absorption thing work.
Izhane sighs and slips away from Byron leaning on him. "You probably feel pretty shitty, but I don't think you're in critical condition. I only have two healing potions left, so I'm going to have to save those for anyone who is literally dying. I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll have to settle for mundane medicine back at camp and rest." Izhane gives him an apologetic look before walking over to Vizara's body. He groans with pain as he walks, his burns being agitated by moving.

"Alright, I don't know what you two are bickering about, but we have a severely injured man here that we need to deal with. Every second you spend arguing lessens the chance of him surviving, even with a bit of magic to pull him together. So let's get him to camp, soon. I need to get back too, so I can deal with being burned and think about some things." Izhane cuts a look at Seih and Danielle, then pulls out a healing potion and pours it down Vizara's throat. Despite being significantly smaller than everyone but Seih and dealing with pain and the onset of drowsiness that pain always brings to him, Izhane manages to speak authoritatively. Not bossy, not overconfident, just that he knows what needs to be done and that it needs to be done now. Only one left, damn...


Errg growls loudly and shoves a handful of seared meat into his mouth before slapping the key back into it's spot and heads back into the passage. He draws his sword and creeps down through his "cave" stealthily, keeping his eyes peeled.

What the fuck's going on? Why the hell is this moving? Do I have to stab more things?"
Seih crosses his arms in displeasure. "Why are we wasting time and potions with this?" he asks. "It is his fault we ended up fighting him; he stole something he shouldn't have. I am sure the Marauders can deal with him." Looking up at Izhane, Seih registers the pain he is in; deciding Thorn isn't as important as the closest thing they have to a medic, he removes the pain dampening he had applied to Thorn and focuses on Izhane instead, trying to mitigate the effect his burns are having on him. "We all need more complete help; he will only slow us down."
Izhane feels the pain lessening, and then squints at Seih. "Did you... Do something? Don't, I can take care of myself and there's no need to devote any energy to supporting me when you definitely aren't looking so hot. And the reason I'm not leaving the asshole here like I want to is that I've made oaths as a healer, and I'm sure the Marauders want to question him." Izhane sighs and starts lifting up Vizara. He wasn't exactly an athletic individual, and he was pretty damn short, so this sucked. "And it's not like he's some villain. He's a jackass, yeah, but he's not some big bad evil guy."
Seih's got a--ooow! The potion took the edge off his pain, just enough for Thorn to give Izhane some weak levitation assistance."Wizard or not....can we just...stop arguing...and go back?" Bruh, do you even lift?
Ignoring Thorn, Seih begins walking in front of Izhane, slightly limping but keeping an eye on Danielle. "Any energy I don't spend helping others will be wasted; you are the closest we seem to have to a medic, so it is in my interest to help keep you going. And just because I'm not a giant like you doesn't mean I'm weak," he adds, though the bravado in his voice is somewhat belied by the sweat pearling on his brow and the raggedness of his breathing. "So you shall take my help, and since you and (more to the point) the lady holding the weapon insist we are responsible for this fool, you will use it to get us back as quickly as possible. And if you think this is too much for me..." Seih swallows and digs further into his reserves, giving even more of his energy to Izhane, focusing this time on his legs' and arms' control centres so that he feels no pain at all in those areas, though he will still feel some elsewhere. "Now... listen to... Thorn. Stop... talking," Seih adds haltingly, still walking forward. "Stop acting... tough, and let's... get all of this... idiocy over with... as quickly as possible."

Seih buttons up his coat, puts up his hood and continues walking in silence.
Meilikki looked at her own prone form on the ground. Fear emanated from it. "I have no reason to show you mercy," she said coldly. Keeping her scythe pointed at the god, she glanced around. The battle seemed to have been won. "May you and your brother rest in peace." In a single graceful movement Mei sliced the god in two.
Ged hops back a little extra in his dodges, then raises his hand and shoots a beam of light directly into the brutes face, instantly destroying the god's eyesight. The blinded god being less dangerous now, Ged starts drawing fire around the god so that the god has to walk into it and burn, without being able to see.
Byron somewhat understands Izhane not wanting to give him any potions in his current state. Deep down he feels somewhat glad that he won't be taking anything drug-like. "I just can't remember the last tme I've exaughsted myself like that." He struggles to keep himself upright, but manages to do so. "Are you alright? You look like you're in more pain tham me." Byron looks around to see what else might be going on or if there might be any of the camp's medics nearby.
Kalos frowns, looking down at the skeleton and then looking over at Coatl. "Uh, actually, I have an idea..." Kalos turns on his heel and looks at Elijah. "Miss Elijah, I hate to be a bother, but could you make me something with that... Modifier, right? Uh, anyways, could you make me a trumpet, and a case for it? Trust me, it'll come in handy."


Maya curses, giving the cylinder another twirl until it glows an eerie green. She raises the barrel at the cybernetic god, letting loose a barrage of shots. The air quickly fills with a foul, decayed stench, and if the bullets hit the god it quickly begins exhibiting the appropriate signs of decay for a cybernetic being. "You're dead either way, pal!!!" She calls.

Major update #21!

And we are back! Hope everyone had great and safe holidays, and onwards to 2016!

Apologies to all as well, i don't have much for this update and have a severe lack of motivation/energy to perform these updates, so it's going to be a bit of a shorter one, but we should now be back on our weekly schedule! Hopefully i'll regain the steam i need to continue on, and hope we didn't loose anyone!

The Sun now hangs towards late noon in the sky, it's bright blues starting to dive into afternoon orange sunset!


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 @creepingShade @arcaneSentinel @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik, Izhane, Byron, Marcus, Alexander and Chris:

Mei: You take your scythe upwards, a horrible feeling runs down your spine as you execute your clone, with a quick, modifier charged slash right through her body!

The God lets out a chilling scream that would sound just like your own as their escape spell is dispelled and their form begins collapsing into raw energy from the strike!

You almost feel a rippling disturbance around you as your modifier automatically begins absorbing the god's dissipating energy, refilling it's energy... It made you feel sick in a sense though as a chill emanates through you.

Looking around, it seems as if the Blue god escaped, no doubt it'd come back stronger then before, and likely even more furious then it was before at the death of it's brother and sister... But for now, seeing all the allied gods around and the others fights ending... mayhaps you should all see why people are crowding around Seih...? (And make sure you refer to Group A below! )

Seih, Thorn, and Danielle/Koya: (Continue on with Character interaction, you can all together in group A get into camp and do as you please for the most part!! Sorry i don't have much for you guys this time around :C And make sure you refer to Group A below! )

Jaik: You pick up the destroyed and sliced in half pieces of both your crossbows, and then retrieve your second kukri, which was unused during this entire fight since you pinned Vizara's cloak there... Which made you feel a little foolish, but you and coils were able to survive without it at least... You then proceed to follow up with everyone else after Seih. (Refer to character interactions from other players! I dont have much to say this time :c And make sure you refer to Group A below! )

Chris: You're able to absorb and collect a good chunk of the surrounding energy that was spread around from the killed foot-soldier god and the laser knight, quickly enough your Modifier seems to be at full power once again and absorb some extra energy from the fight!

That laser knight seemed incredibly powerful, considering a good chunk of it's energy was equivalent to a lot of the foot soldier's energy!

Looking around, you should maybe see why everyone's crowing around Seih like that? (And make sure you refer to Group A below! )

Izhane: Your potion appears to thankfully stabilize Vizara as you drain it into him, some of his outward wounds stop bleeding and begin to patch them selves up to a minor degree. (Please refer to other character interactions, sorry but i don't have much this time around :c And make sure you refer to Group A below! )

Misfortune, Marcus, and Byron: The three of you make yourself useful and go over to help Marauders/Camp Soldiers put the heavily injured Vizara/the Wizard lizard upon a stretcher after Izhane/The Salamander makes him drink a red potion, and the three of you help carry him to the camp nearby... (Please refer to all the character to character interactions going on in posts by other players and perhaps contribute if you wish! Otherwise, do as you please for right now, i apologize as i dont have much for this update :c Also make sure you refer to Group A below!!)

Marcus again: However, as you do your thing and help out these soldiers coming from the large camp nearby, you feel a bit of a healing spell come over you from Alexander!

Alexander: After giving Marcus a quick pick-me-up with a healing spell, you focus and divert energy from repairing your armor to the dynamos, which seemed to definitively pick up productivity... Still not as quick as you're used, to but taking a simple guess here, it'd probably take the rest of the afternoon and maybe some of tomorrow morning assuming this planet was on a 24-hour rotation.

But you don't expect to be fighting, letting alone looking for one for the rest of the day anyways, seeing all around there were divine beings of literally all types and sizes finishing off or at least deterring hostile forces away now who were likely even more powerful then that large, dumb goat demon you fought with Marcus earlier...

Looking around, nobody seems to approach you as they're all busy dealing with each-other, a good group of people were crowding around a smaller being in a earth-toned cloak about something and most everyone was heading back into the nearby large, magical dome over a tower and a large camp that seemed to have many many soldiers... perhaps it'd be best to approach someone and figure out where this place was and what was going on here... (Please refer to character to character interaction and below in group A.)

Group A (Meaning everyone here in this section): As you all approach the magical barrier over the entire Marauder camp and the central safe house tower, you all notice the Gods all around cannot seem to enter the dome themselves oddly enough, but anybody mortal were able to enter and exit just fine...

Up at the top of the tower, some of you could see the Keeper looking down upon all of you from the roof....

What shall you all do?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Upon getting into your underground cave after your hearty and tangy meal, you discover the panel in front of the large glass window has lit up now, all sorts of symbols and lights flickered upon it as the island moved on.

There were tiny, spider like robots all moving around the place the size of your hands, each one completely ignoring you as they seemed to be fixing and repairing random bits of machinery, circuitry, and metal. (Or at least trying to you notice... They dont seem strong enough to remove the rotting bear and the door it collapsed on)

Searching all the rooms as an extra pre-caution, including a previous unexplored washroom past dead dwarf (which had nothing notable within it for you).

There was no signs of anybody being here besides you and these little spider droids scuttling around...

In the room with dead bear though, some of the holes in the wall that were big enough for the spider droids were opened, and lit up dials and buttons that corresponded with matching symbols and numbers with the open holes on the large control panel that was within the room.

Was this island some sort of automated ship or something...?

You feel it somehow strikes a memory within you but... you're not quite sure...

Do you perhaps investigate things further, or go back upwards to the surface of the island to make sure your meal hasn't fallen into the ocean maybe?


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Paradox Turtle ) Kalos, Maya, Adam Coatl, Lupa, and Ged:

Coatl, Kalos, and Elijah: The skeletal god still cowers and backs away as far as it can from Elijah, but once Coatl offers his assistance to it, the god looks at Coatl with some disdain in his skull's expression..

It stands up on it's own without taking the pharaoh's hand rather rudely, and looks down at the snake man, towering over both him and Elijah and being about twice their size...

"Iiiit seems I have little choice on the matter..."

As it turns it's empty gaze towards Elijah...
"Either I die now, or I die later, and defect from the others...." It reluctantly spoke, keeping it's distance from Elijah as she kept her own gaze upon it....

"You... The new Elder, the one said to be the Woman Among Gods... I was expecting a swift death, and end to my existence to only add to your power... Not being crippled to where I am no more powerful then a simple Lich...

Did you do this to me on purpose... or perhaps do we overestimate your own power...?"

The Large skeleton looked deeply in her own eyes... Both Kalos and Coatl could see the girl was nervous deep down, despite her returning the gaze to the god....

The god turns back to Coatl, still giving him a reluctant and disapproving look.

"Naga, if i must share with you my knowledge then I shall, but stare too long into the abyss of death, and your mortal mind will collapse..." It says in a harsh, scolding tone as it passively waits now, and two Allied gods fly down and immediately cuff the skeleton with some sort of magical bindings...

After which, Kalos asks Elijah about a weapon, and with a quick motion of raising her gauntletted arm up into the air, and with a bright red flash, a trumpet appears into existence on the ground in front of Kalos!

Upon inspection, it's just a regular, mundane brass trumpet Kalos notices.

However, Elijah pulls out a small notepad and begins writing, before showing it to Kalos, with the words: "Why?" written upon it.

(Be sure to read below and help the others if you desire!)

Ged and Adam: Ged keeps doing his best to avoid the barbarian as it swings wildly!

The Barbarian's spectral axe suddenly cleaves through Ged's cloak as a large majority of pockets fall to the ground and trip Ged onto the ground!

Thankfully however, you were prepared, and cover your own eyes as you let out a quick flash-bang to blind the barbarian for a quick moment as you quickly scramble to your feet and lay about a trial of blue magical fire around the Barbarian and immediately get out of the way as parts of the barbarian ignite with the small flames!

The knight god who accompanied the barbarian immediately teleports away due to their own injuries, allowing Kim and Cass to start unloading their weapons at the barbarian! Who is forced to crouch down and attempt to protect himself as the bullets force energy upwards and out of his body with each sniper and assault rifle round going right through him! Leaving him wide open for the two of you to attack!

What shall the two of you do?

Maya: After spinning the barrel and landing upon Decay, opening fire as many rounds as possible!

Some fo the shots land or at least graze the cybernetic glitch being, and the decay/erosion immediately spreads to a minor degree upon it's glitching body as it dodges Rohkuul's blade!

Immediately, the being disengages from the both of you by moving itself erratically a bit of a ways away, regrouping it's body as a whole, the damage and suffering was clear from the both of your attacks as it immediately charges up it's own energy, and quickly escapes upwards into the sky! The decaying piece of it's glitching and pixelated form gently float upwards into the air, leaving no traces behind...

Sighing, you take a moment to regain your breath as the knight god approaches you now.

"Thank you for your assist, you did decent as a mortal."

Rohkuul said snobbishly and reluctantly.

"I could have taken the being on myself, as well as that boar my companions are fighting. But the Goddess would likely be unhappy if i did not thank you for your efforts."

He turns away and immediately goes to assist his companions with the large boar god whom a group of 4 gods were already fighting nearby... Leaving you alone to see the barbarian god nearby wide open to attack!

What shall you do?

Lupa: (You have not posted! Please Refer to the previous update!)


( @hector212121 ) Roy: Immediately, you blast your burner comlinks to as loud as they can possibly go!

Followed by a distracting, high pitched *SCREEEEE*, your two assailants immediately back down and get distracted by the loud noise! Allowing you to drop down one of your shotguns and aim towards the god in green in front of you! Immediately unloading a entire belt directly into the stone armor, bits of rock and stone chipping off everywhere!

As soon as the first shotgun is unloaded, you drop it (or sling it back up or something) and spin around on your rooted leg, taking the other shotgun and blasting away at the other spear-men in yellow!

After both belts were unloaded, both spear-men backed off and re-grouped in front of you, the fronts of their stone armor heavily damaged and chipped away thanks to the shotgun's bullets, which seemed to have proven far more effective then just the single shots...


The yellow spear men scoffs and stands up straight as you reload the belts, they were too far away for the shotguns to be effective now...

"That was a waste of time brother." The one in green says, pointing upwards and behind you. You don't bother to turn around and look.

"The damnable order is right there, let us just leave this worthless welp and scram, the others have been defeated already."

You see them beginning to charge up some sort of energy all around them, but before they could do anything more, suddenly a, bright, giant and blinding arrow zooms right past you at the two spear-men, creating a -BOOM- and a small crater at where the two spearmen were forced to dodge.

immediately after the massive glowing arrow, a whole rapid fire of similar glowing crossbow bolts are open fired upon the two spear-men and they're forced to run away, and then quickly disappear upwards into space before your very eyes!

Turning around, you spot two, almost divine looking angels approach you, one of them a woman about twice your size, wielding a massive great-bow that stood at her height with arrows to match and wearing rather bulky and heavy plate armor.

The other angel looked to be a normal man wielding some sort of crossbow with a rapid fire mechanism on it while he was in much lighter looking armor. Both of them had respectively large wings to go along with them and carry them it seemed....

"Mortal!" The male calls out to you, his voice was typical average joe almost.

"Are you alright? We heard and saw the commotion from afar but we were busy with the fight farther away!"

"Are you one of the allied mortals over at that dome there?" The woman then asked you, her voice a bit deeper and heroic versus her ally, pointing to the large dome far away with the massive camp and stone tower underneath it.

"If not, then I suggest you leave this place immediately, It's a combat zone out here between the lower gods, and if you be a foe of the Goddess or her allies, then we will finish what those wretched parasites could not!" She said in a threatening and warning tone...

It seemed you'd have to best choose your words carefully here, even if you were able to fight these two, there'd no doubt be allies immediately after them ready to kill you on sight it felt like...

What shall you do?


Total word count: ~2660 words

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah

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