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Kameron Esters-

Fear my godly wrath!
Roleplay Availability
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In Rural Las Animas (The City), Colorado, lies small, portable houses lined up on both sides of a dusty street. A little girl scout is walking happily along this dusty street humming a tune with a single box of Thin Mint Cookies in her hands as she turns to one of the portable houses. She walks up the few wooden steps and stops in front of the door. The girl scout goes to knock on the door until-


The door flies open suddenly, hitting the the girl scout and knocking her through the wooden rails behind the door and on to the ground. A young man with long spiked hair wearing nothing but shades and black underwear steps out of the house

"Once told me the world is gonna owe me-." The young man looks down and sees that the young girl scout had left her box of Thin Mints on his small wooden patio step.

"A box of Thi-i-in Mi-hints!" The young man proceed to open the box and eat the cookies. This young man's name is Modesto, a.....displaced individual to say the very least. He's going about his morning routine.

Modesto shrugs and is about to retreat into his house until she sees a blonde woman with straggily hair and a purple sleep robe walking down the dusty street

"Sharlet? Sharlet? Where'd you go?" The woman calls out. She sees Modesto in is underwear and her face scrunches up in disgust. "Goddammit, Modesto! Put something on, you damn bum! You think any of us wanna see hat?! Hell, do you think my daughter seeing that?!"

"You're just jealous cause I'm sexier than you lot." Modesto replies as if to compete

"Please, boy. None of us could care less. Have you seen Sharlet?" The woman asks

Modesto stands there for a moment in confusion "Who?"

The woman sighs irratantly. "The little mulatto girl..."

Modesto's face brightens in realization "Ooooooohhh! You mean her! No I haven't."

The woman sighs even louder "Modesto..." The woman says

Modesto looks back at Ms. Rivers, "Hey, Ms. Rivera?"

Ms. Rivers shifts her lips as her hands are are on her hips as if she's expecting someone or something while ignoring Modesto getting her name wrong. "Where'd you get those Thin Mints...?" She asks

Modesto look at the cookie box he still has in his hands. "Oh, this?"

Ms.Rivers nods slowly as her lips are tucked in and her glare looks as if she's looking to murder Modesto.

"Found them on my doorstep this morning. I guess the world decided not to be a dick to me today." Modesto answers almost happily.

"Modesto...I swear...If you had done something to my daughter..."

"Wait...What are you implying? That I took her and am now doing something nefariously devious to her s we speak? And you say you've known me for two years..." Modesto says in disappointment

"It's long enough to know that you don't treat my daughter very kindly..."

"I don't treat any kid kindly." Modesto admits

"All the more reason to suspect you."

"Well I can't help it if they're little wastes of resources and oxygen-Hey is that her right there?" Modesto points to to a little brown girl with a tattered girl scouts uniform and a bleeding nose limp slowly towards her mother

Ms. Rivers gasps at the sight over her hurt daughter. She goes up to her, kneels down, and puts her hands on her shoulders, "Sharlet! Are you alright?"

Sharlet shakes her head as she sniffs sadly

"What happened to you?" Ms. Rivers asks worryingly

"I...I tried to give Modesto some Thin Mints....So he wouldn't have to bother us... before I could knock the door hit me in my face..."

Ms. Rivers glares at Modesto once more Modesto holds his hands up in mid air.

"Hey, I did not do that mess on purpose."

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"He didn't..." Sharlet agreed

"Confirmed by the mulatto girl."

"Call her that one more time and I'm taking your tongue..."

"......Yes, ma'am." Modesto says trying to pretend he wasn't the least bit intimidated. Modesto heads inside to get himself dressed to start his day of Sheriff hunting. Modesto is wearing his usual prescribed tennis shoes for the elderly, black jeans, a beige shirt with a design of snake coiled around an eagle, a brown jacket, a pair of cyclist shades...Which he's never seen with them off and his katana he's dubbed "Split Moon". "I won't be in your hair for too long. You know me. I got an agenda. The same agenda." Modesto get on his white four wheeler, "Lost and Unfledged" and drives out of Arse-Strip towards Las Animas
Khrona Tensei Khrona Tensei
Out of literally nowhere, a crash through the dimensional boundary between this world and the Veritas broke open to reveal a man in a black leather jacket, black denim jeans, black riding boots and wild, spiky red hair riding on a bitchin dimensional motorcycle with a spectrum of colors upon it and streaming from it that were both known and unknown to the eye. The motorcycle was a unique custom-made type whose model was not even of this world, its color shifting from a neon red to other colors across the spectrum and back to red again every so often. "Yo," the man said, giving a two-fingered salute to Modesto as he drove, the dimensional boundary broken sealing up behind him, "How's it hangin'?" The man clicked his tongue against his teeth and pointed a finger like a gun at Modesto, acting like he fired it off. "Wanna drag?" he asked, revving up the engine of his cycle named 'Baby'. Whoever this man was, it was clear that he wasn't of the world, even though he looked human. He seemed cool enough, but there was a mysterious strap serving as a blindfold over his eyes that made one wonder how he could see anything at all.
Modesto almost swerved off the road from the sudden appearance of the stranger. Modesto recomposes himself and steadies himself as he looks at the stranger in confusion. He turns away, rubs his eyes, then looks back to the stranger. He doesnt take drugs so he knows for a fact he isnt high. Speaking of high. Modesto shakes his head "N-Nah, bro...! I don't smoke! Gotta...! Gotta keep myself in maximum condition to retain my badassery, y'know...!" Modesto explains with a nervous smile "I hope you dont mind me asking but... W-Who are you?!"
The man laughed a little, keeping himself steady beside Modesto. "Th'name's Blank," he said confidently. "Ah, well, that's my Sky Pirate name. My real name's Tsubake." As they drove along, they came to a point where there was a turn, and Tsubake made a sharp right, leaning over to the side as his motorcycle continued on until the path was straight again. "But you can just call me 'Bro'." Tsubake laughed, revving up his engine again. "Where ya headed? Seems like you're in a hurry," Tsubake said. "I'm here on vacation from my dimension, kinda lookin' for a wild party or sum'n." Tsubake was a party-loving guy with a love for excitement. He'd seen his share in his lifetimes, especially as a Sky Pirate, but he was ready for a new adventure in a new dimension this time.

"This is Earth, right?" Tsubake had to inquire, wondering if he got the coordinates correct, looking back to the somewhat complex looking shifts and technology on the dimensional cycle, "I heard from my guy that Earth has some wild parties. Figured it'd be a good vacation spot, y'know?" There came another curve as they drove, which Tsubake took to by leaning to the left this time. The colors that streamed from his ride were so gorgeous that they could cause others to get lost in them. "Don't look directly into the bike!" he said jokingly. "Baby here can mesmerize anyone with her array." Tsubake laughed.
"I call everyone 'bro' but I'd rather call you 'Sue'. Yea...Well...This is the planet you're looking for... But whoever told you to vacation here is being modest generous or dumb as shit. But hey, if you think hanging around on a planet populated by assholes then that's just you. But we are good at partying, that's for sure. I got things to do that are confidential, especially to a stranger like yourself. But lets just say I'm going hunting." Modesto continues riding in silence for a moment but he couldn't ignore all the questions that was going through his head at the time. He is riding side-by-side with a extra-dimensional being, damn it! He had to have answers! "So what dimension are you from? A pretty interesting on judging by your...Style."
Tsubake laughed as they rode on together. He liked Modesto's sense of humor. He seemed like a pretty funny guy. "You're real funny, guy," Tsubake said to him. "Yeah, I heard that pretty much everything else about Earth is shit, but I like to party in places that aren't my homeworld." Tsubake wondered what those 'confidential' things that Modesto said he had to do were, but he'd ask him that after he answered his question.

"Oh, my dimension?" he inquired, "It's called 'The Veritas'. Yeah, we travel to other dimensions all the time. We even take people from other dimensions who wanna live there. The place is huge, man. Freakin... Even I don't know how big that dimension is, but I do know it's way bigger than any I've heard of. Even if that's only a few." Tsubake wasn't the most well-educated person in the world, but he had instinct and street smarts, and he for damn sure wasn't dumb. He might have been ignorant on a few things here or there, but he wasn't stupid. He was sharper than most people, especially with his special eyes that he kept hidden under the strap around his head as a blindfold.

"But yeah, you seem pretty cool. You think I can chill with you for a while?" Tsubake flashed his 'prize-winning smile' and then asked, "And what's the 'confidential' stuff you gotta do? Can I tag along? You seem like someone that does awesome shit." Tsubake could see Natural Energy and this guy's radiation of it was intense. It was strange, and it wasn't like a normal human, which caught Tsubake's 'frame-catching' eye.
Modesto thinks to himself for a moment. Have an extra-dimensional biker wintess his badassery? Why not? He doesn't get to show off as much as he liked anyway, and have someone actually impressed with his skills as opposed to being scared shitless. "I suppose so. I can't tell you 'what' or 'why' I do what I do, BUT I can show you. Only if you don't have any real plans while you're here. There's alot to do on the planet like swimming, running, sports....No sports suck. Ummmm....Sleeping is fun! Have some wild-ass dreams! There's videos games. You have video games where your from, right? Well, anyways, there's reading. Reading can be fun as hell if you have some next-level imagination. I know someone like that. Crazy thing, she is. Dumb as hell but sweet. I oughta let you meet my pals. Oooohhh yea, Imma gonna rub you in their faces SO hard, heheheh! N-No homo."
Tsubake wondered where they were going while they were still riding, but he didn't seem to mind how dangerous it was to be riding and talking so casually at the same time. Wherever he was going, Tsubake wanted to be part of it. "Sweet! Thanks, guy," he said. "Yeah, we've got all the stuff Earth has and more. We've got stuff Earthlings won't have for billions of years. We even have humans there. We've got beings of every kind, and even Gods." Tsubake could go on and on about how advanced the Veritas was and how they had stuff that people on Earth only dreamed of, -- including a literal Dream World where you could do whatever you could imagine -- but it wasn't as important as what Modesto was doing and where he was going.

"Meet your pals?" Tsubake asked, "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Maybe I can take you back to my dimension, too, one day." He wasn't sure if Modesto was into dimensional travel or if he even wanted to do it, but the option was on the table. "Anyway, I'll meet your pals. But show me what you can do, then!" Tsubake wanted to thoroughly understand what Modesto did, and to do that, he'd have to watch and learn.

"Where are we going, by the way?" Tsubake asked. "I did just kinda hop out of a dimensional break and start following you. I have no idea what we're up to." Tsubake lifted his hands up from the motorcycle and let it drive by itself, saying with his hands in the air, "That's all you, pal."
"That it is, isn't it? Well stick with me, Sue, and I'll see to it you have the best vacation this or any universe has ever seen!" Modesto laughs triumphant as he drives on
At the Las Animas Police Department

Two police officers are at the front desk. One is spinning in a rolling chair out of boredom while another is looking at a camera feed attentively. "Gugh...I'm bored, George. Bored as a fucking sloth in the summer. We joined the police to get some action in and unfortunately, we've wasted about two years not getting any. Barely even got to fire a gun at anyone!" The first police complains

"Uuugh...Ugh Bryce..." George tries to get his partners attention as on the feed shows Modesto driving Lost and Unfledged with Tsubake driving beside him

"We've been doing nothing but surveillance for years, George! Just watching a goddamn screen and letting the others that there's crime going about and we just sit back and watch! Do they want us to feel useless?WELL IT'S WORKING ASSHOLES!

"Bryce..." He tries to to get his partners attention as George his beginning to feel antsy as Modesto makes a turn

"And-and what's the most retarded part? We have a WHOLE alarm system for some random ass dude we don't even know! They tell us "If this alarm ever goes off, alert all police officers to arm up immediately!"

Almost as if on que, the alarm goes off on the camera controls and at this point George looks back at the screen and sees that Modesto has made a another turn. His eyes are wide and begin to swell with tears as he covers his moth with his hand

"All we've heard was how he's cut down several hundred of our guys in the past couple of years! Just came out of nowhere and started cuttin' us, can you believe it? Like it's some Run-n-Gun japanimation or some shit! Fuckin' weeb is cranked to a hundred, I tell you what."

"Br-y-hyce..." George says in a small whisper, tears beginning to stream down his face "I tell you, man. I never thought being a cop would've been this boring."

George's eyes at this point are glued to the screen in fear.

Bryce rolls over to George. "Maybe we can get our old jobs back as bouncers." Bryce notices George is crying "What are you crying for?" Bryce looks at the screen and his eyes slowly widen and his lips quiver. The two slowly look away from the screen and see Modesto standing at the street with hands in his pocket and Lost and Unfledged parked behind him. Modesto looks at the two for a moment with a blank expression on his face. He simply cocks his head upward. A "What's up?" nod the youth do nowadays.
Trailing Modesto the entire way to wherever he was going, Tsubake made it a point to keep track of his surroundings, just in case something happened. Modesto seemed like he had some secrets that made his life a little edgy, and Tsubake liked that, but that edginess could also lead to trouble... And Tsubake was one who was prone to getting into trouble, as well. He didn't say anything along the way once they neared their destination, letting Modesto lead him to what looked like... A police station? "... The cops?" Tsubake inquired curiously, "The hell are we doin' here?" Tsubake wasn't a fan of the police... Not the EARTH police, that is. They had a police force back in the Veritas, but they were all machines, so they operated... Well, correctly. Granted, there were some other cops perhaps in the lower areas of the Veritas where they rejected the machines, but they weren't the ONLY executive task force that there was on the planet. They were actually pretty low on the food chain in the Veritas, especially with the crime rate so low due to the fact that there was a monarchy for each of the three great continents, the dream world, and the underground. Each of the monarchies were run differently, but they were all ruled by the five of the Royal Family: Their Father, Mother, and the Three Sisters.

But all of that was neither here nor there, and was actually just backstory that came with the baggage of being from another dimension.

Tsubake finally parked his Porta-bike motorcycle and trailed behind Modesto, wondering what he was about to do. He did say that he would show Tsubake what he did for a living, and Tsubake did say he wanted to see. If it had something to do with the cops, though, Tsubake didn't know how he'd feel about it. Maybe Modesto was a Private Investigator? An Interrogator? An Undercover Cop? A Secret Agent? As interesting as those things would be for him to be, it would still not sit right with Tsubake. He watched as Modesto gave a greeting head nod to the officers and smirked, piecing things together from there. "Something tells me... You aren't with the cops... And we're not here to make friends with them, either." Tsubake slammed his fist into his palm, walking beside Modesto, energy crackling through his body and surging through his tribal tattoos under his leather jacket. "Don't tell me... We're gonna go beat their asses?" As much as Tsubake was a guy that liked justice and what was good, he knew that EARTH cops weren't exactly that, and many of them deserved ass whoopings just because they were bad cops.

Tsubake cracked his knuckles and cricked his neck a few times, loosening up. "You just tell me when, and I'm all over it," Tsubake said confidently. "That is, if we're here to kick some ass. If we're here visiting some inmates or something, that's cool, too. Even if you're friends with the Po-Po, that's also decent; I'm not opposed to meeting with the piggies." Tsubake was ready for anything -- whatever Modesto had planned, Tsubake was with him.
Modesto puts a finger to Tsubake's lips "Shhhh. No talk. Im preparing my mind...For the hunt...Watch as I hunt justice..." Modesto says in a dramatically edgy tone

Bryce and George slowly reach into their holsters for their guns. Modesto still stand at the street unmoving. Once Bryce has his hand on the gun, he quickly draws it and points at Modesto, but his shot in the head in response. Bryce falls over on the floor. George quickly gets up, his gun drawn but not aimed and turns to see that he's somehow face-to-face with Modesto. George eyes are nothing more than fountains at this point as he's stuck in Modesto's unseen gaze. George can only see the reflection of his tearful eyes in his shades. His finger unbeknownst to him is levitating over a red button that will alert the rest of the department.

"You know...They always say never press the red button. You know why? Because it's punching your own ticket. No. That's me punching your ticket...Unless...You can make it easier for the both of us...And punch your own. So who do you want doing that? You...Or me....?"

George stares into the black mirrors that covered Modesto's eyes. He raises his gun at head level, points the gun at his head, and pulls the trigger followed by a thud. Blood and brain matter covered the front desk and Modesto's face

"Wise choice..." Modesto says
"Bounty Hunter!" Tsubake suddenly shouted out after all that happened, "That's what you do, isn't it?!" Regardless of all of the carnage that just occurred before Tsubake's eyes, he seemed completely unfazed by it all and relatively elated. "Yeah, you can't fool me! Heh." He was probably wrong, but hey, he was making some educated guesses, at least.

But that's when Tsubake thought aloud, "I wanna do some hunting, too..." He didn't want to be left out of the loop. "So what can I do in all of this, guy? Seems like you've got your bounties covered." Tsubake was convinced that Modesto was a bounty hunter for whatever reason, and that his targets were just cops. "I mean, I can totally hold my own in a fight. I've got special powers, you know. And eyes that can see even the most critical things, even at any speed." Yes, the 'Critical Eye' as it was called was able to see critical things such as that among other things, but Tsubake had to keep that power under wraps... Literally. With a head strap.

"So, what can I do? And don't say 'sidekick', because I don't do 'sidekick'. I do independent work, just like you do. But we can be..." Tsubake paused for dramatic effect, "Independent together...!" How very cheesy of him. But his cheesiness was only surpassed by his cheekiness, as Modesto would find out eventually down the line. The two of them, they weren't so different... The might have had different goals and methods of doing things, but they were definitely similar people. That much, the 'Critical Eye' was telling Tsubake.
Modest shakes his head "Not wuite any of those but if you want in on the massacre that's about to ensue." Modesto points the door "The door. Thete's more in the back. Alot more." Modesto smirks mishcheviously "In a matter of fact, you can have at this next one coming."

The door next to the front desk opens and a head pears through. "Hey, I heard shots fired, what's goin ooooo" The cop looks at the blood on the desk and looks at Modesto and Tsubake "AAAAAHHHH-!
Tsubake was quick to knock the head straight off of the officers that poked his head through the door -- too quick, in fact. So quick, his speed was a blinding blur, if that, and his body aglow with radiant clear energy. "That's one," Tsubake said as the head flew into the wall and exploded from the force of the impact, the headless body dropping to the ground immediately afterward, "And I'm ready for more!" Swinging the door open, Tsubake would observe the officers that were in the area, his eyes glowing from underneath his headband strap. He could see every little detail of the moves they were making and about to make, some of them pulling out guns in what seemed to be slow motion to him. With the same blinding speed as before, he was already to the first officer who decided it was good to draw a weapon on him and snapping his neck, all in one motion so that it looked like Tsubake simply zipped past him and the head twirled with his movements. "How many do you want?" Tsubake asked Modesto as he quickly flash stepped backwards and into the next officer, elbowing him with such force that it knocked him out, made him cough up blood, and shot him straight back into the wall -- and through the wall, for that matter -- completely dead from the attack. "I can do this all day."
Modesto claps and while laughs maniacally at Tsubake's display of prowess "However many are here! That was amazin-!"

Suddenly, one of the cops points a gun at the back of Tsubake's head "Don't move, you bastard!"

Behind him is another cop holding a Colt .45 inches away from Modesto's head. "S-stay where you are...!" The officer says shakily.

"Sure thing, officer. Just don't pull the trigger." Modesto says calmly The officer is shaking so much eventually the trigger nudges slightly and instantly blood spills from his wrist and his hand falls to the floor with the hand still gripping it. The officer is screaming in pain and falls to the floor. Modesto, as far as the officer knew, didn't even move. "You moved too much for my liking. You oughta check in with doctor about those jitters of yours...After he checks that hand."

Modesto takes a moment and realizes that he and Tsubake surrounded by the entire department armed with pistols and shotguns, using their desks and office walls as make-shift cover. Those cheeky bastards must've either hid or been on break. It didnt matter though. Simply mob fodder to them "Put your hands...Where we can see them..." Says one officer. "Oh, I think you can see our hands just fine." Modesto replies back with one hand on Split Moon "This isn't a game..." The officer answers back "Not for you guys. Not that I blame you, since you never win." Modesto replies with slight amusement in his voice.
Tsubake was impressed with Modesto's speed. Even he could almost not see him move, but he knew that he could keep up. It was refreshing to have someone on Tsubake's level. Maybe they could spar one day just for the hell of it; these chump cops weren't anything to them. A real fight would be golden.

Still, Tsubake had a gun to his head. He smirked and a powerful aura flared up around him, knocking back the officer, the gun, and the bullet if it were fired, even by accident. With control over Natural Energy, Tsubake could manipulate any type of energy, including the energy around him or within someone else. Unfortunately for that cop, he was about to be subject to that. Before the cop hit the wall, Tsubake's arm was already through his gut with a punch surrounded by energy. Tsubake flexed his arm and tensed it up, the energy within it pulsating and causing the cop to literally explode.

"WOO!" Tsubake cried, turning to see the rest of the squadron hidden behind the desks and tables. "Might as well make an opening for ya, huh?" Tsubake spun around swiftly and quickly swiped his leg through the air with a powerful kick, an immense gust of wind knocking away the cover of the cops and disintegrating them simultaneously. Some of the officers caught in the blast would be disintegrated, as well. "All you," Tsubake said to Modesto as the rest of the squadron was now officially open.
"Geeeeez, bro. Chilllll...! I do plan on mugging these guys afterwards, y'know." Modesto remarks "But that was a cool as hell move you did there though." Modesto gives Tsubake a thumbs up

All the officers were just about stunned having seen one of their own literally explode from a single punch. One of the officers "S-Sir...We have a situationnnn...."

"What is it? Is it him?"



"There's a complication..."

"And what's that?"

"There's...Another one here....He's got hair and fucking blindfold oooonnnn...! He blew Gerald up with one puuuunch.....One punch, man...!"

"I know, right? That was AWESOME!" Modesto laughs hysterically "Straight out of an anime!"

"Th-Then shoot him too! What are you standing around talking to me for?! You talking to me isn't going to kill them! You got guns for a reason! They aren't props!"

"Hiiiii, Sheriiiif~!" Modesto mockingly waves

"I-Is he saying "Hi" to me?"



The officers go in a complete panic as the fire their weapons at Modesto yelling and screaming. Modesto dashes towards Tsubake and pushes him to the floor before simply drawing his sword just as fast and a single flip of a sword and the walls around him is filled with bullet wholes. Almost every officers falls to the ground. Their bodies riddled in bullet holes, yet some how, Modesto doesn't have not one. Saw dust fills the silent air. "Dead. Now. To ransack the place."
Tsubake slipped his hands in his pockets, saying after all of the bloody murder, "Hey man, I may be a Sky Pirate, but I don't steal. I raid." He thought for a moment. "Like, tombs and shit. Where people are already dead--" He thought some more, wondering if this counted as a raid since the people were all dead. "... Anyway, yeah, I've got like this honor code that I don't go against. Stealing is wrong, but raiding is definitely okay." Sure, Tsubake just helped massacre a bunch of relatively innocent police officers, -- though, Earth police officers weren't exactly the most innocent people, last he remembered -- but he couldn't steal from them as long as they were alive.

"If they're alive, I can't steal from em, bro," Tsubake said flat out, even after watching Modesto take out the squadron and prepare for the looting. "Guess this is all you, then." Tsubake curled his face into a monkey-like grin. "Unless... They're all dead. Then everything is free game." That was his philosophy and he stuck by it. "How many more are there? Hell, ARE there anymore, at this point?" Tsubake didn't want to say it, but he did want to loot again. He hadn't looted for a very, very, very long time... Ever since the Sky Pirates took him in and taught him how. Once he was away from them, though, he started only doing raids in places where there were dead people or in exotic places that nobody knew about and no one had any dominion over. He really did think stealing was wrong.
Modesto began rummaging through the dead officers pockets and taking whatever currency they had, brushing off some of Tsubake's comments on the matter of stealing. "Yeayea, sure, you mind getting whatever firearm you sees laying around for me? That'd be great as I'm gonna have to figure out how to haul that shit back to my place...With no cargo hold. Feel free to look around for any more pigs if you wan't but imma be busy for a few minutes. And do mind the disemboweled corpses if you can. Don't want you to slip and fall and ruin your shit. This much blood is hard to wash out." Modesto chuckles as moves from one body to another, rummaging through their persons while watching his step
Smirking, Tsubake would give Modesto a thumbs up and say, "You're a cool dude," before letting him rummage through the officers' things. "Maybe you'll find their wallets!" Tsubake joked, picking up some firearms. "Yeah, lemme just get some bullets, too, just in case..." They should have had extra clips or some extra bullets on hand... He'd be able to sniff em out.

Before too long, Tsubake had collected a good amount of weapons and placed them on his person, in his pockets and in his hands. He didn't have many, but he had enough, with extra bullets to spare. "I'mma just head on into the next room and--" Before he could finish talking, he was already in a shootout, blasting away at the officers that were in the next room, which there weren't many of. Somehow, Tsubake was in the air through all of this, twisting and turning to dodge bullets whilst still gunning down each officer that came his way.

Finally, he landed and said to Modesto, "All clear here, guy!" holding onto the guns he had, waiting for Modesto to finish up. "This is what you do, eh? Clear out cops? Can't say it's not fun, but... What about the good cops? You on bad terms with all the cops or something, or do you just weed out dirty cops and their bases?"
Modesto shrugs "Eh. I don't discriminate between good cops or bad cops. Just cops who get in my way. I just want one person, that being their boss. So I tend to be rather frustrated when he isn't where I think he is coped with the fact I don't like having guns pointed at me uuuuusually leads to a theraputic bloodbath to compensate for my lack of success in my primary goal." Modedsto takes the last of the cash from an officer's wallet.He stands to his feet, rummages through one of his pockets, pulling out a wad of crumbled up bills. He straightens them out best he can beforepulling out some credit/debit cards. He wraps the dollar bills around the cards and puts them against Tsubake's chest "There you go, Sue. For helping me clear out this place. Ooo~! And you got my guns! Excellent, excellent!"
Tsubake sighed heavily and made a distressed face. "I told you, I don't stea--" He shook his head. "Nevermind. I don't exactly have any use for Earth money either." He shrugged, handing Modesto the guns. "Well at least you're living an honest life." Something about that didn't sound right. "Anyway, so, where is this 'boss' anyway? And is he as weak as these guys?" Tsubake figured that all humans were weak in general, but there were some who could put up a decent fight... Maybe. "I really wanna fight someone that won't just die instantly from being hit by one of my attacks. Like the old days, back on that one planet that a relative of mine destroyed." He remembered that planet... Good times, good times. Well, for him, at least. "And beyond that... Any eats? I like to fight and I like to eat. Oh, and long walks on the beach at sunset." The last one was a joke, but it was also partially true, considering that was a nice scene.
Modesto comes out through the door with several shotguns and pistols and steps over the two bodies on the floor "Damn these guns are heavy! I wonder if this is what its like to carry logs." He's able to see past the guns to see the glass doubles only to see a young man no older than he is.

a young man stand out in front of the door way. For the most part he looks normal. He has long, straightened black hair which is is tied in a pony-tail by a red,white, and blue work out band that's also around his head forehead. He's wearing a sky blue button-up long-sleeved shirt,and khakis. Upon closer inspection she sees that right arm is a prosthetic and has a katana in his belt loop just like Modesto. The young man's deathly eyes locked on him.

Modesto merely chuckles, "Well, well, well! Look who decided to bring his salty ass around here!"

The young stranger doesn't respond

"Working for the Sheriff to get back at me, hmm? Or did I just past you sometime this morning? Meh, whatever."
Tsubake suddenly sensed a strange energy coming from the person that Modesto was talking to, as if he were different from the normal humans that they were fighting before. "Ey, this guy's--" But Modesto was already talking to him, aiming a shotgun at him. Tsubake didn't take a fighting stance, but was ready for anything, should something pop off while he and Modesto were talking to this mysterious man that Modesto seemed to know. Tsubake's Natural Energy flared up around him, creating an aura that made his body look like it was glowing. He said nothing more, but waited on Modesto to give the 'introductions'. That, or for the guy to attack... Or be blown to pieces. Any one of them worked for Tsubake.
"I came back...." The younger stranger draws his katana and points it at Modesto "To give back what you gave me..."

"Heh. More like you've come to give me the rest I didn't take" Modesto remarks starkly "Why don't you holds these for me, Sue?" Modesto lends Tsubake all the guns they've gathered "This won't take long." Modesto says with a arrogant grin etched across his face

"Indeed...It won't..." says the young stranger with finality. This young man is Sonin, a young swordsman, Modesto's only known equal in swordplay, and arguably the only Native American in the County and the only Native American Samurai in the world

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