Alone [Inactive]

Mary bent down and patted the kids head. "Hold on. Give me a moment." She reached up and grabbed the book, which happened to stay in the shelf somehow. She placed it in the kids hand. She knew that she was probably scaring the girl, with red glowing eyes and a monotoned voice. "Just be careful.. and if you need help with something, big sister will help you." She said, gesturing to herself and hoping she wouldn't scare the kid away.
she looked back at him, she wanted to be outside more than anything, "you want to change with me? you realize usually thats a pack or mate thing right?" she looked at the door and realized it had been much to long since she had gone for a run.

visha looked at the two girl and patted the young hanas head, "are you hurt anyway? should i get the first aid?" her german accent was pretty thick but she learned english pretty well. she looked at the vampire girl, "you did good coming for her"
Hana looked up as she patted her on the head. She watched wide eyed and then smiled and gently took the book. "Thank you" she said happily and hugged the book against her chest. She looked back up. "Your not my sister?" she replied to her comment, not understanding that she didn't mean it literally. She tilted her head to the side confused. She looked at Visha and shook her head. "No, I'm fine, I'm a princess" she replied and smiled happily.
He grinned and went to the window," the way I see it is that all the orphans here are a pack and if you don't want me to come with you I won't. " he stood there trying to figure out how she felt about this, but she was really hard to read.
Mary looked to Visha, stoic straight face. She took note of the accent but said nothing. She took note of a grammatical issue as well, hardly noticeable but figured she has not spent enough time there for the language and culture to diffuse. She was sure she was glaring at this point, unintentionally. "Thank you." She replied, than looked back at Hana, unsure of why she wasn't scared yet. "No. I am not your sister. It is a term of endearment, young one." She said, giving a tiny smile.
"i havent ran with someone..not in a long time. the last run i had with anyone was with my family and after that there was either running away or hunting. not just running for the hell of it anymore" she thought hard about, the had been getting on her nerves and really wanted to be alone but the beast inside seemed to want a companion to run with. she had changed but her animal had not and still enjoyed it. she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "ok..ok..we can go together but just no i dont hold back" she looked over at him with her arms folded.

visha smiled at mary and looked at hana, "dear dont you have a brother? shall i get him to you?" she smiled happily, her black red curly hair falling over her shoulders and her cheerfulness almost an aura of itself.
"well ok ladies first." he gestured to the window," you aren't scared of height s are you?" he joked and grinned waiting for her next move and to tell the truth he really wanted to go outside as much as she did.
she lifted the window up and perched herself on the ledge jumping straight out towards the trees, she landed on a thick branch and started to look more feral, "coming slow ass?!" she climbed higher in the tree where the leaves hid her.
"Oh" she replied to Mary, still not really understanding, she was only six years old after all. Hana looked at Visha and remembered that Yori had told her that she should have a nap, probably because he was getting tired of playing princess tea party. "Yori went to nap time" she replied, thinking that when she had a nap that Yori did the same. "Are you a princess too?" she asked her. She looked at Hana. "Are you a princess of fire because your eyes are red?" she asked curiously and spun side to side while hugging the book.
Jack grinned and jumped out the window and into the tree where she was. He grinned when he spotted her," right behind you ." he felt a sensation at the pit of his stomach and felt himself change. He was glad he landed on a thick branch because he grew aloe bigger with the change," so what do you think."
Mary's eyes went from the girl back to Visha. The kid was right. While Mary's eyes were strange and demonic even for her own noble blood, Visha's held warmth. Why she would find others so intriguing was beyond her but she took mental notes of everything she heard saw and felt.
visha smiled and giggled, "ill go find him" she waved to the two girls and walked back into the hallways. the neko girl seemed to be ok and wondered where the brother would be at this time. she napping but do they nap in different places? some of the kids slept in the strangest ways.

ardetha felt the changing coming stronger as her muscles contorted, "well right now i think you should turn away so i can take my clothes off..not ruining these fine things" she shrugged and climbed higher as articles of her clothing started to fall past him onto the ground below. soon she jumped from the tree and instantly changed into the large black dog she was. it was much like a wolf but larger and the fire tail gave the fact she wasn't one heavily away.
Jack was glad know one could tell he blushed when transformed." well now I feel like an idiot because now I have to wait until I get back to my room to change and put on clothes." he joked then he leapt to the forest floor and motioned for Ardetha to come on as he started to run on all fours through the

the trees
Hana looked from Mary to Visha. She nervously nodded her head, she was supposed to be in bed and she didn't want Yori to be annoyed at her. She looked at Mary again. "Do you have magic powers?" she asked her curiously. "I have the power of cuteness" Hana said, it wasn't a real power but that's what her mother used to say when they played princesses.

Yori sat against the wall in a hallway, he was rolling a ball of yarn around with his hands and chewing on the end of it which he was trying to separate the strands of.
"smarts wolf boy.." her ed eyes glowed as much as the rest of the red on her, it was the part of her she had gained from her clan..her pack. the mark on her fur symbolized them as did all the other markings. she took off after him, her serpentine tongue hanging out in joy as she bust past trees and through bushes by jack. 
visha glanced around every direction and looked in every hallway until she finally found yori, "you must be the little neko girls brother yes?" she smiled and looked at him as he played with the yarn. out of all the creatures here the nekos were the cutest she thought.
Mary came to eye level with Hana and attempted a smile once again. "Yes.. I could tell from the moment I saw you. And no. I'm normal."
Jack felt like showing off a little bit, so he decided to jump up to the tallest tree and run along them without breaking speed then jump back down right beside the hell hound." bet you can't do any better." he would have had a smirk on his face if he wasn't in his wolf form, but he didn't care he was just glad he was out
she snuffed and growled in protest, "we will see about that!" she focused hard and the red marking on her fur started to run along her body and she got quite ahead of him and suddenly seemed to burst with the color red and she jumped high up bounding from the tree tops. this was a trick her father taught her when needing to catch flying creatures and to get a quick get away when trapped in dense foliage.
Yori looked up as some-one spoke to him and mentioned his sister. "Yes..." he replied to Visha and looked up, he put a hand on the yarn to stop it from rolling. He looked concerned that some-thing was wrong, no-one ever spoke to him. "She should be napping?" he commented quietly as he figured she must had gotten up again.

Hana looked straight at Mary happily and tilted her head. "So your not a princess?" she asked. "I can make you into a princess because I'm a princess" she smiled and flicked her little tail playfully.
Jack was impressed, when he caught up to her he looked over said," show off." he then realize the they were coming to the edge of the forest he slowed down and stood up.," hey were near the edge of the forest better stop for a sec."
she jumped from the top and and had her fur back to normal, "i guess your right.." she sighed. "the forest is our limit isnt it" she patted around and looked past the trees pacing in a circle.

visha looked at the boy, "well your sister was up in the library and had a little tumble . but she worries you will be angry with her" she tucked her skirt and sat near him.
He nodded," lets head back to the tree we were in we need to go back and get your clothes." he was sorta disappointed that their finnhad been cut short, but he wasn't willing to risk being killed for some fun
"we havent even been out that long what are you so worried about? we can take care of ourselves..we were bred that way!" she walked closer to the border of the trees, her tail flickered around impatiently.
He looked at her and growled," you were bred this was I was bitten, my parents tried to kill me because of this." he was shouting now realizing what he just said he turned his back to her and started walking back to the orphange
"tried!? ha! your species is powerful and strong theres a reason you were able to get away!" her lips were pulled back bearing teeth as she jumped in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. "if we cant be brave enough to stay near an edge of a forest then we are a disgrace to everything we are! even if we are different species we are still lupine!"

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