Alone [Inactive]

Mary paled whiter than her already paper like complexion. "I didn't kill them. I attempted to befriend them and they had their parents kill mine."
she got something to drink and chugged it quickly then walked to the living to lie on the couch, she sighed and looked at the ceiling. she could hear the kids playing and whispers of people talking. her inner beast growling and scratching at her soul to be let out and to run, how she really missed running in the forest.
Jack grinned turned into sympathy," I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories and I'm guessing that what brought you hear to the lockout huh. " jack wasn't sure how he should continue, so he made an excuse to head up to his room. On the way there he saw Ardetha in the living room with a drink and couldn't help but say, " you know you need to find a better place to go to smoke and need to be a bit more careful when you go into the kitchen or you'll get caught.
She looked over at the wolf boy, Jack she thought his name was and a smirk came to her face, "my friend I've been caught trust me..and if you can smell me smoking I'll find a new place to do so." She guessed his window was close by and there were only two windows where she smiled and one window belonged to visha. "Don't you ever want to just break off from the rest?" She say up and smoothed her hair over.
Hana heard people down the hall talking and making sound. Curiously she looked up. "Come on Yori and Mr Elephant, we have to go see our fans!" she said getting up and picking up the large pink elephant toy along with grabbing her brothers hand. Yori just did as she said, reluctantly, and followed his six year old sister out the room and along the hallway.
Viola sighed as she watched her younger, by 5 minutes, brother. He was silently holding her hand as they walked through the hallway. Sebastian said to Viola, "Um, Vi, what are we going to do. I'm kind of bored to be honest." The girl turned and smiled, "Let's find someone to play with!" He nodded shyly and said, "Okay..." With sudden force, the boy was dragged by his sister as she saw Hana and Yori in the hallway. "Hana!" She cried greeting the younger girl. Sebastian looked up and waved, looking at the brother and sister. He was still being dragged nonetheless.
Mary watched him leave. She didnt mind sharing, so she felt bad he felt chased off. Mary went back to her place in the hall with three agatha christies. It passed the time even though she knew all the culprits.
Jack looked at her and grinned," well I can't really say I don't mind it but, it helps a werewolf like me, because I'm pretty mellowed out and that's a good thing. But sometimes I do wish something would happen so I could change." he couldn't help but chuckle as he said this he had a feeling he should be careful what he asks for, but he didn't care
"you must be new with the change..hell hounds are born with it. i changed when i was 1 and from then on was trained to control it" she looked out the window of the living room though there wasnt much to look at. it made her angry feeling like an animal trapped behind glass for amusement.
Ana Kislenite

Ana had been sitting on her bed for the past five minutes - a sad attempt to relax a bit - but was already bored out of her mind. She let out a sigh and pushed herself off of the pile of blankets she'd been resting on (due to the fact that she never makes her bed). Her sock-clad feet made almost no sound against the wood flooring, courtesy of her meager 104 pounds, and she was in the hallway soon enough. The girl could hear talking from various rooms, and she bit her lower lip gently, fearing exclusion. At the last second, she stopped walking and turned back around... Only to run into someone. "S-Sorry." Her light cheeks were tainted with a soft pink color, her hand on the back of her neck. Why did she have to be such a klutz?
"well I guess I'm lucky and unlucky at the same time I became a werewolf last year that's the lucky part. But that also means that I had least time to learn how to control it." he couldn't help but laugh, " so do you have any advice to control it from one canine to another." he joked he always did this and he never grew tired of it
she growled lightly, "theres no advice i can give pack had taught me and my change is different from yours" she sat up as kids could be heard from the halls, her friends had only been kids to. she looked at the werewolf with a somber look, "besides..i dont think you want me to teach you anything..i stole and i killed and my anger is not something to take lightly" she slouched some in the couch and sighed sweeping her fingers thorugh her hair.
Jack grinned and walked over to the couch and sit back," what do you think I had to do to survive, I sealed too but I only killed animals. Besides your one of the only ones here that has a similar change to mind." he looked at her and smiled as if they been friend forever." besides when I came here I knew some people might have done some things, but I decided to forget that."
Mary was pulled from her book as she was run into. She gave the nervous girl a smile, unsure of whether or not she should respond, as she wasnt used to so many people. "Its alright.. i ran into you."
ardetha gave him a weird look, most of the kids here avoided her as her energy was dark and tended to scare them. this was the first time someone willingly sight with her other than visha, "what are you some kind of interrogate?" she pulled her feet on the couch and leaned her back on the arm, she wore her favorite latex pants and winklepicker shoes, her bodice was made from a shiny black and lace. the couch was big enough to stretch her her legs some without pushing jack off.
Jack grinned and looked at her," this isn't an interrogation its just a friendly werewolf trying to make friends with a hell hound. Wow I never thought does words would come out of my mouth." he chuckled and smiled his friendliest smile
she arched her eyebrow, "are you normally this happy? its a bit scary how happy you seem" i mean she had seen happy people here and some sad people but never to this extent. she will have to ask visha about this boy later when shes awake.
" I really don't know I guess I'm this happy, no a better word would be optimistic." he chuckled, " would you rather I be gloomy and didn't care about others." he grinned and leaned back with his hands behind his head
she growled deeper her eyes going black once more as she glared at the boy, "i care but sometimes caring isnt enough!" she stood up and a firey tail appeared behind her that scorched the wooden table behind her.
" hey now I didn't mean any thing by it." he jumped up and put a hand on her shoulder he was grinning," besides your going to have to do more than change your eye color and burning a table." he then sat back down as if nothing had happen
Hana let out a scream as all the books fell from the bookshelf she was attempting to clime and fell on her. She started crying after she scared herself.

Yori was at the opposite end of the orphanage, sitting alone in the hallway with a ball of yarn which he batted between his paws.
Mary perked at the scream she heard. It was where she last stopped. She sped off, top speed and grabbed the scared girl, hand on the bookshelf as it seemed ready to topple over as well. Why she made herself known? She didn't know. "ITs all right, but next time you want to read,choose one book.. not all." She joked with a stoic voice.
ardetha had the change crawling under her skin but she was told not to change indoors, "seems this wolf is also a smart ass" she threw her arms in the air and mumbled as she walked towards the window trying to clam herself down but the change still stayed under her skin, she bit her lip as her fangs grew larger.

visha had been awake now for a few minutes and she just finished changing and brushing her hair when she heard a tumble, she opened the door to investigate and heard one of the young ones crying. visha quickly ran to the library and looked in seeing hana, "oh dear one are you alright?"
Jack hear the scream, but hear Mary their as soon as he heard it he sighed with relief . He then turned to Ardetha and grinned," hey if you wanna let off some steam we can go outside if you like." he wanted to go outside any way he wanted to change for awhile the beast was getting restless but didn't let it show
Hana almost jumped when Mary showed up. She quickly looked over as the older girl. "I was trying to reach the princess book!" Hana replied in a guilty tone as if she had just been told off. She pointed to the book which was about a meter and a half high but she was too short to reach on tip toes. She looked down at her pink shoes. "I'm sorry" she apologized to Mary.

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