Alone [Inactive]

Finishing off his cookie, Yori looked up quickly when he heard some-one walk in and start talking to him. He was very shy and so Bendyador's very loud and outgoing personality was rather a lot for him to take in. Yori's little sister, Hana, on the other hand seemed happy to talk although she shuffled closer to her brother because she was still quiet too. "You look like a cricket" the six year old said with a smile because she was intrigued. Yori looked at his sister. "That's not very nice" he said quietly then looked at Bendyador. "Sorry" he replied nervously. "My names Yori and I stole the cookies from the kitchen" he admitted, he knew he was in the wrong for stealing and for some reason expected a telling off. "I only took two, sorry" he apologized.
Bendyador simply laughs "it's true , we are as close to crickets as humans are to primates. Being we are mostly classified as insects." He looked around "I've stole actual living cows and eaten them before , so you stealing cookies is like nothing. By the way , yori is a name of Japanese origin , unless I am mistaken." He quickly failed to bring out one of his most prized steals , seeing as he left his prized gilded dagger thing in a body of a man that tried to kill him "crap , I ised to have a gold dagger I stole from some idiot collector a couple years ago , but some guy tried to skin me and I sort of left it in him. I should try to find it again at some point , I quite liked it"
Hana smiled up at Bendyador and twitched her cat tail. Yori tried to smile a bit at his comment about him stealing cows, to him, stealing a cookie didn't compare to stealing a cow but he chose it best not to make the comparison between the two. He nodded. "Yes, my means trust" he added. "And Hana means flower also" he added as he ran his fingers across the bottom of his jeans because he was nervous.

"That's not very nice" Hanna commented to Bendyador as he mentioned what had happened to him, it scared her a little, she tried to hide behind Yori.
Bendyador simply said "I know , if I could do it again I wouldn't have killed him. I would've tried to fly away before I killed him , and only killed the man as a last resort. Anyhow , does this place serve beef? I always like beef best. And , I hope your name meaning trust is a sign you don't want to have my head literally mounted to your wall" he tried not to say that he thought that having a name meaning flower was stupid.
As Bendyador was talking, Charcoal walked with a confused look. "Who mounts who's head?" Charcoal sat at a chair and looked at the three. "Wait, what was I doing... oh yeah. Hi, I'm...Charcoal. I'm new here."
Bendyador looked over to him "greetings charcoal , and we were talking about my less then honest expoits before I arrived here. I have definitely killed many people , since apparently this" he pointed at his own head "makes a good wall mount. I just hope mr. Trust over here isn't on of those types."
Charcoal looks at his head. "I see, but it seems bad you have to kill them. I would've walk away...I think." Charcoal continues to sit. He sees a piece of blank paper and grabs it. Charcoal raised his black, rock-like finger and began to draw.
(Sorry , real life got me)

Bendyador remembered suddenly to state his name "I am bendyador , and I'm not telling you my last name. I wish I could go back and do that too , but normally it creates a Frankenstein effect and the gather an angry mob and I'm in deep shit." He indicated a strange scar across the right side of his head "this , is what happens when that happens."
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