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Almost Lover

She bites into the Twizzler until their lips at which she lets out a small giggle. She kisses him happily before pulling away to mumble teasingly, "That was so cheesy." She pecks his lip again before adding, "But, I liked it." Another quick kiss splits her sentences. "Almost as much as I like you." Cheesiness was her forte and romantic comedies were her bread and butter. Maybe for once all those night of curling up with a container of ice cream and a marathon of cliche rom coms would finally be of use.

She had never felt this happy. Things had never felt as perfect as this one moment - where nothing else mattered but here and now, where no one else mattered but the two of them sitting underneath a tree. Imagine if things had always been like this between the two of them. Imagine if she never left. Would they have lasted the three years where they didn't speak? Would they married and have children? Children. The thought was ever persistent. Maybe I should tell him... He should know, shouldn't he? But why ruin such a wonderful moment? He'd probably walk away and never look back...
He smiled "Wow, your taste buds really suck. That wasn't cheese, that was a Twizzler." he said teasingly as she kissed him a couple of more times. He chose a couple of more things and fed them to her. "So your friends went through all that, so you could have this picnic with me?" He asked sort of surprised. "They must really like you....or you bribed them." he added the last part with a slight chuckle. He had an idea to play with her a little while she still had the blindfold on. "Okay, I'm going to feed you one last thing and then we'll switch." He said softly.

Bradley slowly stood up and quietly walked away and around to the other side of the tree. He put his back on the tree then turned and faced it to peek around it. He was wondering if she was sitting there waiting with her mouth open, then his hand brushed up against a carved out part of the tree. "What the..." he mouthed silently and walked back over to sit back down on the blanket. His whole train of thought was thrown off with the sight of that carving. Grabbing something and mindlessly feeding it to her, Black's mind was racing, it's just a V. I'm sure plenty of girls have a name that begins with a V. It could be anyone. He reached and untied her blindfold. "So have you come to this spot before? How did you know about it?" he asked curiously, hoping his thoughts would be put at ease.
"Nicole's like the sister I never had. And, Charles is... Well, he's Charles." She chuckles, waiting to be fed something new. There was a long pause before a new taste greets her tongue, quickly followed by a question. "My parents used to bring me here for picnics when they weren't so busy. They said you could see the best sunsets here." She gives him a quizzical look as he lifts the blindfold from her eyes. "Why do you ask?"

Her heart skipped a beat but her panic was silent, a mental train wreck of thoughts and memories. Why did she come here? It had nothing to do with... him. What once was a perfect idea in her mind was now tainted with the memories of someone else. She had to do something to stop thinking about it. The panic had to be resolved otherwise he would start asking questions - questions she absolutely did not want to answer. "You know what? It's your turn." She says quickly, reaching for the blindfold to tie around his eyes.
He shrugged as she blindfolded him "No, reason. Just curious." he muttered quietly. Bradley felt something was off, but couldn't put his finger on whether it was him, her, or a mixture of both. He figured it was probably him, he's always the problem. Black felt the blindfold touch his face and he immediately tensed up a bit. He didn't like being vulnerable and not being able to see could leave someone quite vulnerable. He took a breath and tried to relax, but he just couldn't find himself to trust her. Especially after what he just saw.

Bradley slid the blindfold off his eyes and looked at her "I know it's supposed to be my turn, but I'd rather just have you for a snack." he said smoothly and went in for another kiss. Avoiding things was his specialty and he was putting his skill to good use. He threw the blindfold to the side and in one smooth motion, he wrapped his arms around her laying her back on the blanket, holding himself up over her. He softly kissed her and was able to relax since he wasn't as vulnerable as he was before. However, he was still slightly distracted by the carving on the other side of the tree.
She was caught up in her thoughts for the moment. His question was brought on by something and she had an aching feeling that she knew what but couldn't quite place. Being lost in the whirlwind of repressed memories, the kiss was unexpected but welcomed so she lets the moment continue before pulling away to speak. "Cute. But, you're not avoiding your turn that easily." She smirks, giving him a quick kiss as she reaches for the blindfold. "You said you trusted me, remember?" She pouts slightly, pretending to be terribly upset by his evasion of the game.

She had seen him tense up and she wanted to try to comfort him. His lack of trust clearly didn't originate from her or even their relationship. Maybe it was what happened with Alyssa... At any rate, she wanted to try to show him that he could trust her. She really did love him and she didn't think that anything could shake that feeling after all they've been through. If their previous altercations didn't stop them before, what could stop them now?
Bradley let out a frustrated sigh. He couldn't contain the carving in the tree anymore, he needed to say something. "I don't want to put the stupid blind fold on, okay?" he snapped. He ran his hand through his hair, "Look. I don't do the whole trust thing. That's just not me. I tried, but it's not going to happen." Black's face was reddening slightly from the frustration. Trying to keep his voice even and smooth he sighed "I thought you would at least appreciate my effort by returning the same effort out of courtesy, but apparently not." He stood up, still trying to maintain his frustrations.

Bradley walked over to the tree "the least you could of done was not take me on a goddamn repeat date." He stared at her "What number am I? 4? 5? 10?" He asked frustrated. He shook his head, "I know I'm far from perfect, but come on Victoria...really? You have your initials carved into this tree with somebody else's. Do you know how that feels?" He grabbed his jacket from the ground, "I'm sorry, but I need to leave." he said as he turned from her and tried to think of a way home as he walked.

Black liked her, he really did. However, something about this made him second guess her intentions. He knew that he was probably just over thinking the situation, but he just couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't that he wanted to break up with her or anything, but maybe she needed to figure out if he was really what she wanted or if it was jut a distraction.
"A repeat date?" She echoes his words, not really knowing what else to do or say. She couldn't explain it. He wouldn't listen at this point anyway. She sits up as she watches him walk away. The situation, the pain was all too familiar. And, frankly, she was beginning to grow tired of always chasing after someone. She packs up their 'lunch' numbly, leaning back against the tree. Sunset was still a few hours away but she intended to stay for it. If he felt the need to leave, then that was his choice. She decides to call him and she's happy to find that it goes to voice mail. She didn't really want to talk to him now anyway.

"I'm sorry if I upset you but there is nothing to be upset about." Her voice is calm and steady. She was clearly upset but she refused to allow that to cloud her judgement. "The whole... ordeal was about trust. And, I'm not going to lie, it hurts to hear you doubt me like that. I did not lie to you. I just really prefer not to talk about it because..." She sighs, rubbing her forehead for a moment. "Because it... Well, it's complicated. I will tell you about it if you really want to know but I have my baggage, too, Bradley. I didn't want to take you on a 'repeat date.' No, I wanted to make new memories at a place that I love. It really, really upsets that you rather jump to conclusions instead of talk about the problem. At any rate, you probably won't listen to this anyway but, I'm not going to come running after you. I love you. I really do. But, our relationship or whatever this is can't continue to be this game of cat and mouse... Call me when you know what you want." She hangs up the phone with a deep exhale. Hopefully saying all that wasn't her biggest mistake yet.
Bradley called a taxi to take him back to campus. He had already canceled his classes so he figured he would just sit in his office. As he walked into his office he pulled the phone from his pocket and saw the new voicemail. He sat in desk chair and held the phone up to his ear, listening to her message. A sigh escaped his lips as she hung up. He knew this needed to be settled, but he couldn't bring himself to call her. Hearing her voice would be too much and he was really bad at leaving messages, so he decided just to send her a text.

His text read: Victoria, I'm not calling you because I don't know what I want yet, and that's because I feel like I don't know anything about you. Everything you said about me is true, and I tried to change but it's clearly not enough. So I can't give you an answer. I'm stubborn, I trust no one, I have a temper,I jump to conclusions, and I'm impatient. I can easily name off many more negative qualities I have if you'd like more of a variety. I promise to keep trying, and if you can't accept these then I guess it's impossible for me to ever get a happy ending.
Reading his text sent another jolt of pain coursing through her body. It was only another shade of rejection. She texts back a simple Okay, leaving him to interrupt it as he wished. Maybe they were never supposed to work out. Or maybe this was just the downhill portion of the roller coaster called life. Regardless, she was going to stop worrying about it and enjoy the sunset. Things had worked themselves out before and hopefully they would work out again.

After a long period of introspection in anticipation for the sunset she so desired, she decided that she needed to make changes in her life. First was a 'real job' and that hunt for that would begin tomorrow and maybe she should take a different approach on the Bradley ordeal. She sends a quick thank you text to Charles and Nicole, telling them that the date 'went off without a hitch but not quite as planned' and leaving it at that. Tonight was a night for counting stars... and not forgetting what comes after sixteen.
Bradley sat at his desk waiting for a response. A small ding came from his phone and there was her response. His finger hovered over the phone unsure if he really wanted to read the message that she had just sent. Black took a deep breath and opened the message, Okay. His pulse quicken and he felt the anger rising up inside him. I open up to her a little and all I get is an okay? He angrily batted something off his desk, hitting the ground with a hard thump. There was a knock on his door. This was probably the worst time. He picked up the item on the ground, placing it back on the desk and opened the door.

One of his co-workers stood there. "Hey Bradley, a bunch of us are going out for drinks. Want to join?" Black thought for a minute, then nodded. Drinks could definitely help him forget. He grabbed his coat and messenger bag, slinging it over his shoulder, he followed them to a local bar and started downing drinks. The next morning he woke up with a foggy memories, a stale scotch taste in his mouth, and a pounding noise in his head...wait no, that was the door. He got up from the couch and walked over to the door, opening it. A pair of arms wrapped around him, causing him to tense up, "Bradley, sweetie you look like a wreck." He pulled from the arms wrapped around him "hello, mother." he muttered.

She pulled away and looked at him skeptically, "You've been drinking." she stated disapprovingly. He tried fixing his bed head "Yes, I had a couple of drinks with some guys from work last night." His mother didn't believe him one bit and walked around him, making herself at home. "What are you doing here?" he asked her slightly annoyed. She gave him an insulted look "Bradley. Can't a mother just visit her son?" He groaned and stood in front of her, "a phone call would be nice." he muttered. She tossed him his phone, "I did. 6 times. and so did your sister 4 times. I was making sure you were alive." she said scolding him. "Your niece has been in the hospital all night. We tried calling you, but you were too busy being drunk to care." she said scolding him more.

The news immediately sobered him up, "Sophie?....the hospital? Why?" he asked concerned. "They don't know yet. They've been running tests on the poor thing all night." He slid down the wall, sitting on the floor. Black stared at the floor in shock, his mother walked over to him. "I know how you are with hospitals, but I'd really think she'd like to see you." she said softly. He shook his head "I...I can't." His mother frowned, "Well if you change your mind she's in room 357." His mother walked out, leaving him staring at the ground in shock. "Sophie..." he whispered. Before he realized what he was doing he was leaving a voicemail on Victoria's phone. "Victoria, I know I'm probably the last person you'd like to talk to right now, but I...Sophie needs you." he says correcting himself, with a hint of desperation present. "She's in the hospital and could use some cheering up. I've never seen her happier than when she's with you. If you could find it in your heart to go see her, she's in room 357." He hung up the phone without a goodbye or anything. His life was going to shit and he needed to escape, he found a pretty full bottle of scotch on the kitchen counter. He grabbed it and sat on the floor in the kitchen, drinking, hoping to blackout.
Victoria reaches blindly and groggily for her ringing phone from the mountain of blankets that contains her. But, before she finally decides to admit defeat and prop herself up to leave the comfort of the blankets, it stops ringing. She props herself up anyway, though it would be so much easier to just recede back into her sanctuary. Her phone flashes with the notification of a voice mail and she hesitates at seeing that it's from Bradley. What if he decided on what he on wanted? What if what he wanted wasn't her?

As bad as all of that could have been, what she heard was much worse. She immediately shot out of bed, dropping her phone in shock. She throws on some clothes, pulling her hair back. She had never moved faster in her life. She grabs her phone and she's out the door, dialing Bradley's number. "Come on... You can't just leave a message like that with... with nothing else." She mumbles to herself as she gets into her car.
He had downed a good majority of his liquor as he remained on kitchen floor. The world around him was starting to blur and his troubles were melting away. Bradley was beginning to slip into that drunken coma he was hoping for when his cellphone began to ring. He groaned and answered it "What?" he said clearly intoxicated. He brought the bottle up to his mouth again as he waited for a response. Black pulled the phone away from his ear and glanced at who had called him. Despite his blurry vision he was able to make out the V and the I and he knew it was Victoria.

He brought the phone back to his ear, "What? What could you possibly want from me?" he asked, speech slurred. "I'm miserable enough without you calling me to remind me how much I suck. I know I don't deserve you just leave me alone! I'm a piece of shit who can't even be there for his niece because I have some irrational fear of hospitals, I can't tell the love of my life how I really feel and now she thinks I'm some selfish asshole who doesn't have any emotions, and I can't wallow in self pity as I try to drown myself in scotch because I have you calling me. Just leave me the fuck alone." He hung up and downed the rest of his liquor as he threw the bottle against the wall in frustration, shattering.

Bradley leaned his head back against the cabinet and sighed. The numbness was overcoming him as the alcohol took effect. He closed his eyes, finally feeling some peace. He drifted off into a much needed sleep.
"Bradley, what are you--" She's cut off by his drunken rambling and when the line goes dead, she sighs. There was no dealing with him right now so she slips her phone into her pocket as she drives to the hospital. She pulls into a parking spot sloppily before jogging into the hospital. "Room 357?" She asks the nurse at the front desk and is pointed in the general direction of the room. She moves as quickly as is appropriate in a hospital before stopping in front of the room.

She knocks on the door, panting as she tries to catch her breath. "S-Soph?" It was at this moment that she remembered Bradley's sister was most likely here and the last she remembered the two of them weren't on the best of terms. She hoped that Liz could get over that for the time being for the sake of Sophie. Hospitals were definitely not her favorite place. Her last experience in one was not a positive one. Strange how things kept circling back around, reminding her of her past.
Liz heard the knock on the door and turned her head and glared at her, "what ar-" she began rudely, but was interrupted by Sophie "Victoria" she exclaimed weakly. The nurse pushed Sophie back down so she was laying down "you need to rest, sweetheart." the nurse said softly. Sophie pouted and looked over at Victoria "Where's uncle Bradley?" she asked curiously. "I want him." she said sadly. Liz rolled her eyes "probably getting drunk." she muttered to herself.

Sophie looked at Victoria, "can you call him please?" she begged. At that moment the nurse looked at the chart and looked over "I have to do some tests on Sophie. I have to ask all none family members to leave." she said softly. Sophie looked up at Victoria and tears started to fall and she reached out her arms for a hug. Liz had her arms crossed and frowned, but looked over at Victoria "hug her, then I want to speak with you outside." she said bitterly. Liz blew Sophie a kiss "mommy will be outside the door if you need me just say something. Victoria has to go now, but I'm sure she'll come back to see you." She wasn't overly keen on Victoria still, but Sophie really seemed to like her so she had no choice. Liz left the room and waited for Victoria out in the hallway.
Victoria shoots Liz a look as she mentions Bradley's drinking habits. Highly uncalled for... Being told to leave just as she arrived definitely hurt but it was understandable. She wasn't family after all. Victoria walks over and wraps her arms around Sophie in a gentle hug. "Everything's going to be just fine, Sophie. Uncle Bradley will come visit you. I'll make sure he does. And, I won't leave the hospital until I know you're okay. Alright?" Victoria brushes Sophie's hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. "I have to go talk with your mom now. Be a good girl, okay?"

Victoria releases Sophie from the embrace and starts to walk to the door. She pauses to look back at Sophie and flashes her the best smile she can manage at the moment before walking out of the room. "Can we please not argue or bicker or whatever? I am really, really not in the mood." She says softly, looking to the polished floor of the hospital hallway as if it might offer some advice on how to handle everything falling apart at once. She lifts her gaze to Liz with a soft sigh. "Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did to get on your bad side. But, I care about Sophie, too, and I'm not going to leave until she does. If that means sleeping in a chair the lobby and eating atrocious hospital cafeteria food for a month, then so be it."
Liz sighed, stress and a lack of sleep was clearly visible in her face. "Fine. No bickering, but I'm still not a fan of you." she said. She looked at Victoria, "Look, I don't know what you and my brother are, but if what my mother said is true then I think he needs you more than Sophie does. If the medication goes as planned she'll be out in 3 days." Liz managed to soften her facial expression, "My brother is impossible and you've probably want to hit him at times, but if you remember those rare occasions when he's sweet and loving it makes it easier to deal with him." she said genuinely trying to help.

Sophie started crying and Liz frowned. She handed a key to Victoria, "this is a key to his apartment. Go there and don't leave until whatever issue is going on is resolved. Maybe if you're on a roll see if you can convince him to come visit Sophie. Good Luck." she said softly before going back into Sophie's room.

Back at his apartment, Bradley was asleep on the floor with his head resting on the cabinet in his kitchen. There was broken glass on the floor near the wall across from him and his apartment had a slight stench of scotch. He was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, his hair was a mess, and his shirt was partly untucked.
She sighs, turning the key over in her hand. She hated the idea of leaving Sophie at a time like this but she knew Liz was right. Bradley drinking himself into a stupor was definitely not a good idea. She leaves the hospital reluctantly and heads straight to his apartment. Hesitating in front of his apartment, she inhales deeply counting to seventeen in her head. She unlocks the door, the breath she was holding in let out in a deep sigh at the sight of him. She walks over to him, deciding to deal with the broken glass before waking him.

After the mess is dealt with, she kneels in front of him. Shaking his leg gently to stir him, she says his name softly. She was still mad at the way he acted at their date but she couldn't help but feel bad for him. If this was his response to something like that in addition to Sophie, she couldn't imagine how he'd respond to something really bad. "Bradley, wake up and get yourself sorted or I'll dress you myself."
His eyes fluttered open when she nudged his leg, he rubbed his eyes and stared at her. "What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" he asked her propping himself up against the cabinet. He vaguely remembers throwing a bottle against the wall, but he didn't see any sign that he did that. He groaned slightly as he felt a headache coming on. Bradley slowly pushed himself to his feet, "I'll be right back." he muttered as he walked off to the bathroom to get pills to ease the headache. He walked back out to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. He swallowed the pills and turned to her.

Black let out a frustrated sigh "2 things. One, why are you here. Two, how did you get in here?" He had successfully numbed himself, but here she is to make the pain return. Every time she's around, he is reminded how she deserves a lot better than him and shouldn't be wasting her time on him. As he continued to look at her the pain felt like a knife going deeper and deeper into his chest. He rubbed his temples, "Look if you're here to tell me you want me out of your life forever, no need to say it. I get it, I'm a piece of shit, you should've never wasted your time on me, whatever." Bradley could tell she was still wasn't pleased with him and he wasn't a big fan of himself right now, either.
She gets to her feet, straightening his shirt. "No, I'm here to tell you I love you and you're being an idiot." She kisses his cheek, not too keen on tasting the alcohol on his lips this early in the morning. "Liz gave me a key. Now, let's get you in the shower and some clean clothes. Then, it's time for a long but necessary chat that neither of us will enjoy... Relationships are so fun, aren't they?" She says sarcastically as she begins to pull off his shirt as incentive for him to take care of it himself. "I did said you need to take care of all this yourself or I will."

She smirks, teasingly holding the shirt away from her body as if it were toxic. "Now, where does this belong?" Something about the exchange had returned her to her regular self temporarily. It was almost as if Sophie wasn't in the hospital with some unknown affliction. It was almost as if she didn't have to tell him about her biggest secret. It was almost as if she didn't absolutely dread the inevitable chat with every fiber of her being. Hahaha. Life is fun.
Bradley was annoyed. He yanked the shirt from her hands, "I'm still way too drunk for this shit." he muttered. He was drunk, lacking sleep, and just overall annoyed. "Victoria, I don't need to fucking have a long chat with you. I'm an asshole. I won't change. If you want to put up with that, fine. If not, I'll drown myself in alcohol to get over you. Either way it's a win win." He shook his head "There, conversation over." He muttered turning away.

He tossed the shirt on the chair and poured himself a glass of orange juice and took out a loaf of bread and put some slices in the toaster. "Let me guess, my sister put you up to all of this. What did she tell you? He's really sweet deep down you just have to get past all the thick layers. Or did she say to just stay here pestering me until I break down?" He pulled his toast from the toaster and began buttering it. He stopped and looked at her. "Victoria, when I got you the roses and the dinner that one night, you told me that you loved me for me. Was that all a lie? Do you accept me or not?" he asked as he went back to buttering his toast.
"Of course I love you and that's why I'm trying to tell about the carving in the tree... If you'll shut it for a few minutes for me to explain." She holds up her hand to keep him from saying anything. She had already decided that she was going to tell him now, regardless of how he tried to protest. "The other letter was a S for, for, uh Sebastian. He was my high school boyfriend and..." She hesitates, looking away from him, but she quickly continues deciding not to give him a moment to butt in. "He got me pregnant."

She takes another pause with a slow few nods to let that sink in and for her to recollect her thoughts. "I used to live in Maine and my parents decided to move here when I started to show because... Well, teenagers aren't kind." She laughs as if it were a sad joke before continuing. "He used to drive here and visit me. We, we were going to keep the baby. My parents weren't too happy at first but Sebastian was was going into pre-med, a-a respectable career by their standards. Things were going alright. I was doing cyber school because it was easier. But, uh..." She swallows thickly, bouncing awkwardly as she tries to find her voice again.

"I was about six months along when I... The baby d--" She inhales shakily, trying her best not to cry. Bradley hated tears and she didn't need another thing making this harder. "The baby died. N-no one could really explain why and Sebastian, he, he thought I did it on purpose. We fought for days. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen. He broke up with me. My parents were... Disappointed in me, to say the least. And, uh, the rest is history, I suppose." She was barely keeping her composure. She forces a sad laugh, trying to lighten the situation but it really only made it worse. "So, that's... That's my baggage..."
His eyes widened hearing her past. Bradley rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "shit, why didn't you tell me sooner? I...I feel like such an ass for reacting the way I did." he said softly as he ate his toast. He walked over and put comforting arms around her, "everything happens for a reason, I know it's hard to handle, but you're tough you can pull through, besides you aren't alone. You have me." Black said softly to her. His phone began ringing and his sister's number popped up. "Great..." he muttered and answered the phone.

Bradley was in no mood to deal with his sister right now, but a smile came across his face hearing Sophie's voice. "Hey, princess. How're you feeling?" he ask concerned. "Not good Uncle Bradley." she said through a pout. "Aw sorry to hear, kiddo. Just keep being a good girl and listen to the doctors, okay?" he made her promise to behave and she asked "are you going to come see me?" she asked softly. "Probably not, you know how I am with hospitals. But I'll be waiting for you when you get out." he said trying to make her feel better. "B-b-but I need you." she begged. His heart broke hearing the sadness in her voice, he needed to make her all better. "I'll try, Soph." he said then hung up with her.
Part of Victoria was happy he didn't dwell on her past. Part of her wished he would comfort her longer, better. Either way it was best that move onto to Sophie's issue. "Why are you so reluctant to go to the hospital? I mean, I'm not really a huge fan of them either. But, Sophie..." The little girl's name hangs in the air. It was absolutely killing Victoria to know that she was in the hospital but not why. Victoria cared about Sophie as if she was her own child. Still, Liz didn't like her and that might keep her from ever making sure Sophie gets home safe.

"You wouldn't be alone. I'd be there." She didn't want to push Bradley too much but he needed to go see Sophie. Surely, whatever had happened to make him so wary of hospital couldn't be so bad that he just couldn't manage to step foot in one. At least he might open up more after hearing her past. "I will always be there for you. Even when you're a drunken mess." She chuckles lightly, hoping the small joke might lift his spirits.
Bradley finished his toast and started washing this dishes. "It's just...I just don't like them." he said frustrated. He kept cleaning the dishes, remaining silent as his past memories came flooding back. He shook his head, trying to push the memories away and stared into the now empty sink. He ran his hand through his hair and looked over at Victoria. "No offense, but you being there won't help." he stated bluntly. Black heard her drunken mess comment and he grabbed his shirt from the chair and stormed over to the hallway, but turned back to her.

"You find relief on a roof of car, forgetting what comes after 16. I find relief at the bottom of a bottle. But thanks for that low blow." he said trying to cover up how hurt he was. "You're just like my fucking sister." he muttered as he walked into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him. Bradley angrily threw his shirt on the ground and started the shower. He stared at himself in the mirror hating what he saw, look at you Bradley. Just a drunken mess. He sighed and peeled the rest of his clothes off, stepping into the shower. He stood there letting the water pour over him, hoping the hot water would melt his problems away.
"Bradley, you know that's not what I meant!" She follows him toward the bathroom, having the door shut in her face. She sighs hearing the water start to run. "I love you, Bradley. I mean, I love you a whole hell of a lot to still be here for you." She wasn't sure if he could even still hear her between the door and the running water. She sits outside the door, leaning against. "I want to see you happy. I want to see you not need to find relief at the bottom of a bottle. I want you to trust me. I've genuinely considered spending the rest of my life with you - marrying you, having kids with you... It's crossed my mind more than once. I know you want to talk it slow but neither of us are getting younger..."

She sighs, resting her head on the door frame as she continues to speak. "Almost every time we've been together has ended in an argument. I tell you about the lowest point in my entire life and you lock yourself in a bathroom because I said something that upset. I want to talk and listen and be a couple. But, I feel like you just keep pushing me away and it's emotionally exhausting to keep running back. I mean..." She hugs her knees to her chest at the realization that her words have probably made the situation ten times worse - if he even heard them. Her voice grows even softer as she forces the last words out despite her better judgement. "Do you even love me?"

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