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Alice's Battles in Mallioth

Living Owl

The Wise One.

Alice's Battles in Mallioth

(A OneXOne Role-play Between Hexed and Living Owl)


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"Nuri, why must you return to this Psychic all the time?"

"What's it to you? It's none of your business anyway."

"None of my business? But if you think about it, you're apart of me. Why shall I turn a blind eye on what part of my soul does?"

"Because it's none of your business."

The orange glow in Evon's eyes rolled, as his snake-like body structure slithered through the air. They were heading toward the forest area of Talador, the mutual territory of this world. Every type of dragon, no matter the element, explore this area for food or mere fun when they purposely desire a fight. Nuri rode on the back of Evon's neck, gripping his antlers to ensure his body remains on the dragon. "You are as stubborn as always, Nuri. More stubborn than I ever imagined," the reptile managed to say through the sharp wind, as he lowered himself toward the approaching forest. Since this mutual land is below the habitat of the Boreas, the wind current is stronger than the air above other territories. It makes it slightly difficult for any dragon to fly, but it was not too terrible to the point where they couldn't travel through.

Softly landing on the ground with his scaly, thin legs, Evon lowered his head, allowing Nuri to step off the dragon and stretched his legs. "I guess you can say I'm your more stubborn side, huh?" he playfully asked, smirking back at his friend. The sheath of his sword held in his right hand in preparation for what this forest has to offer. Although it is mutual, Freyrs tend to blend in the trees to hunt their unaware prey. It is the perfect hunting ground, but terrifying for Nuri to deal with.

However, before the Deity can even think about entering the forest, the hairs on the back of his neck rose in acute alertness, as he rapidly snapped his head upward and noticing an Anemoise circle above him. Knowing he noticed the dragon, the enemy roared loudly and shot out an ice beam. Nuri narrowed his eyes and quickly flipped backwards out of the way. He backflipped, landing upside-down with one hand, a couple of times while Evon leapt back. The reptile growled deeply at the Anemoise before launching fire at the circling, disgusting creature. Predictably, the Anemoise easily dodged the attack, but landed a few feet away from its prey, lowering its head in anticipation.

A smirk stretched Nuri's pale lips; his fangs revealing from his lips' movements. "You think you can eat me?!" he asked, grabbing the black sheath on his sword and sliding the blade out of its case. "Then why don't you come and try to get me?" With that, he launched straight at the dragon with inhuman speed. Fire began to blaze the heal of his feet as well as his sword. The dragon pounded his feet into the ground in preparation, as it puffed its scaly chest up before launching another ice beam at the Deity.

Meanwhile, Evon returned to the air in order to keep an eye on the dragon in case it attempts to dodge with such high agility. His orange, thinned pupil eyes narrowed in concentration. In a sense, he was observing Nuri's combat skills to ensure he was still strong enough to fend for himself. His dragon companion can't always be there for him.....
What a strange place, what a strange strange place this was...

Aaron didn't quite understand his situation, he didn't understand where exactly he'd ended up. The boy had been interested in a rather peculiar hole in the ground, all he'd done was go to investigate it, he did not expect to be dropped into another world. This hole had been too high for him to just climb out of, and after he'd seen another exit he'd headed that way to see if he could find out just what he'd gotten himself into. It was just a rabbits hole...nothing more, nothing less. Not once had he expected that he'd end up in such a random world....

The scenery was amazing, trees towered above him, casting their dark shadows down on the dark brown ground below, their bright green leaves waving in the wind and making the whole forest whistle. Through breaks and gaps in the foliage above him a golden sun's light shone down, illuminating the path in front of him and guiding the way. Nature's sounds were all around him, the skittering of small animal's footsteps on dried up leaves, the chirping of colourful birds sitting on the light brown, rough branches above his head. A small white rabbit quickly hopped across the path in front of him, like it was on it's way to somewhere, before disappearing under the shrubbery on the other side. It was really quite beautiful, and surprisingly calming, he couldn't help but smile.

His attention caught, he carried on, footsteps becoming faster every time he placed his boot down onto the dry dirt. What was this world? How did he suddenly appear here after falling down that hole? It really was very peculiar, but it was intriguing too, and he intended to find out just what else this world was hiding from him. Aaron, being the adventurous type, couldn't resist looking around something new and different from what he was used to, and this strange place couldn't be been further from the rather bleak village he'd left behind. Some loved his village, but he really couldn't see anything interesting in it anymore, that's why he ventured out, to find something new.

This was definitely new.

Somewhere up ahead he could hear new noises, a thudding of some kind, who knew what that was... From where he was it didn't sound all that threatening, and so he decided to take a right off of the path that he was on and head in that direction. Maybe there were people, maybe there weren't, maybe there was something that could tell him just where he'd ended up. Right now his main objective wasn't to get home as soon as possible, it was to enjoy exploring this new realm, the new world he'd plunged into. There was no one waiting for him, no one would even miss him, it was okay to stay here for awhile.

Up ahead he could see the sun's beam casting light into a rather large area, it sounded like that was where those noises were coming from, he should check it out. The male ran towards the area, seeing the top of something over the tall grass in front of him. It looked to be rather scaly and seemed to be moving just slightly, he wondered just what that was. Soon enough he was closer, shielding his light blue eyes he looked over in the direction of the creature... Though he still could not see it clearly enough, and the sun was making it worse, obscuring his vision, though he could make out an outline of it...it looked rather large...
The mischievous smirk never left Nuri's face, as he easily dodged the ice beam once more by spinning out of the way. However, little did he know where that beam was actually heading toward. With the new stench of human in the air, Evon immediately broke his concentration to stare at a lost human with wide, beyond confused eyes. What is a human doing all the way out here?! Doesn't he know it's too dangerous. "Nuri!!!!" he screamed in sheer panic. Almost moving faster than the speed of light, the dragon rapidly flew toward the human shielding his eyes and shoved the man with his head, careful not to harm the human with his antlers. He swiftly engulfed his entire body in a ball of fire, which caused the ice to shadow over the fire, but it couldn't break through toward the dragon. Instead, it was hitting the trees around Evon, leaving behind heavy ice that formed in a circle. The ball of fire broke the dragon free before he flew toward the human to make sure he was okay. "Are you insane?! You could've killed us both!" he scolded; however, his panic was quickly distracted when Evon turned back to the battle.

Nuri was staring at the dragon and the strange human with wide, clueless eyes. He was not charging at the ice dragon anymore considering his friend had screamed his name as if he was being attacked rather than the Deity was. What was going on over there? However, before he could piece the puzzle together, a swift swipe of his enemy's tail forcefully pushed him yards away from everyone. The force sent him flying through the air before Nuri began to tumble and skid against the dirt ground, sending dirt in the air that blocked his body from view. Finally, Nuri's body skidded into a stop and he grunted in pain from being launched in such a way. His body was covered in bruises while his clothes were covered in dirt. "Tsk," he complained while he struggling to push his body upward, as he soon stood hunching his back. "You dirtied my favorite white shirt."

Furious eyes pierced against the ice dragon. The creature was staring at the human, but it was difficult to determine what it was thinking and feeling. Normally, dragons would immediately attack humans for food, but this one seemed hesitant for an odd reason. However, Nuri took this as an advantage. Fire pushed the bottom of his feet, thrusting him toward his enemy in speed greater than before. Gritting his teeth in anger, he wasted no time in aiming for the dragon's neck.

Almost remember the battle, the Anemoise turned his head toward Nuri, but it was too late. The fire sword cut the flesh of his neck so smoothly and deeply that blood gushed out of the opened wound. The Deity landed beside the falling dragon, as the body twitched and struggled to regain its breath. Of course it failed to no end. At last, the body stopped its fidgeting forever and lied limp on the ground on top of a pool of blood. Nuri's yellow eyes sparkled with anticipation. A dead dragon means food for all.

But before he could think about food....

Nuri snapped his neck toward the human beside the calmed Evon and approached him with emotionless eyes. Standing in front of the petite male, he examined the body before him and noticed how fresh this human smelled. He must have just arrived in this world.... Has to be if someone was this stupid to not flee from a dragon, especially a fight going on. "You almost ruined my kill," he growled, his body aching with pain from the impact of the ground. "And you caused me to get hit. You're lucky I'm nice to not kill you." Of course this was a useless threat, as Nuri would never kill a human, especially one that has never known the lands before.

Evon shook his head in disapproval. "You've been through worse," he shot back before turning to the human. He was standing on all-fours, not bothering to float around in the air. "What is your name, human? And where did you come from exactly?"
Again Aaron had moved to see what was over past the sun faded green, tall grass, he really wanted to know what that was. He slowly parted the dry leaves with his small hands and blinked his sky blue eyes, the sun was so bright it was blinding. How was he meant to notice anything if it was in the way? What was this? He sighed and moved again, forwards this time, hoping to get in a better position away from the sun. Little did he know the further he moved towards this beast the more in danger he really was, he was getting himself into more trouble that he realised. All he wanted was to see for himself the thing that stood in front of him, it was intriguing to say the least... There had to be a way to get slightly closer than this, he didn't think that it could hurt him, since he wasn't close enough to realise just what he was up against.

Soon he'd gotten himself into a good position and he could clearly see the large beast in front of him, what...was that thing? There was a large beast just a few meters in front of him, large shining scales, big, sharp glistening white teeth, claws...wings? His eyes widened and he took a few stumbling steps backwards, was this...a dragon? Had he encountered the mythical beast which was a dragon? But dragons didn't exist did they? Only in fiction, it couldn't be possible... There was absolutely no way that he had come across one here and now, it couldn't be real. He was overwhelmed with both fear and excitement, this was such a strange and new realm for him. Yet this beast in front of him, it did scare him just a little bit. Though what a marvellous creature, so different from the animals he was used to, so beautiful. There were creatures in this world like that, he wanted to see more, it made him want to explore even more than he did seeing the forest. Though then he heard a voice.

Before Aaron could work out where this strange new voice was coming from he noticed something of a light blue colouring heading towards him. It was a beam of some sorts, travelling straight in his direction. He froze up, eye wide and unable to move at all, that...was not as great. It seemed like it was going to hit him, before he felt something ram into him from the side. Suddenly the male was on the floor, shaking his head and blinking rapidly, what had pushed him? He was glad that they'd reacted in those few seconds, and very grateful, but he was still unsure about the voice and whatever had pushed him.

The being that had pushed him also seemed to be a dragon, a snake-like creature that was defending against the oncoming blast. The fire shone in the boy's blue eyes as he watched this beast go up against the other, how amazing. Though that feeling quickly disappeared when he heard the dragon talk, it was scolding him? "I-I'm sorry..." He replied, looking down for a moment. He hadn't meant to get them in trouble, he didn't even know... Wait it could speak!?

As he looked back up he caught something else in the corner of his eye, a man, yellow eyes and dark hair, fighting the beast it seemed. He was quick, quicker than any human that Aaron had ever seen fight before, and he fought with a power it seemed, his blade engulfed in flames. Soon enough he'd cut the beast down, slashing through its neck whilst it seemed to be occupied with the dirty blonde haired male on the ground. It looked like it was deciding whether to attack him or not, hesitating... He didn't understand...

That whole battle Aaron hadn't been able to take his eyes off of how that man fought, it looked so easy...yet he knew that he'd never be able to do what the dark haired male had just done. It seemed he was being approached by that same man, he looked up from his position on the ground, slightly intimidated. This person looked strong, and in the mood to beat him up if he wasn't careful. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't...mean to..." He trailed off, he hadn't meant to mess anything up for this man, he had just been curious about what was going on, that was all...

"Huh?" Turning his head to the side he noticed the smaller dragon start to speak again, "Oh...ah, um.... M-My name's Aaron," He replied, "Aaron Karayan." Where had he come from? "Well...you see...I uh..." He smiled awkwardly and put a hand behind his head, "I fell down a rabbit hole..." That sure did sound weird out loud, maybe he should have made something up.
Nuri rolled his eyes at the oblivious, ignorant human. Of course this human was new to the ways of Mallioth. Every human has the same reactions when they first arrive; however, each newcomers may have more fear stirring in the pit of their stomachs. Then again, who wouldn't? Entering a world full of supposedly mythical creatures and never returning home to visit your parents ever again can take a toll on a human's emotions and mental stability. Nuri had to learn that the difficult way....

The rabbit hole explanation honestly didn't surprise the Deity. It may stir up some emotion in Evon seeing as he has always lived his life in Mallioth, but Nuri has been through this before. "Listen, I don't care where you came from," he growled, shooting a warning glare at his companion dragon to keep his mouth shut. Evon narrowed his eyes as a reply to his stubbornness. "You need to find a village and live a new life there. Easy enough, right? Alright, then have fun."

With that, the Deity resumed his journey into the forest to find the Psychic, leaving behind his meat for the wild. However, this wasn't sitting well with Evon. There was something about this human that just couldn't be ignored. "Wait, Nuri," he began, pausing the man in his eager tracks with heavy, annoyed sigh. "What?!" he hissed, glancing over his shoulder grumbly. All he desired was a simple walk to the Psychic and return home to rest. Was that hard?! "We can't just simply leave Aaron to rot on this land. He'll be chewed up by the wild. Surely you would know of this," the dragon explained, turning to their new companion. "Would you like to come along with us? We can explain where you landed on the way to the Psychic."

Nuri's eyes widened, as he rapidly marched back to the pair with his mouth agape. "You never offer anyone to tag along, Evon! What's with you?!" he asked, eyebrows raised in shock. However, it was quickly overcome with annoyance, as he returned his stare toward Aaron. "If you choose to come, you better not slow us down. I just want to return home and sleep. I'm beat and just sore like hell," he grumbled, his eyes illuminating the exhaustion he felt. He attempted to keep it hidden throughout the battle with the Anemoise, but it was indeed inevitable to hide such tiredness. "I mean it."
Aaron was so very interested in this world already, but this man that he'd just met... He seemed to be rather hostile towards him, though he was used to that...so it wasn't too much of a surprise. Though he rolled his eyes like Aaron should have known about all of this, he wasn't really sure where he was and so he couldn't really know much about this place could he? He was wondering whether he should ask, but he didn't want to anger this man, that probably wouldn't be very good. He looked towards the dragon next to the man and smiled at it, it seemed to be at least a little less hostile...that was good, maybe he could ask the dragon where he was...

"I need to..." He mumbled, trailing off, he needed to find a village and live a new life there? How was he just expected to do that? No explanation of where he was, or where this village was, just go there, live there. "I...don't mean to be rude but...uh..." He looked down, "I really don't know where one of these villages are, nor where I am and how to find one..." It seemed like he really did need some help on this one, if this man would just point him towards one... Though he didn't know if he wanted to go back to a village, there was still so much to explore in the area, why give up the opportunity to do so? He could have a lot of fun looking around, and staying in one area was so boring.

Nuri, so that was this man's name...he'd never heard of it before, it wasn't too bad a name though. Although the man seemed eager to leave him here, his dragon seemed less eager to do so... So he'd die out here then? Probably because he didn't know what he was doing... "Huh?" A broad smile crossed Aaron's face, his light eyes suddenly filled with excitement, "I mean...yeah, I'd love to." The explanation of where he was might also be useful, he intended to at least learn a little about this world. They were going to a Psychic? Why was that? He was intrigued but decided that it was probably best not to question such a thing, it may anger Nuri after all since he was poking his nose into something that really was none of his business, so he kept his mouth shut.

"You got it." He grinned, "I promise I won't slow you down any." He nodded, agreeing to the terms. He felt a little bad for getting the man hit, after all he had been saved by the two of them... "I uh...I'm sorry I got you hit...and...thanks." He looked at the dragon, Evon, and then at Nuri, you could see he felt bad about wandering in on their battle and messing it up. It hadn't been intended. Really he'd just been interested in the noises coming from that direction, and was hoping that someone could explain to him what was going on.
When hearing Aaron's apologies to Nuri, his face stripped from emotions, as he sighed wearily. "Come on, we have to go into the forest to see the Psychic," he informed the human with a more gentler tone. It was difficult for the Deity to remain hostile toward Aaron when the man kindly apologized for his actions. Not that he really needed to say sorry anyway, at least to Evon he didn't. Glancing at the trees, he gazed around cautiously before entering with a careful pace. "Stay close to Evon. There might be Freyrs in here."

Evon followed behind his companion whilst in the air, as he turned to Aaron. "I understand you are new to this world. Nuri tends to forget," he somewhat scolded the Deity, only causing the man to roll his eyes at him. "Anyway, a Freyr is a Dragon who can control Nature and the Forest. They can blend into the trees to disguise themselves from their prey to make hunting more efficient.

"This world is full of Elemental Dragons," the dragon began. "There are Fire, Water, Ice/Snowy, Thunder/Lightning, Air, Dark, Light, Nature, and Earth, or Rock, Dragons. I, as you can tell from Nuri, am a Fire Dragon, otherwise known as a Pyralis. Each element has their own specie name. For example, I'm a Pyralis. The Ice Dragon that you saw Nuri fight is an Anemoise. A Water Dragon is a Siren, thunder is Indras, Rock is a Druce, Dark is a Ratiri, Light is an Arinna, and Air is a Borea.

"Now, many Dragons from all species in this world are accompanied by a Deity, which is what Nuri is," Evon explained, watching the human glance around cautiously with his hand gripping tightly on his sword. He knew how careful the human can be when it comes to strolling through a forest. These lands was once a peaceful area where no one had to concern themselves with a predator sneaking up on them. "A Deity is a human that linked their soul with a Dragon causing them to possess the abilities of that Dragon. For example, Nuri is my Deity. Now, he possesses the ability to spew fire from his palm and launch it at his enemies. He can also cover his sword with flames to make the wounds more painful, and many other powers as well. This goes for other Deities and many possess different abilities depending on the Dragon they choose to link their soul with. An Ice Deity has ice abilities as well and same goes for other elements. Deities are never chosen to be who they are; they must have a strong soul to withstand this bond because if they have a weak soul, they could die.

"I know this is a lot. But overtime, this information will really stick to you and life here wouldn't be a massive mystery," Evon concluded his minor explanation. Of course there is still much more that has to be explained, but he didn't want to get into anymore information unless Aaron questions a particular topic. "Do you have any questions, young Aaron?"
Aaron smiled as he heard Nuri's voice soften, maybe the man was starting to be a little kinder to him. "You got it." He nodded and looked over at Evon, moving closer to the dragon, he should stay as close to them as he could. He looked up at the dragon, smiling brightly. This was so very interesting, this world was amazing so far...even if he had almost been killed once. He kept looking around, making sure there were wasn't anything that could sneak up on them, if he saw anything he'd be sure to shout Nuri.

Even though he was cold and slightly hostile Aaron liked him, he seemed like he was fighting for something or other, and he seemed to know a lot about this world. He would be a great guide, Evon was nice too! The blue eyed male enjoyed the dragon's company for sure. "Hm?" He looked over to Evon and shook his head, "It doesn't matter to me, I probably should have been a little smarter." He grinned awkwardly. "Freyr are nature dragons, got it." He seemed interested in this new information, though he didn't know how well he'd be able to remember it all.

So this world was a world full of dragons, that was...different...to his world. "A world full of different types of dragons, I'll remember the names you've told me." He nodded, then smiled awkwardly, "But if I do happen to forget...you won't be mad will you?" He had a tendency to say he'd remember something and then forget about it later on, but this was important information that he should definitely keep at the front of his mind.

"A...Deity..." Aaron listened intently to his explanation, looking over at Nuri. So, he was a Deity huh? And Evon was his partner and a Pyralis... Though a Deity's soul had to be strong to link with a dragon, well. There were others just like Nuri then? People who could use the dragon's powers? "A strong soul, wow... Nuri really must be special then." He smiled, looking towards the man and then over to Evon. "It sounds so exciting, you get to go on adventures and do a lot of different things... Your world is really quite special to me, I've never seen anything like it in my life, and Deities sure sound cool! Nuri must have a lot of strength!" He was complimenting the other, "Well, I guess him fighting that dragon was rather impressive...I could have never done such a thing." It seemed he greatly respected Nuri's skills.

Aaron nodded, "Thank you for the explanation Evon," The young man bowed his head to the dragon, "Well...I have two..." He replied, "I was wondering what humans with weak souls and without Deity abilities do here...and why you keep saying I'll get used to life here, is there no way back?" He didn't mind that, he wasn't sure he wanted to return, but he did want to know.
Nuri glanced back at the pair speaking about this world. "If you forget the names, it becomes obvious. If we are near their territory, let's say near water, and if we mentioned a Siren, then that should obviously be a Water Dragon. Like Evon said before, it comes with time and everything will be second nature to you," he actually spoke without giving much attitude and anger. Hey, if he chose to, he can keep up a calm conversation with some, but he does tend to lose his temper easily., so staying calm is difficult. "So no, we won't be mad. I might get annoyed. But if it's been awhile since you first been here and nothing changes in that little mind of yours, then I'll get pissed."

Discomfort poisoned Nuri's body like a plague he obtained from the conversation Evon was having with Aaron. Confirming the male to be a Deity does make him uncomfortable because it makes it seem he's like aGod, or something. Many villages in this world worship Deities as their protectors and perform rituals to acknowledge that a human is now a Deity. Nuri despised it all. There was nothing godly about what he does. He merely hunts for food on his own—or go to villages and eat—or fight other Deities that pose a threat to him. Nothing in that nature makes him any more amazing or "special" than other humans. "No," Nuri sharply denied Aaron's allegations that he's "special." A distasteful glare launched in the newcomers way, as he shook his head in annoyance for this topic. "I am not "special." I am not anything more than a simple human that borrows a dragon's ability for my own purposes and uses. Other than that, just because my soul can handle these powers, we are no different from each other."

This is exactly the reason why Evon enjoyed Nuri's presence. The dragon also never understood why a Deity was seen as god-like to humans. Of course Aaron didn't say anything about Nuri being godly, but he meant other humans and villages that perform religious rituals and makes a massive deal out of it when there is nothing to worship. "Don't mind Nuri's mouth. He gets sensitive from this topic of Deities and whatnot for personal reasons that you'll learn as time goes on," he dismissed the male until they at last came across a mossy cavern with many trees and bushes surrounding the entrance. What lies beyond the other side is a massive mystery. Vines hung from the ceiling of the minor cavern.

The Deity entered the cavern with no hesitation, as Evon followed behind with Aaron. Within the minor cavern came a circular cave-like area surrounded with mossy trees and branches covering the ceiling. A lone snake-like dragon was curled in the center of this room, but gradually uncurled itself when sensing multiple presence. The green, fairly large a Dreyr with glowing yellow eyes stared into Aaron's soul before turning to his friend who stood in front of him. "Nuri," he breathed a voice very deep that animals would run in fright. "To what do I owe the visit today, young Deity?"

Turning to Aaron, Nuri nudged his head toward the Dragon. "Aaron, this is one of the eldest dragons in history, Arciar," he introduced the pair. He could never be rude in front of Arciar since he had too much respect for the elder. Arciar gazed at the human in response, but did not utter a word just yet. Nuri cleared his throat, "You know why I'm here, Arciar. Let me see her." The Dreyr nodded his head calmly before motioning the male to another room deeper into the cavern. The entrance of this room is draped with vines to make it hidden from view. "You may enter. She's revealing herself."

With haste, Nuri rapidly turned to Aaron. "I'll be right back. Stay close to Evon at all times," he informed the male before disappearing into the room faster than a second. Arciar gradually returned his glance to the newcomer. "What village in the human world did you come from?" Of course the Elder Dragon didn't need to be informed that this was a newcomer to know Aaron is new to this world.

Aaron turned to look at Nuri as he started to speak, so they wouldn't be mad if he forgot the names, but he did need to use common sense. Of course he'd do that, but if they happened to mention a certain type of dragon instead of it's actual name he might not know what the name was. Like Nuri said, it would be second nature to him once he was here awhile... Here awhile.. He looked down, he still didn't know whether or not there was a way home... Home...thinking about it was strange, he didn't have a home as such, more of just a village... Though would he have to go back there? By what he'd heard he couldn't get back... "I'll try to learn them then." He replied, "It's best I do as quick as possible anyway."

The younger male honestly thought that Nuri was special for possessing the ability to be a Deity, it seemed fun and exciting. Though he didn't seem to think as much of it. Aaron heard his voice and tensed slightly, was he angry at him for saying such a thing? He couldn't look the man in the eyes when he glared over at him, so he looked down instead, focusing on the ground. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, "I didn't mean to annoy you, I just thought it was interesting was all..." He wouldn't mention it again, it seemed that Nuri didn't think he was anything special, he liked the attitude, Nuri wasn't all that bad after all. Deities intrigued Aaron as a whole, he wanted to learn about other types of Deities, and maybe...even whiteness them fighting each other... That must be quite the battle, if they were around the same strength then it would be very fierce.

Turning to Evon the young man shook his head, "No need to apologise," he replied, "I get it. Still, I think it's rather impressive." He smiled brightly, "It still requires skill to fight, and Nuri seems to have that skill." He looked towards him before turning back to Evon, it didn't seem his questions were going to get answered. Was it a secret or something? He didn't know, not like it mattered, he was sure that eventually he'd find out...one way or another. For now he should just focus on the adventure before him, he was being given a chance to explore and live a little, and that's exactly what he planned on doing.

In front of them was a large cavern of some kind, it seemed very overgrown and even a little unused. Aaron looked over it with interest, was this where that Psychic that Nuri had talked about stayed? It was very hidden and would definitely make sense., though he still didn't know what a Psychic did, why was Nuri going to one? No, it was none of his business, he didn't even know the man that well, he shouldn't question it. Keep his nose out of things, that's what he'd been working on recently, no one wanted him to tell him anything and so he shouldn't pry at it. Whilst Aaron was thinking and gazing at the cavern Nuri and Evon and already headed in, he sped up, catching up with Evon and staying close to him.

Inside there seemed to be another dragon, it was quite like Evon due to it's snake-like appearance, well in his eyes, but it's colour and face was different. It looked rather old and wise, was this the Psychic? A dragon. Nuri cleared everything up for him quite quickly though, he seemed to be a lot less rude in front of this dragon, Arciar...one of the eldest dragons in history?! Wow. Aaron bowed his head in greeting, but didn't speak, he felt like he also should be very respectful of the dragon, just his presence made him feel odd. Though then Nuri started talking about a female, who was she? Ah, that must be the Psychic... So he was going to go in alone then, must be important. "Will do." Aaron replied to him, smiling slightly, why had he said that? It didn't look like they were in any danger here...

Again he'd been caught up in thought when he'd been spoken to, this time by the dragon. "Hm?" He turned his head, "Oh, I uh...I'm from a village named Niamey." He replied, yes, his boring old little village where everyone thought he was indeed mad...insane... That village had become such a cold place, it hadn't always been like that...once upon a time he'd had people he could depend on... He sighed and looked down for a second before returning his gaze to the dragon.
Minor guilt flared the pit of his stomach when Nuri glared at Aaron. It's an odd thing really because he's never felt guilty for scolding or getting annoyed with someone. Perhaps it's because this male different in a way, even Evon can tell Aaron in somewhat.... special in a way. He couldn't exactly know why, but there's just something.... However, when the newcomer brought up his return to the Human World before, Nuri just couldn't answer. Actually, there is a complicated way to get to your house that will involve one of every species to come together and create the portal back, but that is nearly impossible in itself. There is no way someone could get every element together without a war coming about. That is why there's a war right now. Also, Nuri is slightly jealous of Aaron for being able to return home. Sadly, he doesn't have the same fate.

Outside of the room the Deity was currently in, the Psychic watched Aaron speak of his previous villages's name. However, he seemed to be gazing into Aaron rather than at him. "Niamey.... I know of that place. Very minor village indeed," his deep voice was heard, as he tilted his head a bit. "Disappointment, upset, depression..... I can almost smell your despair. It's radiating off of you, like the sweet smell of flowers. I apologize in advance what it is that makes you feel this way, possibly toward your village, but I do welcome you to Mallioth. I hope you enjoy the land."

"He just came here today, Arciar. We found him on the way here," Evon spoke, as he landed on his feet rather than floating. He wasn't sure how long Nuri was going to be in there since some days, he'd been in and out while others are a lot longer. Might as well get comfortable now.

Arciar raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. "Interesting. Do you miss your family at all?"
Aaron had not expected a dragon in this place to know if his village, it was small, everyone knew everyone, and it really wasn't all that important to anything. Well, at least he didn't believe it was. He'd wanted to get out of there for so long, to see the world, but of course it was a stupid idea... At least now he had this world to explore, he was no longer stuck in that small, desolate village with no one in the world who cared about him. He could adventure like he'd always wanted to, explore like he'd always wanted to... There was no one to hold him back now, no one to tell him that he was insane or would never reach his goals... They couldn't drag him down anymore, they weren't here...

"Huh?" The dragon could sense how he was feeling? Now he did not know that. He shook his head, "No, it's okay." He replied, he usually felt rather upset when thinking about his village, though it was not because he missed it, it was because he'd wasted so much time there... His life...had been hard there... "Thank you, it's really nice here I have to say." He smiled brightly, Mallioth was such an interesting world and Aaron couldn't wait to explore he rest of it. There must be so much that he was still to see, this would be such an adventure! Maybe he could draw it out awhile, make sure he didn't have to go home for ages, or even go to one of those villages Nuri was talking about... He didn't even know how well he'd get on there and the thought of it made him s little nervous.

Evon had started explaining how they'd only found him here today, the elder seemed rather surprised by this... His next question made the young man slightly uncomfortable though. He smiled awkwardly and put a hand behind his head, "What family?" He replied, he didn't have any family to miss... Well...he did miss them, but he didn't miss them because they were back at the village, he missed them because they'd all left him...

He'd never met his father, or at least he didn't remember him, he'd walked out on them years ago. His mother had died and his sister...well...his sister had told him he belonged in the deepest pits of hell with their father, just thinking about it hurt... He hadn't meant to upset her, he wanted her to come back... He hated being alone, he really hated it... Aaron looked down, his smile fading and his eyes becoming quite sad. His arm dropped to his side also, his family were gone...all of them...gone...and it hurt so much, especially when he though about how it was all his fault... His mother's death, his sister leaving him, and...he'd probably done something to cause their father to leave when they were younger...maybe just being born... He hated this feeling.
At this point, both dragons knew that with the mention of his family Aaron's mood plummeted the ground quicker than they realized their mistakes. Arciar should never mentioned the human's family. It must've been painful for the male, but he would not pry. No matter how much respect the Dragon receives, he never pries for answers unless it was Evon. Evon bottles up too much emotions and covers them up using pure stubbornness and anger. That's how the Deity works and it isn't healthy at all. Although, Aaron smiling situations off is not healthy either.

Before either dragon can attempt to comfort the human, Nuri strolled out of the room with a blank expression. The first thing he immediately spotted was Aaron and his eyes flushed with every raw, depressed emotion he could think of. The male was slightly stunned, wondering what could possibly happen that could cause such an emotion until he remembered what Arciar could have done. When he warned Aaron to stick to Evon, he didn't mean it as being protected from a physical attack. Sometimes the Dreyr can bring out the truth within your body and cause you to feel emotions that you don't ever want to remember. Nuri's been through this situation before and he wasn't about to allow Aaron to feel the same way.

Approaching the male, the Deity placed a firm hand on Aaron's shoulder and glanced up at the Dreyr with narrowed eyes. "I'm done," he coldly said, not wanting to really disrespect Arciar since he really couldn't, but he could emit attitude through his words. The larger dragon nodded, "Very well then. Allow me to tell you a piece of advise."

The request raised Nuri's eyebrow, basically allow the dragon to resume. "If you were planning on simply dropping off Aaron to a village to live a new life, do not. I see potential within the human that I have not noticed in many years since you arrived, Nuri. Perhaps you should take him along your journey and show him what this land really possesses rather than revealing the sugar-coated version of it," the dragon explained, his glowing, bright yellow eyes glancing at Aaron before returning them to the Deity, who appeared to be pondering the idea slightly. "Besides, young Deity, you haven't associated yourself with another human in a long time. Perhaps this is your chance."

Nuri rolled his eyes at the last thing Arciar mentioned, but knew the dragon was correct. "If this is coming from you, Arciar—" he also side glance at the male before turning to the dragon, "then maybe, I'll bring him along." With that, he turned his back to the ancient dragon and began to leave the cavern. Arciar glanced at Aaron and winked wittily at the human. Of course the ancient dragon can sense that the human desired a journey around this world. If he could sense the depression and upset within the human, then he could obviously sense over emotions, like his desires. Evon followed behind the Deity, oblivious to Arciar's tricks.
Aaron's past was a hard thing to remember, but an even harder think to forget. It wasn't something that he could get discard and forget about, despite how much he wanted to, because it had all had a huge impact on his present day life. If it'd been different maybe he would have been different, or maybe people would have treated him differently if he'd just decided to do something else...to not fantasise over stupid, pointless things that he would never get to do. Being ridiculed was one thing, but knowing that every time you step outside your house something is going to go so wrong for you that you're going to wish you stayed inside is another. He couldn't get over that feeling, that had been the feeling he'd always had.

Soon after all of this, as the young man was wrapped up in thought, Nuri appeared out of the room again. He looked up towards the man, trying to blink away the hurt and sadness that he felt. It wasn't important right now right? They were...gone anyway... Not like he could get them back. He didn't even know where his sister or his father were, and they'd never want to see him again anyway. So, he should focus on something else, something that wasn't so depressing and difficult for him to think about. Puppies, puppies always made people happy right? He should think about those.

Feeling Nuri's hand on his shoulder Aaron's eyes widened slightly in shock, he didn't understand... So...he was done, that meant they'd be leaving then? Well, maybe he'd get to explore more of this world! Though he didn't exactly know what Nuri planned on doing with him after all of this, he might just decided to throw him aside and leave him to the wild... Though that would be a little counter productive. He hoped they weren't going to take him to one of those villages.

The elder dragon started to speak again, offering Nuri a piece of advice. Aaron was shocked at what came out of his mouth next, potential... What did that mean? He didn't believe for a second that he could be anything like Nuri, but maybe he could be of some help. He hoped that he wouldn't be dropped off at a village and this was the perfect opportunity to make sure that he wasn't. His eyes lit up at the mention of taking him along, and a smile stretched back across his face. He wanted to explore this land so very much, and whilst he might not be prepared for what was in store, he was definitely ready to witness it at least.

When Nuri agreed Aaron was finding it hard to contain the excitement he felt, it was strange... This place seemed slightly dangerous, yet he couldn't wait for it all, it was just so different. He looked over at Arciar and smiled brightly as a thank you, it seemed he'd know that the male wanted to travel, that had been nice of him. He was so glad that he was getting this opportunity. Aaron bowed slightly to the dragon, "It was a pleasure to meet you." He said before standing up straight again and looking towards Nuri, "Goodbye!" With that he headed off after the man, this really was the start of a new adventure. He'd never been anywhere like this before! It'd be fun for sure!
Nuri paused his steps to glance back at Aaron, waiting patiently for the male to catch up to him and Evon before resuming his steps out of the cavern. Once they were outside, every sense in his body rose in alert, as he glanced around with narrowed eyes. Evening was poisoning these lands, making this world a much dangerous place. During the day, there are a lot of threats of a dragon or Deity coming after him; however, during the night, more Ratiris fly around, which is not good for the male. His abilities weaken slightly at night from the lack of warmth unless he returns to the Spires of Arak. Ratiris' and Anemoises' abilities tend to advance as well. He silently cussed to himself, angry with himself for not realizing the time and making the world a much dangerous place for the newcomer. Aaron shouldn't be here at night. All humans are vulnerable at night...

"You stay close to me. Do not speak loudly," Nuri almost growled at the human; however, the anger was not directly at the male. Every frustration was for him and him only. Evon knew exactly why the Deity was this cautious and floated in the air. "Aaron, this is something to remember when living here," he began while floating closely behind Nuri's cautious steps.

"Many humans and several elements are more vulnerable at night. The Pyralis's and Arinna's abilities are slightly weakened because of how chilled, and lack of light, there are in the land unless they return to their territories. For humans, many dragons can easily sneak up on an oblivious human and eat them mercilessly. Meanwhile, the Ratiris is the only specie that actually benefit from the lack of light because they live off of darkness. This specie is actually very powerful that they do not need to be allied with another element to enhance their fighting. They can fight alone in combat, which poses a threat to many, especially Nuri." The dragon only hopes the human remembers the elemental terminology.

Evon's words were more hushed, as he slowed his movements down to create a slight boundary between him and Aaron, and Aaron. However, Nuri wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what was coming next and glanced behind him in a long sigh. "I got into a fight with a Deity from the Ratirises. It was possibly the biggest mistake of my life," he resumed his companion's explanation. The dragon took the place of his Deity and glanced around their surroundings cautiously and Nuri walked beside Aaron while scratching the back of his head embarrassingly.

"A Deity approached me, threatening to murder me if I don't leave his territory. Meanwhile, I was merely in a village nearby the Shadowmoon Valley, the land of the Dark Dragons. I got pissed off and basically picked a fight with him. We battled out outside the village and he.... nearly killed me. I fell unconscious, battered, bruised, and bloody. I thought for a second that I would die right then and there. But thankfully, one of the villagers found my body and returned me to the village, healing me within their house and hiding me away from other enemy Deities around the area. After that day, I swore to never get into a fight with a Ratiris or their Deity unless I'm with an ally." Nuri eyed down Aaron with weary eyes. "I would not like the same fate to happen again at night or have anything like that happen to you."

Although this was none of Aaron's business to know Nuri's personal information, he would like to explain his life through his own mouth rather than Evon speaking for himself. He would rather keep this past to himself, but it was a good example to show Aaron why this world is a terrible place and not what it's cracked up to be. As previously said before, Nuri had to learn this fact the more difficult way. Once they were finally out of the forest, the sky was painted pink, blue, and purple from how beautiful and pure the sunset was. At least the scenery makes up for this terrible world. "Evon, lets fly to the nearest village to the Spires of Arak. We'll stay there overnight, so you may rest within our lands," he commanded, receiving a silent nod from the dragon. Evon bowed his head low, as Nuri climbed onto the back of the dragon's neck. He then smirked mischievously at the human. "Don't worry. I'll make sure Evon's gentle."

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