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Ain't No Rest For The Wicked (RP soulmate search)

Heya! You've seen my Redwall post but it seems like you'd make an awesome roleplay partner.
So here we go with an introduction of myself.

Hi! My name's Azriel but you can happily call me AZ! I'm a junior in highschool and just as a future notice, I do suffer from depression which makes my motivation to do anything go to a very low scale at points and times (So ex, I may not reply for a day but I did not give up on you or the rp! I promise! ) I'm a sucker for blood and gore if you ever wanna do that, if not, then hell we don't need it. But the horror and stuff, I love.

As for Roleplaying, I do prefer to be the Male (And you prefer Female, sweet, works.) I have some plots on hand for OCs, I'll put them below so if you are interested, you may pick what is to your liking! I have A BUNCH of none human OCs, most of my OCs are demons, other creatures, elves or some beast. I'd love to show you them if you want!

BANDS. You spoke of Bands, my gosh. First off, I am absolutely in love with Gorillaz (If that wasn't obvious enough) I also really love Glass Animals, Ninja Sex Party, Mother Mother, Caravan Palace, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, The Cure, Depeche Mode Studio Killers, She, BTS, EXO, Starbomb, New Order, Mystery Skulls and The Front Bottoms. Those are the ones I can think of right now!

Plots are below( )

Unwanted Marriage:

Muse A was always in a rather wealthy family, living the life they wanted, suddenly, their parents come out and say they were bought out by Muse B, saying that Muse A is required to marry Muse B in order to get their wealth back. Muse B is a power hungry demanding being, who is also half Wendigo, constant hunger and cravings, making Muse A uncomfortable and unhappy, forced to be with a man they never wanted to be near.

Dangerous Forest:
Muse A is a lover of the forest, they walk to different ones daily. Muse A finds an odd dark forest that leads him into a different world, where it's dark and different creatures roam. Muse B is a different species/monster and finds Muse A, and helps them find another way out.

A Monster:
Muse A had been friends with Muse B for a very long time. They had been best friends since they were little. Muse B goes disappearing for months and is found in a forest in Canada. Muse B turned out to have massive monstrous teeth and tried eating his rescuers. Muse B had been nearly turned into a Wendigo, had been lost in the woods and ended up eating a bystander. Muse B has his human natures and memories back, but Muse A must take care of him, having troubles keeping Muse Bs taste for human flesh down.


A demon boy is sent to Earth after a big fight with his father, (whom tried killing him by throwing him off a ledge when his powers activated and he was transferred to Earth) Earth at the time he was sent was undergo a zombie apocalypse, a few months after said incident occurred. Said boy searches the neighborhood he appeared in for answers, living people, when he is chased into a house by zombies he will find your character in there defending themselves. Your character is searching for (someone of your choice) and has been waiting on them for a long time (they have no idea) Demon boy promises to help along as long as said person answers questions for him. They embark on such a search for person (someone) and meet some special characters along the way (This was supposed to be a book I wrote 2 years ago but never really went with it, so I made it an RP plot and I have characters made to show up at points)

IF interested in Fandoms I will have them listed here:
Gorillaz, SvTFOE, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, One Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Ajin, TLOZ,

Annnd my Discord tag is cryptidroast#0539
Dangerous Forest:
Muse A is a lover of the forest, they walk to different ones daily. Muse A finds an odd dark forest that leads him into a different world, where it's dark and different creatures roam. Muse B is a different species/monster and finds Muse A, and helps them find another way out.

I like this one quite a bit

Annnd my Discord tag is cryptidroast#0539

perfect I'll add you in a fe wminutes so we can talk plot and OOC while I am away from the computer, we could possibly do the rp on there as well.


A demon boy is sent to Earth after a big fight with his father, (whom tried killing him by throwing him off a ledge when his powers activated and he was transferred to Earth) Earth at the time he was sent was undergo a zombie apocalypse, a few months after said incident occurred. Said boy searches the neighborhood he appeared in for answers, living people, when he is chased into a house by zombies he will find your character in there defending themselves. Your character is searching for (someone of your choice) and has been waiting on them for a long time (they have no idea) Demon boy promises to help along as long as said person answers questions for him. They embark on such a search for person (someone) and meet some special characters along the way (This was supposed to be a book I wrote 2 years ago but never really went with it, so I made it an RP plot and I have characters made to show up at points)

I like how unique this plot is and I think that with some tweaking and some adjustments we could make a pretty decent plot out of this. o:

Over the Garden Wall, One Punch Man,

I LOVE both of these fandoms. I would like to do something with either of them, but Over The Garden Wall is speaking to me the most lol

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